Clinton News-Record, 1971-06-03, Page 8SPEEDY SAYS: HERE'RE SOME JOLLY GOOD USED CARS 1969 VOLKSWAGEN 2-dobr delux coupe. Radio, electric rear defogger. Very clean arid only 26,000 miles. 1965 RAMBLER 4-door sedan, 6 tylinclers automatic. Safety checked. Lit. 1<35931.. Only $595.00 1969 CHEVROLET i3elair, 4-door sedan. 6 Cylinder, automatic, radio, whitewalls driven only 21,000 miles. Balance of 5 year warranty remains. 4969 CHEVROLET lg ton Stepside Pickup. Low mileage, very clean, COME IN & LOOK OVER OUR GOOD SELECTION OF USED CARS & NEW CHEVROLETS & OLDSMOBILES DEAL NOW AT LORNE BROWN MOTORS LIMITED Yo itVciendly Chevrolet, oldstneblie beater 482-9321 CLINTON EVERY SUNDAY AFTERNOON JUNE 6 to OCT. 31st POST TIME — 2:00 P.M. • 10 RACES - Daily Double - Quinella - Exacta PART MUTUEL WAGERING so MODERN MUTUEL BUILDING • NEW ELECTRONIC TOTE BOARD • NEW ELECTRONIC MAXI TOTE MACHINES • LOTS OF CASHIERS • COMFORTABLE GRANDSTAND • SHELTERED BETTING AREA • EXCELLENT REFRESHMENT BOOTH • GOOD PARKING FACILITIES NEW EXTENDED SEASON 22 MEETS Admission - Adults $1 Children free CHILDREN'S PLAYGROUND ADJACENT TO RACEWAY ADVANCE SALE OF PROGRAMS IN CLINTON Advance programs will be available Saturdays at the Cloud 9 Room, Hotel Clinton and at Bill's Billiards and Bowling, Bartliff's Bakery and Restaurant and Smith's Office Supplies. IN GODERICH At Fincher's Smoke Shop IN SEAFORTH At PUIIIIiPtet 13811tet :MVP The Federal Department of Health in conjunction with the University of Waterloo is sending teams of optomotrists into Northern Ontario to take care of the visual needs of the Indian population. The personnel involved will travel to Soiux Lookout and be flown in to the isolated nursing stations where they will meet their perspective patients. The first team to start off the project will be composed of John Longstaff, who practices in Clinton and Seaforth, and an assistant in his fourth year of optometry. Mr. Longstaff will be in Northern Ontario during the middle two weeks of June. The service is on a voluntary basis. Catherine Hunt, Huron County Home Economist with the Ontario Department of Agriculture and Food, congratulates Beverly McCall of RR 3, Walton, who was presented with her provincial honours certificate for completing 12 4-H homemaking courses. Lon gstaff goes non h Middleton NOTICE *0.44,040."~vaes CLINTON CROWN LANES and CROWN DRIVE-IN WILL BE CLOSED JUNE. 14 to 41JNE 17 Inclusive Proprietor Attending Bowling Convention 22, 23 CHICKEN BARBEQUE CSASTANCE THURSDAY, JUNE 10 5 to 7:30 p.m. CHILDREN, 6-12-75c ADULTS $1.75 Tickets available from Canadian Foresters Members. BRING CONTAINERS FOR TAKE-OUT ORDERS 22, 23b wHoHowlinunowomulumulluoIllitiouououulHulolloIlimmifinuunlomoluimilominummoi June Closed Fri, 4 Sat, S Sun, 6 Mon., Tues,, Wed„ Thurs. THERE'S A CAMPSITE!" ApuLTERIRTAINWNI N ox CAMPING OPENS AT os 8:00 P.M. "SUSPENSE! PHONE 524.9981 Time Magaztne 11514H6- DRIVE.IN THEATRE HWY. 8 GODERICH AT CONCESSION RD. 4 —16411116 URSULA ANDRESS. STANLEY BAKER DAVID WARNER iiimininimimmoinummiomommilimmummia, Mrs, Rita Nixon and Mrs. Ada Sperling of London spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Middleton. The A.C.W. of St. James, Middleton, will meet Thursday evening June 10 at the home of the president Mrs. Edward Wise. Mrs. Frank Fingland will speak on her recent trip to Africa etc. The roll call word is a proverb. A bustrip to the Ontario Science Centre in Toronto on June 16 has been planned by the group. They're At The Post 1.1 CLINTON RACEWAY CLINTON - ONTARIO Kinsmen HARNESS RACING p Iva, • I.. rA!,,ADA •• tt-▪ -▪ ••▪ •• OPP Report Saturday, May 22, on Highway 4 north of the Air Base Road, Leif Lauritsen, 9 Fleet Street, Brantford, and William Ho wald, Canning Street, Lucknow, were involved in a two-car collision resulting in damage