HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1971-04-22, Page 10iiisINTEE LttralEn• CHARGEX SWING INTO SPRING CASUAL JACKETS 9.95 up ALL WEATHER COATS 19.95'up, WASH PANTS & JEANS 7.95 up SPORT SHIRTS - T-SHIRTS 4.00 IS NOW AVAILABLE AT p Pickett & Campbell Limited The Store For Men CLINTON dODERICH KIN'CARDINE KEYSTONE MINI 3I<ES A hi-torque 'wheelie per orming sack rabbit With the world's most efficient 2 cycle engine that runs all 'clay at 6500 12.P.M Without the slightest huff or pug. Cruises at SO miles per boor and delivers up to lea miles per gallon ceenomy. MODEL 6000B mom S169,95 NO DOWN PAYMENT - TERMS TO SUIT YOUR BUDGET NOW ON DISPLAY AT 32 CAMBRIA RD. S. GODERICH 524-9485 10 Clinton News-Record, Thursday, April 22, 1971 4. .ACCOMIVIOPATION FOR RENT 8, HELP WANTED 4. ACCOMMODATION . FOR RENT 6, REAL ESTATE 11. SERVICES FARMS FOR SALE 150 acres, 140 vvorkablp, level, suitable for corn or white beans, 10 acres hard-maple and reforested white pine and spruce marketable; 2 good houses with modern conveniences; L. shaped 100 x 36 and 56 x 50, New hog barn 28 x 64 insulated; 2 tower silos 12 x 35 and 12 x 27; trench silo 34 x 20 x 10; implement shed 30 x 32. This is an ideal father-son set up 4 miles from Seaforth. Immediate possession, priced reasonable, terms available, 120 acres, 105 ploughed slightly rolling, 2 miles from Blyth, silt loam; 7 room cement block house • with modern convenience's. Barn 50 x 80, presently feeder hog set-up, Immediate possession, price reasonable, terms available. J. CARL HEMINGWAY RR 3, Brussels Phone 887-6887 Agent for Wilfred Mcl ntee Co. •Ltd. Realtor -16b LOCAL PERSON REQUIRED I need a representative for my firm in this area. This opening may be worth up to $10,000.00 yearly for the right person, Full or part-time, Age over 21. Can you make short auto trips? We hope you will start soon and stay with us a long time. Apply to Charlie Lee, 22 Alfred Street, Wingham, phone 357-1383. -16, 17, 18b JACK'S WOOD-TURNERY - Custom Wood-turning a specialty, also furniture repaired. Hand-turned gift articles in walnut, cherry, etc. for sale in workshop at rear of 84 Albert St,, Clinton. John Plumtree. Phone 4829695. -ltfn FOUR room apartment with 3-pee bath, modern kitchen, storage room, gas heat, unfurnished, available May 1, Phone 482-9649. -1 ban, TWO. APARTMENTS, one two-bedroom unfurnished and one two-bedroom furnished with heat and utilities paid, Central location. 72 Rattenbury W. Phone 482-9005. -lean' APARTMENT, furnished, 2 bedroom available ,immediately. Apply to Clinton Speedwash or phone 482-9004 evenings and 482-9505 daytime. -15, 1613 APARTMENT suitable for couple. Furnished and heated. Apply to side door, 93 Huron Street. -15t,Ln, QUICK cash to pay bills or make a purchase, Call Don Denomme, Trans Canada Credit, 524-8349. Otfn Classified Rates 3. ARTICLES WANTED • WANTED two or three bedroom house in town. June 1st for three months or longer. Reply M. Garniss, 263-291 Windermere Rd. London,' Ontario. -16p VACANCIES for retired people,' Private room kept clean. Linens washed, Meals served in main dining room,. $150 per month 482-6685, Mrs. C. Van Demme, -15tfn WANTED: Y2 h.p. heavy duty electric motor. Phone John Buchanan at 524-8331 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m, -nc 9. EMPLOYMENT WANTED JOHNSTON ELECTRIC - Wiring Contractors, electric heating, pumps and repairs. Light Fixtures. Bayfield 565-2838. -11 tfn You are charged according to the number of words used in your advertisement. Sets of numerals such as serial numbers, telephone numbers, street numbers or prices count as one word per set. Hyphenated words and numbers are counted as separate words. Each word costs three cents with a minumum of 75 cents per ad. An extra charge of 25 cents will be added to each insertion If not paid within 30 days of the last insertion. Display Classifieds are $1.40 per column inch. Engagements are $1.50. In memoriams s nd cards of thanks are 4 cents per word. Coming events, 5 cents per word, minimum $1.00. MAN and wife would like to clean houses, cottages, offices or large building, Will do painting and wallpapering,. Phone Bayfield, 565-2444. 