HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1971-10-14, Page 17BAKED APPLES 6 cooking apples 2 tablespoons butter 1/2 cup brown sugar 1/8 teaspoon cinnamon 1(8 teaspoon salt 6 tablespoons water Wash and core apples, Make a cut about half an inch deep around each apple near the top, to prevent skin splitting during baking; place apples in baking pan, Cream butter, sugar, cinnamon and salt, and fill centers of apples, Add water to pan, Bake uncovered at 375 deg. F, until tender (25 to 50 minutes—McIntosh and similar varieties bake in 25 to 30 minutes; Northern Spy and other firm varieties may take up to 50 minutes.) 6 servings. Try one of the following fillings instead of, or in combination with, sugar mixture: add raisins, currants, candied ginger, cut peel or chapped nuts to sugar mixture; use mincemeat, cranberry sauce or jam in place of sugar mixture; top each apple with a marshmallow or a spoonful of meringue, 10 minutes before baking is completed. EAT THAT HALLOWE'EN PUMPKIN The golden jack-o-lantern with its smiling or leering face deserves'a noble demise. It seems a great waste to just discard it when the Hallowe'en fun is over. However, it should be looked after right away before the spooks and goblins work their magic and cause it to spoil! To help you use the colorful flesh, the home economists at Canada Agriculture, Ottawa have some suggestions, You may use the cooked mashed pumpkin like spuash, or in recipes calling for canned pumpkin. To prepare pumpkin for cooking, cut it in pieces and remove seeds. Bake covered, with a little water, at 325 deg. F, until tender (about 50 minutes); or steam 20 to 30 minutes. Remove rind, sprinkle with salt and mash. If you use it as a vegetable, add some butter and pepper, Some mashed pumpkin may be used in muffins and cookies as well as the traditional pumpkin custard-type or chiffon "'pies. Fresh pumpkin may also be made into a preserve. For recipes using pumpkin send for your free copy of "Squash and Pumpkin", publication 1140 to the In formation Division, Canada Department of Agriculture, Ottawa K1A 007. For a rather unusual dessert which tastes as delicate as it looks, the home economists offer their recipe for "Spiced Pumpkin Parfait". The "Pumpkin Pie" is traditional but always a favorite. So, it seems, the Hallowe'en pumpkin can have many faces. SPICED PUMPKIN PARFAIT 1 cup mashed cooked pumpkin 2 tablespoons brown sugar ' teaspoon cinnamon 1/4 teaspoon ginger 1/8 teaspoon nutmeg Dash cloves 1/8 teaspoon salt 1 package vanilla pudding mix 2 cups milk 3/4 cup whipping cream 3 tablespoons sugar Mix pumpkin, brown sugar and spices, Combine vanilla pudding with milk and cook Clinton News-fleorct, Thursday, -Qc.tgber 14, 1971 7A Askutasquah for lunch Baked apples are a homey type of dessert. Fragrant, with brown sugar and spice, they may be stuffed with raisins, mincemeat or jam. Obligingly, they may share a 375 degree F. oven with scalloped dishes and casseroles, The home economists at Canada Department of Agriculture, Ottawa suggest that a shallow cut, about half an inch deep, be made around each apple'near the top, to prevent skin splitting during baking. according to package directions, Add pumpkin mixture and chill. Whip cream until beginning to thicken, then beat in the 3 tablespoons sugar, Arrange alternate layers of pumpkin mixture and whipped cream in parfait glasses, saving some whipped cream for the top. 6 servings. PUMPKIN PIE % cup brown sugar V2 teaspoon salt 'A teaspoon nutmeg 3/4 teaspoon ginger 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon Dash cloves Dash allspice 1 3/4 cups mashed cooked pumpkin 2 eggs, beaten 1 cup scalded light cream 1 unbaked 9-inch pie shell Mix sugar, salt and spices. Add pumpkin and eggs and beat until smooth. Stir in cream. Pour into pie shell. Bake 10 minutes at 450 deg. F; turn oven control to 350 deg. F and continue baking until filling sets (35 to 40 minutes.) 6 servings. Note: 1 1/2 cups hot milk may be used in place of cream. 