The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-12-22, Page 15A I
■ WEDNESDAY, DEC. 22nd, 1954
The Hall was well
filled?, on Friday night for the
Christmas concert staged by the
United . Church Sunday School
clyldten and Officials. The
Wraith, brothers, Roddy and
don, provided guitar musi-c with
accompaniment by Kenneth Mac-
Nay, while the 'audience gather
The. program opened with a
.Christmas chorus by the ehtire
. ‘ group. Rev? G. A. Meiklejohn and
the Sunday School superinten
dent, MT. Glen Walden, each
spoke briefly. A chorus by the
primary class and beginners un
der the direction of Mrs. Rich
ards arid Mrs. McDiarmid,. feat
ured "a recitation by Bernice
Thompson’ and a. duet by 41ur:
ray and Laurine Morrison. Mur
ray, incidentally, had, a perfect.
Sunday School attendance record
during the" year. Gladys Kilpat-
i' ’ rick’s class of junior girLs sang
; two choruses, “Frosty the Snow
man”, enacted by. Barbara Rath-
well and “Rudolph the Red Nose
Reindeer”, enacted by Beverley
McKenzie. H. D. Thompson’s class
presented th^ playette, “Patrick’s
Present”. Tliose taking part were
Judy Webster, Patricia Thomp-
; son, Dick Richards, Bob Hunter,
Ronnie Attridige, Ernest Ackert,
Thom Collyer. Beverley Ashton’s
class presented the pantomime,
‘‘Tire Night Before Christmas”.
Elizabeth Webster monologued
the poem to accompaniment by
Elmer Umbach, while the fol
lowing enacted the story, Elliott
"T Whlfi^r^Dbnald Ahdrew, MariorT
Button, Jai Brooks, Marlene
Porter, Barbara Carnerom even
to Santa Claus (Fraser Ashton),
realistically “cbming down the
chimney”. Mrs. W. B. Anderson’s
... girls’ class sang .the chorus “Hark
the Herald Angels Sing’-’. Robert
Finlay’s class presented the num
ber “Candles for Christmas”
and were assisted in the chorus
by N^nicy Webster and Joan
Crawford: The. boys taking part
, were Bobby .Andrew, Thom Coll
yer, Carl and'Clifford .Wagner,•
Keith Gardner, PjA\ Henderson,
. Kenneth McDonaJp,
flUU gcianuc CULM. OL1A • LU Uld^UXVUj k/caxxx- vaiuia, v*.* m
gelatine.. When cool add apricot ed butter over, and sprinkle with
. Author,zed bottler of Coca-Cola undor controcl with Coca-Cola Lfd.r
this ’n’ that
All your plans made fqr £hrisL
mas dinner? From fruit-cocktail
to mince pie and. coffee?
Do try the dancing snowballs
that J spoke of last week for a
table centre. The small: fry will
“be enchanted. They really are
fascinating to watch. We are us-
ihg . a .glass hbrick^lilj^d^wjtm
'green, watered choose blue, but
had no blue coloring on hand.
Drop in a. handful of moth- balls;
add 1 tbsp, baking soda and 1
.tsp. citric acid, Bubbles will, be-.j
face and descends. When they, no
dodger continue to. do this, add a
bit more-citric acid-to start them
off again. You- may have to ex
periment with amounts of the
powders, according to the amount
of water you have. We have had
the same bowl going for days,
adding a bit of powders, at meal
times and . when John brings,
someone in to show the danc
ing snowballs.
Did you ever make a. Christmas
pie for a table centre? You will
need a good sized -flat dish, a
granite wash basin is good. Cover
with ’ crepe paper; and . have a
cardboard cover ready just to
lay on top when you have it fill
ed.’ Have a small gift for • each
guest, which you will place in
, the pie—each gift will have a
string attached which’ leads to
the place card of the person for
whom. it is intended. We used to
hide gifts all. over the house-r-
•that’s when we'were a good-sized
to .form ..and glisten
mothballs' tneri they be-
to stir .a bit ■ and ..gradually
after .another rise to the sur-
family, of -big. and little folk.