9-16p WANTED: Furniture and household effects. Will buy singly or by houseful. Phone 482-3120. -14tfn 5. ACCOMMODATION WANTED SIX room house (2 or 3 bedrooms) new gas furnace, 3 piece bath; available May 1st at ONE CHILD'S WAGON and 52 Princess St. Phone 482-7578. child's wooden rocking chair in -1411n good condition. Phone collect 523-4473. -16p TRI-TOWN BOOKKEEPING SERVICE INCOME TAX complete record preparation and maintenance. LAWRENCE BEANE BRUCE:FIELD 482-9260. -1-16 b 'WANTED: Apple orchard to prune and spray. Apply to Percy Adam. 523-4452. -15, 16b SPACIOUS older home in good repair. Suitable for a growing family, Write P.O. Box 247, Clinton. -16b JAMAICAN lady will babysit in your home and do light housework five days per week. Phone 482-9638. -16b 4. ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT 6. REAL ESTATE Deadline: 12 p.m. Tuesday REMODELLING, renovations, roofing and floor laying, expertly done. All odd jobs around the home. Kitchen cupboards a specialty. Phone 482-7676. Ken McNairn. -2tfn 2 storey permanent house, 3 bedrooms, living room, modern kitchen, large lot, oil heat. 2 lakefront lots Lakefront cottage north of Bayfield LAUCKNER REAL ESTATE Adam Flowers, Bayfield, 565.2813 -16tfn ONE bedroom upstairs apartment with kitchen and bath, gas-heated, Phone 482-6694. -1 Otfn 11. SERVICES 7. AUTOS ONTARIO HOUSING CORPORATION Is Now Accepting Applications For 18 SENIOR CITIZENS APARTMENTS (Under Construction) In ' Clinton, Ontario ONE BEDROOM APARTMENTS (Rents Are Geared To Income) 1.. ARTICLES FOR SALE 1. ARTICLES FOR SALE CUSTOM KILLING AND PROCESSING Butchering dates-Tuesday and Thursday TUESDAY - Beef and Pork Thursday - Beef Only PICK-UP SERVICE AVAILABLE IVlerner's Abattoir 237-3314 Dashwood 1968 VALIANT, 6 cylinder automatic with radio, reasonably priced. Excellent condition. Phone 524-8993 after 5 p.m. -16b OFFICE FOR RENT. Approximate size 29' x 12'. Situated at 84 Albert St. and formerly occupied by Ontario Hydro. Heated by electricity and contains a small safe. Available now; Apply to John Plumtree, phone 482-9695. -5tfn TO GIVE AWAY: nice, young, female dog, spayed, good protection for old people and kind to children. Free to good home. 565-2861 Bayfield. - 16b TYPEWRITERS and Adding Machines for sale. Anstett Jewellers Ltd., Clinton Phone 482-9525. -9tfn, INCOME TAX PREPARED Farmers, Individuals, Businesses ROY'S TAX SERVICE 17 G ibbings St., Clinton Phone 482:9357 -7tfn FAST 2,hour car buyers loan service - loans $50.00 to $5,000.00. Call Don Denomme, Trans Canada Credit, 524-8349. -1 Otfn CUSTOM MEAT SERVICE. Chill, cut, wrap and sharp freeze. Custom killing in government inspected abbatoir. Also beef by quarter or half. Robinson's General Store, Auburn. Phone 526-7788. -tfn HEAVY HENS, about 6 lbs. each, to be sold live, $1.00 each. Also roosters, about 8, lbs., $1.25 each. Phone 482-7463. - 16b SELF-CONTAINED flat in modern home. Heated, furnished or semi-furnished. Air conditioner. Choice location. Available early May. Phone 482-9333 or 482-7309 after six. -1 ltfn 1 SAND- BLASTING Albert Street Office 482.3821 Vacuum Sales and Service , Filter Queen Electrolux Compact (Interstate) Kirby Upright Use only genuine filters and replacement parts to avoid trouble. VACUUM SALES AND SERVICE Clinton 482-9574 Grand Bend 