HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1971-11-11, Page 162 Place the tile In position. s it') to, VAA, s '1114r' ‘'. • '• rawit4,19b1*. dte Press it down „,„ And oh yes, it's on the tiOor Four • • • sif back tb stayl and enjoy the lovely floor you installed yourself. 4 BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS itt a choice of IVO rn- warming colors famous Armstrong Quaker quality in a modern, multi• layer vinyl floor covering, tong wearing . . . excellent stain resistance , easy to keep sparkling bright. A wise choice for value and "quality at low test, For a Merry, Merry Christmas At All 18 $ L Conklin Yards, ONLY III fib 1111 PER 'SQUARE YARD rnstrong VINYL FLOOR COVERING 40. PRICED AT CONKLIN'S FROM AS LITTLEAS $23 84 EASY TERMS! • ..,a!?2,!,:x.••• +.• • VatMOMMIWIIMIMOMOICX10000000 0400010013VOUVOSENI gkIl laMOMMIMAIOMMO, Yes, the wisest thong you' can do is "BUY YOUR HOME a CHRISTMAS PRESENT”-FROM CONKLIN'S TOIMS TO IOW HA MANY, MANY 01RISTORWSI WIN A TRIP TO JAMAICA for 2 OR ONE OF 5 SKIING TRIPS FOR 2 TO THE LIMBERLOST CLUB FREE ENTRY BLANKS • AT ALL CONKLIN YARDS GREGG NI ANIT tES Cavalier Size Cnambly D Design D esign 30" $73.30 $79.30. 36" $80.30 $86.30 42 $96.30 $105.30 48" $106.30 $114.30 60" $121.30 $133.30 QUEEN ANNE IWO24" $59,00 SITES 30" $72.00 VE POSIfORM COUNTERIOPSOI SINKS AND TAPS, If DESIRED, ARE EX ,IRRA "It's Christmas Time, at Conklin's" MODEL 13033 Only - q-vzkvAvAvmvAwAvAv: PANEL A ROOM FOR mCHRISTMAS Dozens of sy Varieties Priced From - $1 .99 to $19.95 AVA-VA-VAVAVAV"'AVA Save Now On Handsome Indoor ,and Outdoor LIGHTING FIXTURES #221 CUT CRYSTAL$ 992 Sugg. Retail $37.40, Only #13629 BLACK & GOLD $ 02 9 72 Sugg. Retail $49.65, Only gia #13033 OUTDOOR (Shown) Sugg. Retail, $11.55 $924 #13621 WAGON WHEEL Sugg. Retail oa vkip 6 S2 $45.65, Only j MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM! SPANISH MODEL 13621 wkvgkwkv:AvAvwA-vgtwAvwmg.k,vm.orAvtkvmotvk.vAvAvAvmAvAvw "Welcome to Bring Happiness and Cheer All Year 'Round With Beautiful Our House!" CABINETS '.EtlfGR.EGG IN CAVALIER phony: your front door into in entrance way and say, "VOIcamo to Our H0440" WO A beautiful new ornamental, door from Conklin's. A wonderful selection to "chooseirnm. SOLID ORNAMENTAL CARVED $8730 From -- SOLID ORNAMENTAL LIGHTED As Shown $»85 TILE, a new floor is as easy es Qne.Two,Three, Place t o Press MELON now you can I With anuetrorm You thought you couldn't I Peal the releete paper from the back of the vinyl.eSbestos tile (the ad• hetive is already there) Stop by today. select your fa. vorite, and enjoy it in your home tonight. A pack of nine 12"x 12" tiles (onesquareyetst) '"*$2 • 88 Make Your Home Sparkle This Yuletide Season With PLACE 'N PRESS TILES Conklin's Price For A 10'xi2`x7' Rec Room As Little As $166.f4 Yes, everything you need to build a 10'x'12' rec room including panelling, floor and ceiling tiles, staples, nails, cement, strapping, trim - even the entrance doer. Here's exactly what you get: OAK, CHAMBLY BIRCH and CHERRY VALE THE CHAMBLY, with beveled corners and slim shadow lines around drawers and doors, echoes a courtly French past while demonstrating Gregg's special mastery of cabinetmaking in birch. We'll help you select the perfect Chcimbly grouping for your kitchen, Amisomer CUSTOM DESIGNED FOR YOU . . • Your Conklin Kitchen Specialist will