The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-12-15, Page 6I TAGE SIX SR:-. i ,. +" i/?, ‘‘ I’ ROSEMARY THYM« z iiin ii i|i'»X • * '? ’* . Sunday IN LATE i. .MODEL! I. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL. LUQSt<QW, QNTMU© --- --..................... Look 1954 Chev. Belair Powerglide Sedan, fully equipped $2,295 1954 Chev. Standard Sedan, fully equipped ..... 1,895 1954 Pontiac Sedan, fully equipped ...... 1953 Chev. Deluxe Sedan/ fully equipped 1953 Chev. Coach, Two 1953 Pontiac 1952 1951 1951 1951 1950 1949 At These Prices! fully equipped Sedans ....... two-tone .......... ...i >.^1***,-;S•• Sedan, Sedan Coach Powerglide Sedan / rJ f* gannon • •z. , ''-P 1^':"P'"' p ‘ . fmtiagwww < 1 ■WAS ■ uh ii ■. / ■ < '; ’ Sunday, December Ut|h Ndw I know, that Christmas just around the corner, I could feel ’it in the air as I walked to church this morning/ up the snowy ’ street, with the Presby? terian church chimes pealing out ”Oh Come, All Ye FaithfuFV If one were not inclined to believe ih our Christian religion, t it would ibe hard to explain to one­ self, how the Christmas story comes to life every year* ter 2000 years, how it still has the, same appeal. '; This was our White Gift Sun­ day, • 'With' Sunday School .conducting the church services.. They re-enacted the . scene of the Shepherds and Wise Men groups ed beside Mary and Joseph and the Babe in the manger, the same tableau that we can $1 remem­ ber since our first' Christmas concert/And, though we know that - it is Carl in John’s dress-. ’ ing gown, and Alex, draped in Isabel’s curtains, the scene is touched with the magic .that gives thie Christmas story/ a re­ ality ‘ that remains alive through the years. It is the/same simple story, year after year, but it never loses its power to move us. ,t '"•■ • ♦- •. , John and I have been making candles, real ambitious ones; The great big fat one takes the whole, box, four cakes, of paraffin wax. Firmly set the four cakes to- ■gethey (WCTft. •?<“> <» W W*ffflg- another on so om. Put piece <?f eandtewjck between the second and cakes. Melt another cake Of thtf iwaxs beat ^^h egg'boMteMd Ifcour- oyer your candlestick, We .made one very decorative/onet i on one side there is | flower, an oid brooch i pressed' into• tW' a very effective poinsetta. . Qh the other s^de we fashioned" a Christmas tree,, arranging pieces of green glass,, salvaged; from an idd~"diTssr-buckIe’ and-some ■ b.its- of coral from an ofd necklace; We decided once more that it is much mere fu'n to make your own delations. OidZ you/notice in The Family Herald of Oeeem- ber 9, the dancing snowballs m Quick and Rasy* Decorations? I haven’t tried it yet* but do intend to. We were exchanging Christ­ mas ideas at .a Women’s Institute Christmas party the other even * ing, and one of the women spoke of it as- making a very gay ‘teon* versation piece”. At this same party we had a merry time with a new twist to oid4ime-games.JWe~play_ed. Santa Clau s Went travelling and he packed his bag with the first one said “apples”,, the second said “applet and books”, the third said, “apples, .books and candy”/ I was u6xt arid 1 couldn’t think of a thing but ink! Then we sat in* a circle and passed a snow­ ball made, of cotton batting. We found it a very difficult sub­ stance to get a good grip of, which produced a merriment. Christmas* starts here that already with pleasure of dessert but an ice cold apple. So the recipes I have for you are cold and simple. Jellied Plum Pufdding with Ruby Crown—2 pkgslemon,fla­ vored / gelatine, 2^ cups hot water, cups fruit or prune i1,895 1,895 1,650 1,595 1395 1,295 1,095 1,095 1,195 845 595 395 845 695 ' 425 Chev. Chev. Chev. Chev. Dodge, Sedan ....... Meteor' . ...• v .... 1949 Ford*Sedan, needs some body,work 1949 Chev, Sedan ....................................-.................... 1947 Chev. Fleetline Coach, fully equipped .......... 1947 Obey- Sedan ........ trucks/- 19s« caic -wnm • wckW' 'S-TonlTindc..... 1949 International 1-Ton Express, low mileage ..... 