HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1971-05-06, Page 8ri. NTEE BROADLOOM C LI NTO N'S CARPET CENTRE *Wall to Wall Installation or Area Carpets. *Samples shown in your home, *Free Estimates. *Guaranteed Installations. We have carpet specifically designed for every room in your home. Quality you can trust From BALL & MUTCH LTD. HOME FURNISHINGS Phone 482-9505 Clinton -5tfn Clintona News-Record, Thursday, May 6, 1971 6. REAL ESTATE 7. AUTOS 11. SERVICES 4. ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT it SERVICES .1 • storey permanent _house, 3 bedrooms, living room, modern ' kitchen, large lot, oil heat, 2 lakefront lots Lakefront cottage north of Bayfield LAUCKNER REAL ESTATE Adam Flowers, Bayfield, 565.2813 -16tfn CUSTOM KILLING Sides of Pork —16c ib, Front Quarter of Beef - 55c lb. Fully Processed WATCH REPAIR is a job for experts', Our work ,assures you satisfaction, Counter's Jewellery, Huron County's Oldest Establishec: Jewellery Store, Clinton, Ontario. -tfb, SEE THE COMPLET LINE. OF 1971 Datsuns 1200's — 1600's -PICKUPS Starting As Low As $1975 DATSUN; THE MORE. FOR YOUR MONEY CAR VACANCIES for retired people. Private Morn, kept elean, Linens washed. Meals Served in main dining room. $150 per month 482-6685, Mrs. C. Van Demme. -l5tfn Butchering Dates Tuesday - Beef and Pork Friday - Beef Only No Waiting For Slaughter Dates PICK-UP SERVICE AVAILABL Merner's Abattoir TWO APARTMENTS, .one two-bedroom unfurnished and one two-bedroom furnished with heat and utilities paid. Central location. 72 Rattenbury W. Phone 482-9005. -16tfn We do all types of * Ring Sizing E W* *E "Wi awEt cnRhYeRt ePpEPaPi inAr9I R * Acutron Repair ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Clintot, Seaforth and Walkerton 111 11111l1. 2 tfn. Sewing Machine PROB LEMS? Servicing All Mak e s ,ew8Uedsas 11 197 BayAfileeldx Rd., Goderich 524-8465 15,16,17,18p Z. .ARTICLES FOR RENT Classified Rates RENTALS for all occasions. Pickett & Campbell Ltd., Clinton and Goderich. -7tfn. TWO ' bedroom unfurnished apartment for rent. Heated. Call afters 5. Phone 482-7607. " You are charged according to the number of words used in your advertisement. Sets of numerals such as serial numbers, telephone numbers, street numbers or prices count as one word per set. Hyphenated words and numbers are counted as separate words. Each word costs three cents with a minumum of 75 cents per ad. An extra charge of 25 cents will be added to each insertion if not paid within 30 days cf the last insertion. Display Classifieds are $1.40 per column inch. Engagements 'are $1.50. In memoriams • nd cards of thanks are 4 gents per word. Coming events, 5 cents per word, minimum $1.00. Deadline: 12 p.m. Tuesday 237-3314 Dashwoo 18,19,20 Albert Street Office 482-3821 JUST LISTED, 3 bedroom 1 floor brick home, attached garage, excellent location, well treed lot, GERALD'S SUPERTEST FORMAL RENTALS for oleo' and boys. Contact Herman's Men's Wear, 482-9351. -22tfn ONE bedroom unfurnished apartment, All utilities paid. Call after 5, 4$2-7607. -16tfn CAMPING NEEDS. Golder Falcon, Citation, Flyte trave trailers; Baron Hardtop and sof top tent trailers; hitches; Woods tents, Rentals, Sales, Service CAMP-OUT, Huron St. W. Stratford, 393-5938, - 18-301 7 Main St. N., Seaforth 527-1010 CONSTRUCTION equipment for rent. Power trowel, small mixer, pump, wheelbarrows, good plywood forms and wedges. Form ties stocked. Phone 2364954 evenings or Saturdays. -2tfn _ — APARTMENT suitable for couple. Furnished and heated. Apply to. side door, 93 Huron Street. -15t.f.n. IMMACULATE is the word. 3 bedrooms, 1 floor brick ranch, F.A.' gas heating, located close to schools, 8. HELP WANTED SEWING: Dressmaking Alterations. Tailoring - Phon 482-9219 - Varna, Ontario 17,181 LOCAL PERSON REQUIRED I need a representative for my firm in this area, This opening may be worth up to $10,000.00 yearly for the right person. Full or part-time. Age over 21. Can you make short auto trips? We