The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-12-15, Page 71 nto V . . A. r Wk- 1954 "■“IF *'....LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, -gNTABlO- PAGE SEVEN . Give A Gift This Christmas That Will Outlive The Giver This is possible, when you choose A New Piano Various Makes and Models Trade-ins accepted — High valuation on your present piano g. Contact: ' ‘‘J | Garnet E. Farrier 1 8 WHITECHURCH. ONT. ' —".■■■PHONE 711-J-1, WINGHAM | KATRSHEA INSTITUTE TO SPONSOR GIRLS’ CLUB J freshments were served and the. j meeting concluded with, a ^horv ! meditation,- the Christmas hymn. ■ "Silent bright, Holy Night.” and sprayer. . ’ '•'■.' , Hunter-Kilpatrick Group ■ The December meeting of i Group ,H1 of the United Church ,WA. Was held' on Wednesday : afternoon .at the home of Mrs,. Wilfred Drennan. Mrs.. Hunter presided for, the opening exer- f cises. -She expressed, her . thanks as well- as Mrs; Kilpatrick for ! the help given them during the .'two' years by members, of the ' Group. Enghteen' members were present-.; The roll call was ans­ wered by members presenting ; donations of canned'-goods, for the Children’s Aid Society, at ‘Walk-, erton- Mrs. .'Kilpatrick presided for the * program. The scripture was read ■ by- Mrs-. Harold. Greer and prayer, offered by. Mrs. A. Cameron..’ Rev. .Meik-lejohn .'gave- a.very interesting talk “on Christ r- mas inusic-and at intervals mem­ bers joined in singing Christmas carols. Mrs. Hall' and Mrs. Mac-, Millan favored' with a vocal duet., /Mrs. McKim gave ah .interesting.! reading on "Flowers for the ,Div- - ingT-Miss-Da wn ,-Ste wart gave-a - ] piano solo- and . Mrs, MacMillan ; a reading. The treasurer’s report | showed'$136.06 had been raised .so .far by the Group, this year. Rev. Meiklejohn closed the meet- • ing'with prayer .and. a-social time - was spent. South Kinloss F. & F;- Group The: - Faith ' a n d ’'-Fellowship . Group. met at the home, of Mr.. i and Mrs. Ted .-Collyer on Sunday, I CHURCH NEWS j U nited Church W.A., Group 1 ' .- .A small lighted Christmas tree, . _ . . .H1*-1. a ’birthday -cake and other decor-1 December 5th. The meeting operi- ! ations furnished the: setting in 1 ed with 'the singing of the hymn .... — — • . _..... The December mating, of Kairshea W.I. was' held, in Legion Auxiliary rooms - hostesses. Miss D. MacLeod and j ^-e eburch' school room for the | “The. Morning Light is .Breaking’ A* MacDonald. The pres-. December meeting of Group’. .£■- followed by a prayer for our mis- ident, Mrs. Carruthers, -presided. The leader, Mrs. Orville. Jones,1 sionaries -by Mrs. .Collyer; Busi- —♦-*>. I-.-- ..... >. V.....'. T ..t. T. ■■■:■■■■■.. ’ ' /'■ /. '* L J _ 'J .it -L1 ■ ‘-.-^1 XT-. ' — .S KIN LOUGH The December meeting of the Kinlougih Auxiliary of the Pres­ byterian Church . was ’ held . PU. mesday afternoon, pecember 7, at* the home of Mys- H- Percy, with an attendance of 20. Mrs? M. Johnstone was in the chair. : Mrs. P. Hodgins had. charge of the program and followed, the -, -Glad Tidings outline. Mrs. BauJch led in • prayer,, and .Mrs, Emerson read the scriptures from Luke. 2 ( _ and Matt, '2. Reports from’ the J and committee served tea. secretaries were received. Miss ,M. Robertson, Mrs. Barr and Mrs. Bushell read short