The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-12-15, Page 3A WEDNESDAY, DEC. 15th, J954 f 1 LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH Minister: | Rev. G. A. Meiklejohn, | B.A., B.D. | SUNDAY, DECEMBER 19th I 11.00 sum.: White Gift Service] Christmas music by The! Choir. | 12.15 p.m.: Church School. I 7.00 pm.: Colored Filmstrip,! “O Holy Child of Beth-1 lehem”., . i Dee. 17 at 8.00 p.m. in Town | Hall, Church Sunday School j / Concert. ! i Lucknow ' j Presbyterian Church | Rev. Wallace McClean* Minister I SUNDAY, DECEMBER19th I 11.00 a.m.: Morning Worship. I Sunday‘ School Following j Service. J• 3.00 p.in.: Erskine* Dungan J non. / 7.00 pm.: Evening Worship. | THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL,: LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Local & General /• ■* ......... . Russell Allin is back in bed again \yith pneumonia. Mrs. George Saunders has re­ turned to her home in Ashfield frorri Wingham Hospital >where she underwent an operation for varicose? veins. Mrs. Ewart Jamieson returned to her home in Ashfield on Sat­ urday after a five weeks’ bout with virus pneumonia in Wing­ ham Hospital, Miss Joy Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Redvers Johnson, Js—-home—from---Kincardine —this' week with the m'umps. . <, W.O. 1st Class Lloyd Hender­ son oj Downs view RCAF, spept -the week-end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Jack Henderson. Miss Agnes McQuaig, who has not enjoyed the best of health for a time, returned home recent­ ly after seven weeks in West­ minster Hospital, where she re­ ceived very beneficial treatment in, relieving a painful arthritic condition in her shoulder. DUNGANNON 4 PAGE THREE Sunday School Christmas L Concert, Friday, December 17.! ■i rim - —.-m'ii — ieiii nnn.wni.ijL. Some cause happiness-wherever they go—others whenever; they go.' FOR CHRISTMAS J Every Christmas the problem is: J “What can I give that’s lastingly useful?” ? Let Webster—and-MacKinnon-Hard ware e Solve It For You This Year! ft /.............. .... ■ •' - . . •________• ■ S We have gifts for All Members of the Family. __________ . d ■ -1 ■ —1- ft Come in and have a leisurely look around. > ft ss ft ft ft 3 ft s-ft ■ T s ■a ■ &• $• ■». .' ft . w . ft , w. ft w ft •» . ft . tor. ft tor ■ ft ■ar ft ■» ■ a ■* ■ ft ■ ft tor • > ft tor ft Electric Irons and Steam irons; Percolators, Tea Kettles,' ft Mixmasters, Toasters, Vacuum Cleaners, Clocks, . § ’ Floor Polishers, Radios, Washers, Ranges, Refrigerators, g All types of Knives and Scissors, Adjustable Ironing Table. » ft Guns, Fishing Tackle, Pocket Knives. Electric Razors, Hunting Knives, FOR THE JUNIOR MEMBERS Toboggans, Sleds, Skis, Skat«s and Hockey Equipment, Air Rifles, Pocket Knives, Bicycles, Tricycles, Kiddie Cars, Wagons. n ■ < .. Webster & MacKinnon § ft tor ft W • ft «r ■ .ft ft Plumbing, Heating, Electric Wiring — Phone 50, Lucknow | KI I THE PERFECT GIFT FOR ANY MEMBER f y OF THE FAMILY Certificates ft I / Can be made out for any atno^nt and comes boxed with a tiny Dutch the Christmas Tree. , CERTIFICATES CAN BE USED 7"to piMcKA'SET~“.; ''r'" Baggage. I I XT. ft t I i • ■ |S. C. Rathweli&Son ... .”*■ Fine. Fafft,iT ' ■ . y- ■. .... V ’ • . .......... - f. 1 - ; . ... . Mr. and Mrs. iJop Walden (nee Lois Mole),, newiyweds, were week-end visitors with their grandmother, Mrs. W. R. And­ rew and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mole. , Citizens were pleased to see a familiar face in a picture in the Toronto Globe & Mail last Sat­ urday, Dr. H. Arnold Vokes, Tor­ onto, a formqr practitioner here and are often up here to his sum­ mer home..The picture shows him at work at St. Mary’s Hospital and Sanitoriurri, West Torqnto, with a group of; Indian children from Moose. Factory, who were receiving a tegt at the hospital? . The Dungannon Unite'd church W.A. met in the church Friday night for the annual meeting and election of officers.' Mrs. E. Er- rington presided. Mrs. Arthur Elliott gave the topic and led in, prayer. Mrs. George Hodges read the scripture/ The roll call was answered, by 28 members. Mrs. Harvey Alfon gave the treasur­ er’s report. Mrs. K. Dawson gave an interesting Christmas read­ ing. Following the busiriess per­ iod, Mrs. E. Errington called on Rev. G. Watt to conduct the el- ^ctiionjgf^fficers for 1955. They are pres., Mrs. Harvey Alton; 1st vice, Mrs. W*. Petrie; 2nd vice, Mrs. Oniar Brooks; sec.-treas., Mrs. Wilbur Brown; assistant sec. treas., Mrs. Wm. Cranston; pian­ ist, Mrs. Otto Popp; assistant pianist, Mrs. D. Phillips; flower com., Mrs. M. Reed, Mrs. . H Eedy, Mrs. R. Irvin, Mrs. T. Web­ ster and Mrs. Geo. Hodges; par­ sonage com., Mrs, H. Johnston, Mrs. Raymond Finnigan and Mrs. -Everett Errington; sick arid visit­ ing corn., Mrs. Ross Eedy, Mrs. M. Reed, Miss R. Sproul, Mrs. Herb Finnigan, Mrs. Lk Ivers, Mrs. L. Hasty; Mrs. John Finni- ganr-Mrs. F.