hope you will start soon and stay with us a long time, Apply to Charlie Lee, 22 Alfred Street, Wingham, phone 357-1383. -16, 17, 18b 5. ACCOMMODATION WANTED THREE BEDROOM 2 storey frame with attached garage and paved drive. An older home ideally located for retirement couple. NEW EXCLUSIVE LISTING, semi-detached brick 5 bedroom home in excellent repair, Family sized kitchen, dining room, large living room, 2 bathrooms plus full basement make this an ideal family unit. Must be seen to be appreciated. Asking $10,500.00 with terms, 3. ARTICLES WANTED WANTED: Furniture and household effects. Will buy singly or by houseful. Phone 482-3120. -14tfn TEACHER and family want house or farm to rent from July 1st,- within 20-mile radius of Clinton. Write Robert Johnson,- R. R. 1, Orono, or phone collect (416) 983-5658. 17,18p LAWNMOWERS repaire; Blades sharpened, balance; Pick up and delivery. CE 482-7222, The Bos'n Sho. authorized Chrysler Mari. Sales and Service, Highway • one mile north of Brucefiel -16-21b JOHNSTON ELECTRIC - Wiring Contractors, electric heating, pumps and repairs. Light Fixtures. Bayfield 565-2838, -11 tfn i• • 1. ARTICLES FOR SALE cl. ARTICLES FOR SALE - - TIMBER WANTED: Immediate payment for good standing timber and bushes. Write Robert Eagleson, Ailsa Craig, giving location and telephone number or phone 232.4450 before 8 a.m. or after 6 p.m. -13tfn it:TYPEWRITERS and Adding. t Machines for sale. Anstett Jewellers Ltd., Clinton Phone' 482-9525. -9tfn. CUSTOM MEAT SERVICE, Chill, cut, wrap and sharp freeze. ' Custom killing in government inspected abbatoir. Also beef by ' quarter or half. Robinson's General Store, Auburn. Phone 526-7788. -tfn BOY'S small bicycle for sale. In good condition. Phone 482-9682. - 18b WU1UK cash to pay bills or make a purchase. Call Don Denomme, Trans Canada Credit, 524-8349. -10 tfn SMALL apartment, duplex or house for lease or purchase: State location, street and number. Apply to Box 180, Clinton News-Record. - 18b QUANTITY of porch windows, various widths. Bathtub with taps, Call 482-9291. - 18p THE HOME CARE Programme proposed for the Seaforth, Clinton area requires Certified Visiting Homemakers. A course for women interested in qualifying as a Certified Visiting Homemaker will be offered in the Clinton area soon. This course will be organized by the Huron County Health Unit, supervised by Conestoga College and sponsored by Canada Manpower. For further information, please contact the Huron County Health Unit, Court House, Goderich. Phone 524-8301. -16, 17, 18b FAST REPAIR SERVICE o power mowers and tillers. Ne units in stock for quick deliver Tired of mini-bikes wit mini-tires, mini-motors ar mini-prices? See and drive tl YAMAHA "MINI-ENDURC and other fine Yamahas. Ste Argyle, Colina St., Bayfiel 565-2800, -17,18,19b - - LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new. Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured - don't take chances. Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction. Watch repairs and pearl restringing. W. N. Counter. Clinton, Ontario, -tfn M111111•1111 FOUR BEDROOM FRAME 1 floor home in town for the family who want room to spread their wings. Extra vacant lots go with the property. Ideal for gardening or growing cucumbers. F, A. heating, 4 piece bath, new siding add to the comfort and beauty of this home, Name your terms and make us an offer, WANTED: 3/2 h.p. heavy duty electric motor. Phone John Buchanan at 524-8331 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. -nc 6. REAL ESTATE THE IDEAL home or summer cottage by Boise Cascade. Sizes available 40' x 20', 48' x 22', 52' x 24', 60' x 24'. Furnished or unfurnished. We deliver and set up. Morgan's Mobile Homes, 343 Victoria St., Clinton. Phone 482-7066. - 18,19,20,21b TENDERS will be received by the undersigned until 4:00 p.m., Friday, May 14, 1971, for Stone School, situated on 2 acres of land (more or Less) being Pt. Lot 34, Conc. 15, in the Township of Goderich. Successful bidder to pay 10% on acceptance of tender with balance due in 30 days or date of closing. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Inquiries should be directed to the undersigned. Deputy Clerk-Treasurer, County of Huron, Court House, The Square, Goderich, Ontario. Telephone - 524-8394. 17,18b 4. ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT COINS BOUGHT, sold, exchanged. V. Pope, 87 Kingston Street, . • 524-7359. -tf ONE ' bedroom upstairs apartment with kitchen and bath, gas-heated. Phone 482-6694. -l0tfn SCREENED TOP SOIL Excavating Backhoe Work G ravel LYLE MONTGOMERY 482.7644 or 482-7661. -1.6 tfn THIRTY used 12" x 12" coloured patio stones, half price. Phone 482-9574. - 18b AUCTIONEER AND APPRAISER. Licensed and capable in selling all types of AUCTION SALES. No charge for Church and Charity Sales. Bruce Rathwell, Brucefield, Phone 482-3120. -8tfn RETREAT ACREAGES 40 rods of river frontage plus 8 acres of hills and trees, An ideal retreat for year round privacy and enjoyment. Asking only $4,500,00 125 acres of hills, bush, river frontage. Land in its natural state, Excellent access for summer or winter recreation PICNIC TABLES for sale. Call the Bos'n Shop, 482-7222, Highway 4, one mile north of Brucefield. We deliver. -16tfn FOR a full line of COSMETICS, face care products and skin analysing, consult Bonnie Bjerg, Venda Beauty Counsellor, 482-9372, mornings. - 14eow - — SELF-CONTAINED, one bedroom furnished, heated apartment. Apply to Roy Tyndall, 482-7865. -12tfri DEALERS and managers urgently needed for Superseal Home Party Plan. Laboratory tests prove that Superseal Food Savers keep foods fresher, longer. Also the luxurious lucite line, No investment required. High commissions paid, 'For interview contact Mrs. Eleanor Hayter, Box 254, Grand Bend. Phone 238-2785. - 18p • ALL VARIETIES OF SHADE and ornamental trees and shrubs. We give advice on planting and ' trimming. We guarantee every tree we sell. Seaforth Nursery, Jarvis Street, Seaforth, :•/o Gordon Nobel, 527-0840. - 17,18b JACK'S WOOD-TURNERY - Custom Wood-turning a specialty, also furniture repaired. Hand-turned gift articles in walnut, cherry, etc, for sale in workshop at rear of 84 Albert St., Clinton John Plumtree. Phone 482-9695. -ltfn -yr TWO-BEDROOM, self-contained apartment, stove and refrigerator available. 309 Albert Street, phone 482-9080, - 18,19b HANDYMAN'S SPECIAL - Camping trailer, will sleep six or more, gas stove, ice box; also one-wheel camping trailer; seven foot fibreglas rowboat. Best offer takes. Phone 482-7797, - 18b r THREE-BEDROOM house, near Clinton on county road, close to Hwy. 8. Three years old, buff brick, oil furnace, bath, pressure system. Lot 100' x 150'. Taxes $144. Asking $9,900 with $1,500 down. Contact Howard Hodgson, Ailsa Craig, 293-3175. Al Sinnott Realty Ltd., Realtor. 13,1.9p 111111111111111111111101111111111111 A.ELEPAGE ' RIVER LOT 150' of frontage on the river, Well treed scenic cottage or traitor parking site. SMALL apartment, three rooms, gas heat, frig and stove. Apply Herman's Men's Wear. Phone 482-9351. - 18tfn ELECTROHOME humidifier, cost approximately $80.00 - $25,00 or best offer. May be seen at 37 Market Street, Goderich. Phone 524-7901, - 18,19nc WE OFFER a selection of farms from 10 to 300 acres, beef or dairy setups. For details please call our office, GET IN ON SOMETHING BIG! Full or part-time, business is good! We have to expand to meet the demand! We need honest, sincere people to join us now and stay a long time. Don't worry about experience as I will train you to be successful -and receive rapid promotion. You will earn while you learn and receive substantial commissions weekly, plus cash bonuses for extra participation. This is pleasant, dignified work, Contact, by letter giving phone number. Ed Bauer, Patrick Street, Wingham, phone 357-3805. Successful applicants will be interviewed after May 15th, -18,19b REMODELLING, renovations, roofing and floor