to the vehicles. Sunday, May 23, on Highway 21 north of C.P.A. Subway, Colborne Township, '7°114 Patrick Doherty, 225 Park Street, Godefich, and William Gordon Clemas,, 259 Cairn Street, London, were involved in a two-car collision resulting in damage to the Doherty vehicle. The same day on 24-25 West Wawanosh Twp, sideroad south of Highway 86, Elsie Moore, 366 Eagle Street, Preston, was involved in a single-car collision resulting in damage to the vehicle, Elsie Moore and passengers, Russell Moore, 366 Eagle Street, Preston, and Elizabeth Corning, 414 Moore Street, Preston, received injuries. Also Sunday, May 23, on the 1st Concession, West Wawanosh Twp. west of County Road 25, Ronald Hallam, RR 3, Auburn, struck a cattle beast on the roadway resulting in damage to his vehicle. Wednesday, May 26, on 9.10 Concession, Colborne Twp. west of Highway 21, Barry James Buchanan, RR 6, Goderich, was involved in a single-ear collision resulting in damage to the vehicle. Friday, May 28, there were two accidents. On Highway 8 east of Clinton, Neil Kenneth Dale, RR 4, Clinton, was involved in a single-car collision resulting in damage to the vehicle he was driving. On Highway 8 west of County Road 27, Rita Crittenden, 12 Orange Street, Clinton, and George Lucas, RR 2, Lucknow, were involved in a two-car collision resulting in damage to the vehicles, Both Crittenden and Lucas received injuries. Aname ilthe day...see the beautiful When jou're ready toii: RAINBOW WEBBING LINE • INVITATIONS AND .ANNOUNCEMENTS ANOTETT AWELLERS LTD, Clinton t.7044"-,4,Welkertconku,, And Seaforth QUOVANNOSV •••eeiere:e.e eze smithy meeerS E--_ ram worms 1 VamtisiDoratmous y- :YdYta'(171rrS dolt to :.a. II LI. nsaimrtava ' :Az'. E, ,, no ianuit nak Ye taillinteMIC0101 '7: 11111111/01111111/11111/Iiitilliiiiiiiiiiililliiiiiiii111/111111111111iiiirilintillitillitililliillillitiltilit11110111111111111 I if I ' I 11 11 Ora ems ea Alain Delon Irina Derniik In Color Cartoon COMING JUNE 10 and - DOUBLE FEATURE JOHNNY CASH: A MAN, HIS WORLD, HIS MUSIC "A Minute To Pray, A Second To Die" (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) 111111.11111.111111111111111111 BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN CLINTON -- ONTARIO BOX OFFICE OPENS AT MOO P.M. FIRST SHOW AT DUSK NONIN41•4•~411M04."7144104114,00•41.4~4.4 SHOWING FOR ONE WEEK WED. THURS. - FRI. - SAT. SUN. - MON. June 2 to June 7 CLOSED TUES. and WED. June 8-9 " PI • Ik • I* S Donald Sutherlend RESTRICTED 30 M1 Elliott Gould 14 WWI bt AGO 01 am Torn Sheri!, Clinton. News-Record, Thursday, Alne3, 1971 Corning Events WHY not drop in this weekend to the Little Inn, Bayfield, Dinners served: Saturday and Sunday 5;30 to 7;00; Monday to Friday 6 to 7, Lunches: 12:30 to 1;30, Reservations appreciated, 505-2611. —22,23 A FEW seats still available for the chartered bus leaving Clinton for Ontario Place, T'oronto, June 8, Contact 482-7627. —22h WEDNESDAY, June 16th, Ham and Turkey Supper at Holmesville United Church from 5:30-7:30 p.m, Adults $2.00 Children under 12 75 cents. Under auspices of the U.C.W. —22, 23b MONDAY, June 7, Women's Auxiliary to Clinton Public Hospital Potluck luncheon, at summer home of Mrs. Paul Walden, Bayfield, 1:00 p.m. Bring own cutlery, dishes and chair, For, transportation call Mrs. Ed Willson, 482.3469. Don't forget the shower of vases. —22b SATURDAY, June 26, attend SPRING FLING at Clinton Community Centre. Dance to music of Bluetones; tickets $6,00 per couple. Sponsored by Kinettes and Kinsmen Club of Clinton. —22-25b CASH BINGO: Legion Hall, Seaforth, Friday, June 4th, 8:15 p.m. Regular games, $10; three $25 games; $75,00 jackpot to go. Door -prizes admission $1.00. Auspices Branch 156. Proceeds welfare work. —2tfn In Color "THE SICILIAN CLAN" Thiel TUESDAY, June 8, Bingo Huron Fish and Game Club. Jackpot 0.00 in 56 numbers, Six floor prizes. 