HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1971-09-23, Page 3FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Huron Str,t,;Clinton SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER. 26th Morning Worships 10 a.m.. Pastor: McWhinnie ,11••••••111., ORDER YOUR PROPCORN NOW!!! ,Propcorn Is an agriculturil chemical system which destroys rot-causing moulds and bacteria in high-moisture corn. It permits safe storage of corn in conventional bins or on barn floors. Here are the main advantages of this new system: * Corn can be safely stored for long periods, requiring no special bins or silos. , * Applicator will speed up harvesting — handles up to ' 20 tons per hour. * Portable applicator can easily be moved from place to place as required. ( APPLICATORS AVAILABLE FOR RENT A revolutionary low-cost system for storing high moisture-content corn for animal fend. motoski 72 "NOW IN STOCK" SEPT. - OCT. SPECIAL 16.1.0•Nomismomml V I REE SNoWMot3iLE SUIT WiTH EACH MACHINE SOLO CAPPI 400 'ph, Moth-Ski Capri See them at Your New Dealer THE EOSIN SHOP SERVICE OUR BIGGEST ASSET 482-7222 Hwy. No, 4 Bill Tomkins 1 mile N, of Brucefield New Democratic Party candidate in Huron, Paul Carroll, left, receives best wishes for a successful campaign from N.D.P. sitting member for Hamilton Wentworth Ian Deans, Mr. Deans was a guest speaker at Monday evenings N,D,P. rallying in Brucefield. USED CAR , SPECIALS --1971 Mustang 2 door hardtops, fully equipped 1971 PINTO, fully equipped 3 --1971 Pontiac Tempest, 4 door sedans, fully equipped 1971 Camero, fully equipped 1971 Pontiac, 4 door hardtop 1971 BUICK Skylark, 2 door hardtop 1971 Lamont, 2 door hardtop 1971 Valiant, 4 door sedan, V8 automatic 3 — 1970 Chev Impala 2 and 4 door hardtops 3 — 1970 Ford Gala,de 500, 2 door hardtops OTHER MODELS 1970 PONTIAC Catalina, 4 door hardtop 1970 PONTIAC Parisienne 4 door hardtop 1969 FORD ellatem, power steering 5 1e69 PONTIAC Parisieene, 2 and 4 door hardtops 1969 FORD Country Squire, 10 passenger stationwagon 1969 CHEVROLET Bel Airsedan 2 1968 PONTIAC Parlsienne, 2 door hardtop, fully equipped 2 --1968 CHEV Impala, 4 door hardtops 1968 PLYMOUTH V8, 4 door sedan, power steering Used tars from '65 to '68 in various models, sedans, hardtops and 4 doer — 90',6 of all cars are V8, power steering and all automatic USED TRUCKS 1968 CHEV Ye ton pickup, V8, automatic 1967 FORD 1 ton *kap 1967 FORD 14 ft. stake body 1966 CHEVROLET tilt cab, 14 ft. stake body 1966 CHEVY, 1/2 ton panel .1966 DODGE 1 ton with duals and 9 foot Van 1965 CHEWY 1 ton with duals, 9 foot van 1962 FORD ,one ton, dual wheels A number of Econoline and Chevy Vans from '64 to 4 6/ standard and automatic transmission sese settows"owvy Brussels Motors BP Service Station Phone 887-6173 379 Victoria Street Highway 4 South CLINTON 482-9653 LeasetraY TRANSPORTATION CAR, LIGHT TRUCK LEASING Any Make Or Model IF YOU ARE THINKING OF LEASING YOUR NEXT VEHICLE WE WILL GLADLY GIVE YOU ALL THE DETAILS 524-8391 KEN & AL McGEE a P.O, BOX 82 GODERICH PROCLAMATION ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF HURON 'PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT IN OBEDIENCE TO HER MAJESTY'S WRIT TO ME DIRECTED, AND BEARING DATE THE FOURTEENTH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1971, I REQUIRE THE PRESENCE OF THE VOTERS FOR THE PURPOSE OF NOMINATING A PERSON TO REPRESENT THEM IN THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY, AT THE OFFICE OF McKILLOP MUTUAL 'FIRE INSURANCE CO. IN THE TOWN OF SEAFORTA ON THE SEVENTH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1971, FROM 2 P.M. UNTIL 3 P.M., DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME, AND FURTHER* THAT FOR THE PURPOSE OF REVISING THE LIST OF VOTERS, AS DIRECTED BY THE CHIEF ELECTION OFFICER, ASSISTANT REVISING OFFICER JOHN STURDY WILL SIT FOR REVISION OF VOTERS' LISTS FOR THE TOWN OF GODERICH, CLINTON, GODERICH TWP., AND HULLETT, AT THE FoLLerb,(ING PLACES: GODERICH ---AT HIS OFFICE, 42 CHURCH STREET, ON FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8, FROM lb A.M. 'to 12 NOON. ON SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6, FROM 4 P.M. TO 8 P.M. CLINTON TOWN HALL—ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12, FROM 10 A.M. To 12 NOON. ON WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13, FROM 4 P.M. TO -8 P.M. RETURNING OFFICER R. T. BOLTON WILL SIT FOR REVISION OF VOTERS' LISTS AT THE FOLLOWING PLACES-- EXETER TOWN HALL—ON FRIDAY, OCTOBER .8, FROM 10 A.M. TO 12 NOON. ON TUESDAY, CICTOBER 12, FROM 4 P.M. TO 8 P.M. SEAFORTH — At the Office of MeKillop Mutual Fire Inicurante Co., 'lb Main Street, Seaford', ON SATURDAY, OCTOBER 9, FROM 10 A.M. TO 12 NOON; ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12, FROM 10 A.M. TO 12 NOON ON WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13, FROM 4 P.M. TO 8 P.M. ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 18, FROM 12 NOON TO 7 PM, FOR FINAL REVISION OF VOTERS' LISTS, NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN THAT IN CASE A POLL IS DEMANDED AND GRANTED IN THE MANNER BY LAW PRESCRIBED, SUCH POLL WILL BE HELD, ON THE TWENTY-FIRST DAY OF OCTOBER, 197), FROM 9 A.M. 'UNTIL 8 P.M. DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME, AND FURTHER, I SHALL OPEN THE BALLOT BOXES, ADD UP THE VOTES GIVEN FOR THE CANDIDATES AND DECLARE TO RE ELECTED THE ONE HAVING THE LARGEST NUMBER OF VOTES AT THE OFFICE OF THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, SEAFORTH, ON WEDNESDAY, THE 27th DAY OF OCTOBER, 1971, AT THE HOUR OF 10 A.M, (DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME) OP WHICH ALL PERSONS ARE HEREBY itialtfxRED TO TAKE NOTICE AND GOVERN THEMSELVES ACCORDINGLY. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AT SEAFORTH, THIS 14th bAY OP SEPTEMBER, 1971. RUSSELL BOLTON WEIDA-1M OfFitEll, 0141 AIM GOD SAVE THE QUEEN ciinton News-Record, 'Thursday, September 23, 1971 3. The operation er government commissions, bureaus and corporations in. Ontario under the Progressive Conservative Party as the party in poWereame tinder strong criticism at a rally of New Democratic Party supporters in Huron held at Brucefield on Monday evening, In speaking to the meeting both Huron Candidate Paul Carroll and guest speaker Ian Deans, M. P. for Hamilton Weetworth, pointed towards the Progressive Conservative Party in Ontario as the party of the affluent. "I for one," Mr. Carroll noted, "cannot agree with the suggestion that Ontario has enjoyed a time of progress under the present government." "I would challenge the economic policies of the P,C.'s which have led to the present situation of Unemployment and American ownership of industry in Canada." American ownership, Mr. Carroll suggested, has come about through poor judgement in the granting of loans and grants by the Ontario Development Corporation. According to the Huron candidate too' high a percentage of theset financial assistance deals have gone' to multi national companies who are owned by American parent firms in the U.S.A. Nearly 50 oer cent of all the funds granted or loaned schemes by the O.D.C. has gone to American owned or controlled firms. "In addition to these questions," Mr. Carroll pointed out, "The regional government system has been a failure, tax reforms have been inadequate, the welfare scheme is a mess because the g6vernment has failed to provide employment opportunities as an alternate and the provincial health care set up is the most expensive in Canada and does not provide a full range of benefits," Mr. Carroll also pointed to environmental control saying the present government was not doing its duty in that area either, particularly in the Maitland River question locally. "All this does not mean the N.D.P, are taking a negative attitude towards this election however," the candidate noted, "We have formulated a great many policies that take positive approaches to correcting these problems." Under these new policies the candidate listed proposed projects for the beginning of new housing projects and the creating of new jobs to help in a battle .against the present high rate of unemployment. A regional planning policy with an eye towards the location of secondary industries in communities which would also help stop the youth migration to larger urban centers was discussed. Mr. Carroll pointed out that the Consumers Bureau must be strengthened and some teeth put into the legislation backing it. "The New Democratic Party," he said would offer a one unit health care plan that would cover all health expenses including dentists and drugs at the cost of $10 per family per unit." There would also be a public auto insurance scheme that would cut present cost to drivers by 15 percent to 20 percent. We would propose that more emphasis be put on progressive tax, systems so that taxes would be rated "on the ability to PAY/ ,not on the ability to evade." The N.D.P. can also cut the provincial sales tax by one per cent, reduce the education tax to farmers in a plan for provincial take over of 80 per cent of costs without increasing costs to the taxpayer as the Progressive Conservative Party claims would be necessary. "The question of environmental control could, be properly handled if the government would just enforce the legislation now in force," Mr. Carroll said, "The N.D.P. would not hesitate to prosecute under this act." The New Democratic Party puts people first Mr. Carroll said and called on everyone present to work towards a victory in ,Huron. Guest speaker at Monday evening's meeting was Ian Deans the sitting N.D.P, member of the provincial legislature for the riding of Hamilton Wentworth. He indicated to the group that already the campaign was going exceptionally well all across the province with the N.D.P. shown in a recent poll to be well ahead of the Liberals and within a few percentage points of the Conservatives. Middleton The annual Festival Service of Thanksgiving for the