HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1971-04-15, Page 22 Clinton News-Record, Thursday, April 15, 1971 BY MARG RUDD The Guides at Adastral Park are planning a Fair to raise money for the Bunny Bundle. It will be held at CFB Clinton on Sunday, April 18. There will be all kinds of attractions such as clowns, children'S ides, fortune tellers, refreshme t booths, a iry( play, fishpond, bite elephant table, balloons, ,dart throw, house of horn:.FREE coffee and Koot-aid, the events will cost only one d nt each and the proceeds are certainly for a good cause, For time and admission charges 'see the Corning Events section. *, * * Mr. Burti6n Bean, of Archer's Farm Sales/ and Service, Clinton, recently attended the Dari-Kool Bou-Matic Milker Training School held at the Dairy Equipmen Company Plant, Madison, gisconsin. :4: ,* * Mrs. Ellen Cook of town and F/O Reg Cook, London spent Easter with Dr. and Mrs. R. C. Cook in Hamilton. * The Rudd family who spent part of the Easter weekenciParith relatives in Peterborough also travelled to the Trenton-Belle- ville area where they visited M. and Mrs. Bill Poppenk who sent greetings to their Clinton friends, The Red Pump, Bayfield was the setting for a dinner meeting of the Madeleine Lane Auxiliary of St, Andrew's Presbyterian Church.. Hostess for the occasion was Mrs. Ron McCann, A surprise birthday cake celebrated the tenth anniversary of the change of name from the Girls' Club to Madeleine Lane Auxiliary, in honour of the late Mrs. D. J. Lane. A brief worship service and business meeting followed, Reports were given about the recent tea and also a rummage sale held by the group. Legion Auxiliary plans for Catnping Show The Ladies Auxiliary to the Raoyal Canadian Legion held their monthly meeting on Monday, April 12, with the president, Mrs. Harold Black, presiding. Special guest for the eVeni ng was Zone Cl commander, Mrs. H. F, Carroll ,of Goderich. Many spring events were discussed, and members are asked to help whenever possible. This weekend, April 17 and 18, the ladies are running a booth at the Camping and Sport Show, which is being held at the Clinton Arena. A busy day is forthcoming on April 23, with a luncheon at noon and banquet at night, both to be held at the Legion Hall, and a banquet for May 1. However, there is a little WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY Portraiture — Passports Commercial MAXWELL STUDIO J. SNYDER Call Wingham 357-1851 15 pleasure too with a bowling tournament coming up in Seaforth on May 15. The ladies also agreed to enter a float in the parade on Spring Fair day in June. Mrs. Ruby Haddy reported that the new sunroom addition is gradually being furnished at the Hospital, and the Auxiliary moved to donate $200 towards the purchasing of lawn furniture which will be needed. Mrs. Carroll once again extended warm greetings on behalf of Ontario Command and Zone Cl. She congratulated the Auxiliary for their fine work in the community and with their veterans at Westminster Hospital. There are 400 Auxiliaries in Ontario, with over 25,000 memberships. Zone Cl raised over $59,000 during the past year, with over $1,500 given in bursaries, and some $51,000 given throughout Ontario from Auxiliars, She emphasized the importance of working for the good of the Auxiliary and that a good spirit of comradeship should prevail. Mrs. Carroll was thanked and presented with a gift by President Bessie Black. Mrs. Marg Thorndyke won the attendance draw. A fine lunch was served. For The NEW MOTHER and BABY BEATTIE FURNITURE LTD. ARE OFFERING 15% OFF ALL BABY FURNITURE &ACCESSORIES . IN STOCK TILL THE END OF APRIL COME IN WHILE THE SELECTION IS GOOD Beattie Furniture Ltd. PHONE 482-?521 CLINTON OF OUR OPEN HOUSE 011AVv FOR A CAR STEREO SYSTEM WAS Brian Wilbee, RR 3 Walton CONGRATULATIONS A SPECIAL THANK YOU To Everyone Who Made Our Grand Opening Such A Success PRICED TO SELL Mustang, Custom 500, Galaxie 500, LTD,- All two-boor Hardtops 'Amor' FRESH TRADE-INS RECONDITIONED AND READY TO GO '71 DEMOS It GODERICH MOTORS THE NEW FORD LOWER IN HURON OOONTY 3 SOUTH St, GODERJCH PHONE 1524-7 ,O8 14CTORIA and GREY TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 Lealand HiI1,011/lanager: Elgin and Kingsion-Streets, Goderich ,52*4-7381 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111101111111111111111111111 SERVING CLINTON AND DISTRICT SINCE 1945 Gordon Grigg Fuels ROSS JEWITT FARM & HEATING