Every gift had -the name of the
recipient on if, and if you came
upon someone else’s you just,left
it, and said nothing., and kept
hunting for your own.
■ I had a couple cookie ideas.
Myself, I couldn’t look a fancy
cookie in the eye. We are having-
a couple in for canasta shortly,
and we’re going to. have,, for
lunch, Cinnamon toast, gobs of if,
and plain oatmeal cookies and
coffee. Doesn’t sound very lav
ish- nor .lush; nor Christmassy,
does, it? But we’ve been meeting
XTmislmas. cook-ies-^f-pr—week-s^-----
You can make Christmas Snow
balls,' to eat, • by frosting cup
cakes' with fluffy white, icing,
roiling in cocoanut. Set a tiny,
jChristmas candle in each. •_
on . I I thought.I was going to have
a marvellous new cookie recipe
for you.' The recipe sounded de
licious and different. It was. The
biggest difference I really not
iced was that- it took rhe fthe
whole afternoon’ to make a. very
small batch, and then I did fin
ally get them - to . stay together
long enough to get'them into
the-oven and out of it, they just
all broke up when .‘I looked at
them. They were made for' a
special purpose too, for the card
party that 'climaxed bur mara
thon. Everyone was going to say
“Oh,., what delicious cookies!”
Friend husband did. say as he
ate the bits, “Gee, are they ever
good”. I told him to enjoy them
as I’d never make them again.
Then there weren’t enough to
make up my quota, sq I hastily
made a pan of apple oatmealj
bars, cut. them in tiny 'bars and
diamonds, shot a swirl of con
fectioner’s . icing through my de
corating tube. No one mentioned
my almond crisps at” all, but those
appler-o.atmeal bars /“were out ol
this world”, no one could figure
what the- filling was. They are
-the—most - versatile pan full of
possibilities I make—they can be
dainty and tiny, or a substan
tial cookie bar, or a last-minute
dessert. '. • .
You’ll like, this Golden Apricot
Pie for a: different dessert: I tbsp,
gelatin, 1/4 cup cold water, ¥2 tsp
grated orange rind, ¥2 cup ora.ngh
juice, 3 eggs separated, one-third
cup granulated sugar, P/2 cups
thick, dried apricot puree, 1 nine-
inch Graham cracker crumb
shell. Soften gelatin in cold water.
Blend orange rind and juice with
egg yplks and cook, in top of
.double boiler until custard coats
the spoon, stirring constantly.
Add gelatine and stir to dissolve
Merry Christmas, to' All,
We are glad to see Mr. Kelso
MacNay home after convalescing
in Ottawa at the heme of his
brother Graham,
Mrs. K. Nicholson, who has
been a patient. in Wingham Hosy
plta1 is home with her mother,
Mrs. K. Mowbray, Lucknow.
Mrs. R. Reid hasv been under
the doctor’s care with the ’flu. •?
Congratulations.-to Mr., & Mrs.9
A. Hamilton on the gift .of a
son. Mrs. Hamilton and babe re-^
turned home on Sunday. Miss;
Carolyn Gibson of Stratford Tea
chers’. College spent, the week
end with them.
Mr. -Jack Elphick and Mr. Al
Irwin have had TV installed. Mr.
Shelton‘■also had one installed
three weeks ago, ’ . t.
Blend with apricot mixture and
pour into crumb shell. Chill. The
top may be decorated with chop
ped cherries and .cocoanut or
whipped, cream.
How about sweet potatoes with
the festive fowl? Halve length
wise. Boil till v tender. Place iri
! bake dish, dribble 2 tbsp, melt-
puree. Beat egg whites stiff and V2 bup brown sugar. Put in oven
beat in the sugar gradually, until glazed, basting if necessary.
•We can . now supply you ..with-
I personalized, labels, attractively
printed- i^n two colors, and in. a
handy plastic di'spenser. You re-
$1.50. Use them to :stamp your
'■books, records, letters, packages;
etc. Drop in and see a sample.
