The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-12-22, Page 6PAGE, SIX THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO -J WEDNESDAY, DEC, 22 nd, 1954 ■ 3 g Jn t f&ea$on$ *t AND ALL GOOD WISHES I R. Finlayson ‘■•A i i J A Best Wish es for Christmas 'I .. . . . . I AfenyAfeny Christmas 8 FAIRVIEW DAIRY EXHIBITION BY DANCINGCLASS The local dancing class which is being tutored by Miss Amy Johnston* gave a demonstration on Saturday at the Recreation Centre, of what they have learn­ ed in eight weekly lessons. The adult audience which was pres­ ent to see them go through their steps, was well pleased with "the progress; . Their teacher, Mrs. Rae Specht Of Chatsworth, uses her maiden name for teaching purposes. As Miss Johnston shW was a> cham­ pion dancer and. holds, several trophies as, evidence of her danc* ing ability. The local group from town.and district numbers about forty,' with an average weekly attend­ ance of about thirty, as sickness has caused many of the students to miss classes. ■.................. _ Th.e four classes—-pre-school, Junior school, tap and ballet, and Highland dancers, each’ gave dancing demonstrations on Sat­ urday to bagpipe accompaniment by D. A. MacLennan ofLbchalsh/ A collection was taken up amounting to $10.50, which will go to make Up a grocery basket from theDancing Class, through the Recreation Committee, for a needy family in the community. Miss Johnston was accompan­ ied here by two Owen Sound dancers who gave a toe number inballet, the Sword Dance; and Highland Fling. Highland Class-Llane Finlay­ son, Barbarii Finlayson, Mary AI- lin, Karen Carruthers, Joanne Gdnlev.Dianne Jamieson. Mar­ garet MacLennan, Florence Mac­ Lennan, Barbara MacKenzie, Di­ anne McAuley, Findlay MacLen- nan. Caroljm Forster /■■•'• - ,1 Pre-school tapping and ballet class—Fay Hogan, Beverley Maq- Donald, Sharyn Mowbray, Joan MacKenzie, Brenda Humphrey, Joyce Walker, Isabel MacMillan, David Button, Garry Carruthers. Tapping and ballet class—Mary Allin, Patricia Thompson, Janet Finlayson, Elizabeth ( B etsy ) Anne Henderson, Patricia Welsh, Lyn Couse, Judy Webster, Eliz­ abeths Anne Finlayson, Nancy Webster, Lynda Button, Georgia Smyth* Florentine Weiler. Junior Class,, tapping and bal­ let—Rov Button. Barbara Cam­ eron, Mary . Finlayson, Helen Ttdmstoner^erry-Jardine^ ny MacKenzie. Karen Wasney. GIFTS GALORE BROUGHT TO SUNDAY SERVICE / Gifts galbre were brought & 8 r s Meat Market I 4 We>« Mnding you our very/host wfohoi, giff-wroppod in • beautiful Chriifmcu package, and tied firmly with a generous bow of enduring friendship. WELSH * s time. * ■ •W ' A * ** !*« s. expire^ and friars „0Tp w dim, Lui our good widiec porqour na^u holiday reason remain untouckeJ L Wen- gW thank youfor your friendship ^ during the year and to extend the Season’s Greetings for a Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year. WM. MURDIE & SON _ ; to the White*” Gift Service in the United Church on Sunday morn­ ing. These clothing gifts ale for the Indian children at- Cape Croker Missjdn and for needy adults at, the Fred Victor Mission in, Toronto. The young children in the con? gregation were called to the front of the church to view the nativ­ ity scene and hear the Christmas story, told by Rev, G. A'. Meikle- john. Then they scurried through the church gatheringthe^parcels’ from the pews, which they heap-'31 5 I % . «r ..... . __ ___ _ ... • B. 1 - A; trousseau 4tea ,w^s 'held./gt. . B' home of Mrs. Lome Farrish '.I '. ih AshLeld on,-iDecember 3th'.'in f honor of het daughter Wiriiiifred. - , . . , ' 5^ ? * “ ’ ................;........ ........... , -■ to. wish all-of -our friends-and customers. 5 * ? . ■ r ■ ■■ . . .....'w1*'12- irWf .■ 'TROUSSEAL' tea held i FOR BRIDE ELECT f . , •//’■. -...- . . ■ you sincerely for; your-friendship arid patronage, ana , 'trust 'that we may continue to .be of ■ serriee ‘' to you to the years. to. come. ■' ■' -* . r ’ ’ ’ »" I' < * ■ * , Miller & Company GENERAL STQRE. ST. HELENS ■% whose ' marriage is to take place, m Hac^ettls Church next Mon-- ....................................,, ■ Mrs:v Farrish arid' Win the. re-'.' ■ ceived the'-guests' who number e.d- over, eighty ■'• ' ’ ’ ■ . -The;trwsseau .and .gifts' wer^- shown/by 'Mrs. Bob Farr is h and . Mosses Joy^e and Helen Little. Mrs/ Robert Scott and'Mrs W:S '■ ’ fred Farrish poured- te'a and re- ■"" freslimehts.'were' served, by Mrs. j Jaqk Parish, Mrs. Little and- Mrs 'Wdham' Wafemg. ■ :■ T- $ * ■ : «r % ■a ’ &■ ■ 5 . 7 3ST , . .... r All-of our staff joins withes ift wishing you the Very Bese Christmas ever, and lots of joy -- fdr all the days ahead! . YOUR LUCKNOW FRUIT MARKET 8 8 8 S 8 8