Blessings of Harvest will be held in St. James Church, Middleton on Sunday September 26, at eleven a,m. The new Rector, Rev. George Yournatoff will be in charge. Everyone welcome to this colorful service. Our congratulations to Miss Barbara Wise, who was one of a selected group from Huron County's 4-H achievment groups, chosen to attend the Western Fair, London and given V.T.P. treatment. Barbara will be an assistant unit leader this fall in 1101Mesville 4-11, "I seriously doubt," Mr. Deans said, "the deep concern Mr, Davis expresses .for people in his campaign slogan." "Is it what he says or is it what he does that snows where his concern lies?" the member asked, TOP many times, he said, I have seen people unable to get their cheques from the Welfare system and requests to the government to straighten things out have brought no results, "I have talked too often," the Hamilton Wentworth member noted, "with senior citizens who live in absolute poverty trying to get by on $112 per month and heard the government refuse to raise payments enough to even bring them up to, no not above, just up to the poverty level," Nothing was done about this until just before an election was called, Mr. Deans pointed out, "yet Mr. Davis says government is for people." "The government has increased a programme of education and trained students who work hard and then find when they graduate with their technical diploma or even their degree that there are no jobs," the N,D,P. member said. "They have done nothing about this either, 1) he said, "short of introducing a programme for the cutting of dead elms." When asked if he would like to reply to the fact that the other parties in the province had hung the tag of socialist on the N.D.P. Mr, Deans said, "If creating jobs, setting up an effective welfare system, improving health insurance plans, building homes, giving proper pensions to our senior citizena who built the province we live in are to be considered socialist then I would accept the label gladly." Mr. Deans also suggested that the present government has been acting for too long on behalf of the wealthy and the big international companies, "We in the N.D.P.," he said, "Put people before profits," Reports on the campaign in Heron to date were heard and it was noted that all was progressing well and that the party was very encouraged. Mr. Carroll also announced that N,D.P. provincial leader Stephen Lewis would be in Goderich for a short time on September 29, next Wednesday, when he is expected to arrive at Sky Harbour en route to do a television taping for C.K.N.X. T.V. at Wingham.• (Continued from page 2) how unsatisfactory regional government is in areas where it has been brought about, and Pointed out that right now the city of St, Catharines has petitioned the provincial government to be let •out of the system. "We all know there has to be some changes in the structure of local government," Mr. Gaunt went on to say, "but the answer is to reform within the county system," He explained that the Tories want a population of 150,000 to 200,000 to form a region, and said this would take in all of Huron, Bruce and Perth Counties, as well as part of either Wellington or Waterloo. "This would be a tremendous area in which to have a government operate efficiently," he said. Gaunt referred to the provincial take-over of the assessment system as one of the biggest- blunders they ever made, and he claimed that the Tories completely disregarded the advice to leave assessment within local areas. Referring to Premier William Davis as "the last of the big spenders", the Huron—Bruce member said the former Education Minister increased spending in his department five times during his term in that office. "Just since he has replaced Roberts as Premier, he has increased the apending in that department by 60 per cent," he added. "The Tories are spending our motley twice as fast as we can make it." In concluding his remarks, Mr. Gaunt outlined some of the policies of the Liberal party under Bob Nixon, He said Mr, Nixon has pledged himself to re-organize the entire government under their "Blueprint for Government", pointing out that the cabinet would be reduced to 12 ministers in order to cut down expenses. "Just remember," Mr. Gaunt added, "in six out of eight provincial elections in Canada recently the governments have failed. The Tories in Ontario will be next." Gaunt was introduced by Brigadier Morgan Smith, the candidate in the last provincial election, and thanked by president of the Huron group, John Laporte, R, R. 2, Zurich. Greetings from the Village of Hensall were extended to the gathering by Councillor Paul Neilands, who said he hoped there would be a change of governments in Ontario. Also bringing greetings to the meeting were Charles Thomas, Reeve of Grey Township, and Bill Elston, president of the Huron-Bruce Liberal Association and Reeve of Morris Township. NDP attacks government operations Duncan FOR DETAILS-CONTACT: PAUL KERRIGAN