HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1971-05-06, Page 166A Clinton News-Record, Thursday, May 6, 1971 100% cotton— the natural choice And nature is what this year's household cottons are all about. There are cane prints, fern prints, wild flowers dancing on a ground. of leaves all adding up to bring that out-of-doors feeling inside. A little imagination plus a versatile fibre—cotton—make for smashing decor . . , a floor covered with a grass green cotton carpet , .'walls of lush green fern print cooled, with white enamel woodwork • . matching printed sofa covers and drapes wooing each other with unusual .colour combinations. And colour makes it big with cotton. A natural affinity for dyes make blues cooler, browns more earthy, yellows sunnier, greens grassier, So, this year choose cotton and be part of nature. DECOR-BUILDING COTTONS . . Fabric can set the atmos- phere in any room. Here, a cozy corner in a den-TV room is created by using nubby-textured 100% cotton in a distinctive cane print for chair cushions and full draperies. A cotton carpet com- pletes the decor. C01.01. R-S( IIENILNG l'ONS . . . Co.ordinatell I00'r cotton prints in shades of rich chocolate. licorice told Aline set the theme for this distinguished setting. Cotton in a tiny black and brown leaf pattern (uers the hisser part of the dark wall. The same print Ishii an m erlay of UMW, blossoms re-appears on the sofa and in cis~-back curtains. Completing the decorative window treatment is a %Odle shade banded in black and 'trouts textured braid. 'the only colour accent—sofa piliosss in bitter green. Clear All Heart . REDWOOD SIDING TOK TREATED FOR LONG-LASTING BEAUTY 8" WIDTH $A 100 PER 100 FOOT s[" THICK atj BOARD MEASURE 10" WIDTH $4900 PER 100 FOOT -1/4 " THICK BOARD MEASURE P.V.C. CORRUGATED 26" VINYL PANELS Shatterproof Traosiuscent Use them as room dividers indoors, as privacy screens, balcony rail- ings, or fencing outdoors. IN GREEN WHITE or YELLOW 8" Size $2,35 TO' Size $2.95 12' Size $3.55 we WILL INSTALL. SIDING br Arrange for a Contractor FREE ESTIMATES On Entire job ' t— CONKLIN'S OFFERS A COMPLETE SELECTION OF THE FINEST SIDINGS AVAILABLE IN CANADA Built-in Economy- . . . No painting for at least *10 years! We guarantee it! Won't crack or blister! Won't check or peel! IMOLORLOK $A9 50 PER X.ninety*siding —111- SQUARE IN YOUR CHOICE OF LAP OR PANEL SIDING EASY TO INSTALL . . . LASTS FOR YEARS Rugged, "Carefree", Beautiful— Choice of 2 Styles . . . 4 Colors! DESERT SAND WHITE SUNRAY YELLOW GREEN COLORLOK is available in White, green, Sunray Yellow and Desert Sand . . with fade-resistant color "locked in" to retain the like-new appearance for years! It is unaffected by the worst weather conditions , shrugs off scorching sun, driving rain, freezing cold and hail! Should it ever need a cleaning, simply rinse it off with ordinary water. COLORLOK offers you complete versatility with respect to style, whether your preference is Lap siding or Panel siding. Equally adaptable to traditional, contemporary and modern architectural design, COLORLOK is always in perfect harmony with its surroundings. Kaiser Aluminum siding makes your home cooler in summer, warmer in winter. It has been proven that fuel bills can be reduced as much as 30%. IN VERTICAL & HORIZONTAL ACRYLIC FINISH 10 COLORS INCLUDING WOODGRAIN PATTERNS From' the Steel Company of Canada— steleo SIDING With the 20-Year Transferable Guarantee Made from Ultra-Stelcolour pre- finished steel, Stelco siding will last and last and last and last It's guaranteed against detri- mental corrosion, cracking, chip- ping, peeling or flaking arising as a direct result of defects occur- ring in the course of manufac- turing. Stelco siding is a great buy! $46" PER 100 SQUARE FEET RANCH RED, WHITE, ESTATE GREEN AND AUTUMN BROWN, GEORGIAN BLUE, PRAIRIE TAN AND ANTIQUE IVORY -aseimmumeamemalimsmarsommew Just think! You'll save hundreds of dollars in re- painting costs because of Colorlok X-Ninety siding's super tough plastic finish, bonded to Masonite's famous X-Ninety hardboard siding base. Remember it's fully guaranteed for _ten years against cracking, blistering, peeling and checking. The hard, durable surface is virtually maintenance free. Can be easily cleaned with .water. - . cHMC -A,RPROVED 20-year transferable guarantee This guirantee is exclusive with Kaiser — A 20- year transferable guarantee If you should decide to sell your home, the guarantee is automatically transferred to the new owner — which means you add substantially to the resale value, 50 PER SQUARE (100 S. Ft.) KAISER s ALUMINUM SIDING Greater comfort D Ends maintenance Kaiser Aluminum 'S@ing won't peel, rust or crack — ends painting worries. You save money, and at the same time, enjoy many extra leisure hours. 