3 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons flour 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon pepper 1 cup light cream VI teaspoon Worcestershire sauce 3/4 cup grated cheddar cheese Paprika Saute onions in butter, _turning frequently until almost tender (about 10 minutes). Blend in flour, salt and pepper. Gradually add cream and Worcestershire sauce, Stir and cook until smooth and thick. Cover and cook until onions are tender (about 10 minutes). Add cheese and stir until melted. Sprinkle with paprika before serving. 6 servings ONIONS AU GRATIN 3 cups (11/4 pounds) sliced onions 2 tablespoons flour 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon pepper 11/2 cups (6 ounces) grated cheddar cheese 1 tablespoon butter 1 tablespoon water 2 tablespoons buttered bread crumbs 2 or 3 stuffed olives (optional) Arrange 1 cup onions in greased baking dish. Mix flour and seasonings. Sprinkle 1/3 flour mixture over onions, then sprinkle with 1/2 cup cheese. Repeat layers twice. Dot with butter, add water and cover. Bake at 350 deg. F until onions are tender (about 11/4 hours). Uncover, sprinkle with crumbs and return to oven to. brown (about 10 minutes). Garnish with olive slices, 6 servings. TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1089 Lealand Hill, Manager Elgin and Kingston Streets, Goderich 524431/ I bilk EP ROUND' ite ..4 RED OR BLUE BRAND RIB STEAKS FOR YOUR BARBECUE SIRinopiC1112,51.UCEti-BRANEt WING & PORTERHOUSE STEAKS RED OR BLUE BRAND SWISS STEAKS fi . BEET 60 lb SIDE loo t° 2s* OW OF BEEF MO, lb HINDS 7 34 Of BUS lb no a, SS Itt Sai • RED OR BLUE BRAND SEW-BONELESS BLADE STEAKS CUT FROM THE CHUCK "B ORBO /We WassBRAND CROSS ROAST a.,.•••• lb CHECK THESE VALUES CAKE MIXES ASSORTED FLAVORS 91.9.9oz. p6uth pok LET US MAKE YOUR OLD FURNITURE BETTER THAN NEW! For a free estimate and a look at Our newest samples of materials — CALL CLARK UPHOLSTERY Ph. 523.4272; 523-4528 R. Cook, Prop. Blyth, tint. WE HAVE A FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE Wk. 31 and e.o.w. I roll nice- AVAILABLE THROUGH GORDEN -GRIGG FUELS. Let our complete package: Financing Installation Service — Plus AUTOMaTiG Fuel Deliveries — take the worry out of 'your heating needs, CALL US AT 482-0411 CLINTON FOR FREE ESTIMATE ICA WONDERS OF TO 41/M0AM KNOW* ALBUM Baked apple delicious for fall, winter menus; pumpkin hints too Ha ving askutasquash for dinner? It's tender and delectable, low in cost and calories, It's been popular for about 5,000 years, The American Indians discovered it long before Columbus found America. Its Indian name is now shortened to squash and its list of uses ranges from soup to dessert. There are two types of squash. Summer squash is harvested early, before it matures, Its flesh is generally white. Popular varieties are zucchini, vegetable marrow, and scallop or pattypan. The tender, thin rind and seeds are not removed. Simply wash well, slice, and saute or steam for 5 to 10 minutes. Winter squash, however, must be fully mature or the flesh will be watery and bitter. Therefore, buy medium to large winter squash with thick heavy rinds. Marketed in the fall, they can be stored up to 6 months for winter. Acorn or pepper squash, Hubbard, buttercup and butternut are familiar. Their flesh will be a rich yellow or orange. Slice or halve winter squash, remove seeds and bake at 400 degrees or steam for 25 to 30 minutes, advise food specialists at the Ontario Food Council, Ontario Department of Agriculture and Food. Add butter and freshly ground pepper, herbs, bacon bits, onion, tomatoes, sausage, sour cream, cheese, or brown sugar. Mash, or 41 WW1 917” stuff, make a souel, make a pie, make a pickle, or make them all. Versatile squash is a cook's best friend, 3=========FICE Tough times for grasshoppers Remember that old fable about the grass- hopper living it up and laughing at the ant as it worked to save for the hard times ahead'? To laugh tomorrow, save today! Get eight per cent at Victoria and