1945 Beo 3-Tnn Cab and Chassis 1946 Fargo 1-T«m Express ........................... ......... •, Brussels Motors ' ifnrqn County’s Foremost. Used? Car ’ Dealers, ,' <huh» Trade/Tenns — Open/ Evenings Until • Cttfes Service Dealer . ;'■ Phone 73x, Brussels w WW W W WWWWEFWW W WWW W WWW WWW r* y \ & ■f‘ 595 595 595 $600 450 e ’■* ♦ Home Furnishings & Christmas Gifts | ' / ” ...........• ........S "V/ *' ........ Large Selection of great deal of so early up I’m thinking nothing for Mirrors . ■ Lamps Smokers - End Tables Coffee Tables t Cushions Air Foam Pillows Bridge Sets Card Tables Hassocks Clothes Hampers / OUR LAY-AWAY PLAN IS ALWAYs i l j A SERVICE TO OUR CUSTOMERS j "i- ; : - .j/..'»■ 'i ■ I water, cups iruit or prune -j u ice7v^-^pr^^t/-2-tbspr--Iem on-]—, juice, 1 tsp. grated lemon- peel, 1 cup seeded or seedless raisins, Mr cup currants, 1A cups chop­ ped cooked prunes, % oup chop­ ped nuts___ . . , _ , Ruby Crown—2 pkgs cherry or strawberry gelatine, 4 cups hot ■water’ ' ~ ■ . ■ ’ Dissolve lemon gelatine in 2V2 cups hot water. Add fruit juice, salt, lemon juice and lemon peel. Chill until partly set. Add >fruits and nut meats. Pour into oiled 9-inch rounded cake pan, Chill until set. Dissolve cherry gelatine in hot water. Chill un­ til partly set. Pour over fruit mold. Chill till firm. Unmold and arrange on plate with ruby crown up. Decorate with whip­ ped cream. Serves 8 to 10. Stick Candy Ice Creeam makgs .... held at; the Home of Mrs. George ■ Ddnagh opened with hymn 51 af­ ter Which the Lord’s prayer was repeated in unison and Psalm 699 ; The roll call t wak answered by, Christmas • though^ ‘Mrs, Gordon Ritchie had Stewardship. -Mrs'.'- ■ Peter.Cook favored with a solo. ■ The devotional was' taken iby/ Mrs. Allan Ritchie assisted byBiU •^uhterir.Mrs. TMkrshall— - Gibson is to prepare the program for the next meeting. The mis­ sionary monthlies are ordered for another 'year. It was decided to remember Marie Cupskey. Mrs; Wes Richie read the study (book in the absence of Mrs, Jim Hun­ ter, Mrs. Jack Gardner is .. to take the study book for the next meet-, ing and Mrs. Gordon Ritchie the devotional. The election of of-, fleers resulted as follows: Mrs. Jack McDonagh, pres.; vice pres..> Mrs; Kirkland and Mrs; W. ’ G. ' Hunter; sec., Mrs. Nelson Rey­ nard; assistant sec*, Mrs. Charlie AVilkinsytreas..Mrs. Jim Hunter; Christian stewardship, Mrs.' Gor­ don Ritchie; Temperance, Mrs. Charlie Anderson ;v organist, Mrs. Jack. Gardner and Mrs., Peter Cook; assistant helper, Mrs. ’ Peter Cook; flower fund, 'Mrs. Jack Gardner; Light Bearers, Mrs/ Allan Ritchie; Missionary Monthly, Mrs. W* A. Hunter;.pro­ gram to °be made out for year by Mrs. Marshall Giibson• &, Mrs. Robt. Helm. Mrs. D., A. Hack-: ett read the scripture. Mrs, Wes Ritchie reported on the bazaar. Made motion to remember the Baker Home and send $5.00 to. the Christmas Seal ■" Fund. Mrs. Dickinson closed with prayer. V. " *■*.*. ' ' ’ • / • ■ . 1 • ■ ' ■ • There are three kinds of mar<- riage trial, companionate and the fight-to-the-finish. TO SAVE TIME ” *b on your LONG DISTANCE CALLS Keep a list of numbers you pre likely to call ■—* in your -1. TELE PHONE NUMBERS a wonderful dessert after $ rich dinner. 1 tbsp, unflavored gela­ tin (1 . envelope); % cup cold milk, Ity cups rhilk scalded^ 1 cup crushed peppermint stick candy, • % tsp. salt; 2 cups heavy cream whipped, Soften gelatine in cold milk, dissolve in hot milk, add candy and salt, stir’ until candy is partially dissolved (1 Jike-.theL.crunch,ybitsin it, but if your prefer if smooth, stir urn til dissolved). Freeze partially, : J^l d-in-coram^ tic refrigerator tray •until firm, stirring every 30 minutes.. Servos 6 to 8. ■ You do make raw cranberry relish, I suppose: 4 cups cranber- ries. 2 oranges. 2 apples, put all i 5 5 * ft- «r *■ . ■ ■ . • .... 7/. Tricycles, w&gons, doll carriages, doll strollers, chSdreh’s lamps. . S ' ■ ■ r • ' ~ ' - i » W"6 I'Tthrough 'food chop|>er. Add two sugar, more if desired. Ab | .low to stand until sugar dis- * sz>]veq. This may bo added to-a 3 < lemon or- cherry jelly powder, iJirM framing the juice" off. •“‘and wm it for-part of' the ' liquid .“'o th? jelly powder. ■ And here’s for the Children • » • . _ Kiddies Furniture K j*& Mclennan & Mackenzie “ House Ftirnisbings “ Ambulance Service Funeral Service Thone -i-8F Bay: <>r -Night f r mWkys cm* ! I by num®** | ‘ t„a iI t I ds (**«•*• I