The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-12-22, Page 7WEDN1^.PA¥i ®£&. 1954 i HALDBHBY ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE Armature and Field Winding, Brushes, Bearings, Etc. Repairs to Fractional and Integral Horsepower Motors, Also Electric Fans, Vacuums, Clippers, Drills,. Etc. HALDENBY ELECTRIC Kiniough Phone Ripley 111-r 29 SIXTH AND NINTH POST OFFICE STAFF-” " APPRECIATES COtOPERATION - The local Post Office staff and. ^niral piatt carriers have done a splendid job pg handling a tre­ mendous volume of Christmas mail,, with a minimum of delay,.' The peak of the outgoing mail was reached over the week-end. Monday and Tuesday brought the . heaviest influx of mail, ibut the augmented staff handled it in stride. . ; On behalf of the postal workers and rural mail carriers, Post­ master Kenneth Cameron extends thanks to the public for theif eo^ operation and extends' the seas­ on’s greetings to all. Closed On Christmas The Post Office will be locked on Saturday—-Christmas Day—• .with no mail being distributed. On Monday, -Boxing Day, the' of­ fice will be open from 8.30 to 10/3(1 A.m. and from 1.00. to- 3.00 p.m. . 2gLLUCKN0W SENTINEL. LUCKNOW. ONTAptq—■ “Trade, or Aid or What?” was r the topic discussed at the Farm j Forum meeting held in the i; school, Monday evening, Decem­ ber 20th. Questions asked were, ; Why do you think we1 should be : concerned with helping the un- ; der-developed countries of the ' world? Apart from temporary re- t lief and direct gifts,-what is the t best form of help to give as a j long-term solution? The , next ; meeting wilT be held Monday ’ j January 3rd at the home of Mr. | and Mrs; Bill Kinahan. ( Harrils Piirdbn Tids returned ■ from Kilaloe for the winter / months. donnybrook i Our sympathy is extended to Mrs. Hilliard Jefferson in the death of her father, Mr. George •Thornton of Blue vale, Mr. and Mrs. R. Chamney at- y tended, .a,, dinner at Zurich on Sunday evening given in honor of Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Craig of Goderich, it being the 35th an- ! niversary of their marriage, . The December meeting of the W.M.S. and W.A< was held last Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Ed. Robinson. The meeting’ was in charge of Mrs, Sam Thomp­ son and -opened, by singing hymn ’ 55. Mrs. S. Chamney led in pray­ er. The , 10th chapter of John and 2 verses of Psalm 104 was read by Miss Elaine Jefferson. A reading on Christian Stewardship was given by Mrs. JR. Thomp­ son. Mrs. H.' Jefferson '< sang “Away in. a Manger”. The chap­ ter in the study book was read by Mrs. Chas. Jefferson. Hymn. 62 was sung in closing and the following officers’ were elected for 1955: pres,, Mrs. S. Thomp­ son; 1st vice pres./ Mrs, Charles Jefferson; 2nd vice pres., Mrs. S. -GhamRey-;-eor-.7secv,-Mr-s.H,-Jef- ferson; sec.-treaso, Mrs. S; Cham­ ney;. Missionary Monthly sec., Mrs, Harold Woods; Citizenship and Temperance sec,,; Mrs. Mor- ley Johnston ^Christian Steward­ ship sec., Mrs. J. R. Thompson; Supt. of Heralds, Mrs. N. Thomp­ son; press sec., Mrs. R. Chamney; supply sec.,. Mrs.. Wm. Hardy; pianists, Mrs. J R. Thompson & Mrs’ H. Jefferson. .Mrs, H, Jef­ ferson was elected president of the' W.A. and Mrs. Ed, Robinson', sec. • ' NOMINATION SET FOR MONDAY The nomination “of fit and Proper persons to serve as reeve, four councillors and three school trustees for . the Village of Luck­ mow for 1955”, will be held, in the Town Hal-L.pext Monday ev-r Shing, ■ December 27th, Nominations will be received from 7.30 to 8.3Q, followed by the ratepayers’ meeting,, when Vill­ age and school affairs are review­ ed by Board members, When a proposed candidate for office is- not present -at the*Tibm“ ination