238-2521 Lucknow 528.2423 -15 tfn CHESTERFIELD - excellent condition. Phone 482-9673. - 16b CONS BOUGHT, sold, exchanged. V. Pope, 87 Kingston Street, 524-7359. -tf CLINTON HOMES JOSEPH ST. 1 floor, 2 bedroom ranch full basement with gas F.A. heating, plenty of space for rec. room and 3rd bedroom. Priced at only $8600.00 RATTENBURY ST., 3 bedroom frame construction, paved drive, choice location close to schools. Asking $9500.00, open to your offer. WELLINGTON ST., 3 bedroom frame, close to shopping and post office, gas heating, excellent condition throughout. Private mortgage available. 111GII ST., triplex, brick construction, reduced to $10,000.00. Income property consisting of 3, 1 bedroom apt. We invite your inspection. EAST ST., quiet privacy is yours among the mature trees surrounding the stately 2 storey red brick home featuring 2 ,bathrooms, , modern, kitchen„., dining area, living room plus family room and den. Uniquely carved stairway leads to 4 large bright bedrooms, Owner transferred will consider your offer. Phone now for an appointment, RATTENBURY ST. W., 3 bedrooms, 1 floor brick ranch with closed in breezeway and attached garage, Oil fired hot water heating, full high basement, well landscaped lot. Shown by appointment, WE OFFER a selection of farms from 10 to 300 acres, beef or dairy setups. For details please call our office. How many ads du you see for 100% guaranteed used cars? Not enough. These cars are guaranteed 100%. We'll repair any major mechanical part* for 30 days or 1000 miles. (These cars have passed a safety and performance inspection. We've completely overhauled Ind reconditioned them.) So after you've looked through the rest of the ads, come back to this one, *engine • transmission • oar axle • front axle assemblies • brake system BRICK HOMES, ETC. SILICONE TREATMENTS ARNOLD STOTHERS SELF-CONTAINED, one bedroom furnished, heated apartment. Apply to Roy Tyndall, 482-7865. -12an If You: Are a resident of Clinton Are sixty years of age or over Are in need of adequate accommodation Your present income does not permit you to pay current market rates Have not previously submitted an application Please write for an application to: MR. JOHN LIVERMORE, Housing Manager, Clinton Housing Authority, Municipal Building, Clinton, Ontario. -16b FACTORY MADE GO-KART, less motor. Phone 482-9837. -16b YOUR garden and lawn spring requirements - seeds, bulk or packaged; fertilizers; tools, etc. Spreader loaned with fertilizer purchase. Clinton Farm and Garden Centre, 22 Isaac Street, Clinton. 482-9333. -14tfn ARIENS RIDING MOWER. Used only one season. Phone 482-7109, -16b THREE bedroom apartment for rent, Gas heated, centrally located, private entrance. $70.00 per month including all utilities. Apply to 482-7254. -13tfn Phone 529-7403 for estimates 14-22 FOR a full line of COSMETICS, face care products and skin analysing, consult Bonnie Bjerg, Vanda Beauty Counsellor, 482-9372, mornings. -14 cow , PICNIC TABLES for sale. Call the Bos'n Shop, 482-7222, Highway 4, one mile north of Brucefield. We deliver. -16tfn SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern Equipment Work Guaranteed Write or Phone HARVEY DALE, SEAFORTH PHONE 482-3320 -2tfn SEWING LESSONS for beginners - downtown Clinton. Afternoons by appointment. Courses $7., $8., $10. Make skirt, shorts, pants, tunic, pant top, dress. Phone Mrs. Hunt, mornings 482-9324. -14, 15, 16, 17p TWO bedroom unfurnished apartment for rent. Heated. Call after 5. Phone 482-7607. -16tfn GENDRON STROLLER with fringed canopy. 