HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1971-07-22, Page 3V' Sea Scout Master Ted Gozzard (far left) and Don Lindsay supervise breakfast for the First Bayfield division. The Bayfield Scouts are finding out how important it is to read the directions if you have to do your own cooking! —Photo by Liza Williams There's not much traffic on the "main street" of the Sea Scout camp in Bayfield's Agricultural Park at breakfast time. The Canadian colours fly outside the Headquarters tent at the left, and at the other end of the row the hospital tent boasts a red cross. —Photo by Liza Williams. Significance of salt used in road de-icing investigated by commission A hearty meal is enjoyed by all, as paddles, lifejackets, and other seafaring equipment is forgotten. One thing not forgotten, however, are the white Sea Scout hats. "You get demerits for not wearing your hat!" says Sea Scout Master Ted Gozzard of Bayfield. —Photo by Liza Williams. Paintings highlight Bayfield historical display, Museum pieces loaned BOWS PERMANENT PRESS for as much as 50 percent of the annual saline discharge in the Toronto area. The studyi recommends that, every prabtidal effoit be made' to eliminate the unnecessary loss of salt through such means as salt storage bins and reduced application rates, Copies of the study are being directed to municipalities throughout the province and are available on request. GIVE... so more will live HEART FUND Clinton News-Record, Thurscav, July 22, 1971 3 78 Sea Scouts visit Bayfield, camp at A icultural Park BY LIZA WII,LIAMS The Bayfield Agricultural Park is the scene this week of the camp of 78 Sea Scouts, The Scouts, of the First Bayfield, First St. Mary's, and Eleventh Woodstock divisions, have all had camping and Scout experience before. Several Bayfield citizens protested the. proposal that the Scouts camp in the Agricultural Park, because they thought there would be noise and disturbance all week. But the Scouts have been in the Park now' since Saturday, and, .as it was mentioned with surprise in the Bayfield Council meeting, perhaps 95 per cent of Bayfield citizens don't even know they are there. The Scouts are under the supervision of five assistant Sea Scout Masters and three Sea Scout Mastors. Ted Gozzard of Bayfield takes care of water activities, Harold Mays of St. Mary's is in charge of quarter-mastering, and Al Scharioch of Woodstock is the General Camp Officer. Sea Scouts can be from age ten to fourteen, and this range is fully represented in the Bayfield camp. There is also a Rover Troop of for boys from Wondatonk, who have been conducting advanced activities Such as an albnight sail. Camp is set up in a far corner of the Park, in two 'rows of tents with a sort of "main street" down the center. There are three headquarter tents, and a fully equipped hospital tent with a red cross outside. At the entrance end of the camp, an elaborate rig representing the mast and ropes of a sailboat boasts the "Canadian colours", which are raised every morning. While the Scouts cook their meats, chop wood, haul water, „ and participate in various activities and rituals pertaining to the life of a sailor, they are learning not only the principles Goderich baud entertains at Pioneer Park BY LIZA WILLIAMS The Goderich Laketown Band gave a concert in'Bayfield's Pioneer Park on Monday evening July 19th at 7:30. Charles Kalbfleisch, of Varna, who is a history teacher in Goderich, is the band's leader. All ages are welcome in the band, even if they are not professional musicians. The programme of music consisted of Sleepers Awake by Honourable Charles Mac Naughton, Minister of Transportation and Communications, has announced a change in the department's policy regarding pavement lane markings which will go into effect next year to conform with standards being adopted by most Provinces and States in North America. On two-lane highways the centre line will be yellow and pavement edge lines will be , On,, multi-lane undivided highways the centre line will be yellow and lane markings and pavement edge lines will be white. On freeways and other divided highways both lane markings and pavement edge lines will be white. Basically, yellow lines will separate traffic flows in opposite directions; white tines separate traffic moving in the same direction; solid yellow lines SALE OF SUMMER SPORTSWEAR .SWIM SUITS .WALKING SHORTS .SPORT SHIRTS ."T" SHIRT$ 'SHORT SLEEVE DRESS SHIRTS TO 40% off 20% MEN'S or BOY'S JACKETS Inputs of salt from road de-cing operations, though not the" largest single source, contribute significantly to chloride ,concentrations in Lake Ontario and its tributary streams, according to a study conducted by the Ontario Water Resources Commission, Basic data for the study was derived primarily from an assessment of chloride discharges in the vicinity of Metropolitan Toronto. Toronto was chosen because large quantities of rock salt are applied to the roads each whiter and relatively complete salting records are maintained. Assuming similar rates of application in other areas of the Lake Ontario Basin, OWRC estimates that road salting represents about 20 percent of the total chloride input to the lake. Discharges from industries and municipal sewage treatment plants account for the greater proportion. In fact, one industry in New York State is responsible for almost '70 percent of the tool chloride input to the lake, The Commission also affirms that, while the chloride