Jones. Mrs. Ackert’-s; class’ pre-' Phone 35 t
sented th.e play, “A Good Girl in
the Kitchen”. The cast * included’,
Shirley Irwin, Joanne Hunter,
---Joy- ee-and-Ela-i-n e~Ma eNayr-Nii-nc-y-
Webster, jean Richards, Joan
✓" ■ .
The men of the church school
sang car'ols to accompaniment by
: Elmef Umbach on the accordian
'and W. L. MacKenzie on the vio
lin. Others in the chorus, were
Ernest Blake, Raynard Ackert.
Glen Walden, Alex Andrew,
Stuart Collyer, Bob Finlay, H> D.
. Thompson, Don Thompson. Gor
don Morrison, Bruce McKenzie,
Rev. Meiklejohn and Ken Mac-
■. Nay. . . ■ ' .. '
•The concluding number, in. dia
logue and song, by- Rev. Me.ikle-
john’s young peoples’ class was
“Around the Fireside at Christ-
' ceive ' 400 . useful labels ,f(?r only.'
p, K e n ri e t h i
•Mr.- and Mrs. Immanuel J:
Husk’‘.of the Blac'kh.orse disticl
celebrated their diamond wed
ding anniversary on Sunday, at-
■u family ■ dinner,.and during the
and ' evening friends
to' extend their best
■ masT’ ‘ ~
. Then arrived Santa Claus. , ac
companied by Mrs. Santa Claus,
still very vivacious despite their
long, journey,: The. twosome, re
sembling Glep Walden and’ Don
Thompson; were assisted by-the
. Sunday School teachers in pass-
' ing out bags of candy to the
coived nuiliei'iius • lovely
mementos of ■ the , occasion.,
' Mrs-. Husk w-as ' formerly Ida
Mae. Liggett, daughter of the late
.Mr. and Mrs. James Liggett ol.
Underwood' where they were
•married sixty-, xears ^ag.^ Mr,
Husk was 1 born', .in Kineardme
Township- in the”Mjliarton dis
trict. Tor ,thr past . few years-
'they have resided in Kinloss Iwp.
with their son Melvin.
-Mr.' Husk, better '
“Mac”, continues to .
•cellent 'health. Mrs.',
somOw'hat trail, but^vas■ ab>• l«
■'rt itrllw el.-byt.™ t ^
tivitics'ob Sunday-’anJ. • -■
(rif.nds tvbn,.vaildcl- ■ ' ..........,.
Mr. and ’Iu-;k ,nTa '/’J
■ family of
three?.'- sons
(Viola A'of
. Warner - .
Mrs. ----
mefry world traveler could
Thirty applications have gone
. 'in from the County foi*. the Win
ter Short Courses at- the O.A.Ck
Annual’ meetings and 'bahquets
of* farm organizations were well
attendee!, Christmas concerts and
parties'are now the order of the
, in the fural communities.
: Uhristmas tufkeys are in plenti
ful supply, n. Blytli ‘ are-a grower
l : thi3-week shipped 33(X> birds io
I Nortliem Ontario. •
four daughters a'nd
are: "Mrs,. Omid .Bell
Tiverton, Mrs. JUrr>
Warned.Mrs'. Hugh IMswwrp.tUn.«» of
Dendron.' Sask.’. Mrs In* I .£•
more <AnV' of 'Li' Ttvin 'lnd
ra«ar of Glarnis and and.
Wdliitigtdn of Kmioss. 'Th' > ->y! I
.thirty .gran,k'hildre’; a'O '
teen gi'~‘ ■|tran*hlW-'n. .
that ice-cold Coca-Cola
,i$ the perfect gift for thirst
in Mombasa, in Rome, in Rio
. , and where you live.
Goderich, Ont. Ph°nfei 489
nCoW’ It t*rfcflUlwed
Including Federal ta-xef
Plusdeposit 2c pef Isttik