8:30 p.m. —tfn THURSDAY, June 3, 'Bingo et Clinton Legion Hall, 8:30 p.m. Jackpot $55.00 in 55 numbers, Legion News BY GEORGE CAMPBELL The May meeting of Branch 140 was held Tuesday, May 25 owing to the fact that Monday was the holiday, The meeting opened at 8:30 p.m. with President Harold Black in the chair. The attendance draw was held and this month's prize donated by Gord Dalgliesh was won by Stewart (Dick) Freeman, The Legion has received a letter from Mrs. Dr. Waldon who represents the Guides and Brownies in their new camp project. "Klahanie" is becoming a common word around the Branch lately and we are doing all possible to assist. Mrs, Waldon thanked the Legion tremendously for the donation of $500. which Comrade Black made at the Guide Mother and daughter banquet, The money was raised through the Camp and Sport show held April 17 and 18. Major Golding of CFB Clinton has presented the Branch with a large photo of himself as the last Base Commander. It is to be regarded as a moment() of the close liason between CFB Clinton and the Branch The juvenile ball club which the Branch is sponsoring has got started and a good showing is expected. Comrade Doug Andrews and Paul Draper have taken on the management and now we can help by attending the games. An installation team from Clinton went to Mitchell early in May to instal the Mitchell officers and after the business part of the meeting enjoyed a very sociable evening. Our own installation night is June 14 and will be a joint installation. All members and their ladies and all auxiliary members and their men are expected and we too hope to socialize after the'meeting. The e summer sports have gqt„, under way.and golf seems to be the main topic. The early bird tournament was held at Grand Bend on May 2 and in spite of the cold and fog 65 golfers turned out, Low gross was won by Pat McMahon, low net by Fred Elliott and runners up were Murray Taylor and Gary Black. Murray was also closest to the hole on No. 10. Now names are being accepted for the match play and will be-on the bulletin board as soon as possible. Clinton Branch was represented at the opening parade and ceremonies at the Provincial Convention which opened May 30 at Waterloo, A tremendous crowd of Legionnaires were on hand and all seemed to enjoy the opening very much. The election of Officers was held by Comrade Hee Kingswell assisted by Bob Burke and Colin McNeil and here are the new officers tor '71: Past President, Harold Black; President, Harry Crich; first Vice President, George Campbell; second Vice President, John Deeves; Sgt. at Arms, Percy Brown; Secretary, Cord Dalgliesh; Treasurer, Cam Proctor; Standard Bearers, Gus Boussey, J. K. Cornish, J, Deeves and W. Harris; Colour Sgt., Cliff Saundercock; Padres,, Rev, A, Moviratt and Rev. G. Yournatoff; Executive, Ray Bentley, Bill Harris, Harvey Hayter, Harry Merriman, Bill Mutch, Hal Walsh, Dick Fremlin and Rene 13rochu, Decoration Day at Clinton Cemetery will be held June 20 n.";71wM DICKVab"iraRETURKEY" t ."4,2, g nrra wirrtog Eitisltiti Volt PRIVil NMI ltio• PO .13011NDMINI I NM, IfIVION := t*,-0•0*.ilup MN t44..•qr,Aiirtua 'OA co., n,o, MOH lart.011.1110 Vott 03 := ri. -,,,, .,e 64W ‘40kitatf MR TAM LI Moe Undid Iliiiits = F...MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11111111011111(1100111101111111110111IIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIBIIIIIIIBBIMIIIIIillillillig. i I. Iveit -6nit 9 = ,.. .... . ,....- Unit G01.001114 nuts...,, AtoAriwio . The MILE I. BETTE \i FOXES DAVIS Oaf litRf3tRt MARSHALL durtaln Time GAR -DURYEA TERESA WRIGHT lg; 8:0 pm 6 .. tilteCtil WILLIAM Mail ra1110111(1111111111111111111111110111111111111111101ffill1111111110111111111110111111111111101111111111101111101101111111111#