The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-12-22, Page 10A * >I THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL. LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, DEC. 22nd, 1954 *w t PAGE TEN »o 4 i t To All Our Friends § t Henry’s Fruit Market § HOWARD AGNEW ^JLCIAjOW* n ; FITTING SERVICES MARK CHRISTMAS (ST. HELEN’S NEWS) White Gift Service A White Gift service was held in the United Church Sunday morning where there was a large ’ - congregation in attendance. Mr. Harvey Sparling was assisted in -—;the-worship-service-by-Mr—Lrome- Woods, superintendent of the. Sunday School and by Mrs. Tom Todd. The gifts were gathered by . Nancy and Susan Dorscht, Gladys McDonald and Terry Wilson. The choir sang the anthem, “Hark1 what sounds are sweetly steal­ ing”. Mr. Sparling gave a Christ­ mas message, “No room in the ■ Inn”,. Mrs. Alex Murdie has returned from several weeks, visit in Kit­ chener. Miss Margaret Miller of Strat­ ford was home for the week-end. . The January meeting "of the Women’s Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. Ernest Gaunt on Thursday, January 6th at 2.30. Roll call, “What I would do if —Iwerereeve”;motto,Citizenshipr like charity, begins at home, by Mrs. Andrew Gaiunt; topic by Mrs. Ross Gammie; current events; lunch and program, Mrs. Eldon Miller, Mrs. Harvey Webb. Lighted Christmas trees and evergreens lent a festive air to the United Church for the pag- . “ ^eant; ^‘The“Spirit“of-Ghristmas-’V presented by* the Y.P.U. assisted by a full choir On Sunday even- 8> LANGSIDE NEWS>' ■ ■....T . • Robert Reid Passes This . community extends its deepest sympathy to Mrs. Wes­ ley Young in the passing of her father, the late Robert Reid. Mr, Reid had undergone an operation on December 8th from which he seemed to be making favor­ able progress but death came on December 16th following a stroke in Victoria Hospital, London. He was born in Bruce Township and lived for 'a' while in this district on the farm which Mr. Roy Huff- man owns and on Con. 8, before moving to. Kincardine where he was a good neighbor and although of a very quiet disjfositidn al­ ways had , a warm welcome ^o anyone who went to enjoy the. hospitality of their home. He leaves to mourn, his widow, the’ former Ella Shipley of Bruce Twp., four' sons, Norval, Clar­ ence and John of Hensall, Irving of Wingham and three daughters, Mrs. Marjorie Helm, Tiverton; Mrs. Wes Young (Edna) and Mrs. James Harkness (Florence), Tees- water and 20 grandchildren. The funeral was held on Saturday with Linklater’s funeral home in charge. Mr, and Mrs. Everett Whytock, Gary and Barry and Mr. and Mrs. Frank* Miller, Betty and Allan were dinner guests on Sunday at the’ home of Mr. and Mrs. Mel­ vin Husk, Kinloss, in, honor, of the 60th wedding anniversary of their parents^ Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Husk. ’ K* ■ Best Wishes to all our readers for^-a- very—Happy__Christmas Season., The. pupils of SJS. No. 9, Kin­ loss, under the direction of their teacher, Miss Lois Hunter, pre­ sented an excellent Christmas program in the school on Monday evening. Miss Joan Cormack held * T With all the gay trimmlhg® of an old-fashioned Yu Wide — that is bright with glowing candle® and rich with golden carol® ■*» is our hearty think® for your friendship: May you all enjoy the Best Christinas ever JOHN W. HENDERSON LUMBER LIMITED s i § Lucknow /— Phone 150 ■— Ontario (J § •. ■■■. ’ ’ • ' V. ft In October The Sentinel pub­ lished a letter from J, L. Gar­ land of MonchenwGladbach Rhein, dahlen, Germany, seeking inform­ ation about the family of Mur­ dock Morrison and his wife Mary Monroe, natives of the' Isle of Skye, who immigrated -to .the Lucknow district and- died here before the turn of the century; The information was required, for a friend, of Mr. Garland’s, an eminent,1 Austrian genealogist, who was tracing the family tree. Last week we received the fol­ lowing card from Mry Garland: “Thank you very mucn for publishing my letter regarding the Morrison-Monroe family in your newspaper. It has already produced much information from members of the family, Mr. Mur­ doch Morrison of Lucknow and Mrs. Lexie' Bell of Kincardine,' which I am forwarding to my friend, Dr. Carl Friedrich .vob Frank, together with the copy of The Sentinel”, 7'77ing.’ Opening with the process­ ional “Oh, ,conie| all ye Faithful” and ending with the candle-lit / . recessional singing of “Silent Night”, the pageant centred around the Manger scene at Beth­ lehem with Doris Miller as Mary dnd Marvin McDonald as Joseph. The Wise Men Were represented by Dick Curran, Barry McQuillin and Donnie.Joe Gaunt with Ivan McQuillin,, Donald Taylor and w Crawford McNeill, as . the Shep­ herds. Isabelle MacPherson. and Donna' Woods were the angels of good will.,.The Christmas; stories were read by Lois Webb and Don Camerpn and the choir sang “Joy to the World!*? Mrs. Harvey Sparl-. ing contributed the solo “Infant JEloly.,Land.:.Mrs..E... WL-Rice.^Keep Christ’s Name in Christmas’*. Rev. D. J. MacCrae of Wingham gave inspirihg^fhess^enDn-^How^for Keep Christmas*’. The service ended with a candlelightihg cere­ mony led.by Doh Cameron, when candles lighted from his were used to light others throughout the congregation. . ' An invitation' is extended to everyone in. the community to attend the Sunday School con­ cert in.’’ the United Church- on Monday evening at 8.30. ACKNOWLEDGES. RECEIPT OF PIONEER INFORMATION tile lucky ticket and won a lovely table lamp. How does your Sentinel label read? t T FRIENDLY GREETINGS AT THIS HOLIDAY SEASON We thank you sincerely for your patronage, friendship and good-willand extend dur Best wishes for Christmas and The New Year* FROM THE STAFF OF SIL VER WOOD DAIRIES LTD. f * ■ • ■ • t . . y , Lucknow, Ontario ^777 ,.u— ---------