PETROLEUMcLINT0 Waiting N NEEDS No on Cleanoutsl Pick Your Date Now! For your safety our delivery trucks carry fuel oil only FOR FREE BURNER SERVICE NIGHT OR DAY CALL 492-9411 STOVE COAL FOR SALE — JUST ARRIVED — Call 482-9411 For Delivery ALSO BRIQUETTES for Pick-Up at Gordon Gi=i4 kiels PHONE 4824411 Call Our Agent ECKERT and SONS, BAYFIELD Mechanical Service Ornamental Iron Railings and l-amp Posts Fishing and Canapinig Supplies Lawn and. Garden Equipment Sales and Service Phone 565.2528 Argyle St 23,10 WANTED Custodian For hyfield Community Centre DUTIES Operate — Roller Skating in Summer Ice Skating in Winter Plus General Maintenance and Cleaning Apply to G. J. GRAHAM, Sec. Treas. in writing Box 99 Bayfield Stating remuneration required Must be a Bayfield Resident TENDERS CLOSE APRIL 21, 1971 \ MICHIGAN 275-2X SEED CORN TRY OUR NEW WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF: C. 1. L. FERTILIZERS ' 'SEE US BEfORI YOU BUY' CONTRACTS AV °•A ILABLE FOR; WHITE BEANS CORN - SEED OATS & SEED BARLEY WE HAVE A GOOD SUPPLY OF: REGISTERED, CERTIFIED & FOUNDATION SEED W. G, THOMPSON — "THE HOME OP GOOD SEEDS" HERBICIDES FOR WHITE BEANS EPTAM PATORAN TREFLAN W. G. THOMPSON AND SONS LIMITED Phone 262-2527 Hensd It was decided that priority should be given to painting the inside of the building and also to complete the installation of the heating system. The metal siding for the new addition to the building which has been donated by the Bayfield Lions Club must also be put or, arid the auditorium floor has to be refinished. A custodian is needed for the building and the board is advertizing for someone for this position. The Community Centre ended the skating season with all bills paid and a surplus of approximately $900. The Bayfield Sea Rangers and Sea Scouts have been raising money the past few weeks for Bunny Bundle. The biggest money raiser was a raffle for two fabulous prizes. First prize was a live bunny rabbit and second a chocolate one. Faith Renner, Valerie Merner and Shirley Brandon of the Rangers travelled to London on Monday morning to have Bill Brady of -open line draw the winning tickets and to accept $54,50 which '''the Bayfield kids had collected for Bunny Bundle. Winner of first prize, the live bunny; was Blair Bender of the Red Pump Restaurant and second prize was won by Ivan Hogart of Clinton. Dianne Garrett gave me the following Brownie report: We opened with our Brownie songs. Kathy Talbot was the fair queen. Then we practiced songs for our good turn corning up in May. Joanne Mackie sewed on a button, Tracy Mitchell wrapped a parcel and Frieda Hill skipped backwards 20 times. We then practiced our semaphore after which we played a new game that Crystal Huffman taught us. We closed with our closing song and prayer. Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Sturgeon and family, or Preston; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Anderson and family, St. Marys; Mr. and Mrs. Francis Anderson of Stratford, and Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Bisback of Clinton spent Easter Sunday with their mother Mrs. Mend Sturgeon. Mr. and Mrs. J. Charles Monteith and son flick of Lambeth and Mr. Don Monteith of Toronto were guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Rivers on Saturday. . Mr. and Mrs, G. S. Poulter of Ottawa spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Rivers. Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Rivers and family of London were guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Rivers on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. John Fraser spent the weekend in Cleveland. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Renner, David, Faith, Hope and Cindy, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Porter and Julie and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Knights, Kelly and Krista spent Easter Sunday with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H. Scotchmer. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Latimer, Bill, Gil and Christy of Weston spent the weekend with Mrs. Gil Knight. Mr. and Mrs. Higgins and son Collin spent Easter weekend with parents Mr. and Mrs. J. Brown Higgins. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stevenson, Kathy, Karen, Doug and David and Mrs. B. A. Quigg, Kimmy and Joe all of London spent Easter Sunday with parents Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Earl. It was a madhouse, but fun. Miss Barbara Clift of Ottawa spent the weekend with her parents Brigadier and Mrs. F. A. Clift, The village Guild in Bayfield has been purchased by Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dick of the United States and Mr. Dick informs me that he hopes to have his' opening around May 22. COMMUNITY CENTRE BOARD MEETING The Community Centre Board inspected the arena on April 12 and recommended that several odds and ends be completed. Extensive painting was also recommended. The secretary was authorized to advertise for a custodian to look after building maintenance, roller skating and ice skating. This advertisement appears at another location in this paper. DELTA GRILL St FINA STATION 209 Victoria St., Clinton 4824993 OPEN a,m, tO 9 p.m. Now stock a new line of tar and home stero players, tapas and speakers, Also fishing tackle and camping supplies, tf the right time . . . TO OPEN A SAVINGS ACCOUNT matter how much or how little you earn save regularly Tar your future, 'now! Clinton Community Credit Union 70 Ontario St. 4{32.3467 Valerie Merner presents a rabbit to Blair Bender of Bayfield, winner of a draw conducted by lthe Bayfield Sea Rangers for the Bunny Bundle. Watching the presentation is Faith Renner, — photo by Eric Earl. Bayfield Bayfield council discusses insurance BY ERIC EARL April 7 saw a regular meeting of Bayfield village council at which insurance coverage in the village was reviewed and updated: A beach management agreement with the Department of Lands and Forests covering the beaches and river banks within the village boundaries was favourably discussed. It was reported that a copier for village documents was being purchased. This copier will be made available, within reason, on a cost per copy basis. The Reeve reported that the contour map of the village was being completed. He also said Mr. Stokes, of the Department of Transport Marine Section, had visited the Bayfield Harbour to discuss the rules respecting dockage along the banks of the river. The Reeve reported Ted Gozzard, a local businessman, was expanding his boat manufacturing business on Howard St. East, and ,waa, also „_ preparing „to provide a repair,, service at a foCation on the north' dock. Councillor Don Warner reported the drainage work in the Li ciderdale area was progressing. He also reported that road grading would start as soon as the roads dried up, It is planned to instal a further 150 trees around the village. Work on summer doors for the library was authorized. A special meeting of council was held April 2 to study a request to use the municipal building as a School for Census Takers. This was favourably received. Councillors asked for more information on the rental rates per day. The council reviewed the County of Huron official plan and instructed the Clerk to indicate their acceptance of the broad outlines of this Land Use Plan. Councillor Don Warner reported that the dump was being cleaned up. A request is made to those using this facility to take refuse to the far end of the area so as not to block the road. The Bayfield Community Centre Board met in Municipal Halt oil Monday night and went in a body to the Community Centre on a tour of inspection. Guides and Brown ilf3S meet BY COLLEEN AND MARY HII-L 1st Clinton Pack At the beginning of Brownies We played a game called "As I Was Walking Down The Street", Near the end of the meeting, Jennifer Melpass and Carolyn Wood did an experiment' by blowing out eggs. After that, the Brownies decorated eggs with bunny faces, flowers and designs, Then we had Pow Wow. 2ND GUIDE COMPANY The Second Girl Guide Company met on Monday, April 12. First we worked on knots, then we had horse-shoe formation and had enrollment and three girls were enrolled. The girls that got enrolled were: Pattie Patterson, Mary Smith and Cindy Tait. They served tea to the mothers and then they served pop and popcorn balls to the Girl Guides and sang the rest of the song. Then we went home. The Bluebird Patrol NUOMMMMUMWMMINIONNMW Let us help you meet Springtime with a new home Mortgage rates are lower and our capacity to serve you with an ideal, custom- built-for-you loan was never greater. So don't let that "Where-will-I-get-the- money?" problem get you down. Hand it over to understanding experts who have behind them over eighty years of experience in tailoring mortgages to suit individual needs. Solve your problem today at Victoria and Grey.