HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1971-03-04, Page 3Auburn BY MRS, WES BRAD Walkerburn Club Varna The World's Day of Prayer will be held in the United Church on Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Gary ikleAsh and son of London visited over the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McAsh, Mr. and Mrs, Fred MeCiymont spent several days last week with relatives at Guelph. The March ineeting of the United Church Women will be held on Thursday evening of this week, The monthly meeting of the Walkerburn Club was held at the home of Mrs. Walter Cunningham. The president Mrs. Elliott Lapp was in charge of the meeting which opened by singing O Canada. Prayer was taken by Mrs. Walter Cunningham. The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as read by Mrs. George Schneider. The roll call was answered by telling the most exciting experience during the storm, The business period was opened by a reading by Mrs. Lapp. A letter and picture of their adopted Korean child was passed around, It expressed special thanks for Christmas gifts. Plans were made for the next meeting which will be held at the home of Mrs. Ted Hunking. A home-made baking sale will be held. Mrs. Lloyd UCW The general meeting of the United Church Women of Knox United Church was held last Wednesday afternoon in the Sunday school room of the church. Mrs. Gerald McDowell presided and Mrs. Norman Wightman was at the piano. The meeting was opened by a Hymn sing led by Mrs, Lawrence Plaetzer . and Mrs. McDowell opened the meeting with a call to worship by reading a poem. The scripture lesson from Luke and Matthew was read by Mrs. Peter Verbeek. Meditation and prayer was taken by Mrs. McDowell. The offering was received by Mrs. R. Koopmans and Mrs. William de Jong while Per The World's Day of Prayer service will be held on Friday, March 5 in Knox United Church, Auburn at 2 p.m. The theme is "New People for a New Age" and the guest speaker is the rector of St. Mark's Anglican Church, Rev. Keith Stokes, The service of worship which will be used by Women throughout the world was developed by a group of women from the Caribbean area which includes Guyana, Jamica and the Virgin Islands. Every woman in the community ' is invited to attend this service. Congratulations to Mrs. Laura FOVIteorViderieb"forrtierly"Of` this village who celebrated her 80th birthday. Mr. Donald Young and Mr. Kenneth Scott spent a few days last week in Toronto. Arva Ball conveyed the thanks of Mr. Keith Arthur on behalf of the March of Dimes campaign for fund-raising. The girls collected in the PORK LOIN QUARTERS CUT INTO PORK CHOPS lb 9 TO 11 CHOPS IN A PKG, NO CENTRE SLICES REMOVED FRESH PORK ROASTS SHANKLESS SHOULDER LEAN BUTT ROAST 16 42¢ lb 5 251 (Boneless lb 520 (Boneless lb 620) MINCED PORK Freshly Ground 16 6 8 ill PORK CHOPS Shoulder or Butt lb 5 8i prines tit6 Time for a New You A new coiffure can do it . or a new hair shade. MARCH PERM SPECIAL R EG. THIS 850 VALUE $10.50 MONTH • May we invite you to meet the newest member of our staff. —DINA FRYKAS. She comes to us from Thompson Manitoba where she has had 5 years experience in hair styling. LORI LYNN Beauty Lounge ALBEitY •;.P2-7711 1.<4;"lif 04 Clinton Kinsmen Weewees won the consolation trophy at the CFB Mite tournament on February 20 at CFB Clinton. Members of the team gathered recently for a picture. They are (front row, left to right) Ricki Gardner, David Clifford, Jim Fleming, Jeff Ball, Brian Hall, (back row) Jeff Colquhoun, Jeff Colclough, Tony Denomme, Ian Fleming, David Stephenson, Ricky Ducharme and Allan Sauder. Missing when the picture was taken were Peter Anstett, Jamie Cooper and Steve Lobb. Peewees tie one, win one LIQUIDATION SALE SKI-DOOS and EQUIPMENT 1969 NORDIC 1970 OLYMPICS, electric and manual start 1971 OLYMPICS anti ELANS 1971 TNT and skiboose Miscellaneous parts and accessories. All machines in A-1 condition, must be sold this weekend. , Will accept best offers received. BAYFIELD SPORTS Snowmobile sales & Service ' Hwy 21 at the Marina Bayfield, Ontario LETTUCE California Grown, Firm Fresh, Canada No. 1 Grade 2 heads 49? 