poems. . Mrs. Breckles. read “The Inn. that miss­ ed its Chance” and Mrs. A. Percy "Little Churches in the Country,”. A short biography, on the life of Rev'. Allan' Bench was ..read by Mrs. T. MacDonald. Mrs. E; Bushell read “fhe Inn Keeper”, Mrs, Hodgins gave the closing prayer and benediction and after singing the Grace, ,. the.’' hostess ft to / cvt tp x Z s rn O § *4 m 5? fn 2v?l5p -4* »g-l M czzQ- Ef1 >J •i-FTI •—. J 1 i : It was-d^jded-^) move the Jan^. !was in the cli^iFUo operrthe meet^: nbss. .i1emsr-vrere—deMt1-;wi-th---and!-:. uary meeting ahead one week. as-i ing -b.y reaciing a \L " - -- - • — N so - often it .and. the- Co-op ban - - Christmas carol. "Come and wor ;.-T quet conflict. ’ -- • -Mrs. Hughes MacMillan’.and- Mrs. ’ MacKinnon with the -'.singing of a carol. The .with the Girls’ Club which it is, leader commented -briefly on the hoped to get •. underway after : theme of the meeting. "O how {oh December 19th. Fraser Mac- . Christmas. Any la-dies of the club! shall I receive Thee”. Mrs. Red-.iKinnon read the-scripture lesson : are .also welcome-to .attend. -i vers Johnson, the assistant' lead-?’ and Mrs. Wm. MacIntyre gave A donation of $35' was made er. gave the Christmas .story from] a. very interesting .and informa- to the Wingham’ Hospital • A’ux- <’ the scriptures. ■ concluding . with j live study bn missions. -Mrs. Lloyd iliary. The scripture w«as read bvmasking- members to repeat John -MacDougall .gave an interesting ’ Miss E>. MacLeod. Several carols ' 3:16: Prayer was offer,ed- by Mrs. F paper on Dr.Jmd Mrs.;Hugh M.ac- were sung with Mrs.' Houston at .Johnson-: and .another carol, "l~“ / the: piano. Mrs. Scott gave aif in- fsing a song df Bethlehem” strumental. Mrs. De Jong gave sung. ' Typical scenes of prepar-. a very, interesting .talk on "€hrist-,/~J ... inas in Holland”. Mrs. Moffat- by Mrs. Ewart Tavlor. Mrs. Jones • • >' Y** a“' ----25 % ----LIsang a solo ‘ Star of tne East and Mrs. Steer gave a reading on • .’-Christmas. Mrs. Lavis conducted entitled “Christmas-Prayer a'draw .and read 'an article on ■ K- Q. Murdie gave a rt milk glass. The prize -was do- "Christmas at Babbitts an nated aT~a~dbor prize', b’y" R Schmid and was woh- by Mrs, W. ‘ piano - soio containing a-- number F MacDonald ‘ '" of well known-Christmas songs.. The roll call was an exchange 'A f<?rumjon -,'What do you kr.o-.v ■ - ’ abexut Chr/tmas was conducted by Mrs. -Zl.o Noel” Nay,' taining a reading C-ake for uary^meeting ahead one week, as,{-ng' "'by"’reading"a’ verse of a • '*,'• ..ship,- worship.. Chri’sy the .New- -is—to ’--assist- MfSu Born -King"/ 'This' was-, followed Club' which- it is t leader commented briefly oh the ’ pt was decided that, Belle Graham ! and Margaret Baulch would-. be I in-’ charge -.of preparing Christ­ mas boxes for-’ shut-ins. ’ The next meeting'will be at'the home of ‘ Mr. .and1 Mrs.?Frank. MacKenzie ra = D > > X 2E ‘Zhh*' , "O i Millan. An- educational film “For- i-sing a song df Bethlehem” was > mosa Assignments”, was shown, -? r. iT Accordian flections by Ira- Dick- i ing for Christmas were-portrayed , ie . were -enjoyed by- all. Grace **■ * ’*’■ -------<*..» X -'Uk 1 ■*•»*-, z-.V-* w+r’-bk-r* A.to’m and Mrs. -W. R. Howey, followed "by a . reading by Mrs? Al'Irwin. " •’■/Mrs. reading, ? and. MrS. nated