Clinton News-Record, 1971-05-20, Page 7Famous Clinton RAF choir performs TODAYS CHILD BY HELEN ALLEN ii1111.1111.1111111111111i11111111M crotbnterelegrAm Syndicate ** "vs-5"--"" John is ib, a slender bey with brown hair, blue eyes and fair skin. Ills background is Seettigh, gliglisit and German. He wears glasses for shortsightedness, but has no Medical problems and his health is extellent. John is a quiet, perceptive lad, interested in the whole world. lit has a good sense of humor and a dry wit. Ite is doing above.average work in school. Jobe gets on well With both adults and children and is anxious to move to an adoption home where he will really belong to a family. This young lad takes part in most sports, but is not a keen conmetitor. Ito prefers reading or drawing or working on school projects. lee likes the outdoors, is enthusiastic about eareping, and is fond of animals, John needs a home 'with few children to the patents Will have mirele time to devote to him, His qualities- of genre, curiosity and humor are gnat readily apparent while he feels his way in a new relatintiShip, So adopting parents Will need to be patient till he feels comfortable enough to reveal his teat self. lie will be a fine son for a *tool, stimulating couple, To inquire about adopting John, 'please write to /1'4)40'S Child, Deperttnent bf Soeial anti raittily Services, Partin, meld 13uilditigs, To/1'6Mo i 2. For general 'adoption•infOrnta. lion, ask your Children's Aid Soelety, Clinton News4iecord, Th ursday, May 20, 1971 7 Laying Up ceremony brings end to history of CFB chapel The Laying Up ceremony of the Colours from the Protestant Chapel at on Clinton Which took place Sunday at Wesley-Willis church, brings to an end the long history of the chapel at the base, Since the beginning of the military station at Clinton in 1941 the Protestant Chaplain service has made an important contribution to the personnel. Flight Lieutenant Murray was the first Protestant Padre serving from 1941 to September, 1942 when he left for service at No. 1 Manning Depot, Toronto, F/Lt. C, C. Murray was responsible for the station choir which gained wide renown in the early days of the base, Choirmasters were Ronald Gibson and Fisher and soloist was LAC Beattie. The choir sang in many area churches including First St. Andrews, London and churches in Clinton, Bayfield and St. Marys. F/L Murray was succeeded by S/LS, Morton as chaplain. At this time there was still no chapel on the base. The Towers Review (the base magazine) of February 1943 tells how the chapel came about.. trainee with vision dropped into the Padre's office some weeks ago," it Said, " 'Why don't we cut off part of the Lounge for a chapel?' "We obtained the sanction of the Commanding Officer and the A.O.C. No, 1 T.C. on condition that no public funds were spent On the project. .An S.P. on the station contributed a coloqr scheme, (the Station Church collections bought the timber and paint), two trainees put UP the partition on a "48", many More are doing .the „painting, a Very Technical Flight Sergeant, a Dental Officer and sundry W&13 • personnel and • others helped with special lighting and so it goes on." In the May' 1943 edition of Towers it was stated "The station Chapel, when. it is finished, will have that distinction and individuality which comes from many hands and brains." It was formally dedicated by former Padre Murray on Feb. 28, 1943. It could accommodate 40. persons. The first baptismal service at the station took place on March 30, 1943 when Alastair Gleysteen $cotteViorten, son of the Padre was baptized, W/Celr. Rev, J. Roasie Brown, RAF Staff Chaplain of Ottawa zonductett short service. In the early days there was a close association with First St. Andrews United Church, London who gave the Station a Communion set and pulpit Bible. The first wedding on the Base was on June 30, 1942 when the theatre was converted to a chapel for the evening wedding of ACI Gibson to Miss Helen McLauchlan of Toronto, formerly of Edinburgh, Scotland. More than 200 weddings have been performed at the Protestant chapel since. It would appear that the last Protestant wedding at the base will be the marriage of Carol Warner, daughter of Colonel and Mrs. 0. E. Warner of Winnipeg and formerly of Clinton to Pte. J,A.Y.R. Bruno of CFB Clinton this weekend. Because the ehapel closed on April 14, the wedding will be held in the Roman Catholic Chapel by Padre G, Yournatoff, The chapel which was deconsecrated last month at the Base was the one built in 1956, At the dedicatiOn of the chapel In June 1956 the then-Padre. "Ben" Garrett said the chapel. had "about the finest location of any service Chapel, hi Canada" back-dropped