HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-12-29, Page 6< a i> ! y Ladies and Gentlemen: '. / I ,on- Compliments Of The Season To Al! GEORGE W. JOYNT. €• i of Mt. With Best Wishes For The New Year. ■ WILLIAM G. WEBSTER. WEDNESDAY, DEC. 29th, 1954 f -j - Ladies and Gentlemen: . ii i i ii i i i Ii4 .'th® -SENTINEL, fcUCKHQW. ONTARIO Compliments Of The Season To AIL V. A. MOWBRAY ■ . . ■ ' / * I . <— ■ ■ . T wilV^incerely appreciate your support at the polls next/Monday*, and as. I will be Unable to call on you per­ sonally, take this means of respectfully soliciting your vote and. influence. . z ‘ ' effort to senre the Municipality to the very best of mv ability. - ■\ ; I will mot be able to call on you personally, and hereby j respectfully solicit your support and influence. CLARE /‘Hookie” JOHNSTONE. Wishing You A Happy And Prosperous New Year. ’i I ■-•' i i ...I'.. ’Having decided to run for the office of Councillor, I j assure vou that if you see fit to elect me, I will spare no j I V sincere purpose to continue to merit the con- j hat e placed in me during my past three te(rms ■' . ' ’r.; . I make a personal call, and hereb> j / vote. I ..:/r I ■■ I I DIPP CIV 8 ■a*v' to rm ■equitable STEWART’S Decorating and Gift Store Mr. it Mrs. Philip Stewart I 8 wMlt .J j “i i I WM. MimDIE & SON | i r zion . jRitchig and Anne and Mrs. Mary | l' ■’ . ... . s iffeAntev’ 'nrith MrJ and-.Mrs. Bill : NEW YEAR GREETINGS 8 I 88 B X HAPPY NEW YEAR It is one of the pleasures^"the ■sea.-gzm' wT^vtsd ah our § friends and customers A Very Happy and Prosperoas Ne% '. § Y'fear.- '' ,, S' . ' U-.e ^iank^'bu. siheereiy to your' friendship"and patron- 5 -a.je -and trust ’that we tnay contihue to W o/. to ‘you !h the; gears'ahead. . JOHN W. HENDERSON ~ LUMBER LIMITED ay M' langsidk : - to Mr- & Ws«s. Elson (Isohel .PrrL R- 2 ? Kme^-Pdine,, -ga . the b-jrlh of. a ;i daughter ,oa Deo. 17th- and Mr. | and;' Mrs. -Gordpo Wall .©h birth of a son in.W.ihgham pital.on Efec,..2<Hh.Wan 'andr baby arived home on Friday. • Mrs. John.Wraith of Lucknow | spent a »feW days ■ at the home j of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wait Mrs.- Robt. Stewart is assisting, now. r Christmas visitors with Mr. & . Mrs, Tiffin were Mr. and Janette ^Belgrave, Mr. & Nirs. Victor Emerson and Nat Thomp­ son of Whitechurch, Mr. and Mrs. Fred - Tiffin and’’ Mr. and Mrs. | Russel Ritchie. I ■. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Scott and ? Marion and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan $ Conley and family spent Christ- I I I i iI i - f * i ■: - . i , 1 . > “ * • «5' j; To The Electors Of The I I Village Of Lucknow: < j I .- ■ ■ i I Ladies and Gentlemen: j ■ • on mv behalf, and your support at the j polY^MoX wHh be indeed appreciated,^and^jf ^turned’ | it w:!l be my fidence you 1 as Councillor. . I will be unable to respectfully solicit your j To The Electors Of The j Village Of Lucknow: = ‘ 'A 1 " ‘ ' I i i ! I i ❖ Allan Miner ■ or Kincarame, zs j ending- the' holiday season at ! Mr, and Mrs. Eric- Evans and-j- -j ToThe Electors Of- The mil? of Hyde Park. Mr. and'. i I nelmnwis. Bob Brown and Gary of ..'! Village Of Lucknow. ■ were Christmas visitors | I ith Mr- and Mrs.. Wm. Evans | j id ‘Tedl' '■ ' I Mr. and ■ Mrs. Frank. Miller. | I etty. -Harvey 'and-' Allan spjent-!. I aristmas. with .Mr. and Mrs, I' j arold. Smith.' Tiverton. j ■ jMr.' Elmer Smith of Kincardine, i ! ►ent the-..w:eek-end. with Mr. & . I rs. 'Frank -Miiler-and family. ' ? j Members of the Dawson fam-1- .j y.'from. London and,. Toronto j - ? >ent' Christmas week--end w-i:h I. I ir. and Mrs. Huntley tJawson. j j >mily and Mr:' Joshua. Dawson.'r j ■Mrs, .H-Untley.'Dawson, Curtis,.'! ! j11- i: !i<’ ey a ng T .irroa spent . a few ■/ f Mrs. Vi.m.. v* angier- has oeen _ & visitor with. Mr. and Mrs. Pat.. I acMHian. and family.- •_ ' j Bud and Marlow Cro^sz^n' 'o:,.’ ■ ■ |-- ncardfne spent the week-end, ’$! the home of ■ their.'parents. '' j This 'community extends sin- j --------,r_ Mc^I f Mc-’s ? <hek ' | -T i xito- I i ....' I ar.d . I * V To The Electors Of The Village Of Lucknow: Ladies and Gentlemen: ' • Having ...Qualified for the office of Councillor, T do not intend to make any ‘'Unfilled Promises”. However I 'will right for a lower and more equalized assessment and- serve you to the best of my ability. . . A our vote on January 3rd Will be much appreciated. I To The Electors Of The • Village Of Lucknow: ■I Lidles 'and Gebtlcmcn: i i v ';t.l • Year* 1G55'. ' • pa' Council Experience. Auditing Experience, ' W. c. ATTRIDGE. ■ ■ " , / '