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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-12-15, Page 6
I TAGE SIX SR:-. i ,. +" i/?, ‘‘ I’ ROSEMARY THYM« z iiin ii i|i'»X • * '? ’* . Sunday IN LATE i. .MODEL! I. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL. LUQSt<QW, QNTMU© --- --..................... Look 1954 Chev. Belair Powerglide Sedan, fully equipped $2,295 1954 Chev. Standard Sedan, fully equipped ..... 1,895 1954 Pontiac Sedan, fully equipped ...... 1953 Chev. Deluxe Sedan/ fully equipped 1953 Chev. Coach, Two 1953 Pontiac 1952 1951 1951 1951 1950 1949 At These Prices! fully equipped Sedans ....... two-tone .......... ...i >.^1***,-;S•• Sedan, Sedan Coach Powerglide Sedan / rJ f* gannon • •z. , ''-P 1^':"P'"' p ‘ . fmtiagwww < 1 ■WAS ■ uh ii ■. / ■ < '; ’ Sunday, December Ut|h Ndw I know, that Christmas just around the corner, I could feel ’it in the air as I walked to church this morning/ up the snowy ’ street, with the Presby? terian church chimes pealing out ”Oh Come, All Ye FaithfuFV If one were not inclined to believe ih our Christian religion, t it would ibe hard to explain to one self, how the Christmas story comes to life every year* ter 2000 years, how it still has the, same appeal. '; This was our White Gift Sun day, • 'With' Sunday School .conducting the church services.. They re-enacted the . scene of the Shepherds and Wise Men groups ed beside Mary and Joseph and the Babe in the manger, the same tableau that we can $1 remem ber since our first' Christmas concert/And, though we know that - it is Carl in John’s dress-. ’ ing gown, and Alex, draped in Isabel’s curtains, the scene is touched with the magic .that gives thie Christmas story/ a re ality ‘ that remains alive through the years. It is the/same simple story, year after year, but it never loses its power to move us. ,t '"•■ • ♦- •. , John and I have been making candles, real ambitious ones; The great big fat one takes the whole, box, four cakes, of paraffin wax. Firmly set the four cakes to- ■gethey (WCTft. •?<“> <» W W*ffflg- another on so om. Put piece <?f eandtewjck between the second and cakes. Melt another cake Of thtf iwaxs beat ^^h egg'boMteMd Ifcour- oyer your candlestick, We .made one very decorative/onet i on one side there is | flower, an oid brooch i pressed' into• tW' a very effective poinsetta. . Qh the other s^de we fashioned" a Christmas tree,, arranging pieces of green glass,, salvaged; from an idd~"diTssr-buckIe’ and-some ■ b.its- of coral from an ofd necklace; We decided once more that it is much mere fu'n to make your own delations. OidZ you/notice in The Family Herald of Oeeem- ber 9, the dancing snowballs m Quick and Rasy* Decorations? I haven’t tried it yet* but do intend to. We were exchanging Christ mas ideas at .a Women’s Institute Christmas party the other even * ing, and one of the women spoke of it as- making a very gay ‘teon* versation piece”. At this same party we had a merry time with a new twist to oid4ime-games.JWe~play_ed. Santa Clau s Went travelling and he packed his bag with the first one said “apples”,, the second said “applet and books”, the third said, “apples, .books and candy”/ I was u6xt arid 1 couldn’t think of a thing but ink! Then we sat in* a circle and passed a snow ball made, of cotton batting. We found it a very difficult sub stance to get a good grip of, which produced a merriment. Christmas* starts here that already with pleasure of dessert but an ice cold apple. So the recipes I have for you are cold and simple. Jellied Plum Pufdding with Ruby Crown—2 pkgslemon,fla vored / gelatine, 2^ cups hot water, cups fruit or prune i1,895 1,895 1,650 1,595 1395 1,295 1,095 1,095 1,195 845 595 395 845 695 ' 425 Chev. Chev. Chev. Chev. Dodge, Sedan ....... Meteor' . ...• v .... 1949 Ford*Sedan, needs some body,work 1949 Chev, Sedan ....................................-.................... 1947 Chev. Fleetline Coach, fully equipped .......... 1947 Obey- Sedan ........ trucks/- 19s« caic -wnm • wckW' 'S-TonlTindc..... 1949 International 1-Ton Express, low mileage ..... 