The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-12-22, Page 3♦ i 0 f 4 J < t! I K I) [ ")r •4* WEDNESDAY, PEC. 22nd, 1951 ■ I LUCKNOW | II UNITED CHURCH j Minister; j Rev< A. Meiklejphn, j B A, B.D. ! SUNDAY, DECEMBER 26th | 11.00 a?m.i Christmas Service j “The Gift only God cani Give”, 4 . Men's Choir. I 12.15 p.m.: Church School. ! 7.00 pjn.: Colored Slides I “New Life in Indian Vill-I ages”. | Lucknow Presbyterian Church | | Rev. Wallace McClean, I Minister | SUNDAY, DECEMBER 26th 111.00 a.m.: Corning Worship, j I Sunday School Following | | Service. j I 3.00 p.m.: Erskine, Dungan j I . non. J j 7.00 pan.: Evening Worship, j I i i i I HELD CHILDREN'S PARTY THURSDAY EVENING On Thursday evening the child­ ren of members of the Canadian Legion and the childreri of mem­ bers of the Ladies Auxiliary were entertained at a Christmas party in the Recreational Centre. Santa Claus, streamlined like Bob Macintosh, put in an appear­ ance and had a treat and a little gift for each of the children, who nuriribered close to one hundred. Children’s games were played, and a film shown by Stuart Coll­ yer. It was the first ‘such party and was a decided success. r ’’ i THE-LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,; ONTARIO IWURKP IN FALL DECORATING HALL Miss June Collyer suffered severe injuries last Friday even- ing^while engaged in decorating .the hall in the Johnstone Block, for the annual Christmas party of the Monday Night Shoot Club. . «",, * Junb fell from a chair , while putting up the decorations. She was alpne at the time but Mr, and Mrs. Russ Johristone heard the noise in the adjoining apart­ ment. Russ investigated and found . June, who had been knocked out. by the fall.. She was taken to their apartment where she shortly came to and was taken to Wingham Hospital. X-rays revealed a badly brok­ en and dislocated left, elbow'and a cracked pelvis. ' A temporary c^t’was put pri the arm, but an operation will be necessary to .remove . bone splinters before a permanent cast is applied. The pelvic injury will keep June bedfast for some time. MAKE DONATIONS TO EQUIP NEW HOME FOR VETERAN KINGSBRIDGE Mrs. ,D< Moore and daughter Janet of Detroit visited with the O’Neill family during the past week. . • Congratulations to Mr.. & Mrs. J. Fitzgerald upon the birth of a son . in Wingham Hospital on December- 17th. Miss Mary Murphy of Toronto visited with her mother, Mrs. P. Murphy over the week end. Mr. Maurice Bowler of Tor- noto is visiting at his home here -for_Christmas holidays. PAGE THREE for some the reno- Dick Mc- . homeless destroyed Of P? M. Local & General X’ K ' ' •, ‘ , Mrs, R. y, MacKenzie .is. spend’ irig Christmas with her son, Mr-, and Mrs. Steele C, MacKenzje at Waterloo, , , > Mrs, Horace Aitchison has been re-elected president of Wingham Presbyterian Church Women’s Missionary Society. Miss Ruth Johnston, who is at- tending Westervelt Business Col­ lege, London, is home for the holidays. Miss Flora Andrew of the Lon­ don teaching staff has been a pat­ ient in St. Joseph’s Hospital for the past week or so with jaun­ dice. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Ed Thom went to Norwood last Friday where they will' spend a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Ron Rothwell and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. G-olloher. x The Christmas .and New Year’s season will . see many visitors coming to and going from the community? The Sentinel wel­ comes these personal items at this season, as always.- Mrs. Charles Lorenz returned to her home on Monday and is considerably improved in health. She had been in Kincardine Hos­ pital arid at the Baker Home for three weeks. . Mr. Jim DeGruchy was. taken to Wingham Hospital early last week following ^a heart 'attack. Complications developed and his condition, was serious for a few days, but he was iriuch improved by the first of this week. Mr. George Jardine is consid­ erably improved in health fol- iowingTan<illness-dating-'back“to August. In the intervening time he had twice been in Kincardine Hospital, had undergone an op- efatidiT^Xbhddiwmd-hadbeen in the Raker Hospital. Mrs. Kenneth Nicholson (Joyce Mowbray) returned, home after two weeks in Wingham Hospital with pneumonia that stubbornly failed to’ respond to treatment. Joyce is confined to bed here where it is felt her convales­ cence might be speeded up.'Ken­ ny was ill with, a similar con­ tagion but was able to return work on Monday? I The Lucknow Branch of the Canadian Legion has time been engaged in vation of a home for Bride, who was left this' spring when fire a cabin on the farm Johnston where he resided. • The Legion’s Rehabilitation pro­ ject is about completed and the Ladies’ Auxiliary is seeking donations to furnish and equip the cottage. A number of articles have been promised and these are to be left at the Legion Hall bn Thursday. , — . -.