HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1971-03-25, Page 8Here is an unusual way to stretch one pound of minced beef to serve 6. The home economists at Canada Agriculture believe you will agree that the "Hamburg Cottage Cheese Pie" looks attractive enough for a special occasion. Well-seasoned browned beef is spread in a baked pie shell then a cottage cheese-egg mixture is poured over the meat before baking. Recipe of the week Minced beef in pies conton Nows-Rporcl, Thursday, March 25, i$71 Shine Up! KLEENEX TOWELS Paper, Ail Colours Pkg of 2 Rolls WINDOW CLEANER Marvel Brand 15,fkez -tin imch 48, APPiarJUICE FROM CONCENTRATE 4 84L OZ TINS 1.00 Sweat Mixed CANADA'S FINEST "RED BRAND" STEER BEEF STEAKS & ROASTS PORTERHOUSE OR WING STEAKS OR ROASTS • ROUND STEAK 8ott4er:leEut BONELESS RUMP OR SIRLOIN POINT ROAST • FLANK STEAK ROUND STEAK MINCED ;691W Mexican Grown, Large Original Bunch ROCCOLI each EVERYBODY'S FRUIT DRINKS ORANGE, GRAPE, FRUIT PUNCH .00 TINS 4 4131 i-OZ $1 Beef, Chicken, Fried, Spanish RICE4A-RONI 3 8-oz pkgs $1.00 Coffee CHASE & SANBORN Cm 1166g Prime* 6 Varieties MACARONI & SPAGHETTI -16P1(g 39t Pea or Vegetable HABITANT SOUPS 4 2840z fins $1.00 thicken or Chicken Parts (Liver 31414-oz tins SLOW ALPO PET FOOD 3 143A-oz tins 89t Morning Glories meet , "11-15SE SIGNS ARZ- NO AN ItlYITATION FOR TARGE1- FaaAcritE. ,-(ou wouoaNt-r 1 4 voctr‘rt etuttx.r " 14oLes )1.4 ; You..A body,' LITDOOR-ETHICS Si HE LITTLE OWL.. just arrived 1 tablespoon tomato catsup 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce Mix beef, oats, vegetables and seasonings. Combine egg with remaining ingredients. Add to beef and mix well. Press mixture on bottom and sides of 9-inch pie plate, and flute edge, Filling 2 cups cooked rice 1712-ounce can tomato sauce 1/8 teaspoon pepper 1/8 teaspoon basil 1 cup (4 ounces) grated cheddar cheese Combine rice, tomato sauce, seasonings and 1/4 cup of the grated cheese. Spread filling in _ meat shell, cover and bake 25 minutes at 350 degrees F. Uncover, sprinkle with remaining 34 cup cheese. Bake uncovered until cheese melts (10 to 15 minutes). 6 servings, Pre* Easter COAT CLEARANCE 0411.4-44 k*#*:**A4142! • N*. up to lt''-r-', 4 on 50%1' ,,, ,40...., SUEDE and LEATHER Vs 11.10 AYR EXCITING NEW LINES tN LADIES SPORTSWEAR SWEATERS & SKIRTS LEATHER SUITS, LEATHER JUMPERS, SKIRT & VEST SETS ALL AT PACTORY OUTLET SAVINGS Minced beef is a frequent item on many food shoppers' lists. It is a good buy because there is little waste. One pound of minced beef will serve three or four persons depending upon the fat content, what is served with it and the size of the servings. To protect the consumer there are regulations concerning beef in the minced form. If minced beef is made by grinding round steak or chuck it should' be labelled "minced round steak" or "minced chuck." If the beef used is represented as being "lean" it must containnot more than 15% fat. taal Some fat is necessary to provide flavor and prevent the minced beef from drying out in cooking. If, on the other hand, beef in the minced form is called "hamburg" it should not contain more than 30% fat. Hamburg is made by grinding together trimmings and some of the less tender cuts of beef such as shank, flank, neck etc. There is a wide difference in price per pound between "hamburg" and "lean minced beer' but it is wise to remember that the fat which cooks out of the hamburg is left In the pan. The true cost of the meat should always be calculated by the number of servings it will provide rather than the cost per pound. The borne economists of Canada Agriculture have chosen to feature minced beef in two unusual recipes — both of them plea. In the "Hamburg Cottage Cheese pie" the seasoned meat and cheese mixture is browned, placed in a baked pie shell and baked, "Beef Crust Pie" is unique in that the minced raw beef is combined with rolled oats and , finely chopped vegetables to make the "crust" for the pie. HAMBURG COTTAGE CHEESE PIE 1 cup chopped onion 'A cup finely chopped green pepper 2 tablespoons butter 1 pound minced beef 34 teaspoon salt 'A teaspoon pepper 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce 2 tablespoons flour "41 baked 9-inch pie shell 1 cup cottage cheese 2 beaten eggs Dash paprika Saute onion and green pepper in butter until onion is transparent. Add meat and brown. Stir in seasonings and flour. Spread meat mixture on pie shell, Blend cottage cheese with eggs and pour over meat. Sprinkle with paprika. Bake at 350 degrees F. until brown (about 30 minutes). 