Grey. TICR9RIA and GREY VG TRY SOME CHEESE WITH THE ONIONS Cheese does many things for many people. The mere utterance of the word brings happy expressions to the "camera-shy" and • its various flavors provide pleasure to those who savor it. Cheese is an extremely versatile food and a highly nutritious one. Because it takes more than a gallon of milk to make one pound of .cheese, it contains the most important nutritive elements of milk-calcium, protein and riboflavin. There are types to satisfy all palates: the ever-popular Canadian cheddar with varying degrees of mildness or sharpness, the more perishable delicate curd of cottage cheese, the unlimited kinds of process cheese which may be sliced, spread or grated, and the Canadian-made varieties of European cheeses such as Camembert, Gouda, Mozzarella and Emmenthaler. Cheese is always an economical food because there is no waste, Cheese has as many diverse uses as it has names and shapes. Arranged on a wooden tray with fresh fruit and crackers, it makes an easy dessert. And what is a piece of apple pie without the accompanying wedge of cheddar? Cheese may go into desserts such as cheese cake or apple crisp; and entertaining would be difficult indeed without cheese because it is the basis of so many hors d'oeuvres and dips. Cheese may also be an ingredient of sauces to serve with vegetables, The home economists at Canada Agriculture, Ottawa have combined cheese with onions in two recipes, one for the Oven and the other for a top-stove dish. This food combination is a tasty one and is timely now because the new crop of "yellow skin" onions are in good supply. They should be available in mesh or perforated plastic bags Of 2, 3, 5, 10 pounds or more, Good quality onions should have dry crackling skins. When stored in a cool, dry well-ventilated place, they will keep for several weeks. ONIONS AND CHEESE 4 cups (11/2 pounds) sliced onions 3rd BIG WEEK! SAVE DURING IGAI FAMOUS ANNUAL TABLETRIIN The story of Canada's apples Canadians eat many apples. At this time of year, most shopping carts carry a bag of family favorites to the check-out counter. One variety, the McIntosh, seems to thrive in all the large orchards areas of Canada while other kinds are associated with more specific provinces. British Columbia has its Delicious, Spartan and Winesap. Ontario is proud of its Northern Spy as well as Delicious. Quebec has Cortland, Lobo, and Snow. Nova Scotia's most popular varieties are Golden Delicious, Gravenstein and Spy. Among the good all-purpose apples are McIntosh, Cortland and Spy. Apples are sold mostly in 3, 5 or 10 pound plastic bags but are also available in baskets, boxes or cartons, The container must be marked with the name and address of the packer or shipper, grade, variety and size of apples. Apples repacked for retail sale are subject to provincial legislation, which varies by provinces. "Canada Fancy" is the grade commonly available but "Canada Cee" grade, is satisfactory for cooking, where shape, size and color are not so important. Most families buy fresh apples every week or two because they have limited storage space. Apples are usually good keepers, and will retain their crispness when stored in the refrigerator either in perforated plastic bags or it the crisper. Baskets of apples should be stored lit a tool room of 32 deg. to 40 deg. F, and covered with perforated plastic. The following useful information is provided by the home economists at Canada Agriculture, Ottawa: I bushel weighs about 45 pounds; 1 Nandi-Paek box holds about 20 pounds; -6-quart basket holds about 7 pounds; 4-quart basket holds about 5 pounds; 3-pound package contains about 9 medium apples; 1 pound equals about 3 medium apples, With a good supply of apples on local markets this year, consumers tray appreciate a reminder that meals can be built around this popular fruit. Apples may be cooked for sauce, ,or glazed and used with poultry or pork in the main course; baked in cobblers, pies, takes and pastries; or