3-lb bag 3 POPULAR APPLES VARIETIES Controlled Atmosphere Excellent All Purpose Apple, Canada Fancy Gt. Crisp, Juicy, Finest Eating Apple RED DELICIOUS Fan n tader Cooking or Eating NORTHERN SPYS McINTOSH Canada Fancy Grade CABBAGE Texas New Crop Canada No. 1 Grade 16 1 251 ORANGES Florida Valencia Sweet Juicy dozen 69fe PEARS Canada No. '1 Gtade, She 150's Washingion Mountain Greven Anlest 6i° 49,(1 TOILET TISSUE 3 1241-°1 $ 1 000 JARS PECTIN ADDED Parchment Wrap Po Off Deal) MONARCH MARGARINE 1-16 pkg 29c 12 Varieties 10-oz pouch paks MONARCH Cake Mixes6 for $1.00 Jane Parker, Daily bated APPLE PIE full 8'1 2.4-ez size 3 9c Jane Parker, baily Dated, Sliced BREAD SANDWICH 4 24-ez loaves 99c Jane Parker (Pkg, of B 290) WIENER ROLLS Pkg of 12 39C Jane Parker (Pkg. of 6 190) HOT CROSS BUNS AO pkg of 12 „, RASPBERRY OR STRAWBERRY IONA JAM Process Cheese, Slices Black Diamond 116-ox Pkg ftt Del Monte, Fancy Quedity Fruit Cocktail 00 tins +PP Detergent, Lemon Fresh Sunlight Liquid 24. f o I ;bens L 7 5at Experimental Aircraft assoc. Coderich district There were 14 bodies on hand for the January meeting to hear Dale Lamport expound on the care and feeding of fibreglas, and this discussion plus samples prepared by Dale for display did much to clarify "How to" work with this material. Dale generously offered to advise individuals if they encounter problems and no doubt will be taken up on this now and then. There were two visitors on hand at the meeting, Glen Kernohan of the "Flying K" strip near Forest and Art Towton of Zurich, one of Ron Riley's students. Don't forget, if you know anyone who you think might find our meetings of interest, bring them along! We forgot to mention in the last newsletter that while storm stayed in Harriston last month, we dropped in on Buster Fair, who operates a Red & White store there, and took a look at the E.A.A. biplane that he and son Bruce have been working on. This one is well along, requiring only an instrument panel, prop, final doping and engine installation check-over to finish it off. Buster tells us that the final touches have slowed down as Bruce has acquired a commercial and instructor's ratings and is instructing full time at Maple. The current C.A.H.S. Toronto Chapter newsletter has several items of interest, such as the restoration work being done at Oshawa on a Lancaster by Bob Stuart and Joe Corrigan and that the E.A.A. P-64 was at Buttonville for repaint recently. All Spitfire lovers will be pleased to hear that three more of these lovely birds will be on view in Ontario this year, One is a Mk.XV1 acquired in India, which will be on display near the Lancaster on the Toronto waterfront, the second is Don Plumb's Mk.1X, which will be based at Windsor. This machine bears the registration CF-RAF . and will be painted in the WW 11 colours of 401 Squadron. Some talk has it that this is one of the two seat Spit trainers and was used in the film "Battle of Britain", as was the third newcomer, a Mk,X1V to be brought to Brantford later this year by Jack Arnold. The Bullen-Harnden- Bruinsma Cavalier progress was slowe'cl. down recently when Sid was talked into rebuilding one of the local Fairchild 24's doors. All 24 doors seem to be very flexible and when stripped down the reason becomes obvious. When the front post is cut away to accommodate hinges and the rear post is chopped for the lack mechanism there just isn't enough wood left to be rigid. However, we can guarantee that the rebuild won't be as weak as the original and the second door will proceed more rapidly. In between the door chore Sid managed to squeeze in some time on Cavalier ailerons and has these controls nearly complete. Peter Chandler brought in some Jodel tail feathers at the last meeting to prove that he has really started on this project. Allen Ball now has all material and parts required to complete the repair on his 180, the recent spell of bad weather slowing things down as our Toronto eourier (one E. Harnden) couldn't make it up here for several weekends as the constant storms closed roads, thereby delaying the deliveries from Leavens via Hamden! However, Allen used the spare time to do some necessary repair work on his workshop SO it wasn't all bad. The January storm damaged George Vollick's Cub a fair bit so George is looking for another fuselage rather than repair the damaged one, That storm also slowed down activity at the Morley-Atfield Antique Hangar as it dumped about five feet of snow in front of said hangar. It was found necessary to bring in a big shovel to remove the drift as plows couldn't handle it. Now whenever a warm spell comes along it also brings a small flood in as that D---ed snow melts! Gregg Reed, one of Sky Harbour's engineers, will be heading down to Grand Bend next month when work starts on Bell's hovercraft which is