0 Economical to install Beautiful Kaiser Aluminum siding covers any surface — wood, stucco, brick or frame makes any style of home, new or old, sparkle with modern, everlasting beauty. New snap lock feature means , better, faster installation. Modern, bright and pastel colours to choose froui-, with a full selection of accessories. INSTALL IT AND FORGET ITI DAYMOND Solid VINYL SIDING $585m9 Never needs paint! Is remarkably tough. Won't conduct electricity. No fading, rotting mildew. No loose or bursting seams; ho adhesive bleeding. The tolor is clear through. SQUARE asiansoassommarsoisomommornimmomsimmoramossmaimossoa ls i sias. P.V.C. PIPE APPROVED The Plastic Pipe You Install With a Saw and Paint Brush P.V.C. pipe is unaffected by frost; it won't rust or rot and it lasts for years! It's lightweight, easy to work with — perfect for below,-grade installations such as foundation footing drains, sewers and drain lines, septic tanks and downspout leaders to dry wells. STANDARD DUTY 3" PERFORATED PIPE FOR DRAINAGE BEDS---10' Length STANDARD DUTY 3" SEWER PIPE— Iv Lengths $4.22 STANDARD DUTY 4" SEWER PIPE 10' Lengths $5 .44 For inside the Horne, Use.... A.133 PLASTIC PIPE and MTINGS For bathtub, toilet, sink or any inclaor drainage sys- tem. Con be installed quick- ly, easily. AVAILABLE AT MOST CONKLIN YARDS Lasts For Years! COPPER PIPE AND "BIG 0" FLEXIBLE DRAIN PIPE STOCKED AT MOST CONKLIN YARDS $2,99 KINGSVILLE LA SALLE RIPGETOWN WEST LORNE WQODSLEE EXETER AMHERSTBURG BELLE RIVER COMBER COTTA2V't 839-4777 HARROW 738-2221 GODERICH 524-8321 KINCARDINE KINGSVILLE CASH AND CARRY STORE GRAND BEND 238-2374 SOUTHAMPTON 797-3245 THEOFORD 296-4991 733-2341 /34-786E3 674.5405 748-1,520 829.2600 235-1422 736-2151 725-2320 68/-2401. 396-2703 733-2341 NO MONEY DOWNI Ernie 's Hair Styling Auburn Phone '526-7724 PERM. Special for Month Of April Viegullar $10.00 $12.50 $15.00 $1£1.00 Special $8.50 $10.00 $12,50 $15.00 Random Student By Andre Arnsing Evolution, Revolution, going down, down. Tell your teacher, tell your mother, Ignorance is bliss, Education only tells you how inadequate Your education is, Radical extremist, try to be different. Fight through legal process: The board legally spent ten grand on chairs. Fight with sticks and stones; The people will notice your "jailbird" pallour. Get ready for the future life, It's a question of survival. 1 made 12,234 decisions before breakfast And they feed me ancient Victorian. Teaching methods. Work hard, write A lot, research essays, University is hard, life is hard. Life will be full of writing essays. Life is normal. Everybody does it. Count the days 'till Christmas holiday, Count'the days 'till June,, Just hang on and get a diploma, Its a meal-ticket. Don't be apathetic. Thanks, only thirty-silt days to go. 441 activities Guides practice songs far banquet CLINTON IV By. Joanne Gibson The eighth meeting was held at Moranne Duddy's Thursday, April 22. After the roll call, Cheryl Kennedy read the minutes of the last meeting. Each girl judged the others outfits then we practiced judging and giving reasons, After Cheryl Kennedy and Joanne Gibson read the commentary the meeting was adjourned. BY O.RIQL,E PATROL- On April 26 the second Girl Guide company Met at the Wesley-Willis aura, As soon as we all were there, we went into our patrol corners. There the girls had their money collected and. attendance marked, Then we went into horseshoe, We then sat down and talked about camp and other things. After all this the girls practiced stalking in a game. Just before campfire some of the girls got tested on their knots,. When that Was done we practiced the song we are doing for the mother .and daughter banquet. We then had campfire and taps then went home. r11001111111111•111111 10111 ▪ GOOD THINGS I • HAPPEN I WHEN YOU HELP RED CROSS I Imo ma is Nem no 140 TRAVEL-ON SALES and RENTALS Agents tot SUNKAMPER and WOODS !Folding hardtop trailers, truck niounts and accessories. BOOK NOW for surnMer rentals. 8011130N STEEPE 1:113 2, Clinton. Phone 482-3364. I'7, I8b