as a door ■ prize . bv Wm. * Harvey-Houston favor&a-wtT,K.,,a„ - - —> number was conducted ones. and "The Ffrst was sung Mrs.' A. Mar- teside .an angel ‘cake con- one lighted candle, gave.' entitled /‘A /B:-r*hd’a> the Christ Ch-ld” Re-' , X-i— —X- The Queen, and. Institute grace 1 hour, was'enjoyeo '/ of gifts. Mrs. G.. Irwin read sev^ era! passages from the Federated News. Mary and Russell -Alim sang a duet accompanied by Mrs. ■Alim, A candy contest was judg­ ed by Mrs. MacCallum and Mrs. L. Purves with frist prize going to Mrs. Lavis, The closing .re- •,|harks were made by Mrs.- Lock- ’ meeting ended • with .and a. so.esa Seasonable Goods f . ■' . ■■■ • ■ • ■ .g A SUPPLY ON HAND: I ...................................... -......Easy-to-Appj[v; Plastic Storm WindowsWeathef Strip for Doors^and “Windows—— ./JL Eiisiiage Forks and Barn Forks. Stable Shovels and Stable. Brooms ' Handled Axes and Axe Handles / Electric Clippers and Plates r '. ■ ? Epsom Salts, and Sulphur . , 3 Prestone Anti Freeze ' 3( Door Mat!’ — Rubber and Cocoa r Door Mats - § DiiSi Mops —• Dust Pans and Brooms -• - Ironing Boards, wood and metal - i was’ sung. and lunch was .served • and Philip Steer closed the meet- , ing-'with; prayer.. . ? Ashfield Presbtyerian *W.M.Sr The December meeting’of the Ashfi^d W.M.SJmet at the home of Mrs.' Neil MacKenzie. Mrs~ Wim Ross substituted for Mrs. Simpson, .as 'leader , and-, opened , t he meeting' with ■ rea-dihg,. Isaiah -3rd,- chapter -and followed with singing excerpts from carbls.-.Mrs-r ‘.Ross read- the scripture lesson .- and gave .the . meditation on it. lhe first LxT vH ’ vl « God's -pro: prayer.’ ’.a , '1' sa** ' t-u j- .. j n - — - — - A. j-' Simpson gave, a’.read K -T' t ■ ^.4- 4.............>■ c<c xHm O >5 *T1 Mi O o$?x X C = yr <■» W?* (A ■ (P -rJXis ’L« ~ ~ COAL! -COAl t..........i A good stdck on hand of: ’ < REAPING SPOT COAL — <' L & W. BLUE COAL, ’.''•■’.■ - READING BRIQUETS an 1 ALFJERTA COAL WM. MURDIE P SON ^HONE ie. tt-oorow-. ...a Heating — Plumbing — Tinsmith in, • " OH Furnaces InstaHMl-®>^^™ta~ IJt- Christmas. gift, was the Jesus,/'a fulfillment of mdse. 'Mr? Anna letter of Form ns a. e an .outline on Rbss .offered Mae MacDonald written ’ bv Rev. Mrs. | of.current Glad Tidings. . •. . . -o omposed by. the late kelson 1. Prave: ’ ~ s Mrs. Vanderlay. sen made the president. 'Mrs. Vi. ;ls read tven Mrs .ns s Bushe' sp ch oP m R5 * * < <* ■r - was offered by •, .Mrs. A-. ,Ji. Simp>- made ;.rL....ihe... redbient..of __a _life? _ membership, id the‘Society.■'Her-'-" sister, Sadie Johnsfob'. made’ a "rubstanfTaT ^db‘ffaiioir'dow^id-Hfv'j“ Mr«. Heder McLean gave a-read* [- mg, .."A -Real Christmas”. After T kngihg ex-oerpu fibm/ carols' f7i ’ and 175. Mrs.'Wilson took charge, j. AD the-- .differentv reports. -w.ere j>- read and discussed. After the col-] ledtoh Mrs ,D. McMurchy. offer-]’ ed the effertofy prayer The- roll! ...D - DdUc - vuuhc?~ckcr-g,-0...| for the mstaLatioh of officers for 1?55 '.A thank you let ter .’.from, Mrs/Cohn McGregor was'read, and a,- letter' of -sympathy signed ? by.'.&’E.................*b go 'tozMrs. -Ewart ■ Jam.A;s6n. -After smgib'g carol. 730 ‘ Mr# Sm.b&on ‘ g£‘ve me .cl;;.r,g " Wds&h ’tbgnked^all assisted her-d^r.ng her The lad.e- -m **y tow*