HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1971-12-23, Page 16"RECIA), LITTLE ONE" WAS 'FITLE FOR this honed drawing of Santa, by Ti as Nast fl • Harper's Weekly. Nast, a muted 19,1, century political jartoonist, was the first to illostrate -Santa as a.beactled, red-nosed jolly old man whose rot I figure was clothed' in a focArin tttttttt red suit,.according to researeliecs for Hallmark. ermi aristmas Cheery as a poinsettia, enduring as an evergreen are our wishes for you and yours. CHARLES' HOUSE OF BEAUTY Agnes Charles 74 Victoria St., Clinton 482-7065 appears at long intervals. Still another theory sug-gests that the star may have been a configuration or grouping of planets. In 1604, the German astronomer Jo- hannes Kepler theorized that Jupiter, Saturn and Mars might have occurred in such a configuration at about the time of Christ's birth, The fact that the star and the visit of the wise men were described only by St. Matthew has led to still an- other question. Did only the wise men see the star? That they were so privi- leged is sometimes eirplained by the legend that the wise men were astrologers whose special interest helped them to notice the unusual bril- liance of the three planets grouped together. Surprisingly enough, the British Victorians were the folks who intro- duced the custom of kissing under the mistletoe at Christ: mastime. Who says they were strait- laced? a Ifler:4or:alr:alalor :010r2Zr .0:2010114r IAT lOr A magical season full of dreams come true ... that's what Christmas is. We wish you much joy. MEL BOGIE YOUR SERVICE DEALER IN GODERICH, CLINTON AND DISTRICT .N NOW YOU CAN INSURE AGAINST COSTLY FURNACE .k4 REPAIRS • 8 9 5 CALL .kx IN GODER1CH, MEL BOGIE AT 524-750214 • WIN CLINTON, HAROLD BLACK' AT 482-38144 mittor!awoogtooraotoroozegAroorgorpoliorro.ortorolia • ON, With an Esso furnace parts contract on your furnate, all major maintenance cost are covered. Your • Esso "Free service" plan covers tti labour costs — Your Esto Parts • Contract covers the cost of all major replacement parts; so you are • guaranteed "worry free" Horne -114 Comfort at minimal cost. For all the details: WITH A 14, — FURNACE PARTS CONTRACT S REGULAR SPECIAL VALUE• to $12.95 DEC. 30/71 (FULL YEAR CONTRACT) ..." like the glow 6f the candle, happiness lights this ,Christmas season. May it shine lqr you kte• ' " " every hour! .t,Nt Thanks For Your Patrohage Bill's Taxi FIANNAH AND BILL WHIODEN PHONE 4823430 SERVING CLINTQ.N ANL DISTRICT SINCE '1 'Gordon Grigg Fuels. rii,QNC482-9411 Callour Agent No Writing on Cleanouts Pick Your Date Nov!i For your safety our delivery trucks carry fuel oil only FOR FREE BURNER SERVICE NIGHT OR DAY CALL 482-9411 ROSS IEWITT fior FARM & HEATING PETROLEUM NEEDS CLINTON MatagatagaVAVetatMala: WYN and PAT GRAHAM BARBARA, NANCY and JOHN Wish All Their Friends_ and Customers A MERRY CHRISTMAS And A HAPPY NEW YEAR GRAHAM'S GENERAL STORE Bayfield Ogm.lravevhvgiAvAwAvm Yard and Office ti • 4A Clinton News-Record, Thursday, December 23, 1971 Santa's White Beard, Red Suit Come from Cartoonist first described in print, . Nast, followed pr. Moore'A description Of Santa in sev- eral particulars, but many of his concepts were original. At the time of Nast's Santa Claus drawings the nation was at Civil War, and fam- ilies were separated, In a note to cheer both soldiers and their waiting families Nast drew "Santa. Claus in Camp," for Harper'? Weekly. This earliest Santa was different from any artist's creations up till then, He was shown wearing stars and stripes -of the union and dis- tributing, gifts to soldiers, Actually, this Santa might have been meant as a repre- sentation of Uncle Sam also. A later, equally moving Nast ifinetratien featured a soldier's Christmas home, coming, Born in 1840 in the tiny hamlet of Landau, Bavaria, Nast probably pictured Santa as the long-imagined Saint Nicholas of his childhood. Albert Bigelow Paine, a friend and admirer of Nast, said the artist often revealed to him his love of the Santa illustrations. He later wrote in his biography of the car- toonist: "His own childhood in far- off Bavaria has been meas- ured by the yearly visits of . . St, Nicholas . and the girlhood of the woman who was to become his wife (Sarah Edwards of New York) was intimately associated Who gave Banta his red suit, bread girth, white beard, ruddy cheeXs and