565-2716. -16b ONE bedroom unfurnished apartment. All utilities paid. Call after 5, 482-7607. -16tfn CASH AND CARRY APPLIANCE SALE 2 only 10 cu. ft. refrigerators $169.95 each. 1 only 2-speed automatic washer $269.95 1 only 14 cu. ft. Frost free 'refrigerator in Avocado green $299.95 1 only Mini freezer, 8 cu. ft. $149.95 2 only Simplicity driers $159.95 Radios to clear $10.00 each No delivery T. A. DUtTON Appliances Brucefield Phone 482-3232 -16b Chuter Plumbing Heating & Electric Furnace Installations DeLaval Milker Supplies Appliance Service 46 King Street Ph 482-7652 ' -2tfn UNIVERSAL 6-can spray type milk cooler, needs motor repaired on pump. Cheap for quick sale. Also two-piece chesterfield suite, Suitable for recreation g room or cottage. Phone 482-9417. -16b 1965 Volkswagon Deluxe completely reconditioned $595. Lic. K33023. 197.0t.Volkswagen,station.w.agons. AM-FM radio, automatic, $2,795.00. Lic. 1X3790. 1968 Volkswagen Custom, red with matching interior, completely reconditioned, $1195. Lic. Jd9727. 1966 Chevrolet Super Sport 2-door hardtop V-8 automatic, power steering, power brakes, radio $1295. Lic. K34846. SEWING SERVICE for home sewers - downtown Clinton. Trouble shooting $2.00 up. Problems with zipper, collar, sleeveS,' hem? Phone Mrs. Hunt mornings 482-9324. -14, 15, 16, 17p WATCH REPAIR is a job for 'experts. Our work assures you satisfaction. Counter's Jewellery. iluron County's Oldest Establishec: Jewellery Store, Clinton, Ontario. -trb. CHESTERFIELD AND CHAIR, dark brown, good condition. 482-6656. -16b COTTAGES and houses painted. Estimates on request. The Bos'n Shop, Highway 4, one mile north of Brucefield. Call 482-7222. --16-25b A. FOR SALE A. FOR SALE 14 FT. BOAT with windshield, steering wheel, life jackets,. aluminum oars, on trailer with spare tire; 48 inch bed with bookcase headboard; umbrella-type clothesline with parallel lines; two portable laundry tubs on metal stand; chrome kitchen set, 4 chairs; blue curling sweater. Phone 482-91.12. -16b INTERNATIONAL No. 401, 10 foot spring tooth cultivator, hydraulic control. Like new condition. Phone 565-5269. -16b QUANTITY OF BALED HAY, first and second cut; also quantity of baled wheat straw. Percy Gibbings, 482-9925. -16b We do all types of JEWELLERY REPAIR * Ring Sizing * Claw Retipping * Watch Repair * Acutron Repair ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Clinto n, Seaforth and Walkerton 12tfn. 1969 Epic, one owner, only 19,000 miles, $1395. Lic J85664 1969 Viva standard sedan, one owner, radio, 26,000 miles, $1395. Lic. K42490 All these cars are one owner cars with low mileage. AT Don Taylor Motors Limited 2. ARTICLES FOR RENT ONE SET race-horse harness, one set hobbles. Like new. Apply to Harold Jackson, Seaforth, Ontario. -16b ONE 740 GAS TRACTOR, 6 year's old; one 91/2 foot Kongsklide cultivator; one International 10 foot spring tooth cultivator; one 15 run International feed drill with power lift; two 14 inch Case plows - two years old. Phone 524-7431. -16-17b EXTRA_ 011.1W FORMAL RENTALS for all occasions, Pickett & Campbell Ltd , Clinton and Goderich. -7tfn • CLARKE ZINN 324 Ontario Street Clinton Phone 482-7838 PHOTO LISTING SERVICE QUANTITY OF MIXED GRAIN and cob corn, R. J. Semple, 482-7456. -16b BROADLOOM FORMAL RENTALS for men and boys. Contact Herman's Men's Wear 482-9351. -22tfn Sewing Machine PROBLEMS? SINGER TRAINED Alex Reed GROUND WHEAT and mixed grain for cattle or pigs. Also cattle wanted for grass. Apt% Lorne Tyndall. Phone • 482-7152. -16tfn CLINTON'S CARPET CENTRE *Wall to Wall Installation or Area Carpets. *Samples shown in your home. *Free Estimates. *Guaranteed Installations. 