HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1971-08-19, Page 7The Post 'n Shingle Boutique MAIN STREET — BAYFIELD SUMMER END CLEARANCE SALE LADIES' SUMMER CLOTHING ITEMS 50% OFF Fall Clothing and Gifts Also on Sale DESIGNER FASHIONS By Toronto's MARILYN BROOKS Jeans — Hot Pants — T-Shirts EVERYTHING MUST GO! SOME ITEMS AT COST! Starting Thursday, August 19 Until Labour Day Clinton News-Record, Thursday, August 19, 1971 7 PREVENT FOREST FIRES ATTENTION BOWLERS Names for the Clinton Mixed League are now being taken for the 1971 and 1972 season at BILL'S BILLIARDS 81 BOWLING. 3 games for $1.00, plus free shoes Alleys have been refinished and levelled. One night is open for anyone caring to enter a league. BILL'S BILLIARDS & BOWLING 30 ISAAC STREET CLINTON 82-9042 33b For the OUTDOOR ENTHUSIAST and the BACK4O-SCHOOLER $390 YAMAHA 80/668-8 For all of the thrills -of this big bikes, the economy and Maneuverability Of the small bikes, see the all-new G6S-8 for The ft-att. This exception-al machine is designed to give you performance when you need it most; on the highway Or Id city traffic, Safer with water- and dustproof brakes, and flashers front abd back that can be seen both day and night. STELE ARGYLE SAVA ELD 565.2800 Obituary CECIL CARTWRIGHT Mr. Cecil Cartwright passed away in Clinton Hospital, Monday August 9, 1971. Funeral service was held at the Tasker Funeral Home, Blyth, Thursday, August 12, with service taken by Rev. S. Mc Donald of Londsboro United Church. Interment was in Clinton cemetery. Mr. Cartwright leaves to mourn his passing, his wife, the former Edith Johnston, three sons; Howard Cartwright, Londesboro, Norman Cartwright, Lofidesboro, Keith Cartwright, London and six grandchildren. Pallbearers were: Clifford Adams, John Adains, Hugh Flynn, Lloyd Stewart, Glen Carter and Harry Tebbett, FloWerbearers Were four nephews, Donald Cartwright, Douglas -Cartwright, Elgin Peare and Bill Bromley. Pactei FUEL KIDS OUR FUEL OIL,, YOU WILL KINDLY NOTE, POR. COLD IS SUCH At.) ANtiDOTE. S'TOPS COLO IT'S lIZACK5 SS b *LOCAL TRACIENIAKi Tat. And the antidote for months when you have high fuel expenses, with other months when you have atone, is our Budget Payment Plan, It arranges low, equal payments for the Whole yearls supply of fuel. tall us about it tornorrOw. PAUL KERRIGAN pg, 482-9653 1379 VICTORIA ST ,S ,CLINTON! 31b. jar PEANUT BUTTER FRENCH FRIES 21b. poly bag tisomiprin • ...... ....... ......... SLICED, CRUSHED OR TIDBIT PANTRY SHELF PINEAPPLEigoz. ..................... ..... ........... ................. ............... 000 o oo ... . • . • ......... .............. . .HAMBURGER .SWEET GREEN HOTDOG .BREAD & BUTTER ........ • ...... . • .... KITCHEN PRIDE RELISHES 'jar ....... . ................ 1119111111„. ....................... ................................. ........... ........ TOP VALU SOUPS 10oz. tin ............... .... * ......... ........ ........ ... ... .......... POWDERED BOLD 216. 'Doz. DETERGENT box ............ . magamerige . ...... . .... .................... ............... ithomdlprics ............. • ...... ,„.. .......................... SOMERDALE CHOICE FROZEN ..... ........................... ................... • 4 4 YOU JUST CAN'T BEAT THAT TABLE TRIM MEAT "WS—PERSONALLY SELECTED" FRESH SHOULDER PORK ROAST PERSONALLY SELECTED RED OR BLUE BRAND SHOULDER OR SHORT RIB ROAST lb, V • • • • • • 010asaktaaaaaa **a: a a: to r 000000000 * * • • 4 • 4 • • • • 4 • • 4 4 • • • • 4 • • • • 4 • • FOR ROASTING 4 • 4 • SHANK PORTION • • FRESHLY RUT 4 000000 • • • • S. LEAN AND TASTY CHOPS a a • • WELL 'TRIMMED :PORK BUTT : BUTT PORK • ROAST 0:: FRESH 1EG OF PORK 0 • • CHICKEN LEGS OR • BREAST Ib:: °DARTERS iiiitsRsciAxs 19,t,' TOP VALU ii.b... .59 Bar POTIES 2 14 ..bot aipine$ i 55 BURNS BY:THE PIECE BOLOGNA 3.. , RED OR BLUE BRAND e CHUCK STEAKS 69; BURNS 110T DOG WIENERS 1 Tb. VA, P,t 53CFEEN'TR1C'1111.5 I4 CEO HAM SLICED OR C 69 lb COLEMAN'S SLICED BOLOGNA Is •z, 9c .9 COLEMANS EPICURE SLICED 49, SIDE BACON 1 Ia. vac pat ,op VALU ASSORTED • A COLD CUTS 0 ao T3,64 27 c CANADA PACKERS c VEAL 99s SLICED BEEF LIVER 591 0 URNS SLICED 57 t SIDE BACON / RN 4a00at . - TROtEN PORK 99c. /ENDERLIN ,,, TOP VALU An t DINNER HAMS )I v0F cV,Is SWIFTS OVEN ROAST CORNED BEEF ,, 99( b • " CANADA r40.1 HONE WI CEE GRADE" ONT. clown IWAM APPLES•AsK U,I; YYY • PRUNE PLUMS 294 TOMATOES LOS CALIFORNIA • A us NO' 0E0 CARDINAL pURS490 fro 05 9 LEMONS SONY.% ST 5,0,39 90 ciiiiirroitig 2 —.250 CARROTS 35 ..... .„. ..................... ....... WAXED,TURNIPS.. .... • CANTALOUPES I ACM itZlIo GRAPES CANADA NO 1 GNT MARSH s I NPASO YOU ALWAYS SAVE MORE WITH IGA'S LOW REBELLION - - I 4uNDERSOFT ASST• DOLOURS BATHROOM A;APIONer tot 0ALLARDS KIDN C CHICKEPC A F T ,LIVE OOD R IDR FISH .• TISSUE YORK FANCY ASSORTED VEGETABLES 5 TESS TEA SUNGOLD FLAVOURED ORANGE CRYSTALS 1151.04-1<ts 11 STOKILIEW ORLEAN EY CHICKEN OF THE SEA CHUNK LIGHT TUNA t TOP VALU CREAMER pFF Ii au Tat 150. ot s 6 15 05. I tint , — NEW PALMOLIVE LottRICATING LATHER RAPID SHAVE ASST. VARIETIES OARAIOUSE nuts CREAM PIES TOP VALU CANADIAN CHEESE SLICES I SHOP IGA WEEK AFTER WEEK AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR LOW PRICE POLICY knitTieS1 ASSORTED STEWS ICED DANISH 5. tins or, ,_ WESTINGHOUSE 25,00. 40000 TOP VALU IN TOMATO 4 .i SAUCE ASSORTED FLAVOURS MIL i, , 1 SOFT DRINKS , ; LIGHT BULBS 2 i 'ozn. n (.0TI tins s 79A , INSIDE FROSTED I . . C li 1 BEANS With. PORK , 19 bk. flits 514 tin Farewell evening held for Mabel Scott family, Jewle Jones and Gladys epeliing ode, the Mary Stewart Armstrong. Collect and "0 Canada". The Birthday pennies ' and president, Mrs. Gourley, collection were received. welcomed all. Roll call showed 16 members The secretary, Mrs. Robinson, and four visitors present. read the minutes of the last Laura Lyon reported on eight meeting and the correspondence, bales now ready to go to including a thank you from missions in London. Evelyn Bunking and family and Mrs. Robinson donated .a a letter from the Federated combination door for the east Wo men's Institute with Siinday School door and sliding information on the Erland Lee screens acceptable for the homestead. Sunday School windows, The area convention is to be The September meeting will held in Clinton on September 30 be on ,Uruguay with the and Oct. 1. presentation by Mrs. W, Manning The treasurer gave her report. and Mrs. E. Gaunt. It was moved by Mrs. E. Mrs, Howatt and Rev. Josling and seconded by Mrs. L. McDonald had charge of the Hunking that the secretary write study period on Chile. A reading a letter to council concerning was given by Mrs. Howatt, kitchen remodeling. "What Are You Living For?" Roll call was a current event Rev. McDonald read Scripture, supplied by current events Laurel Hodgert' favored with convener, Mrs. Reg. Lawson. piano selections, "How Great Mrs. Lawson thanked all for • Thou Art", "This Land Is Mine" co-operating. and "Love Is Blue". Mrs. Claire Vincent favored Readings were given by Mrs, with a solo, accompanied by Howatt, "Granny" and "A Small Mrs. Tom Allen. Child's Catechism". The committees were set up Rev. McDonald gave the for the Huronview birthday study on Chile, which is called Party in October. The