nose, fur,. trimmed hat and coat? Surprisingly enough, the .donor was a politiCal • ear, toonist, The artist's name was Thomas Nast, cartoonist for Harper's Illustrated Weekly, Who also created the now, famous symbols of the ae- publican. elephant and the Democratic donkey, The figure of Santa that Nast dreNV in 1863, and per- haps earlier, has proved to be the definitive one, and .even today the figure as drawn by Nast appears occasionally on Christmas greetings. • • "Nast's image of Santa was extraordinary," says Mrs. Jeannette Lee, director of design at Hallmark. "He gave Santa many of the qualities that have en- deared him to children ever since, and we wouldn't dream of tampering very much with them today." Nast first credited Santa with keeping books on good and bad children, having a Christmas toy workshop and reading letters sent to him by children, Perhaps it was the now- famous poem, "A Visit from. St. Nicholas," by Dr. Clement Clarke Moore, that inspired Nast's illustration of Santa. In this children's classic of 1823, the right jolly old elf, who looked like a peddler with a pack on his back, was "There shall come forth a Star" — Numbers 24:17. In this Old Testament prophecy by Balaam, was a real star meant, or does "Star" refer to a great per- son? For centuries, Biblical scholars have considered this question. Many believe that the prophecy led the wise men to watch for and follow the "star in the east," of which St. Matthew wrote in with brilliant and joyous celebrations, "Nast's children later re- called there was always a. multitude of paper della marvelously big and elabo- rate, .a race long since be, come extinct, "And these the Artistic- father — more than half a child himself at the Christ- mas season — arranged In processions and cavalcades, gay pageants that marched in and about those. larger presents that could not be crowded into the row of stockings that hung by the family fireplace. "It was a time Of splendor and rejoicing — the festive blossoming of the winter sea, son — and it was a beautiful and sturdy family that made Merry Christmas riot in the spacious New York home." In Nast's day, the idea of some sort of Santa was not new to this country, He was introduced' to North America by the early Dutch settlers and his name was St, Nicho- las. The annual visit of this kind man, who was thought to have been a fourth-cen- tury bishop, was his feast day, December 6th. By 1809, Washington Irving was describing Santa as a small Dutch citizen who looked much like Father Knickerbocker. Irving won- dered how the poor old man could get to all the homes in a growing America on his horse, so he invented the fa- mous reindeer-drawn sleigh. Proposals • were exchahged this morning by the Ontario Hydro Union, CUPS Local 1000, representing over 12,000 Hydro workers across Ontario and the Management of the publicly-owned utility. The Union submitted 104 proposed revisions to the existing Collective Agreement which expires March 31, 1972, ranging from minor language revisions to major monetary items and issues of principle. Major demands include: Wages - 11% across the board to all employees. Hours of work - cuts in daily hours, producing a 321/2 hour week for office and technical workers (now 35) and a 371/2 hour week for tradesmen, (now 40). In all cases, maintaining present take-home pay, Pensions - • 35 and out; retirement after 35 years' service or age 60 on full pension. Cost of living adjustments to apply to all pensions, 2% escalation Christmas trees, lighted candles, arrangements of evergreen sprigs, — the traditional decorative touches which spread the holiday atmosphere throughout the home. However, they can also spread fire unless great care is taken. Hal Wright, farm safety specialist, Ontario Department of Agriculture and Food, offers some tips for a safe, as well as happy, Christmas. First, select a fresh tree: Before setting it up, make a fresh cut so water can be absorbed more readily. Place the tree in a sturdy stand containing water. Water daily to keep the tree from drying out. A dry tree can burn explosively in seconds. Never use lighted candles on a tree or near evergreen decorations. When using a metallic tree, spotlight it from according to increases in cost of living. Health Benefits - elimination of deterrent fees in present plans; establishment of a dental plan for employees