give you 'an exact quote on a custom kitchen layout for YOUR ho me, And regardless of which model you choose, you can be assured that your Gregg Kitchen will feature genuine Canadian hardwoods throughout. ardwoods further enhanced by Gregg's 4-coat, hand-rubbed furniture finish. Gregg Kitchens are completely assembled, easy to install. If you 'wish, Conklin's can arrange to have yours installed for you. And remember: you can buy with no money down at Conklin's. THE CAVALIER OAK is beautiful without being obvious, strong without being massive. The soft, rippling oak groin in Natural finish has a cool brightness. Cavalier Oak is the ultimate in Gregg kitchens, the model designed for sophisticated homeowners. You'll like everything about Gregg cabinets. You'll be impressed first by the things that are immediately obvious: the fine furniture styling, classic hardware and warm woodtones which are brought out by hand rubbing (not mass pro- duced lacquer finishes). but wait till you take a closer look. The cabinet doors have self-closing hinges; the drawers feature nylon rollers and glides. The wall cabinets hove adjustable shelves; the interiors are woodtoned, not unfinished. Gregg cabinets ore made to withstand greaser solvents, steam and water. And They're tom. petitively priced. A 54" Chambly Birch kitchen with upper and lower cabinets and postform counter top costs Only $238.40. Here's a tiost-up view of the Cherry Vale Model Showing the fine furniture styling, the beautiful thaneted panels, the exciting tttaileti brass hardware created by Gregg $14.40 7.35 4.20 1,50 4.30 48.95 4.20 15.00 3.22 9.68 16.20 3.30 .70 1.80 1.50 1.35 8.30 3.40 1.65 .60 10.75 3.99, WiTH EASY TERMS * 20 Pieces- 2"x3"x7' SPRUCE at /2' each * 70 Lineal Ft.- 2"x3" SPRUCE at $10.50 per 100 ft. * 20 Pieces -- 1"x2"xY` SPRUCE WALL STRAPPING at 21' each * SO Lineal Ft.- I"x2" SPRUCE WALL STRAPPING at $3.00 per 100 ft. * 1 Rail --- 250 Ft. ALUMINUM FOIL, Type 1, at $4.30 each * 11 Sheets PREFIN1SHED 'LAUAN, V-Grooved, Two Coat, at $4.43 sheet * 140 Lineal Ft.- 1"x2" CEILING STRAPPING a $3.00 pet" 100 ft. * 120 Plain White %"x12" CEILING TILE of 121/2' 'each * 46 Lineal Ft.-44" MAHOGANY QUARTER ROUND at $7.00 per 100 fC * 44 Lineal Pt.- 314" MAHOGANY BASEBOARD at $22.00 per 100 ft. * 120 VINYL ASBESTOS FLOOR TILES, 1/1exlVx12" at per each * 2 Quarts - ALL PURPOSE TILE CEMENT at $1-.65 quart * 2 lbs.-11/4" FINISHING NAILS at 35t lb. * 6 lbs.-31/2" ARDOX NAILS at 30' lb, * 5 lbs. - VA" ARDOX NAILS at 30' lb, * 1 Package- 9/1 6" STAPLES at- $1.35 pkg. 1 Set- IxS MAHOGANY DOOR JAMB at $8.50 per set * 1 Set -2 3/4" MAHOGANY CASING at $3.40 per set * 1 Set-MAHOGANY DOOR STOP at $1.65 per set * 1 Pair- 3"x3" BUTTS at 6W pair *1 MAHOGANY DOOR,2'6"x6'8"x13/4" at $10.75 each * 1 PASSAGE LOCK, No. 1008, at $3.99 each ALL FOR ONLY $166 74 Buy Your Horne A New 3-Piece BATHROOM ENSEMBLE For.. Christmas • SINK • TOILET *BATHTUB ONLY- $ 1 1 8 3° SUOGEstE0 WAIL 01108 $1.36.40 Charge it At Conklin's AMHERSTIMAG 736-2151 13E LIE RIVER ,,,,728.220 COMBER ,6874401 COMM 1339,4777 EXETER , 25:1422 GODER1CH 524.8321 GRAND BEND, 238-2374 HARROW, 7A8:222I, KINCARDINE 1964403 •KINGSVILLE CASH 783,0341 Atj.P CARRY STORE XINGSV,ILLE 733.2341 LA 734-7868 pWEN,SOUND ,376-3181 RIOGpTOWN 67.0465. SOUTHAMPTON,797.3245 THEDI=ORD 29644991 'WESTt6RNE, ,768-152Ct WOODSLEE 829-2600