laying, expertly done. All odd jobs around the home. Kitchen cupboards a specialty. Phone 482-7676 Ken McNairn. -2tfp STORAGE space available for snow machines, furniture, etc. Phone 482-7522. - 18b Volkswagen Service CLARKE ZINN 324 Ontario Street Clinton Phone 482-7838 PHOTO LISTING SERVICE 1111111.111MINN.1.11111111111111.1.111 CORSAIR, Shamrock and Rocket Travel Trailers, sizes 13', 14', 15', 17' and 19' available immediately. Prices start as low as $1,550. Morgan's Mobile Homes, 343 Victoria St., Clinton. Phone 482-7066. - 18,19,20,21b BOARDERS WANTED - Good meals and room. Men preferred, Will pack lunches. Phone 482-7633. 18p HUNTER-DUVAR & SON "Where Folks Turn to Yolks R.R. 6 ST, MARYS At Rannoch Vacuum Sales and Service Filter Queen Electrolux Compact (Interstate) Kirby Upright Use only genuine filters and replacement parts to avoid trouble. VACUUM SALES AND SERVICE Clinton 482-9574 Grand Bend 238-2521 Lucknow 528.2423 -15 tfn WOULD like someone to share my home. All conveniences, close to uptown, Phone 482-3167. 18p WANTS TO SELL YOUR PROPERTY TODAY is the day to SELL LIST NOW Good demand for river & bush acreages, cottages. RUTH VAN DER MEER, 55 Montreal Street Goderich 524.7875 Sates Agent 18,19,20,21b 7, AUTOS BABY buggy; also two extension gates. Phone 565-5344. - 18b Bus. 229,8945 235.1 FAST 2-hour car buyers loan service - loans $50.00 to $5,000.00. Call Don Denomme, Trans Canada Credit, 524-8349. -loan LARGE two-bedroom heated apartment, laundry room facilities, Adults only. Apply to Mackay Apartments, 201 King Street or phone 482-9227. - 18tIn -17-- 1963 PONTIAC station wagon in very good shape; 14' molded plywood boat with 45 h,p. Chrysler motor and trailer; one pair of men's racing skiis; U.144 belt sander, Black and Decker, used only half a dozen times. Contact W. Bannister, Trailer Park (across from Air Base). - 18p 12.NOTICE to CREDIT LICENSED OPERATORS required for: HD - 16DP A.C, Bulldozer 11 i Crawler Backhoe Dragline 25 - Ton Mobile Crane 18 Ton Mobile Crane Apply in writing to: LOOBY CONSTRUCTION LIMITED Dublin, Ontario, 1968 MUSTANG Fastback, V standard, good condition. Phone -182-9082. - 18p COTTAGES and houses painted, Estimates on request. The Bos'n Shop, Highway 4, one mile north of Brucefield. Call 482-7222. -16-25h IN THE ESTATE OF LE JEANETTE CLIFTON, lat the Township of Stanley, is County of Huron, Ma Woman, deceased. ALL persons having el against the Estate of above-named, who died on 2nd day of March, A.D. 1 are required to file particulars thereof with undersigned on or before thr day of May, A,D, 1971, Which date the assets wit distributed, having regard to the claims of which undersigned shall then notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario,. 21st day of April, A.D. 1973 E, B. MENZIES, Clinton, Ont Solicit° the said Es -171;1 Attention Farmers 1970 Gremlin; one owner ear; four speed transmission; low, low mileage; 27 miles to gallon. Call 482.7607 after 5. - 17,18p GOOD USED FURNITURE FOR SALE WHEELCHAIRS - The C.P. & T. Fund of Clinton Oddfellows Lodge have wheelchairs available for loan free. Contact H. J. Staffen 482.9937 or Mrs. M. Batkin 482-3866. - 18b 18b 111111111•11111 A. FOR SALE A. FOR SALE 9.EMPLOYMENT WANTED Knechtel's solid Red Maple 7-piece bedroom suite (slightly checked), consisting oft vanity With mirror; vanity' chair; 5-drawer chiffonier; full size bed, 4'-6":, bedside table with door; gOod Beatty Rest box spring and mattress, extra firm. 40" Moffatt electric range, eXcellent condition. Continental bed, 4 foot size, bed spring and mattress, upholstered headboard; legs, MetaHroniAg board and wooden rocker. For information call 524-7007 GEORGE BEATTIE STAN BLO%VES Travel Service, 32 Wellington Street, Stratford. For all Airlines, steamships, rail, hotel reservations, tours. Low bank rates on time payments. Prepaid arrangements for relatives visiting from overseas. Call 271-5710. -18b FIFTY red cedar posts. PI-one 482-9851. - 18b GROUND WHEAT and