used raw in salads. If your family favors baked apples why not 'treat there to some interesting fillings now and in the months to come, Apples, baked at 375 deg. F, can share an oven with a easerole =and are delicious served warm or eoldL 1 ' PERSONALLY SELECTED RED OR BLUE BRAND BO STEA NELESS ROUND KS OR GOVERNMENT INSPECTED BRANDED DEO , FOR YOUR 1101%1 FREEZER • CUT IT YOURSELF AND SAVE OR LET US CUT AND WRAP 11 TO YOUR SPECIFtCATIONS FOR 6. PER LB I ROAST 0 9 LB RED OR BLUE BRAND BONELESS SAVOY STEAKS OR ROAST LB CUT FROM THE CHUCK 89L. RED OR BLUE BRAND SIRLOIN, T-BONE, WING STEAKS OR ROAST I 9 LB 6. pre, lb tof tuiting and wrappmg La SI to lb SIZE DES As 35 9 IMPOaTED IAMBS 3 9 lb BEEF SWAM 10 lb SOX RED OR BLUE BRAND BONELESS IMPERIAL OVEN ROAST 9 ,•• LB LB iI • Prket 68•01reLleltal Gothic Setwdoy 00.16th w. rio•rvr the tiloM t6 IRA 1,,-; SWIFT'S COMPASS 4 • WIENERS 'pal 4g* tilicitillSmieS A CE 5 TOP VALU SLICED SIDE lib 654 BACON va`" lb TOP YALU vac pat WIENERS IF CAMPFIRE SLICED SIDE lb BACON vac pac St SPRING ATF &AND LAMB RIB CHops MARY MILES SMOKED 494 PICNICS lb /E. tATELLi -.- MACARONI & CHEESE DINNERS mt,.„.. \_, 12, „ ..„ E MOM'S PARCHMENT APPLE SAUCE MARGARINE 1 ,„z it i \., SWEET PICKLED COTTAGE gt 5( ROLLS IAN lb RANCH STYLE BOLOGNA 35c lb BY THE PIECE Tel a ir BOLOGNA 5.04, 'Tr), MONARCH OCEAN KING QUALITY RED SOCKEYE SALMON auto ALL veenAmut COOKING 12..')99 OIL MI swortteett FARRK stt.: Sgt SOFTENER oir , 15' Mt PLASTIC 3 .__,,„._. 12 INA itzor 4 11 HANDIWRAP TOP' BREED GOURMET 4* Ai DOG DINNER b,* 011 t . . swot* paw SPAGHETTI t" 274 SAUCE rust HOUSE Assouto ',at° 4A- 88C MIXES . . . . LYONS PR VALUE_ AL ali _ TEA BAGS TV,: GM; *CAIN monN _ _ a Mk APPLE PIES ir gm c Too. yaw LIQUID 14 ill Mk jp NIL UAW All GILLETTE SUPER STAINLESS BLADES ti3 GILLETTE FOAMY 594 71/4 oz tin AIL. mil.an4oLr umt LATHER an 994 II a. suartosP::: TOOTHPASTE 99, 1 It) $ Earn. Site, WHITE SWAN AU COLORS 4 5 REG, or HAND TO HOLD „,/ BATHROOM TISSUE HAIRSPRAY ADORN 198 pkgs. DETERGENT tE 4)7' VA Vg,A1141", tea 39 t air sucts Pk°. E WHITE SWAN.* ( PAPER TOWELS ASSORTED COLORS, DESIGNERLINE, WHITE TOP VALU FANCY CANADA No, i - P.E,L POTATOES y. isib , c 1 Bac I I Ir ifiD LETTUCE rket 35i 1 ta.m.t.i4114 ' ii. 'a, TOMATOES I': 417. CANADAi ONIONS 1 • COOKINfo 6 59t 1 tANADA Na 1* COW 4, girt piltItOts 144 isia 1 CANADA 141•1.c..r. 3 19 1 Gnaws • For t MEI TWO* TOP VALU BEANS WITH PORK IN TOMATO SAUCE 5 izr s 1 tog VALU GARBAGE i oleg, 411,11 .110 a 7 4 NABISCO SHREDDED WHEAT 1 °In 1P(1691: & 7 4 di TOP VALU SALAD DRESSING 32 9 ix 4 4 ALLEN'S SWEETENED FRUIT DRINKS 3 .„.$ TOP VALU TOMATO KETCHUP 1 5 Om 27‘ bottle --, MIX-0 , LIQUID BLEACH 401 9 p6lastit 3 jug JELL-O (ALL FLAVORS) JELLY POWDERS Aga, 9 3°. s1 DEL MONTE FANCY Oft WAX BEANS. CREAM SOLE CORR, PEAst, tAtiltOTS W' 4tin, 88t SEASONER GREEN WAN I PEEK FREAN ASSORTED BISCUITS - :129t 15k4. TIDE XI( DETERGENT - .94ox int 98' b HOOD (ALL FLAVORS) PUDDING MIX 4 9 °I $ Pitss• 1 WHITE SWAN BATHROOM TISSUE Alt. caokt 1 240"29 049. ( WHITE SWAN FACIAL TISSUES ALL COLORS t."294 360 Dixi ASSORTED SOFT DRINKS 24A 7 BANQUET FROZEN DINNERS . Okkeri, Tuiloev, Mebito41, SeEsbUry Steak 4 2pia..88 FROZO CHOICE mini GREEK PEAS Pb2°ZY 3 9 t TOP VALU FROZEN ORANGE JUICE iLo. 3 t FLUFF() SHORTENING in' 39 - ... . 4 TOP YALU PEANUT BUTTER 24- or 6 4 9 kiKitt CREAMED WHITE HONEY L't 77c BE SURE ciP YOUR HEATING COMFORT WITH A "GR1MBY OIL FURNACE" -CANADA-FANCY $o %en, AltINTOSN APPIES P"J71 VA Na f -14.01110A GRAPEIRUIn illy mil,. PRODOcT OE swim MICA t- lk 41./. otritrAKORANOS to. cluPv STAINS 6,0•14 ....a*, Nam .1.6061 'cow...* VI., *gem .1.••••Mg IMPORTED E 'DINNERWARE ill ENGLISH IVidgognod trunstall) L 11ARvE td:, ST PATOIS nna ON SALE THIS WEEK, CHAD it RUTTER PLATE A with $3.00 MOO ONO FOR ONLY A- PACESt IP DIFF1MINT PICTURES ON SALE EACH WINK 14110 ' BOA pinhem ONLY eioth The home economists at Canada Agriculture, Ottawa include Several suggestions for fillings for the baked apples, ON SW AT AIL 10Airt