1,000 .BALES alfalfa hay for sale. Also baled straw. Phone Doug Farquhar, 482-9241. - Main Strest Ex•ter DIAL 235-1100 G-5150(N) & G-4082(N) FUNK'S G-HYBRID FOR THIS AREA CONSTRUCTION equipment for rent. Power trowel, small mixer, pump, wheelbarrows, good plywood forms and wedges Form ties stocked Phone 236-4954 evenings or Saturdays. -2tfn • 7. AUTOS 8, HELP WANTED FARROWING CRATES with or without mounted feeding can be easily adjusted for large or small sows. No bolts to work with George Troyer, Hensall, phone 262-5282 50an SEED oats, "Stormont", cleaned and treated. Phone Greg Brandon 482-3129. -15, 16b "SEE IHE COMPLETE LINE OF 1971 Datsuns 1200's ---- 1600's POWS and Startio2, As Low As $19/5 DATSUN: THE MORE FOR YOUR MONEY CAR GER ALD'S . SUPERTEST 7 Main St. N., Seaforth 527-1010 197 Bayfield Rd., Goderich PROJECTIONIST for Drive-In theatre; must be reliable. Phone 238.2464 between 5:30 and 7:30 p.m. -16b 524-8465 15, 16, 17, 18p aaaa.aaa We have carpet specifically designed for every room in your home. Quality you can trust From BALL & MUTCH LTD. HOME FURNISHINGS Phone 482-9505 Clinton C. WANTED 3. ARTICLES WANTED "MR D. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE ..111101111••• THE HOME CARE Programme proposed for the Seaforth, Clinton area requires Certified Visiting Homemakers, A course for women interested in qualifying as a Certified Visiting Homemaker will be offered in the Clinton area soon. This course will be organized by the Huron County Health Unit, supervised by Conestoga College and sponsored by Canada Manpower, For further information, please contact the Huron County Health Unit, Court ouse, Goderich. Phone 524-83 1. -16, 17, 18b LET US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured - don't take chances, Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction, Watch repairs and pearl restringing W. N Counter. Clinton, Ontario. -an WANTED: GRASS for 20 head of cows. 482-7494. -16b TIMBER WANTED: Immediate payment for good standing timber and bushes. Write Robert Eagleson, Ailsa Craig, giving location and telephone number or phone 232-4450 before 8 a,m. or after 6 p.m. -13an 18 PIGS for sale, koob Drost, R. R. 4, Goderich. Phone 524-6364 or 524-9811. -16p WANTED: grass for 20 head of cows. 482-7494. -16b Fuelet rt e Breed tome Numbets Identify Vatieties Funk Sint Seed Co. Bloanngton, Illintut 61701 Intern/1mM Heidqutttets 25 PIGS, 9 weeks old. Phone 482-9108. -16b 18 PIGS, 10 weeks old. Phone E. FARM SERVICES 482-7109. -16b AUCTIONEER AND APPRAISER. Licensed and capable in selling all types of AUCTION SALES. No charge for Church and Charity Sales. Bruce Rathwell, Brucefield, Phone 482-3120, -Stfn FARM LOANS - $50.00 to $5,000.00. Call Don Denotnnie, Trans Canada Credit, for special farm repayment terms, Phone 524-8349. -10tfn WILLIAM LOBB RR 2, Clinton 482-3263 16, 17b ONE SORREL PONY; two registered Angus bulls, one year old; Ford tractor with loader; McCormick three-furrow plough. Phone 565-2813, Bayfield. -16b SHIPPING LIVESTOCK to Union Stock Yards Toronto? Trucking every Monday. All loads fully insured, Campbell. McKinley, Zurich 262-5430. -1 Oan FARM NINE York Sows and Three Wessex sows for sale, all bred; one Landrace hog. Phone 524-7080. - 1 Inc GRAIN and grass seed orders taken. Veterinary products, farm hardware, dairy cleaners and supplies. Purina livestock feeds etc. M. W. Durst, Clinton Farm and Garden Centre, Isaac Street. 482-9333. -9 tfn FOR SALE 264 ACRES REGAN SILOS -Builders of Poured Concrete Silos for Farm and in- dustrial use, -Silo Roofs and Accessories, --Liquid Manure Tanks up to SO' in diarneter, below or above ground, For Estimates Con he Clinton Community Auction Sales EVERY FRIDAY AFTERNOON 1:30 p.m. TERMS: CASA JOE COREY -- Sales Manager LOT 7 & 8, TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT For further details contact George Wraith, Inspector of the Estate of A. Hallam, a Bankrupt, Phone Goderich Regan Silos Ltd RFt S, Mitchell, onf. Phone,347-2793 ( Evenings) 9-2:1 524-6511 16b