mixed grain for cattle or pigs. Also cattle wanted for grass. Apply Lorne Tyndall. Phone 482-7152. -16tfe WILL baby sit one or two children in my own home, two years and over, lit Bayfield. Phone 565-2642. - 18b How many ads do you see for 100% guaranteed used cars? Not enough. These ears are guaranteed 100°,,,, repair amy major rnechan,cal par** for 30 days or 1000 miles. These cars have passed a safety and performance inspection We've completely overhauled and them So afte* .e looked Through The a r of In ads come back to '• .cone. *engine * trartsmiss,on ,,"ar ax'e *front axle assemblies bra.' system 930 CASE tractor, 400 hours, 23" tires, adjustable front axle. Unit may be seen at Rydall Brick and Tile Yard, Eiginfield. Phone 225-2500. - 38.,19b FARROWING CRATES with or without mounted feeding can be easily adjusted for large or small sows. No bolts to work with George Troyer, Herisall, phone 262-5282 —50trii 10. LOST and FOUND United Seed Corn WOULD the person who picked up the Old Age Pension envelope with money from pension cheque in Royal sank on April 30 please turn it in to Royal Flank or Clinton Police Station. Reward offered. No rieestions asked. Pensioner's only income. -18b EXTERIOR PAINTING: Will paint houses, barns, cottages and garages, etc. Free estimates. Phone 482-9129 or 482-7236. - 18tfri I have a small amount of early maturing United Hybrid varieties, U.H. 108, 7, and 127A available, Contact: Laurence Bean Brucefield, phone 482,9260 18b Tgb E. FARM SERVICES THE SPRING suit SCENE! SHIPPING LIVESTOCK to Union Stock Yards Toronto? Trucking every Monday. All loads fully insured. Campbell McKinley, Zurich 262,5430. -10tfn 11. SERVICES 0 D. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern Equipment Work Guaranteed Write or Phone HARVEY DALE, SEAFORTH PHONE 482-3320 -2trn 1970 Volkswagen station wagon, AM-FM radio, automatic, $2,795.00. Lie. 1X3790. 1968 Volkswagen CustOrri, red with matching interior, -COM pletel3r reconditioned, $1195, Lic, J89727. 1966 Chevrolet Super Sport 2-door hardtop V-8 automatic, power steering, power brakes, radio 81295. Lie. K34846. 17 PIGS, tetra weeks old; also quantity of steel fence posts. Phone 482-7190. -18b EIGHT good size pigs. Phone 524-7080. - l8nc GIFT CHOCOLATE1 FARM LOANS - $50,00 to $5,000.00. Call Don Denomme, Trans Canada Credit, for special farm repayment terms. Phone 524-8349, -10tin GIFT TINS OF ASSORTED TOFFEE 13y Smiles 'n' Chuckles and Olin Brown MOTHER'S DAY IS MAY 9th, STEP OUT IN STYLE in a new Suit front our large selection. Checks-Plains-Stripes $705 ttp Chuter Plumbing Heating & Electric Furnace Installations DeLaval Milker Supplies Appliance Service 46 King Street Ph 482-7652 -2tfn GRAIN and grass seed orders taken. Veterinary products, farm hardware, dairy cleaners and supplies. Purina livestock feeds etc. M. W. Durst, Clinton Farm and Garden Centre, Isaac Street. 482-9333. ---9 tfn * 'V *OIL*, 4t, **3,7, fft ak etio 1.10111 igtZ, :1 711 177 "44: *741# From 1969 Epic, one owner, only 19,000 miles, $1395. Lie. 385664 1969 Viva standard sedan, one owner, radio, 26,000 miles, $1395. tic. K42490 All these cars are one owner cars with low mileage. ieememeeeeimilem•exdrieseemeeemieee----eei SPORT COATS CO-ORDINATES CASUAL ALL JACKETS WEATHER COATS SPORT SHIRTS ETC. REGAN SILOS SAND- BLASTING • -13Uitders Of loured Concrete Silos for Parril and th- dustrial use. -Silo Roofs and Accessories, --Liquid Manure Tanks up lo SO' in diareeter, below or abeve ground. Per EstiMares Contact Clinton Community Auction Sales EVERY FRIDAY EVENING FROM Bartliffs Bakery Lbviltien1 461 -9727 SAMMY and RESTAURANT COW* BRICK HOMES., ETC. SILICONE TREATMENTS ARNOLD STOTHERS AT Don Taylor Motors Limited' Melt' Streit Exeter DIAL 235.1100 Pickett & 'Campbell united Regan Silos ltd. 7:30 p.m. PIioi•e 529-7403 for estirnatet 14-22 PR 3, Mitchell, Ont. Phohe 1472193 I Evenings/ TERMS: CASA . JOE COREY - Sales Manager The Store For Men 'CLiNtON bODERICH KINCAPD1NE‘,