concentration In Lake Ontario averages far below the level °WPC considers permissible tot public surface water supply, it Marginally exceeds the level considered most desirable for public water supply= The study singles out the it YOU WANT A LITTLE MORE FOR YOUR MONEY -BUY OUR GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES This interest is guaranteed on 5 year term purchases. Other terms available. Minimum deposit S500.00 frteirct ?air sbhfert to change, v., about tinirCP Johann Sebastian Bach, the overture to Die Meistersinger by Wagner, the theme from "Love Story", Carnival of Melodies, the Hogan's Heroes March, Snowbird by Gene McClellan, and other pieces. Although the weather was chilly, the musicians did very well, and the Park was filled to capacity with cars, as well as people sitting on chairs and blankets. indicate passing is not allowed and solid white lines indicate that lane-changing is not allowed. On the 13,000-mile King's and Secondary Highway system in the province it. will take approximately one year to complete the change-over. Painting pavement markings on the provincial highway system costs approximately $1.5-million per year and requires more than 200,000 ,g411 °Psl'of. Pninteelus.1,300,000 ,pounds a minute glass beads to provide reflectorization. Under the new system of pavement markings no additional costs are anticipated. The Department of Transportation arid Communications Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices is now being revised and it is expected that municipalities throughout the province will change their pavement markings to conform to the new standard. of seamanship lent also discipline, skills, and manners useful on land, Two. Signal Towers are being erected, one at each end of the camp. Also, the Bayfield division is working On an aerial BY LIZA WILLIAMS• The Bayfield Historical Society presented a special exhibit Friday and Saturday of items of interest to the Bayfield area. Two rooms held artifacts fathered from private collections and attics around town, as well as pieces lent by the Huron County Pioneer Museum. One of the most notable displays was a collection of watercolor landscape scenes done by Mrs. Metcalf. These were much appreciated by all who saw them, as they depicted Bayfield as it was many years ago. Many of the pioneer displays were from the Museum, such as an exhibit from "Lighting the Pioneer Home in Ontario." Domestic accessories, fancy or functional, were displayed, from a coffee grinder to a lace parasol. An 1879 Atlas, loaned by Mr. and Mrs. Don Lance, was open to a section with a story, maps, and pictures of Bayfield. A poster ennumerating Sunday Laws drew amazement arid laughter from many. No bathing, no smoking, no games, no nothing! Perhaps one of the greatest attractions was a photograph of Admiral Bayfield, an explorer of this area, and the founder of several towns in this province and in the Maritimes, trolleywaY, to be built without the use of nails, These are to be finished by Friday night, when the camp will be open to the general public for iespeetion during the Lions' Qltd,! Frolic. Saturday night, the Sea Scouts Bayfield's first street lights, a light from the old Town Hall, an old-fashioned engine reconditioned by Mr. Merton Merner — all received interested attention. Parked near the exit of the Municipal Building, where the exhibit was held, was the' "portable museum" from the Goderich museum, outfitted particularly for the occasion by Mr. Raymond Scotchmer of Bayfield, curator. Dolls, costumes, tools, butter prints, will open their main campfire to ail Scents, The 'Scents, who attended St, Andrews United Church last Sunday, will parade for the Lions' Frolic Friday night, and then Sunday will disband camp. and models of old-fashioned farm methods hand-made by J. H, Neill, founder of the Pioneer Museum, were featured. The exhibit provided an opportunity for citizens and visitors alike to gather and discuss times gone by, In many ways Bayfield has changed — let no one say it does not keep up with the world — but' Bayfielders hope that it has managed to retain its quiet quaintness, and will do so for years to come. seasonal increase in salinity found in watercourses adjacent to reater,„tir WA areas as ,the problenbe of,„greatest probable significance "Seasonal increases in chloride concentrations as high as 330 percent were measured in the Don River where levels rose from a baseline of 105 milligrams per litre to 452 milligrams per litre during the winter of 1968-1969." The latter value exceeds the OWRC permissible criteria for most uses. Statistics collected over a period from 1066-1970 show that road salting could account MacNaughton announces new road markings midsummer STARTS THURS. JULY 22 BUY NOW! AND SAVE. YOUNG MEN'S FLAIR OR REGULAR SLACKS SALE Sires 28 to 44 SPECIAL I / L Hundreds To Choose Prorn SUITS AS LOW AS TO $1 lc 00 R *APIO CLEA • DEBBIE'S CUSTARD 2 miles south of Clinton an Hwy. 4 Next to Canadian Forces Base OPEN FROM NOON ON CHICKEN 'DINNER 'SPECIAL -- :ow:" SATURDAY and SUNDAY Take out orders:Shrimp Dinners Chicken Dinners Fish and Chips Hamburgers, Hotdogs Frozen Custard Sundaes etc. Phone 482-7296 25,411 LOOK FOR 11-CE YELLOW SALE TAG MEN'S SUITS SPORTCOATS CO-ORDINATES BLAZERS OUR COMPLETE RANGE PRICED TO CLEAR $39. RE TO $1100) so IC C SPORTCOATS & CO-ORDINATES Regular Price to $70.50 To C 9 5 sof • A t A 372 Bay St . TORONTO WATCH HERMAN'S MEN'S WEAR FOR OUR DAILY SPECIALS