as it was 'by the woods and facing the rest of the. base. Present attire dedication Were GIG I1,C, Ashdown, Major Miller, W/C Dunn, and 010 McLean, senior command' Chaplain. Among those attending the open house held afterwards were' S/L Douglas, S/L Stinson and Mrs, Stinson, - Over the years , there have been two women's groups who have made life more pleasant at the base. The Ladies' Anxiliary first came to prominence • in January 1943 when, it was mentioned in The Towers. Review. In 1943 they solved g„ major problem for the displaced old -country people at the base when they provided Christmas puddings to 28 families Over the. years .they have made many more contributions, The PrOtestant Chapel Guild was founded on October 1, 1953 with Zetta Harley as the first President: . • Over the years it has been very active in the service of the chapel and of many varied ''Otteritiege .The Guild was disbanded. in. September, 1,970 and amalgamated with the Women's Auxiliary. . .Deconsecration of the Chapel took place on April 14, 1971 with Bishop Appleyard officiating, assisted by the Chaplain, Padre G. Youniatoff, Ah ex-Chaplain, Colonel Bracher, was guest speaker and Wip Donald Stuart (retired), of Brucefield led the Litany of Thanksgiving, Following the service a reception Was held in the Warrant Officers Sergeants' Mess, Hensall Outreach committee special church service Londesboro church group studies humility The Outreach committee of the official board of Hensall United Church has arranged a special service for Sunday, May 23 at 11 a.m. Rev. Alfred McAllister of Thornhill will address the congregation. Mr. McAllister has visited Nigeria. He arranged while in Woodstock an exchange of youth groups with Harlem, N.Y. The South Huron District Women's Institute will hold their District Annual in Hensall United Church Thursday, May 20 with registration at 9:30. Mrs. Clinton Sweet has returned to her home in Exeter after recuperating the past three months at her daughter and son-in-law Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Blackwell following surgery. UCW The General meeting of the U.C.W. was held Monday, May 17 when all the ladies of the congregation with their guests from Brucefield U.C.W, met in th,,e,Sanctuary. Special music was provided by Jack Caldwell at the organ. Morley Desjardine of Grand Bend at the piano and Adriaan Brand of Crediton, soloist, Unit 2 was in charge of the meeting which was chaired by Mrs. Verne Alderdice who read a poem "Little Things". Mrs. Ian McAllister read the scripture and gave the devotional. Her message was "Do Something Worthwhile" and "Do more Something more than is expected of you", The offering was taken by Mrs. Harry Hoy and Mrs. Pearl Passmore. Mrs. Harold Currie introduced the theme "Medical Missions in Canada" by telling of the nine hospitals in Canada supported by the United Church. This was followed by a film on the theme shown by Mrs. R. Reaburn. Three songs were sung in unison "Amazing Grace," "Jesus Calls," and "Praise the Lord, ye Heavens adore Him." Downstairs in the Christian Education Building a skit "Liberation Or Bust" written by arranges Mrs. Rodger Venner, and performed by Mrs. Venner, Mrs. Reaburn, Mrs. Grant MacLean, Mrs. Wm. Fuss, Mrs. J. Drummond, Mrs. Ron Mock, Mrs. Alderdice, Miss Mary Goodwin was given. Reports were given by Mrs. Lorne Hay for visitation, Mrs. H. Errat for Supply and Welfare, Mrs. H. Searle the financial report. Mrs. Edison Forrest on behalf of the Hensall ladies presented Mrs. Harold Currie with a small gift in appreciation for her many great services in the church. Mrs. Currie made a very fitting reply. Lunch was served by Unit 2, KINETTES MEET The Kinette Club of Hensall met at the home of Mrs. Bevan Bonthron with all members present. Mrs. Gary Maxwell was presented with a Kinette spoon for her new daughter. A letter from the Clubs adopted child in Italy was read and thanks was „expressed,. .to everyone, , who „ helped make the rummage sale a great success, It was decided to donate $75.00 to the new Girl Guide Camp which is situated just south of Goderich. Elections were held with the following results: Past President, Mrs. Jack Drysdale; President, Mrs. Robert Caldwell; Vice-president, Mrs, Gary Maxwell; Secretary, Mrs. Bevan Bonthron; Treasurer, Mrs. Jack Dettke; Registrar, Mrs, Leonard Hoffman; Bulletin Editor, Mrs. Jim Hyde. The regular monthly meeting of the Huron County Historical Society was held in Beigrave Women's Institute Hall on Thursday evening May 13 at 8 p.m. with over 100 attending, Mrs, Ivan Wightrnan opened the meeting with 0 Canada and welcomed the attendance and then introduced the President, Mr. Harold Turner, who