HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1971-12-09, Page 3JOIN US TO START flAYFIELD WINTER CARNIVAL WITH THE NEW YEAR'S EVE DANCE in BAYFIEL-D COMMUNITY CENTRE Music by THE STAR TREX DANCING — BUFFET — FAVOURS $4.00 PER PERSON (Licensed) TICKETS ARE LIMITED AND ARE AVAILABLE AT MOST BAYFIELD MERCHANTS 49b USED CAR SPECIALS 1971 Mustang 2 door hardtop, fully equipped 1971 Pinto, fully equipped 3 — 1971 Pontiac Tempest, 4 door sedans, fully equipped 2 — 1971 Buick Skylark, 2 and 4 door hardtops 1971 Valiant, 4 door sedan, V8 automatic 4 — 1971 Chev Impala 4 door hardtops 3 — 1970 Chev Impala 2 and 4 door hardtops 2- — 1970 Ford Galaxie 500, 2 door hardtops OTHER MODELS 1970 KINGSWOOD 9 passenger stationwagon 1970 PONTIAC Catalina, 4 door hardtop 2 — 1970 PONTIAC Parisienne 4 door hardtops 2 ---1969 PONTIAC Parisienne, 2 and 4 door hardtops 1969 FORD Country Squire, 10 passenger stationwagon 1969 CHEVROLET Bel Air sedan 1968 PONTIAC Parisienne, 2 door hardtop, fully equipped 1968 CHEV Impala, 2 door hardtop 1968 PLYMOUTH V8, 4 door sedan, power steering 1968 FORD Stationwagon, 10 passenger Used cars from '65 to '68 in various models, sedans, hardtops and 4 door — 90% of all cars are V8, power steering and all automatic USED TRUCKS 6 — 1969 ton pickups, standard and automatic transmission, 6 and 8 cylinder models 2 — 1968 FORD F 600's cab and chassis 2 — 1968 G.M.C. 960''series with 366 engine, cab and chassis 1968 G.M.C. 1/2 ton pickup A number of Econoline and C"evy Vans from '64 to '67 standard and automatic transmission isev%^,NAAANNNesose. Brussels Motors BP Service Station Phone 887-6173 Clinton News-Record, Thursday, December 9, 1971 3 CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS FROM YOUR Colognes — Perfumes -'- Bath Oils Bath Salts By Faberge — Chanel — DuBarry — Clifton — Bourjois Guerlain — Chantilly — Love A FINE GIFT FOR HER Faberge Panty Hose 12 Shades Laced — Bikini & Fragranced With Tigress7 $3.50 Complete With 126 Color Film Flash Cube Carrying Strap And Gift Wrap. Our Price Complete — 515.95 With One Year Guarantee. FOR THE MEN Toiletry Needs By Brut— Hai Karate— Old Spice — Bachelor Clinton, Ontario What's so soothing as a rocker? Platform rockers and swivel rockerS...you'll see them here. Kroehler-made with a fine regard for quality and faShion detail. Above: Ladies' Early American swivel rocket— $109.95 Rocker -- relaxer in easy to care for vinyl $129.95 Relaxer in beautiful glove soft vinyl 1105;00 "41,M • N" Lean way back with your feet off the floor and really relax in a reclining, high-fashion Kroehler Relaxer. Styles are slim-lined and light looking to fit any room, Above: Crisply tailored and super comfortable Modern Relaxer:— $99.95 Colonial swivel rocker in authentic patchwork $144.95 the year long comfort gift I Signature9 Chairs by Kroehler RELAXERS 440 PRICES START AS LOW AS CO • 50 *OW If you Make a small deposit new and Make regular payments until Christmas you can have iViorn and Dad's chair paid for by Christmas. Now is the tithe to shop, We have a very large stock. 14\vIr WoNN ALL CHAIRS SPECIALLY REDUCED FOR OUR 2nd ANNIVERSARY SALE kst BALL at MUTCH LTD. HOME FURNISHINGS CLINTON 1)ccaslmlat'chafr in Also in stock in 1.1061.1 surface Matelass6 crushed velvet at (also available with swivel base) $1 14:Ss $124.50 KlitiCiEHLER. Signamoo . DESIGNS ROCKERS BY MILVENA ERICKSON The Bayfield Senior Citizens held their regular meeting, Friday evening Dec. 3, in the Municipal Building and was capably presided over by Mrs. Carrie Heard acting president, . The meeting opened with the singing of the Queen and the repeating of the Lord's Prayer in unison. Twenty-four members answered the roll call. Secretary, Mrs. Margaret Larson read her report and moved it's adoption, which was approved. The president said one of the long and faithful members Mrs. Ida Menerey had undergone surgery and was recuperating at the home of her neice in Clinton. A get-well card signed by all present, along with carnations are to be sent to her with our wishes for a speedy recovery. Due to the unavoidable delay of the treasurer Mrs. Vina Parker in getting to the meeting, we had no report. Mr. George Brown moved an adjournment. The next meeting will be Friday evening Jan. 7, at which time the election of officers for 1972 will be held. Five tables of euchre were played. Prizes going to Mrs. Violet Sturgeon, ladies high; Mrs. Maude Sturgeon, ladies low; Fred Mote, men's high; Walter Westlake, men's low; Mrs. Greta Scotchmer won the prize for the most lone hands. After euchre the usual lovely lunch was served and the members enjoyed a social hour. Sandwiches, cookies, tea and coffee were enjoyed. CUBS First Bayfield Cubs held their regular weekly meeting on Wednesday evening Dec. 1, with 22 Cubs present. Following opening exercises a Bean Bag game conducted by Red Six was enjoyed. The Cubs were presented with their new Cub Books and record cards, The new cub book was scanned, showing how to obtain the stars in their five star programme, how to earn badges, a section of games and puzzles, some outdoor cooking hints, and many flitiStrations, snow