The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-12-15, Page 8•J
S. ■
For bedroom or
What more thoughtful — more useful — more pleasing
gift than an extension telephone! Day after day
it will be a pleasant reminder of your consideration^
for a second telephone inthe. homes tops those
“through-the-house” dashes to reach a ringing telephone,
saves many a missed call. There’s more privacy,
too, because you can make and take calls in a quiet
. room away from the noise and bustle of family activities.
You’d be surprised how little an extension telephone
costs! For just a few cents a day you can have ,
another phone placed anywhere you please. You
’may pay for it now, for a year in advance, or you
c0n have the extra cost tacked onto your monthly bilL
WHY NOT CALL our Business Office right now .
and arrange to have an extension telephony——j~
delivered before Christmas attractively
gift-wrapped if you wish, all ready to place under
the tree. We’ll connect it right after Christmas. '
It's no problem to install another phone if
you already, have one, because extensions do
not require separate lines to the exchange.
....... 1 ’■ • .' / '
Rev. Caswell of Col borne is
moving herb the first of Ahis
, week and the induction will be
\ held in* the Presbyterian church
on Wednesday, December 15th at
. 8.00 p.m.
S.S. NO. 10 school ’ will hold
their Christmas concert in the
. Memorial’ Hall on Monday, De
cember 20th at 8.00 p.m. SJS. No.
9 school will hold their concert
•_ For kitchen or laundry
For workshop, den, garage, playroom.
in their school on Monday, De
cember 20th at 8.00 p.m.
Mrs. J. J. Tiffin has left the
village for the winter to stay
with her son, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Tiffin. .'
BORN-—in St. Joseph’s Hospital,
Sarnia, to. Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Gillespie, a son,, on December 12.
Dr. and Mrs. Donald Watt, and
family are visiting with his par
ents, Rev. and. Mrs. W. J. Watt.
Word was received here of the
death Of Mr.. Ainsiey Sharpe of
Hamilton* He was born and grew
up around Whitechurch and. at
tended No. 10 school. He was
the son of the late Mr. and Mrs.
Jas. Sharpe. Ainsiey moved to
Hamilton when a young man; He
,was a highly respected citizen to
the ones who knew him* He
leaves to mourn his loss three
sisters, Nettie, Bertha and Ethel,
alb of Hamilton and three dau
ghters. Death whs due to a stroke
he suffered a'week ago.
candle ceremonial Jed by
Mi's. W. L Miller with Mrs, W.
A: Miller representing India and
Mrs. George StuartK Canada, op
ened the December meeting of
the W.M.S. held at. Mrs. W. I.
Miller’s on Wednesday with |7
ladies present.' For 'the worship
service prayers were offered .by
’ Mrs. Frank '• McQuiUin,, Mfs.' ,G,
MacPherson and Mrs. T. J, Todd;1
Christmas hymns were used
throughout the. ser$ce, Miss W.
D. Rutherford read of Christmas
in Indija as told by the mission-,
aries. Mrs. L. Woods and Mrs.
W. Rice wig the duet ‘^Calm
on the Listening. Ear of Night’’.
The treasurer reported that the
Autumn Thank offering had been
$40j>0. and $146 had been sent
to the Presbyteriai treasurer.
Mrs, W. A. Miller presented the
report -of . the nominating com*-
mittee which was accepted as
follows: hon. pres., Mts^ Harvey
Sparling; pres., Mr^ W.'. I. Mil
ler; vice (pres., Mrs. J. Cameron;
secretary, Mrs. L. Woods', treas,,
Mrd. Frank McQuiUin; ’ pianist,
Mrs. E. W. Rice. Mrs. Jas. Cur
ran presided for the meeting of
the W.A., the theme of which
was God's Gift. The meeting op-.,
ened with
hymn, prayer and^-creed. Mrs.
Carneron read the scripture les
son and Mrs. Lome Du'rnm, the.
lesson thoughts. The treasurer re
ported that $36 had been sent
to the. Hurricane Relief Fund
and there was a balance on hand
of $205.08. The report of the
nominating committee was pre
sented and accepted as follows:
hon. pres., Mrs. Harvey. Sparling;
president, Mrs, T. J, Todd; vice-,
pres., Mrs* Chas. McDoriald; sec.-.
treas., Mrs. G. MacPherson; pian
ist, Mrs. E. W/ Rice; card sec:,
Miss W. D. Rutherford. Mrs, Jas.