and dependants. Cost of Living - change present escalator to provide 1% for each 1% increase on cost of living in each year of the contract (now 3% scale in the second year only.) Today and Thursday, top officials of the Union and Hydro are making arrangements for the bargaining which will begin in earnest in early January. Citing a bargaining relationship that begins in 1944 and has produced only one strike and two near-strikes (all in the 60's), Bert Murray (1st Vice-President of the Union), Chairman of the Bargaining Committee stated: "We are making fewer proposals than in the past and are hopeful of arriving at . an equitable solution. We have both nearby. Do not put electric lights on it. If a short circuit should occur, the entire tree could become electrically "alive". Use glass and asbestos decorations which are noncombustible or fire retardant. Keep evergreens or polystyrene form decorations away from candles, fireplaces, and other open flames. When unwrapping the Christmas presents, have a large container available for the wrappings and dispose of them as soon as possible. Never burn them in the fireplace since they create an intense heat and could start a chimney fire. By planning your. holiday atmosphere, you can eliminate the special hazards that are apparent only during this special season, So make it a merry—and safe—Christmas. Iconography? It's Part of Today The ancient Byzantine art of iconography is .a contemporary art, too, and very much .a part of today, So declareS John Papas, leading icon- ographer and owrier-Ore- ator of the Byzantine Icons -Studio, New York, He points out that the turn of the century Art_ Nouveau technique, which has influenced much con- temporary art, is related to Byzantine religious art,. non-realistic use of color and flattening of perspec- tive are typical. As an iconographer, Mr. Papaspiliopoulos leads the development of a •"Ilyzari- tine art of the 20th cep, tury." Assisted by the artists of his studio, he has deco, rated some 30 churches in the United States: In his native Greece, he has dee, orated 19 Athens churches. Like Byzantine artists of centuries past, Mr. Papas- piliopoulos works with tra- ditionally authentic egg tempera. He makes his own ternnera frQin egg, vinegar and ammonia. To this emulsion, coloring agents are added. He makes extensive use • of gold leaf, another tra- ditional-element in Byzan- tine art. His work shows his own personal touch but always follows the pure Byzantine style, streamlined our bargaining methods and expect that this will facilitate a speedy settlement, despite the complexity of the issues and the size of the group of employees." Remember the Needy Now that the time has come wherein . ' Our Saviour Christ • was born, The larder's full of beef and pork, The granary's full of corn. As God hath plenty to thee sent, Take comfort of thy labors, And let it never thee repent To feed thy needy neighbors. — Poor Robin's Almanack Independent Shipper to United Co-operative of Ontario Livestock Dept Toronto Ship Your Livestock with Roy Scotthmer Monday Is Shipping Day Preen Varna Stockyard CALL BAYFIELD 565.2636 By 7:30 a.m. Monday For Prompt Service No Charges on Pick.up Pextr_kit A k CioakatecoLit peace of Christmas lives anew in song and story. May your joys be many, as ore these thanks to you. MERRILL'S TV SERVICE Colour TV Black and White TV Hi-Fi's Phone 482-7021 his story of the Nativity. The star itself is the source of many theories. Perhaps the best of all is that it was a miraculous appearance and as such needs no explana- tion. However, astronomers through the ages have sought to connect the star seen by the wise men with other re- ported celestial objects — a comet, perhaps, or an espe- cially brilliant star that only Scholars Study Source of Star Shining in East Holiday precautions keep Christmas safe Ontario Hydro Union streamlines bargaining methods rwavagatuaumgatatuteg Closed 12 Noon Fri., Dec. 24 and RE N 8 A.M. Tues., Dec. 28 NEW YEAR'S: CLOSED 12 NOON FRIDAY, DEC. 31' REOPEN 8 A.M. MONDAY, JANUARY 3 In Order That Our -Staff May Have A Longer Christmas With Family & Friends • BEST WISH ES FOR THE hriSitinaS Season As Christmas comes again, it marks another year of growth in our community. May we ex- tend our greetings and say "thanks" for the opportunity of letting us serve you, AleftilitrWAitAiiI*SOMIMIX , id