1945 Beo 3-Tnn Cab and Chassis 1946 Fargo 1-T«m Express ........................... ......... •, Brussels Motors ' ifnrqn County’s Foremost. Used? Car ’ Dealers, ,' <huh» Trade/Tenns — Open/ Evenings Until • Cttfes Service Dealer . ;'■ Phone 73x, Brussels w WW W W WWWWEFWW W WWW W WWW WWW r* y \ & ■f‘ 595 595 595 $600 450 e ’■* ♦ Home Furnishings & Christmas Gifts | ' / ” ...........• ........S "V/ *' ........ Large Selection of great deal of so early up I’m thinking nothing for Mirrors . ■ Lamps Smokers - End Tables Coffee Tables t Cushions Air Foam Pillows Bridge Sets Card Tables Hassocks Clothes Hampers / OUR LAY-AWAY PLAN IS ALWAYs i l j A SERVICE TO OUR CUSTOMERS j "i- ; : - .j/..'»■ 'i ■ I water, cups iruit or prune -j u ice7v^-^pr^^t/-2-tbspr--Iem on-]—, juice, 1 tsp. grated lemon- peel, 1 cup seeded or seedless raisins, Mr cup currants, 1A cups chop ped cooked prunes, % oup chop ped nuts___ . . , _ , Ruby Crown—2 pkgs cherry or strawberry gelatine, 4 cups hot ■water’ ' ~ ■ . ■ ’ Dissolve lemon gelatine in 2V2 cups hot water. Add fruit juice, salt, lemon juice and lemon peel. Chill until partly set. Add >fruits and nut meats. Pour into oiled 9-inch rounded cake pan, Chill until set. Dissolve cherry gelatine in hot water. Chill un til partly set. Pour over fruit mold. Chill till firm. Unmold and arrange on plate with ruby crown up. Decorate with whip ped cream. Serves 8 to 10. Stick Candy Ice Creeam makgs .... held at; the Home of Mrs. George ■ Ddnagh opened with hymn 51 af ter Which the Lord’s prayer was repeated in unison and Psalm 699 ; The roll call t wak answered by, Christmas • though^ ‘Mrs, Gordon Ritchie had Stewardship. -Mrs'.'- ■ Peter.Cook favored with a solo. ■ The devotional was' taken iby/ Mrs. Allan Ritchie assisted byBiU •^uhterir.Mrs. TMkrshall— - Gibson is to prepare the program for the next meeting. The mis sionary monthlies are ordered for another 'year. It was decided to remember Marie Cupskey. Mrs; Wes Richie read the study (book in the absence of Mrs, Jim Hun ter, Mrs. Jack Gardner is .. to take the study book for the next meet-, ing and Mrs. Gordon Ritchie the devotional. The election of of-, fleers resulted as follows: Mrs. Jack McDonagh, pres.; vice pres..> Mrs; Kirkland and Mrs; W. ’ G. ' Hunter; sec., Mrs. Nelson Rey nard; assistant sec*, Mrs. Charlie AVilkinsytreas..Mrs. Jim Hunter; Christian stewardship, Mrs.' Gor don Ritchie; Temperance, Mrs. Charlie Anderson ;v organist, Mrs. Jack. Gardner and Mrs., Peter Cook; assistant helper, Mrs. ’ Peter Cook; flower fund, 'Mrs. Jack Gardner; Light Bearers, Mrs/ Allan Ritchie; Missionary Monthly, Mrs. W* A. Hunter;.pro gram to °be made out for year by Mrs. Marshall Giibson• &, Mrs. Robt. Helm. Mrs. D., A. Hack-: ett read the scripture. Mrs, Wes Ritchie reported on the bazaar. Made motion to remember the Baker Home and send $5.00 to. the Christmas Seal ■" Fund. Mrs. Dickinson closed with prayer. V. " *■*.*. ' ' ’ • / • ■ . 1 • ■ ' ■ • There are three kinds of mar<- riage trial, companionate and the fight-to-the-finish. TO SAVE TIME ” *b on your LONG DISTANCE CALLS Keep a list of numbers you pre likely to call ■—* in your -1. TELE PHONE NUMBERS a wonderful dessert after $ rich dinner. 1 tbsp, unflavored gela tin (1 . envelope); % cup cold milk, Ity cups rhilk scalded^ 1 cup crushed peppermint stick candy, • % tsp. salt; 2 cups heavy cream whipped, Soften gelatine in cold milk, dissolve in hot milk, add candy and salt, stir’ until candy is partially dissolved (1 Jike-.theL.crunch,ybitsin it, but if your prefer if smooth, stir urn til dissolved). Freeze partially, : J^l d-in-coram^ tic refrigerator tray •until firm, stirring every 30 minutes.. Servos 6 to 8. ■ You do make raw cranberry relish, I suppose: 4 cups cranber- ries. 2 oranges. 2 apples, put all i 5 5 * ft- «r *■ . ■ ■ . • .... 7/. Tricycles, w&gons, doll carriages, doll strollers, chSdreh’s lamps. . S ' ■ ■ r • ' ~ ' - i » W"6 I'Tthrough 'food chop|>er. Add two sugar, more if desired. Ab | .low to stand until sugar dis- * sz>]veq. This may bo added to-a 3 < lemon or- cherry jelly powder, iJirM framing the juice" off. •“‘and wm it for-part of' the ' liquid .“'o th? jelly powder. ■ And here’s for the Children • » • . _ Kiddies Furniture K j*& Mclennan & Mackenzie “ House Ftirnisbings “ Ambulance Service Funeral Service Thone -i-8F Bay: <>r -Night f r mWkys cm* ! I by num®** | ‘ t„a iI t I ds (**«•*• I