sculpturing, -water aetiVities gist mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration; all in all a most interesting and educational 312 page book. A game, Crab Soccer was led by Akala, involved all members, David Hill and Steven Mackie earned their collector's badges, with collections of sea shells from Florida and both gave a most interesting report off these, telling how they found the shells, when the tides went out and came back in. David Sturgeon received his Housekeeping Badge. The meeting closed with a prayer by //Avid Hill. The leaders ask 4iliat we remind the Cubs to bring their $3.50 registration fees as soon as possible. A PEOPLE The "A People" group was in charge of the Service in St. Andrews United Church, Sunday Dec. 5, Miss Esther Merrill, Mr. Brian Semple and Miss Louise MacVean being assisted by a choir of young peoples whose voices blended well to add much to the Devotions. Soloist was Miss Diane Henderson. Considerable credit goes to these young members of "A People", for the reverend and capable manner in which they conducted the service. CONFIRMATION SERVICE The Service of Confirmation was conducted by the Rt. Rev, H. F. Appleyard, bishop of Georgian Bay on Sunday morning Dec. 5 in Trinity Anglican Church. Those who were confirmed AcA5:5 54%*51Ital*ZZA3:1aStfA-: CAR FOR SALE: NEED A CAR? Advertise =economically in the Huron Shopping News Want Ads. Phone the News -Record at 482-3441 or the Signal-Star at 524-8331 to place your Want ad. 'Imulansesomilimilmorninimmiumlorinut were: John William Graham; Kelvin Alexander Merner; Charles Keith Pruss; Brian Harold Brandon; Shirley Alice Brandon; Karen Louise Gemeinhardt and Alice Muriel Brandon, The Rector, The Reverend George Youmatoff, thanked the Congregation of St. James Church, Middleton for giving `up their normal Church time and was gratified to see so many of their congregation present; he also welcomed visitors from London. The service opened with the Processional Hymn "On Our Way Rejoicing". followed by a passage of Scripture and the lighting of the Advent Candles by members of the Sunday School. The Order of Confirmation and the presentation of the Candidates followed. A beautiful Confirmation Hymn "Bread of Heaven" followed and was sung kneeling. The Sermon, taken by Bishop Appleyard, was entitled, "The Light In Dark Corners". He cited Ireland as a dark corner, as he said Ireland was foremost in everyones mind due to the turmoil there. Surely a little spark of light will glimmer through. He spoke of the drug situation and stated, from this the "Jesus Freaks" had formed; showing that even these people have a way of worshipping, not probably in a recognized orthodox sense, but they had come to rely on Jesus too. He used the beautiful and appropriate passage "Let your Light so Shine Before Men", and asked everyone to pray for the new Confirmants to help them live up to their renewed Baptismal Vows and Obligations. The Bishop presented each Candidate with their Certificate of Confirmation and a modern version of the Gospel of St. John colourfully illustrated. Following the Service the Ladies of Trinity Guild served a lovely lunch in the Parish Hall in order for the Bishop to meet as many of the Parishioners as possible. Sincere sympathy.is extended to Mr: John lloye and—firnilyrin the loss of his father Mr. Alex Boyes of Seaforth. BAYFIELD WATERFRONT NEWS On Dec. 4, a gaily decorated Clubhouse extended a warm welcome to members of the Bayfield Yacht Club and their guests on the occasion of the Second Annual Christmas Party. • A social hour was enjoyed prior to a sumptuous dinner of Christmas delicacies, After dinner, progressive whist was enjoyed. Winners were; high score, Bill Talbot, Bayfield; low score, JoAnne Bullen, Bayfield, Members were present from London, Stratford, Exeter, Seaforth, Clinton, Bayfield, Zurich and Michigan. Mr, Ed Pongracz of Grosse Pointe City, Michigan came the greatest distance. Mrs. Donna Webster of Exeter was in charge of the entertainment and all arrangements and was assisted by Helen Davies, Clinton, Lyllyan Dinnin, Zurich and Edith Baker, Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. John Lindsay spent a weekend recently in Plattsyille as guests of their What do you think of when the month of December is mentioned? To some it means Christmas — to most farmers, a return to the daily drudgery of barn chores. To the business man it might mean that it is the last month of the fiscal year — his last chance to do some income tax management. What do we mean by income tax management? Isn't that against the law? No. Tax evasion is illegal, but good tax management is perfectly legal. Good tax management is taking advantage of opportunities that exist in the tax laws to reduce taxes. Farmers are taking advantage of the $5 bills available for each of up to 100 dead elm trees removed. There is no reason why they should not take advantage of the $50 bills available for those who keep records and make decisions from them. What are the steps involved? Estimate approximate taxable income by adding income and expenses for the first 11 months and an estimate for December. Make