was given a vote of thanks for
her. efficient service throughput
several years. A pleasant social
time was spent when afternoon
tea was served" with Mrs. Bar-
bour and Mrs. McNeil as host
esses.' /
Thpre were many proud Mums
and Dads, not to mention the
Grandmas and Grandads, and
there must have been many
tweary chi Iren after the two very
fine school concerts held in the
Community. last week. That of
SS. No. 3 with Doh Cameron
as teacher, was held on . Wed
nesday evening in the school arid
‘that of Fordyce in charge of Ross
Errington in the Community
Hall on Friday. Both drew ca
pacity crowds and were follow
ed by a dance with music by
Bruce’s Orchestra. Mrs. Rodgers
’ ector. Murray Wilson was the
winner of the ddor prize and
Linda Martin of the lucky chair
prize on Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Todd arid
Andrew Of Southampton . were
Saturday, visitors with Mrs.
David Todd.
Miss Margaret Miller was
home from Stratford for the
week-end*1 ■ . &
‘ A White Gift service . will be
conducted at the United Church
next Sunday morning at 11 a.m.
" IB'
zt< -
1. *
> ■" • t
ONTARIO DEPARTMENT of HIGHWAYS • Geo. H. Doucett, Minister
Armature;apd Field Winding,
Brushes, Bearings, Etc.
Repairs to 1
Fractional nnd integral
Horseppwer. Motors,
Also Electric Faps, Vacuums,
Clipper^ Drills, Etc.
Phone Ripley lll-r-29
f The Christmas" pageant and
candlelighting service, “The spirit
of Christmas” will be presented
the United Church next Sun
day evening at 8,30 by the Young
People’s' Union assisted by the
choir. Rev. D. J. MacRae of
W-ingham-will be lhe guest.-speak- *
er and Mrs. Bruce Sutter ■_ of
Woodstock _ will be the guest '
soloist Everyone is invited to
attend this special service.
The Ladies Aid meeting is to. •
be held at the home of Mrs. Wfes-
ley Young -on Friday evening,
December 13th at 8.30 p.m.
Rev. Macconnell of Lucknow
gave a very inspiring message on
Sunday afternoon.
, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Scott and ,
Marion attended the reception on
Saturday evening at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. James Struthers in
honor of the marriage of their
daughter, Doris Struthers and
^Walter—Seo tt-of—Wingham— -------—-
Mr. and Mrs/Wm. Dawson and
son of London were recent visi
tors with Mr. and Mrs. Huntley
Dawson and family and Mr.
Joshua Dawson. .
,Mr. and Mrs. Be>t Moffat, Jim
my and Donna were Saturday
evening , visitors with Mr. arid
Mrs. Gordon Wall and family.
Mr. Reg Smith of Petrolia was
a recerit visitor with Mr. and
Mrs.’ Frank Miller. .
Bud and Marlow Crowston of
Kincardine visited Sunday with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John .
Crowston, ,
Mr. Lawrence McLeod had tel
evision installed,on Friday.
Caswell, formerly of Lakefield,
is to be held Wednesday evening
in Chalirier’s Presbyterian church
in Whitfechurch. He will have
charge of/-Langside and Calvin
churches as well as Whitechurch. *
Mr. arid Mrs. Russell Ritchie
spent Saturday evening as guests
Of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Culbert of
Con. 8, Kinloss, When Mrs. Cul-
bert’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vin
cent Wardell werb honored on
their 55th wedding anniversary.
Mi*. Robert Reid, forrnerly of
the 8th Con.-, now of. Kincardine •
and father of Mrs. Wesley Young,.
underwent an operation in Vic
toria Hospital, London, on Wed
nesday. -
Langside school Christmas con
cert is December 22nd, SzS. Nov \
on "December 20thand White
church school December 20th. .
< Is Your Subscription Paid?
Roy Rogers, idol of millions of
youngsters, “King of the Cow- .
Boys”, tells why he.. and Dale
Evans, , his wife, don’t drink, “If
T-^erc-iiskedT-^Rcjy; why d on’t
you drink?’ I think the most hon
est . answer I could give would
And I. don’t. My wife, Dale Evahs,
■and I, feel .we have found’[about
as happy a life as we can* hope
for, and we have no.t found hap-,
piness in cocktail bars,, but. rather
in opr everyday activities”. Neva
Langley, Miss America, 1953,..goes •
along with Roy and Dale. “It
seems $0 unnecessary .. ’ I
firmly believe the normal healthy
life I have lived is responsible
for my good fortune”—Advt.