4 to 6 servings. BEEF CRUST PIE Meat Mixture 1 pound minced beef cup rolled oats Vs cup finely chopped onion 1:4 cup diced green pepper cup shredded carrot 2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley 1 teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon pepper ta teaspoon savory 1 beaten egg t,a cup tomato juice BY KATRINA BESEAU The third meeting of the Clinton No, II 4—H Club was held on Monday, March 14, The minutes of the meeting were read by Laurie Luvett. At this meeting the girls decided on a subtitle — "Summer Sewers". They also discussed the Summer Fair and the item that could be entered by June 5. It was decided that the next' Meeting would be held at Kathy and Wanda Malcome's house. The girls discussed their personal measurements, patterns and alterations that might have to be made. CLINTON IV On March 17, the 'Snappy Snippers' met at Gibson's for the second and third meetings, The minutes of meeting one were read by Brenda Gibbings. Measurements of each girl were recorded on a chart to compare with her pattern measurements. The leaders demonstrated how to make alterations on patterns. Under the watchful eyes of the Senior girls, the Junior girls practised pinning the pattern to the fabric and marking the darts, dots and dashes, etc. On the sewing machine, some of the Junior girls tried staystitching. The Seaforth Women's PURE JAMS Institute nave arranged an afternoon of interest to the girls and mothers involved in Separates for Summer, There will be facials, a display of materials, styles and patterns. This will be held at the Seaforth High School, Thursday, March 25, at 2 p.m. Everyone is welcome, BY MARS( ELLEN STURDY On Saturday, March 20, the 4—H girls of Holmesville had their third meeting. The meeting was conducted by Janet Hodges, president of club II, Bonnie Westbrook read the minutes of the last meeting. Mrs, Westbrook discussed and demonstrated how to pin the pattern onto the fabric and how to use the tracing paper. The next meeting was to be Monday, March 22. Meeting one of the Clinton I 4—Fl Club was held on March 20 at the home of Mrs. Robin Thompson. The meeting was opened with the 4-H pledge led by our president Eleanor Lobb. Mrs. Thompson discussed with us choosing the style and Mrs. Murray Forbes discussed the fabric, colour and print. Both Mrs. Thompson and Mrs, Forbes demonstrated how to measure properly for the right size of pattern. The Morning. Glories held their March meeting at the church with 12 members present. Our unit leader, Kay Wise, opened the meeting with a reading called "Words". Joann Walker conducted the devotional period. "For the Beauty of the Earth" was sung by ail, and. Joann led in the responsive reading of Psalm 121. "Father, Lead me Day by Day" closed the worship service. Peggy Menzies introduced our guest speaker, Aileen Craig, who gave a most interesting review of James Mitchener's book "The Source", This was followed by a question and answer 'period and a lively discussion. She was thanked by Kay, The seretary and treasurer gave their reports and the offering was received, Plans were finalized for the giant rummage and bake sale to be held at the church April 17. Sandra Mason will head the rummage committee with Linda Horton, Pat Saundercock, Nancy Wise, Joann Walker, Phyllis Wise, Pat Cook, Betty Fawcett and Gail Wise on this committee. The bake booth will be in charge of Ruby Haddy and Aileen Craig with Ann MacLean, Beulah Keyes, Marg Cooper, Donna Wood and Marie Jefferson helping. Marie McDonald will look after the white elephant table assisted by Mary Grigg and Mary Hearn, There will be a coffee booth and Peggy Measles will be in FREE LOCAL DELIVERY OF ALL ORDERS OVER $2.00 ...op,.. .....,..4104, *., .44., .- .....44 111116 4ieb'.0i' 4 L'.4173 7t490, IX for GENUINE OPEN 9z00 -to 5:30 P.M. MONDAY through SATUADAY COATS GENUINE detergent GAY LIQUID "Tomato 01•10111•11MOMINNIIIMIMMINN IE.11111MONIAMMOOMY .0.10111,. White and tolcurs, toilet 'Tissue WHITE SWAN English Um, Assorted Flaveurt ROSE PICKLES HEINZ SAUCE 1541,0t jar 39t 2041,ez, plastic tall 39t 39 Il•oz jars $100 7 V2.11-0Z lin T Oc OA of 4 rolls 57c WIENERS "RED HOTS" La 58? SLICED, VACUUM PACK SIDE BACON BURNS 15 5 6$1 All prices in this ad guaranteed effective through Saturday, March 2/, 1911. Jane Parker, Daily Dated Pumpkin Pte • full 8" size FREE DELIVERY Of ALL ORDERS To The Hospital or Huronview SCHNEIDER, VACUUM PACK BURNS, RIND ON SIDE BACON SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY, FROZEN COORSH, VACUUM PACKED PORK TENDERLOI N ' L8 $1.08 .charge of this with PhyJ Harland and Marion Stephens! assisting, The meeting closed with t Mizpah Benediction, ti (CENTRE CUTS lb 540 OR HALF LB 483i WHOLE AND FOR EVERY OCCASION .EASTER LILIES .GLOXINIA .HYDRANGEA .MIXED POTS SCOT FLOWERS K.C.COOld FLORIST 61 ORANGE ST„ 482.7012 CLINTON BURNS, SWEET PICKLED, VACUUM PACKED, 2!4, TO 31/3 'LBS COTTAGE ROLLS an? CORNED BEEF ROLL 098? lr‘oon F2tver, Wrote, Seedless, GRAPEFRUIT Large Size 36 5 far 69c Ontarie Not-house Grown, RHUBARB No. 1 Grade 16 29c Produce of Chill, Size 13's HONEY DEW MELONS each69t Ontario tir.adforid Marsh Grown CARROTS 3-it) bag 29c VEGETABLES Pell% 6 Cir ,Otil, Mired Vegetable., Fancy Quat.ty Pc**, C ,111T, Corn