Program the "String Bean Country", as it Committee consists of Mrs. T. is 2,800 miles long and 55 miles Allen, Mrs. E. Wood, Mrs. H. to 110 miles wide. It has a Tebbutt and Mrs. H. Taylor. The temperature of 42 to 64 degrees, Finance Committee is to buy with many earthquakes. gifts and the Social Committee is The meeting closed with to prepare lunch. prayer by Rev. McDonald and Mrs. Howatt is to attend lunch was served by Mrs. E. Huronview auxiliary on Monday, Wood and Mrs: B. Brunsdon. August 16. The meeting closed with the WOMEN'S INSTITUTE "Queen" and Women's Institute The Women's Institute Grace. meeting was held in the hall on Lunch was served by Mrs. Wednesday, August 11, at 8 p.in. Tyndall, Mrs. G. Radford and Mrs. A. Colson. Wor Ts proc ing swift-With. ilia new location of the Old Mill on Highway 4 between Londesboro and Blyth. The new building will house Atlas Fur Tanning and Dyeing Limited as well as the retail outlet, The Old Mill. No indication on progress of negotiations indicated he would be entirely disillusioned if the board and the teaching staff did not combine efforts to ensure that the county's five high schools would conduct classes September 7, In the meantime, the salary dispute remains unsettled. At the moment, the Huron County Board of Education has been pink-listed by the teachers meaning that any teachers seeking employment would be ill-advised to apply for work in Huron County; and the Huron secondary school teachers have been black-listed by other boards of education in the provbice meaning that they will not be considered for teaching positions in any Ontario secondary schools until the dispute is ended. There has been unofficial speculation that the Ontario government would be forced to settle the issue in Huron high schools if classes did not commence shortly after the legal school opening date — September 7. IgLii_th/111111 /tif7 1 111711 / t-1-7 TOP VALU 1035BP TRANSISTOR EvE4EADT INSTANT CHOCOLATE e:,;',.. 6 9 c BATTERY 2 an Card 80c STAFFORD i i TIES RIDER FLASHLIGHT iiiin31,z.vili 2bn said 1 OC MAZOLA PURE CORN OIL 11°''bli* 99 4 SMALL 12 In, MASON cJARS $22° TEDIUM $2i/ ... :C7reyhq.t.COOKIES 31g4';:s I MAARGSbN JARS 12 ctn. $215 HEL LOGCS BRAN OR RAISIN BRAN MAKES • z 0-bolt 53' PAROWAX II& ot. 23' fitirifi PiNAToS 3V4si 88` iiirkills 10.5 01 12 47 t ilia% liCiNR QUARTSsis 3 rra, 88c CROWN RED WHIT E J AR 1 ;01, ei si 33t . RU BBERS il BERNARDIN POULTRY 110ASN• FREEZER BAGS 3').7;,' 88' SIFTO PICKLING SALT t lb. box 29' iiiirslifirRA tit,. bag 57C iskRiliTr-PIECE ., git BRIQUETS $ lb. bag 39t BERNARD IN 'LIDS A 2 STANDARD 12 tt". 27i PRICES EFFECTIVE AUG 10 21INCtUmvE IRE AESEItvt THE How! To 0.40 QUANTITIES 1 OP VALU 'WHIT E 44 'VINEGAR 40*s, i9t 00 61,-53' fibliFiiii'f:m":7Tre,t,e89c iiiiiirYINEGAR pisrctiug 79c TASTY CRULLERS •Pk1-010 27 t TASTY iicitrii shit 4 °z• 41' fl c iT aciiii GiiiiiS s'ot. c°161° 40A1 SHORTENING • 1 IE.Pkg. 29c LA61E1L1400, SLIPPES Ass . toldt ,S*1. 994 ICED STRAWBERRIES is.. P4. 47 c EV EREADY 1 RAN SISTOR ...._ BATTERIES 4 vove II' CHUM KINGFROZEN 741 ,KI:t. ot, &St FRIED RICE 01 BP TRANSISTOR- EVEEEADT d d at ity./RAEROSElt err, p,oss6K6N to na, IVITERY 2bn OM 1.11(1TU RKEY► pis i too*, 77 - BY MRS. BERT SHOBBROOK On Friday night, August 13, a large number attended a farewell mai** In the Sunday School moms for Mrs. Mabel Scott, Rel. McDonald led in a ling-song, followed by the program. An accordian solo was performed by Barbara Burns and solo and guitar piece by Elaine Vincent. A piano solo was given by Mrs, Tom Allen. Readings were given by Mrs. Myrtle • Fahlarviee on "Friendship", "Consolation",, "Advertise For A Wife" and "Canadian Born". A Sole was sung by Mrs. Claire Vincent, accompanied by Mrs. Tom Allen. A contest was g;iveir by Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lee and two, contests were conducted by Miss Edyth Beacom; Claire Vincent addressed Mrs. Stott and presented her with a gift. Mrs. Scott thanked all. "For She's ,A Jolly Good Fellow" was sung. The evening closed with a social hour and lunch. A number of the men attended the . Londesboro golf tournament in Grand Bend on • Sunday. Decoration Day will be held at Hope Chapel Cemetery on Sunday, August 29, at 3 p.m., with Rev. McDonald as speaker. Please bring lawn chairs. Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Hann and' .daughters of Waterloo visited on Tuesday with her father, Mr. Will Govier, and Mrs. Webster. Mr. Earl Gaunt returned home from Wingham hospital on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hamilton of London spent Saturday night with her father, Mr. Will Govier, and Mrs. Webster. All visited Mr. and Mrs. Harold Adams of Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. John Lawrie, Robbie and Jennifer of Kitchener spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Thompson. The Berean unit of U.C.W. met in the Sunday School rooms at 2 p.m. on Tuesday, August 10. Meditation was on "Power And Depth", The president, Mrs. Livingstone, opened with prayer and the hymn, "Love Divine", The Scripture was read by Mrs, t . Shobbrook, Meditation on cripture ,,,t ,veas, led. -by the president, followed by prayer and the hymn, "I Am Thine 0 Lord". Minutes were read plus correspondence, including letters from Evelyn Bunking and South Huron Rabbit Breeders present crests The monthly meeting of the South Huron Rabbit Breeders Association was held on Tuesday evening, Aug. 10 in Elimville Hall. Bill Dickey was nominated to act as chairman in the absence of David Stanley. Club crests which are now available to members were awarded to Keith Davey, Ron and Bob Brand for acting as handlers at the last rabbit show. Members of the 4—H rabbit club and members of the Forest City Rabbit Club wereinvited b3f the club to attend it's annual picnic. It was decided by the club to again have a booth at Exeter Fair. Other business concerned plans for the fall show in Exeter on Nov. 6. The club trophy will be retained,by ;members only and will. • be won on a point system. Ads are also available for a catalog tie in conjunction with the show. David Foster made the draw on the accumulated prize which was won by Joe Menders. Auctioneer for the Dutch Auction was Bob Denomme and winner of the prize was Ralph Mclean. The next meeting will be held on Sept. 14. The meeting opened with the BY SHIRLEY J. KELLER The only indication given at Monday evening's public meeting of Huron County Board of Education that the board is still attempting to reach a salary settlement with its secondary school teachers came when it was announced that the Salary Negotiating Committee would meet Wednesday, August 18. Since the weekly newspapers go to press before the meeting is scheduled, the county school news reporter attempted, during the press question period, to get same answers from members of the board and the administration concerning whether or not secondary schools in Huron County will open September 7. The answer was simply, "No comment." Dr. Alex Addison of Clinton was the only board member to suggest that the board should be looking toward a settlement before school opens. ,Dr. Addison strongly ............... fiesta POTAl'OES 'is,: COSA NO.1 ONTARIO TABLE