HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1971-12-09, Page 19I've been good Sunta.... Area Grad Bayne E. Boyes, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Boyes Clinton, Ont. attended the graduation exercises- for the Society of Industrial Accountants held in Toronto on Oct. 23, Bayne has successfully completed the five-year course of studies and is now designated to use the initials R.I.A. after his name, He is a graduate of Central Huron Secondary School Clinton and Ryerson Polytechincal Institute Toronto, Ont. Bayne is an auditor with IBM Canada Ltd., Don Mills, Ont. and is residing in Scarborough, Ont. His wife is the former Deborah Smith daughter of Brig and Mrs, Morgan Smith, Bayfield. Ont. e. . FLORAL SCENTED LUXURIES Perfumed Soap, perfumed Talc and Cologne. Available in Springflowers, Lotus, Red Roses and April Violets. $578 each StwsIotItela:/lytt teglith g,50 each Lavender*-1 Suggcsud Ida 11 TRAVEL TWOSOME Alter Shave LOli Oh and Tablet of Soap for men. Availabie in the classic fragrance of Original $3.50 each $:uggccad ualifrica. FLORAL FRAGRANCE TRIO Cologne Mist and Perfumed Soap. Available in Lavender, Sbringllowers, Lotus, Red Hines, and April Violets. $%65 anal ,Sugg6sted tatayl pate. FLORAL BEAUTY DUET Cream Lotion for Hands & Body and Perfumed Soap, Available in these fresh-cut -flower fragrances! Red Hoses, Springflowers, Lotus and Lavender. 52. 5 each Suggcs/ed /dad l. cc. THE JUNIOR EXECUTIVE After Shave Lotion, After Shave Talc, Shaving Cream and 1 Tablet of Soap for Men. Available in the efassit fragrance of Original. $6'50 each roe 11 price Gift Sets to Satisfy XXX31311: SHAVE $ SHOWER TWOSOME After Shave LotiOn and Soap oh a Rope. Available in Black Label for Men-on-the-Move! A.50 each "T SugOslea tetail Ott '2 'Hueco St. CLINTON- p"AlEK TRICIAN SAYS 4. THAT WE MAY AECOME WISER out ro SERVE AL. BEATE R AUK you 17,„ MOH YOUR ADVICE CONSTRUCT/ CRITICISM A IS LwAYS NICE SCHAEFER INTERIORS DECORATOR CUSHIONS Another problem with snowthrowers is that they don't really ease the job of snow clearing when the snow is hard and packed. Also, the snow has a tendency to blow back on the operator during the clearing operation.. Snowthrowers also aren't much help when the major problem is drifting. And for most homeowners, it's not the accumulation of snow that causes problems, but the drifting and piling due to the wind and placement of buildings. One way to solve the problem of snowdrifts on the driveway, may be the use of snow fences, Placed upwind at right angles to the prevailing wind, they will help to redupe drifting. Heating cable for ramps and drives is another alternative,, The cable will melt the snow at a rate of one inch per hour after an hour of operation if the temperature is above 10 degrees F, It will use 35 watts per square foot of area. Pole-mounted infrared units will also keep an area free of lee And .snow, A, 30-kilowatt unit will cover an area of 450 square feet. Urea, a noncorrosive deicing agent, used to clear airports of ice, can be satisfaetory around the home when used in _moderation. None of these alternatives completely solvea the problem of winter's snow, says Professor,... Irwin. However, they can help the homeowner to trade in the snow shovel for more pleasant winter .activities, Come to the auditorium of the Central Huron Secondary School on Monday, December 20, 1971 at 7:30 for an hour of Christmas caroling. His Worship the Mayor p. of Clinton Mr, D. E. Symons hopes to read the Christmas Story as found in Luke 2:1-20. Let young and old come to this Community-Christmas-Happening, 49, 50b Clinton News-Racord, Thursday, Qecember 9, 1971 7A If I have another life to live, let me live it as a waitress or a cleaning woman or a dental assistant, but not, please, please, please not as a columnist and a newspaper type. This has been a terrible month for me, I've done just about everything wrong it is possible to do wrong and the month is just underway, And when you do something wrong in the newspaper business, everybody in town knows about it and is ready to kill without asking any questions. I've been enjoying quite an active social life these days. At least I should by enjoying it if it were not for the fact that I'm constantly pestered by people Who know me and want to make some comment about my work. For instance, the other evening I was out to a little night spot in our town with my husband, Lots of wives do that sort of thing with their husbands on a Saturday evening. You go out, have something to eat and to drink and then you dance a little before heading home. I didn't think anyone should become too concerned if I did the same. I was wrong. During the evening, a gentleman came to me asked if I was the Shirley Keller who wrote for the newspaper. When I told him I was, he warned me that what I was doing was just not appropriate for a woman in my position. After all, how could one think sanely and sensibly if one has been out on the town. I had the news of the nation to consider! Not long ago I was invited out to a dinner party with some friends. There I was, halfway through my salad and about to slip my fork into a cheese cube when the boom was lowered, "Shirley Keller!" someone gasped across the room. "What's she doing here?" I can tell you that from that moment on I felt about as welcome in that diningroom as a carrier of the plague. A simple little thing like joining a club can become an absolute nightmare for someone like me. If you approach the group, they are certain you are trying to get into the inner circles so you can reveal their society secrets to the world. On the other hand, if the group asks • ••• ecreation A snowmobile, like any other motorized vehicle, requires care and proper maintenance for safe, satisfactory performance. But it is a breed of its own, like no other means of transportation, so to get the best out of your snowmobile, the Ontario Safety League says you must get to know it, its capabilities and limitations. Start off by reading the Owner's Manual carefully and then follow the manufacturers suggestions on operation and servicing. The two most important controls on your snowmobile are BY SHIRLEY .1, ,KELI-ER me join them, I'm immediately suspicious that they are desperately in need of additional publicity which only a newspaper can provide. It is a horrible feeling. I've developed a hard outer shell.