took over the business part of the meeting and had the reports read and the announcement of the bus tour to Doon on June 16. Any person wishing to go call the Secretary with the members having first preference. Rev. H. L. Jennings of Wirigharn asked the Society to probe the possibility or erecting A marker to mark the site of the home of the first white settler to take up land at Wingliarn, and also asked the society to appoint a committee to ask the Government to set aside January 11 as Founders Day to commemorate the birthday of our first Prime Minister, Sir John A. MacDonald. Mrs. Ivan Wightman, curator of the village Tweedsmuir Hook for bluevale Women's Institute introduced the guest speaker, Mrs. Walter Scott, who was the first Curator of the institute. Her topic was the history of the village of Bluevate and surrounding Townships of East Wewanosh and Morris, Pictures were also showed during her talk of the early buildings, people and industries of local interest, and Irish, Welsh and Socttish songs, recitations and harmonica and banjo selections were enjoyed. The Slate of 'Officers for 197142 was reed by Judge Glenn Hays and the election was BY MRS. BERT SHOBBROOK The Berean Unit of U,C.W. met in the church parlor on Tuesday, May 11, with the theme, "Humility". The President, Mrs. Livingstone, opened the meeting with the hymn "0 Spirit of the Living God", Scripture, meditation, prayer and a poem "Be Still Awhile". The minutes were read by the Secretary, Mrs. Shobbrook, and the treasurer's report by Mrs. E. Woods. Roll call was answered with 14 present. The June roll call will be "My Favorite Bible Verse". Collection was taken and birthday pennies were given. An invitation was received to the Ontario Street United Church Easter Thankoffering, May 16. Rev. Ludford of Parry Sound phoned Rev. MacDonald to say he could come June 20. Mrs. Dave Anderson was to contact Rev. MacDonald to make plans with Rev. Ledford and we would plan accordingly. The study .period was taken by Mrs. L. Pipe and Mrs, B. Shobbrook with the hymn "Happy The Home". Mrs. Shobbrook read the Scripture and prayer and also read two poems "What Is Home" and "What Puzzles Me". She also gave some notes on Peru, their avalanches, etc. Mrs. Pipe gave the study on Peru on the climate, industries, religion, population and dress. Both the history and geography were made very interesting. Pictures were shown of the Incas and the lost city plus other parts of Peru. as follows: Honorary Presidents — Mr. Edward Jenkins, London, Mr. W. E. Elliott, Godericl Oat,; Past President -Mr, J. W. MeLaren, Goderich, RR 4, Ont,; President — Mr. H. S. Turner, -12 Montreal St., Goderich, Ont.; First Vice-President — Mt. Geo. L, Ellis, 19 Wellington St., Gnelerith; Seeped VicePresideet— Mr. Alvin Smith, thievnle; Secretary- Treasurer — Mr. Otto Popp, Clinton, Ont.; Asst. See.-Tteasatet — Mrs. Mervyn Batkin, Clinton, Out.; Archivistaletoriari — Mrs. W. D. Mack, Creditor, Ont.; Public Relations Officer — Mrs. Wesley Bradriotk, Auburn, Omit. Councillors are: Mr. A. Y. McLean, Seaforth; Mrs. William Metcalf, Bayfield; Mrs. Frank F'ingland, Clinton; Mrs. Mervyn Batkin, Clinton; Mrs. Earl Heist, Creditor', RR 1; Mr. It J. Clancy, Gederich; Mrs. Wilbur Tutribull, Brussels; Mrs. Harry Bolger, Brussels; Mrs. Gordon MeGavin, Walton; Mrs, Harold Turner, Goderich; Mrs. Ethel Green, Goderich; Mrs. D. D, Mooney, Goderich; Mr. David McClure, Creditors, RR 1. Manner' of standing committees: Membership, Mrs. Letoy Toth, Hayfield; Projects, Mrs. Robert Simpson, Hensall; Einanee, Mr, Harry Woteell, Goderich; Personnel, Constitution and Bylaws, Judge Glenn Hays, Goderich, Oat.; Editotial, Mrs, 'Pelt Clark, Goderich, Out,, 11.11,4;, Auditor, Mr. C. E. Murray, Nelson St., Goderich. Ex-officio members: Wardell of Huron Co. Council, Mr. Jack P. Alexander, Winghang Chairman Of Huron Co. Council Property Committee, Mr. J. P. Flannery, Seefotth, Mrs. Shobbrook read the poem "Lest We Forget", It was recommended that session plan for hosting of visiting ministers when supplying. The meeting closed with a hymn and benediction was pronounced. Lunch was served by Mrs. M. Robinson and Mrs. L. Saundercock. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE The Women's Institute held their meeting Wednesday, May 12, at 8 p.m., with Mrs. Eric Anderson, First Vice-President, acting as chairman due to the illness of President, Mrs. Gourley. The meeting opened with the opening Ode, Mary Stewart Collect, "0, Canada", and a poem "Magic Of A Friend" by Mrs. Anderson. The minutes of the last meeting and the treasurer's report were read by Mrs. M. Robinson, BY MARY Mcl MAIN Mr. and Mrs. William Dale spent Saturday afternoon in Toronto where they attended a preview of Ontario Place, Mr. David Livingston had the misfortune to break his leg while loading pigs the past week. He is a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Paul McMaster, Carol and Mark of Kitchener spent the weekend with her parents Mr. and Mrs. George Hogged and Harvey. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Preszcator, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Preszcator and Mr. and Mrs. David Preszcator Dairymen in Western Ontario will have the opportunity to get their questions on Milk marketing and dairy cattle facilities answered on Tuesday, June 1st* That's the date of the Second Annual Dairy Cattle bay to be held at Centralia College of Agricultural Technology, Huron Park, Ontario, Here's the complete program: 9:30 10:00 Registration; 10:00 eerie Quotas * Should I Buy Now`: Prof. S. H. Lane, Dept. of Agricultural E conomies, University of Guelph; 11:00 a.m., Current Issues in the Dairy Industry * a panel with Jack Hunter, moderator; members, Prof. SAL Lane, Guelph and Grant Smith, Ray MacDougall, Hatold H. Scott and Kenneth G. McKinnon, Regional Members of the Ontario Milk Marketing Board; noon, Bring your own lunch or patronise a -local restaurant. Milk, cheese arid ice cream courtesy of the Western Ontario Dairy Committee. See these exhibits and demonstrations at noon Milk Quality Tests, Mastitis Monitoring, Farmstead Snow and -Wind Control, Ontario Milk Marketing Hoard Display. At 1:00 p.m. the program resumes with Farmstead Improvement, J. A. Underwood, Ag. Engineer, Centralia College and Howard Langstaff, Zone Forester, Stratford: 1:40 p.m., Dairy Bare Design, Re 3. Mill*, Agricultural Engitieer, 0.D.A.V., Woodstock; 2:20 p.m., Environmental Management in the Dairy Bate, Donna Reid favored with a piano instrumental. The correspondence contained a card of thanks from the trio from Seaforth who sang at the banquet and a card from Mrs. Jim Jameison. Achievement Day is to be held in Clinton Secondary School, May 29. Mrs. M. Taylor gave a very interesting report of the 23rd Conference at Guelph. There were 658 registered, She thanked the society for sending her. The collection was pennies for friendship. A banquet was to be held at noon on May 18 for the Municipal Officers' Association of Huron County. The District Annual is to be held in Londesboro Church, May 31, at 9 a.m. Voting delegates will be Mrs. Ted Fothergill and Mrs. Bert Shobbrook, Mrs. Don Buchanan gave a reading "It Matters Not How attended the 25th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs, Allan Pfaff held Saturday evening in the Crediton Community Cen tre. Mr. and Mrs. Borden Brown of Hanover visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, George Mcliwain and family and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Betties, Pamela and Michael of Seaforth and Mrs. Ken Betties of Winthrop visited on Sunday evening with Mrs. Irene Grimoldby, Mrs. Ella Jewitt and Mrs. Jim Preszcator attended a shower on Sunday afternoon for Miss Jane J. H. Tumbrel, Engineering Research Service, Canada Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, 3:00 pan., Question Period. Conestoga convocation May 29 The third convocation of Conestoga College of Applied Arts and Technology will be held on Saturday, May 29, in the Eitchetier Memorial Auditcorium, Approximately 300 students will receive certificates and diplomas. 'the diploma graduates will also be invested with the Conestoga College Liripipe. This comprises a band of red velvet edged and divided into four sections with gold wire trim and end tassels, The sections represent the four conrities in the college area. The Liripipe originated in the 15th Century, during the Renaissance; among the great artists, scholars mid explorers of that period were Michelangelo, Lem-larch) DA Vinci, Copernicus, Magellan and Columbus, The Liripipe was used thee, arid is used today, tO signify a recognition that the recipient is prepared to play a useful, active part to the world, and, that it will encourage them to further seek and improve their chosen field 'of endeavour., Long We Live". . Guests for June will be Auburn, Walton and Summerhill clubs. The meeting closed with the Queen and Grace. Lunch was served by hostesses, Mrs. Bob Dalton, Mrs. Elma Jewitt and Mrs. Margaret Taylor, Mr. Earl Gaunt returned home on Friday after spending two weeks in Wingham hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Shobbrook and Kenneth Vodden spent Saturday night with their brother, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Vodden and Bill of R, R. 1, Clinton. Rev. MacDonald is attending London Conference