appropriate deductions for capital cost allowance and ' yersonalexemptions, One indicator of the need for action is if the projected taxable income is quite different than the average of several years. If you want to reduce taxable income and file on the cash tiasis, you can, pay outstanding accounts payable on income items, pay wages to children - up to $949.00, no more - or else, they no longer are classified as a dependent, purchase livestock or feed for cash, incur other expenses - buildings, machinery son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Jim Butcher. Mr, and Mrs, John Henderson, Dianne, Donna, Darlene and Debbie, RR 5, Seaforth visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ross 1i/fen-ill. • Master Dennis Florian son of Mr. and Mrs, Ed Florian, Clinton is staying with his uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs, Jack Hammond, for a few days while his mother is confined to hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Bev McClinchey were weekend visitors with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Terry McClinchey in London. Miss Marilyn Duizer, RR 5 Clinton was a Saturday quest of Miss Lorilee McClinchey. Miss Barbara Graham spent repairs etc., purchase equipment - (questionable if only for tax purposes), prepay feed and fertilizer and reduce income e.g. by holding livestock for sale until 1972. If 1971 has not been a good year then you can sell livestock or other produce, carry some expense accounts over to the next year and withhold capital cost allowance when filing returns. There are other major points to consider, should you pay some income tax and thus be eligible to pay into Canada Pension Plan? For example, at age 55 you could start paying into the plan and be eligible for a full pension in ten years. If you have a permanent herd of breeding cows or sows, you are eligible for basic herd. A loss year is a good time to add to basic herd. This is likely the last chance to establish basic herd. Should you pay into a Registered Retirement Savings Plan? You can defer taxes on up to $2,500, of taxable income, The immediate income tax saved by building up inventory on Cash filing of income tax and registered ,...retirement savingS plans is actually like an interest free loan from the government. Tax considerations are , only one of the factors in management decisions. So before actually making the tax decision ask yourself these questions. Can you afford it - from a credit and liquidity position? Is it for the good of the business? Will the tax savings balance the extra cost? Friday and Saturday in London with Miss Susan _Street and attended a fraternity Christmas party at the D.K.B. Fraternity House. Miss Lynne 13randon, R.N.A. Wingham General Hospital was home with her parents, brothers and sisters Mr. and Mrs. Ken Brandon and family on Sunday and Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wachhaus of Kingsville were at their village home this past weekend, Mr. and Mrs. Warner Payne, Paul and Peter visited at the home of his sister in Port Huron on the weekend. Best wishes to Mrs, Ida Menerey, who is ,recuperating following surgery, at the home of her neice Miss Kathleen Elliott in Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pounder, John, Cathy and Mary Beth, London were with her mother Mrs, Lloyd Scotchmer this past weekend and also supervising the construction of their new home on Keith Crescent. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Pruss, Janice and Charlie, Mr. Glen Pruss were at the Keith Pruss cottage this past weekend. Mr, and Mr. R. Jenkins, Mary and Billy, London, and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Dunn, Russeldale were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Lindsay on Sunday. Mrs. Eric Earl was in London from Wednesday until Friday of last week. Gary Black, goalie of Bayfield Hockey team recorded the first shut-out of the league this season, when Bayfield defeated Goderich Juveniles 3.0 in Goderich, and leaves the Bay field team still in second place in the league standings. Sfety tips The cost of motoring in Britain has risen appreciably in the past ye'ar. A Rolls Royce costs about 49 cents a mile to run, on the basis of 10,000 miles annual mileage. The Ontario Safety League says that at the other end of the scale a Mini costs about 11 cents a mile. * * Dazzle from approaching headlights in one of the factors that make night driving twice as dangerous as daylight driving. Smears inside the windshield and dirt outside accentuate glare from approaching headlights, says the Ontario Safety League. Grease and specks of dust can cause dazzle out of all proportion to their size. Good drivers make sure their windshields are spotless, inside and out, for night driving. * Give yourself a gift when you set out on that Christmas holiday journey — or any other automobile trip, Give yourself a little more time, so that you can make the trip without rushing. It costs you nothing — yet it may save you everything, says the Ontario Safety League. hayfield Senior Citizens hold monthly meeting Good tax management can save money, it's legal