meeting, his nomination paper will not be valid Unless satisfactory evidence is submit­ ted that the proposed candidate has consented to. be nominated. . The present Council., is . com­ prised of Reeve S. E. Robertson and Councillors Virden Mowbray, Alex .MacLeod, Archie Smith and S. B. Stothers. . We are not aware, of. th$rr.. in­ tentions for 1955, and what may, or may not, develop at nomina­ tion meeting is pure conjecture. It is understood" that' Mr. Alex Hamilton, an ex-reeve and ex­ councillor, might be interested in contesting the reeveship if there was a general election. It is no secret that Mr. Hamilton, is not in agreement with the new ass­ essment system, and likewise there, are many who aren’t hap­ pyabout their tax bills under the new. assessment, particularly along Main Street;——— However, come nomination meeting and it is not uncommon to hear almost “nary a word” about matters which had prev­ iously been regarded as very con­ tentious. • The three retiring members' of the Lucknow Public School Board are Dr. James E. Little, K. C. Murdie (chairman) and Gerald Rath well. All are eligible for re­ election. Other members of the School Board who have ^another year to run are, Charles .Web­ ster, H. M, MacLennan and Jack Fisher.’ .■ - Attendance Important With nomination falling on Boxing Day evening, . this may not favor a good attendance on Monday night, but it is important that ratepayers attend this meet-/ ing and bear, a first hand report of those who have had charge of the administration of Village, Public Utilities and School aL .fairs,' which have grown to the,' category, of “big business” and should be’the interest and con­ cern Of every ratepayer' in the Village.. . /' Don’t be absent from the nonL ination meeting’and then “sound’ off on the street corner”. PAGE SEVEN I -At—- wA<*. 11^ r.- -«y Greetings and Best Wishes for Christmas and the New Year . William A. Schmid :.... .... ; . _■ ./ ’ g 1 ' ...................................r B- I B CHRISTMASi / | ■-<./■■■■ I I 3 GOOD WISH EVERY I 0> 4 I FOR 1 I ' ■ nr I ft -B— I HAPPY, PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR ,. 2.... A - - --;.W—------— - —.........- I Finlay Decorators 4 Gift Shop 1 I A xi •» I I ■ ./■."■ \ ’ I ' ♦' Wasney’s Garage ill health ’.for I T fe . ■< ________ replete with the —7 richrblessirFgFof- the holy season... ....- Bill Caslick, § =e= 1' . . ■ s ■ . 1 : * *v With heartfelt appreciation ' 4 . ■ for your kind patronage, this year* as always —■ we arc happy to send you out , Greetingsof the season with oui* sincere .wishes for your health, wealth and happiness For the Holiday and long, thereafter! CORPN GREETINGS OF THE SEASON ‘fir ■ .' $ •'* or . $ .. A >sr ' -A .■iy ■ A w $ —A- .. 3 v 'Sf A’ «r ' ’ A ■ & .4 WINGHAMf ONT. ~ phonbrn „ K0° .4 WHITECHURCH BORN—in Wingham . Hospital on Friday, December 17th to Mr. arid Mrs. Robt. Solomon, a dau­ ghter, a . sister for Beverley and Cathy. • • ' Ron'.and Phyllis Moore came home fnoni. tlie hospital last week. ■■ . Mr, and. Mrs Beth and Donne? of C.ulross vis­ ited ■ on. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs;'Karf Caslick. • ■ ' Mrs. Harry ‘Tichborne of God­ erich spent a,few days with her mother.'Mrs. Kennedy, last week. . fhb hall Wds filled to.the doors- on Monday night when S.S. No, ^Christmas concert. Santa came in after the. program and gave out the, -gifts off- the tree to the children. Lunch was serv- .ecj and a datfee followed tQ music -'by The Aristocrats. . The villa/ge 'was shocked to hear of the’ death' of W Ab. Me- Quillin bn Tuesday’morning. Mr, McQuiHin was in hrs 73rd year and ha^hcen in some time. ■ May your Christmas be 4 ICrawford’s Feed Store & Hatchery 1 •' ■• - ' L | 1 A V*» Jar''