sessions at the University of Windsor this week, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Shobbrook, Mrs. Laura Saundercock, Mrs. Maude Radford and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Crawford of Blyth called on the family of the late Mr. J. D. Elsley of Listowel on McConnell in the St. Joseph's School in Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Theron Settles of Winthrop visited on Sunday evening with Mr, and Mrs. George Mcliwain and family, Sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs. Addley on the passing of her husband Ambrose Addley the past week, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Riley and family spent at Huron Park visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Riehl and family. The Constance Foresters Bowling Banquet was held on Monday evening with 48 sitting down for a delicious meal, after which a meeting Was held with the officers being the same for Outstanding speakers for each topic have been secured. Bath has made a significant contribution to the dairy industry hi the area of his presentation, Another feature of the program will be a Quota Exchange Hoard. Ptoducerg wishing to buy or sell milk quota Mrs, John Smith was hostess for the meeting of the A.C.W. of St. James, Middleton held Thursday evening May 13, This meeting was the most largely attended in tonne time, With 11 members. fourteen visitors and the Rector the Rev. H. 3. 13. Harrison present. The "visitors" included five former members, retired lie town. The President, Mrs. Edward Wise opened the Meeting with a poein "Lessons from Flowers" which set the tone of the meeting with emphasis on growing things. Mr. Harrison conducted the devotions on the theme of Spring and Hogatiomitide, Mrs, 'Keith Miller gave the Secretary's report and Mrs. Dutot the financial story. Cole -reported for supply that crib quilt was completed aria sold. A tiew member, Mrs. Philip Herttlehtner, totittibuted ' lovely poem "Sing of Spring". The Spring Deanery of the Sunday, Mr. Elsley had been a former resident of the 13th of Hullett. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Elsley and family. • Mrs. Bert Brunsdon returned home on Monday, having spent the past five and one-half weeks with her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Don Napier of Dallas, Texas, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Duizer, Laurel, Lisa•and Stephen visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Lyndon and Travis of Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Butler (nee Fern Watson) and daughters of Komoka visited on Sunday with Mr. Will Govie' and Mrs. Lillie Webster. Miss E. L. Ford of Oshawa spent a few days last week with Mrs. Fairservice and Ann. Miss Ann Fairservice spent the weekend of May 9 in Oshawa and Toronto. ' Mr. Clair Vincent Sr. is attending London Conference sessions at the University of Windsor as a delegate from the United Church. the following year: president, Dori Nott; secretary, George Love; treasurer, Mary Riley. Captains for the year will be Frank Riley, Cliff Hoegy, Sam McClure, Carolyn Thompson, Mary McClure and Blanche Hoegy. The evening was spent playing euchre with eight tables playing with the following wins: men's high, Cliff Hoegy; lone hands, Elgin Nott; low, Sam McClure; women's high, Fern McClure; lone, Dolores Howatt; low, Barbara Jewel. Trophies were presented to the teams that were winners for the year. can post their intentions on the Hoard located in the meeting hail, Buyer and seller can then meet and transact their business. Dairy princesses from surrounding counties will be on hand throughout the day to assist with registration and refreshments. William Dales visit Ontario Place Huron Historical Society elects officers Second annual dairy day at Centralia Middleton ACW hosts 14 visitors South Saugeen was announced for June 8 in Walkerton. Mrs. Fred Middleton tend a paraphrase of the 23 psalm and also a very amusing and timely Article "Spring Mailing". The president finalized plans • for the group's trip to the s Ontario Science Centre, scheduled to leave Clinton on June 16 et 8 a.m. Those wishing to attend were advised to phone Mrs. Jack Cole or Mrs. A, Dutot and to pay their $4.50 in advance. (This does not include admittance to Centre). The president closed the meeting With prayer. Mrs. Ray Wise conducted a scrambled words flower contest, which -was Wori by Mt, Heitbohtner arid Mrs. M. Steep. A lunch was served by Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Fred Middleton as co-hostesses, Miss Mary Smith Was junior hostess as part of her 4-14 project. A brisk sale of donated plants concluded a very successful meeting.