to be built there. Bill Cruikshank had the enjoyable experience of seeing his workhorse 150 upside down at Wiarton recently. It was tied down, but a strong gust inverted it into a snowdrift. Luckily no damage was done. Clinton peewee Ponies made the powerful Grand Bend team come from behind to salvage a 3-3 tie in a game in Zurich last Tuesday. Neil Colquhoun scored a pair 20.oz pie 39t 10-fl-oz tin I Oc 11-ot pkg 49c Clinton N as-Record, ThursdaV, March 4, 1971 3 REXALL CUT THE COST OF LIVING SALE STARTS MAR. 11 and Priestrap scored one to give Clinton an early lead before Grand Bend came back. The next night in Seaforth Clinton took home a 5-0 win. Scoring in the win were David Counter with three and Priestrap and Connor with singles. * * * An average of 20 units of whole blood is needed for every open heart operation. SPARE RIBS PORK LIVER HAMS SX Brand, Store Pack, Beef & Pork Town dub or Super-Right Brand, Sliced, Rindless 1-113 vacuum pkg Check Quality, Price and Value ...You Just Can't Beat A&P Meat! Consumer Week in Canada, March 1 6 Make your voice count — join CAC today! Write: "Consumers", 100 Gloucester St., Ottawa 4, Baby Dills, Yurn Yum, Sweet Mixed, Sweet Wales BICK'S PICKLES 45.o.oziar 43c Liquid Javel A&P BLEACH 128-f1 oz piastic btl 5 9c Champion Dog Food DR, BALLARD'S 26-oz lin 24c Fancy Quality, Halves or Slice* (28-fl-oz tin 490 sDeaEsolLneMd, oorNeeljorIPWeatCheS 3 1:14:zz tins 8999: DEL MONTE BEANS 4 All prices shown in this ad guaranteed effective through Saturday, March 6, 1971. Frozen, Banquet FRUIT PIES Tomato or Vegetable CLARK SOUPS Frozen, 4 VarietiCS SULTANA DINNERS Beef, thicken, Fried or Spanish SAUSAGE SIDE BACON Semi-Boneless, Smoked, Cooked Whole, Halves or Quarters Super-Right Quality, Frozen, Pork Side Super-Right Quality, Sliced 1664? 16 3 4? 16 78 52! 16 4654' 5811 SHOP A&P...CHfCK OUR LOW PRICES! Penfonnd was appointed to arrange an evening of •bowling for a fun evening. The draw prize was won. by Mrs. Guy Cunningham. The program was in charge of Mrs. Garth McClinchey and Mrs. Walter Cunningham. Mrs. McClinchey showed interesting pictures of their trip last summer to the West Coast of Canada. Mrs. Cunningham wrote a short story about the McClinchey's trip and blanks were filled in the members with adjectives. This proved amazing and amusing. The program for the next meeting be in charge of Mrs. Lloyd McClinchey and Mrs. Elliott Lapp with the lunch committee being Mrs. Arie Duizer and Mrs, Lloyd Penfound. At the close of the meeting a lunch was served by Mrs. Elliott Lapp and Mrs. Lloyd McClinchey. meets Mrs. Wightman played the hymn, A Closer Walk with God. She gave meditation on this hymn. Readings were given by Mrs. Robert Turner and Mrs. R. Koopmans. Mrs, McDowell read a New Year's poem written by the late Miss Margaret Small. Pastor Alfred Fry gave the message and read from the Book of Acts. His theme was based on the Christian Community and sharing. The business portion of the meeting was conducted by Mrs. Kenneth McDougall. The World's Day of Prayer will be held in Knox United Church on March 5 at 2 p.m. Pastor Fry pronounced the benediction and a social time enjoyed. sonals neighbourhood of $40 last Friday evening. They played a game and then had a Bible study on the first eight books of the Old Testament. Mrs. Bean invited the girls to her home March 24 and 25. The girls discussed what they could do for fellowship and fun. Trudy Machan presided for the second meeting of the Fashion Fuss held at the home of Mrs, Donald Haines with 15 girls present, The minutes were accepted as read by Gail Elliott. The roll call was answered by one point to consider when making separates 'far 'stimme`r. Mrs. Haines demonstrated how to use a pattern, read the envelope and pin the pattern on material. Mrs. Thomas Haggitt showed how to straighten material and prepare for cutting. Mrs. William Empey showed how to adjust a pattern. Some of the girls placed their patterns on their materials. BY FRED McCLYMONT A successful pancake supper was held last Tuesday evening by the ladies of the U.C.W. Rev, and Mrs. Ephriam Gingerich and family of Zurich visited with Mrs. Ida McClinchey on Sunday last.. Brucefield Mrs. Della Clark returned to the village Monday from an enjoyable motor trip to Florida, RICE A RONI 3 8-oz pkgs $1400 Antiseptic, Deodorant LYSOL SPRAY 7-oz aerosol tin 78t All Meatless Varieties, Strained GERBER BABY FOODS 43/4-11-0ziar14c Fancy Quality DEL MONTE PEAS 4 14-fl-oz tins 79c