-. .However, additional donations of furniture, dishes, bedding and general household articles, be welcomed. will I 4 I T............ 1.-/^,!;..^.,.........................Jigj; & ■ ’ • ' ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■■■■.■................................ / 7 i fi LADIES and MEN’S WEAR we say, To tbt many greetings that come your way at Christmas -tim^ we take this opportunity to add ours, with a note of thanks > for your continuing friendship and patronage A Very Merry Christmas To Our Many Friends! ts LOCAL LADY SUFFERS FRACTURED RIGHT ARM of Miss Margaret Foley visited in Detroit recehtly. , Mrs. Jos. Fitzpatrick and Ken­ neth of Wingham spent the week­ end with her mother, Mrs. Mar­ tha O’Neill. Mrs. Elizabeth Cummings town suffered a fractured ‘ right arm. in a fall on the ice at the Stewart . residence on “Quality Hili’, The mishap occurred ori Thursday morning but Miss Cum­ mings did not immedately sus­ pect that the arm was broken. An x-Tay was taken at. Wing­ ham Hospital that afternoon re­ vealing a break: near-) the .shoul­ der. The arm was put in a cast and Miss' Cummings, who is 78, was able to return to town arid is. being cared ..for at the home of her niece, Mrs. Otto Pedersen. I I TO MARK forty-ninth ANNIVERSARY MONDAY to Mr. arid Mrs. William Fisher of I • a «7‘ • .7 ” *• . , , * . ■ ■ We re on the right track to wish you cprloads — -------—o|™.j0y_.qqj._happine5_sm„ - at CHRISTMASTIME! ' ■ < *7 • '1 ■ towri will observe their 49 th- wedding anniversary on Monday, December ,27th. The event, will be celebrated at a family dinner that afternoon. ' In the evening Mr. and Mrs.’ Fisher - will hold open house when their friends are invited to” call. CHRISTMASTIME Christmas has come aga^n, the season when by extra efforts and letters, people find more pleasure in friends. While you and your staff endeavour, to Sentinel news of happiness and sorrow from Lucknow, • the stars inspired me to Sentinel' my Christmas Greet­ ings' to you all. ------- ' Now and by same inspiration I compose^nd^peeiaUy.4.edic_ale a verse tri homes Where sorrow has come at Christmas: time, First came Gods Creation Then the Ight you. see, He came tq save a ■ nation, The Stranger from Gallilee-. God makes a perfect circle, “TItctt—a- perfect-r Stau To-’Heaven look up-Grid leads __ you, ' ‘ ■Ro matter wild'you' arer—= : At evening he makes them , . .brighter,, _ . 7 ■ Ho keeps them bright till dawh, The days of the Old Lamp-Light- Are hbt ■ passed and gone, . ■'Christmas ■Gre'etings, ■' ' • Lane Gardner, SPORT... Battle of Words Hank (Port Elgin) Smith and Ross “Chubby” MacKenzie of the Paisley Advocate are currently having a battle of words - over some insinuations Smith made about the Paisley Hockey Club and the Paisley ice plant. The adjectives used in the interchange are really something. Ross ended last week’s retort with the query: “Where else can you get as many chuckles for a nickel a$ in The Times when one turns to Hank’s weekly instalment of wide-eyed and gasping ‘fabulous fiction’?” ♦ ♦ ♦ JUVENrLESLOSE,WIN-----— IN SEASON’S OPENERS Lucknow Juveniles opened the local hockey season last Thurs­ day in Winghdm., when the Wing­ ham team defeated them 7-5, Wingham led' at the end of the first, period, with the locals fight­ ing back to take a 4-3 lead at- the end of the. second, only to lose their margin 'in the final frame. Goal scorers for Lucknow were, C. Chin 2, Stanley 1, Gard­ ner I,. J. Chin 1. it Win Monday The local team played in Lis- towai Monday night, and were victorious by a score of 8-5. Marksmen for Lucknow were Emberliri 2, .R. Stanley 2, Gibson 2, C. Chin 1 and J. Chin 1. - Goal, George Richards; , jief., Ken MacNay, Ernie tGibsori; ceil? Jack Chin; wings, Charlie Chii^ Roy Stanley; alt,, Roy Emiberliri, Al Baker, Ron Graham, Eugene Gardner, Kent Hedley, Bob Mow­ bray, Hugh MacMillan, Stewart ■Stanley. Scores Goal For Buzzers St. Miqhael’s Buzzers Junior B .teani scored a 9-6 win over Wodd- bridge a few nights ago and on Saturday night blanked Dixie Beehives 5-0. ken Hodgkinson, grandson of Mr. arid Mrs. ‘Sandy* MacLeod, is playing with the Buzzers and attends St. Mike’s College. Ken is only 15, and being Used sparingly in the rough going, but was successful in bag­ ging a goal in Saturday’s game. Smith: I understand your wife came from a fine old family. Brown: ‘Came from’ isn’t right She brought them with her. -——■*£’• I T i.tuCML A Merry, Merry Christmas To All SEPOY 5f ts $1.00 STORE DRY GOODS • LADIES CHILDRENS WEAR;: ; * CHINA -KITCHEN UTENSILS-ORepiNGgAR^ TOILETRIESa^tTOYS^ '. 1O8W • LUCKNOW, ON.T- TOILETRIES TOYS'*' • LUCKNOW, ONT.hi T ( V & W