-attitude 'which makes me appear thick-skinned arid tough, I've learned to swagger through my duties with the seeming assurance of,* jhulkiezer and to disregarethe side loOks and the stinging comments which usually are the*, ' Maybe It is 'Abe wrong approach but it te the only one I know. I love my• work and would hate to give it up so a devil-May-Ohre facade=is IV only defence. So you ^ see, while the columnist's 'looks like a big marshmallow, frOm the outside, it is just one sticky mess after another on the inside. It is the kind of a life which causes blood PresSnke. -to' rise end, hearts to palpitate each time a new issue of the paper hits the street. Not, long ago, I addressed a meeting of women. My topic was, newsriapers, and my audience seemed ,fairly friendly. SUddenly ,one woman said, "NOW' that We have Mrs.: Keller capthie here, let's ask'her a few questions. I want to knoW, Mrs: Keller, if you deliberately set abotit4 to make your column infuriating for. people. Every time I 'read your column I am provoked." Another lady in the crowd hastened to My defence. ,"What you mean to say, my dear," said the second lady, "is that Mrs. Keller's column is thought pro voking. "That's not what I meant to say at all," insisted the first lady. "Her.column makes me angry. I just don't agree with what she writes." ,Another woman 'bad this to say to me: "I have a friend who never reads your column, She says she can't Stand you but I tell her whether you like Mrs. Keller or not as'a person should make me difference. You should read her column. It's just great!" With support like that in the countryside, who needs anti-Windowists around .... and those =are just a 'few of the reasons I'm looking forward to the next life when present things shall pass away. ' Tips, the throttle and brake. Always make sure that both these vital controls are working properly before starting the engine. If you have done your homework and read the Owner's Manual, you will probably be able to correct any minor maladjustments. But the Ontario Safety League warns that If there is any doubt about being able to control acceleration or stop your snowmobile, do not use it and chance an accident. Take it to your dealer and have the proper adjustments made, Christmas trees, lighted candles, arrangements of evergreen sprigs, — the traditional decorative touches which spread the holiday atmosphere throughout the home. However, they can also spread fire unless great care is taken. Hal Wright, farm safety specialist, Ontario Department of Agriculture and Food, offers some tips for a safe, as well as happy, Christmas. First, select a fresh tree, Before setting it up, make a fresh cut so water can be absorbed more readily. Place the tree in a sturdy stand containing water. Water daily to keep the tree from drying out. A dry tree can burn explosively in seconds. Never use lighted candles on a tree or near evergreen decorations. When using a metallic tree, spotlight it from nearby. Do not put electric lights on it. If a short circuit should occur, the entire tree could become electrically "alive". Use glass and asbestos decorations which are noncombustible or fire retardant. Keep evergreens or polystyrene form decorations away from candles, fireplaces, and other open flames. When unwrapping the Christmas presents, have a large container available for the wrappings and dispose of them CAR FOR SALE. NEED A CAR? Advertise economically in the Huron Shopping News Want Ads. Phone the News4Record ht 482-3443 Or the Signal-Star at 524-8331 to place your want ad- ,HAROLD WISE LIMITED Electrical - Plumbing And Heating contractor rout my window siamoseamosummin YARDLEY Gift Sets to Delight Holiday precautions keep Christmas safe Snow removal can be a long end exhausting chore, However, Professor ft. Irwin, School of Engineering, University of Guelph, says there are alternatives to the long-handled snow shovel. Electric snow throwers are available in widths up to 18 inches, Under ideal conditions, they can clear about 225 ahovelsful of snow per minute. Throwers powered by gasoline motors can be obtained in larger 22- to 28-inch models. Both electric and gasoline snowthrowers are adjustable for height, Small tractors used to cut grass can be fitted with a 36-inch blade in the front. However, snow removal requires a great deal of ,power, and to be effective, the tractor should be over 7 horsepower. Equipment should also be suited to the surface being cleared. Several types of throwers will make gouges in the driveway. However, snow removal equipment can pose some problems, says Professor Irwin. The number of days when it is needed are few in many areas of Ontario. There is often a problem in housing it and it does require servicing for reliable winter operation. If you had trouble starting your lawn mower in the summer, you can expect even less cooperation from your lawn snow thrower unless it is properly taken care of. *Alternatives to snow removal problems as soon as possible, Never burn them in the fireplace since they create an intense heat and could start a chimney fire, By planning your holiday atmosphere, you can eliminate the special hazards that are apparent only during this special season. So make it a merry—and safe—Christmas. StZ3t713=P1;$:0.:M71:ita .7171.11* 5*-A Itgi;:tglI'A.1.1t:M-11:1a1WiStWARCWA'AFA =En Fix 110.11*A2CFAMMXIMAMPAiiieiSICMItg • Yi . A Here is an ideal gift suggestion for the lady of any house. These ter beautiful decorator cushions come in a fantasy of colors. They are designed specifically to add a finishing touch of color to any room in the home. May we sugg.'st this might be the ideal thing • for the children to get mother or grandmother. 3 95 to 5.50 SCHAEFER'S Interiors ON THE SQUARE GODERICH •tAtta,ttaIrargOtAstrUsstMliY*Asoallitats0:1340StSIIIAlasOsOzit*Or0S0/1111011001110111040Williliffillia 262 Bayfield Rd.-482-7062 tin 'AvOAISS3vslaar4VaZvOltalzitta