—Pentland; Group leaders, Mrs, H. McWhinriey, Mrs. R. Irvin, Mrs. K. Dawson & Mrs. Chester Finnigan. Hostesses were Mrs. K. Dawson, Mrs. H. Con- gram, Mrs. W. A. Culbert, Mrs. E. Errington. S.S. No. 6, Ashfield, with Mrs. W. A. Stewart as teacher, held the Christmas concert’ on Wed­ nesday night. The 'chairman was Wayne Stewart. Mrs; . Duncan Simpson was accompanist. The concert consisted of choruses, clarices, recitations aind dialogues by the pupils and club swinging by Mae Stewart. Margaret. Black and Clara Stewart led the carol singing. Margaret Black sang two solos. Mr. Heriry Courvoiseur rendered some fine selections on the violin. At the close of the concert,, he showed some slides of the West. After Santa Claus -distributed--the—gifts,—lunelr-was- served * and a social hour spent. Dungannon United church Mis­ sion‘Band met Sunday morning. There were 37 present. Carol Pentland- -gave the call to wor ship arid the hymn “While Shep­ herds Watched Their Flocks by N ight” was sung, accompanied at the piano by» Joarine Crozier. David Dawson received the col­ lection arid Maripn, Mole gave the offering verse. Mrs. John Finni­ gan led in prayer. Pauline And­ erson read the Christmas Story. Mrs. Robt. Irvin read a chapter in the Study book. A Chrstmas hymn was sung with Pauline An­ derson accompanist at the piano. A film “Child, of Bethleheni’’ was shown. Word Friends magizines were distributed, arid the mem­ bers' purpose was repeated to close the meeting. ‘ , “Death~of Edgar 'Elliott Durigannon-born Edgar Elliott of Calgary passed away very sud­ denly on Sunday from a heart attack. Deceased was 70 years of age last ' October arid was the’ second son of the late John El­ liott. His mother was ■ formerly Jennier^Stothers of Dungannon. When 5 yoring man he finished Itis^education ‘witK""a business course at Woodstock, and. there, he......nharried Pearl Vogan. ' They. settled if CaIgary and have bderi" residents nearing’BQ .years wherb lie has had a shoe, store. survived by W wife, two sons,’ Forrest of Camp Borden and Jack; of Cargary.’ A. widowed daugh­ ter,. MrSv Kay Kerr of ■ Cheadle, 40 miles: from Calgary; two bro- lhersv Wilfred ..of London, Arthur and a *s.'istor.r Betty .Elliott of : pungannon, I I Grandpa, Dad, Sons1 I CHRISTMAS GIFTS^-weU sized and full assort- > ment in colors and styles. - £ Housecoats Jackets Trousers Sport Shirts Work Shirts Dress Shirts GIFT Certificate for a HAT ft Ties and Socks Initialled Handkerchiefs Jewellery and Braces Belts and Gloves Jeans and Overalls. Sweaters and T-Shirts --— -Wallets,Key-Rings Rip-Ons 1 HAS HE GOT? the new and popular: Nylon and Dacron Shirt — Initialled Tie and Hankey Plaid Sport Shirt — Initialled Belt and Cuff Links Suede Jacket — Initialled Tie Bars Colorful Nylon Stretchy Sox Sanderson’s LADIES and MEN’S WEAR ----—— TELEPHONE 85 ——- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McClure, Jr. and family of Elmira,, spent the week-end with the former’s par­ ents, Mr. arid Mrs. W. H. Mc­ Clure. HIGH SCHOOL NEWS —----On Friday afternoon, Decem­ ber 13th at 3.20, Assembly was held in the? auditorium. Wilda Reid was chairman. The hymn “Unto the Hills” was followed by the scripture reading by Marvin McDonald. The Lord’s prayer was repeated in unison followed, by the hyuin “Onward Christian Soldiers”. Ann Crawford, favored with a Solo and Beverley kAshton was at the piano. Assembly was -elosed—w-ith- the singing—of God~ Save The Queen. .Well, the exams are over and the pupils' are either reaping their rewards or bemoaning their , dear time’s waste. Anyway there’s not much use of wailing. *>>:**■ On Wednesday night, Decem­ ber 22nd, the High School is holding a Christmas dance in the auditorium of the school. S. B. STOTHERS SPEAKER AT ABERDEEN-ANGUS BANQUET The first banquet sponsored by the Grey-Bruce-Huron “Aberdeen Angus Breeders’ Association was held last- week at Underwood. Catering was done by the Under­ wood Women’s Institute. A most sumptuous and generous turkey repast was provided by the In­ stitute Angus breed­ ers and their wives were present./ The guest speaker was Mr. S. B. Stothers, B.S.A., of. Lucknow, secretary of the Ontario Aber­ deen Angus Breeders’ Association. MrT'Harold? Baker? BB.A., as­ sistant representative, Huron Co., showed many slides of his trip to Great Britain and the continent taken when he accompanied- the • Royal Fair Tour last summer. The proceedings were in charge of President Russell Barclay, of Tara, arid Director Gordon Ribey, Underwood, who had charge of the banquet arrangements. It was a most happy and enjoyable ev­ ening. FATAL ACCIDENT CHARGE The hearing in connection with a charge of careless driving against Mrs. Ida McDonald of Goderich was adjourned until Thursday of this week by Mag­ istrate D. E. Holmes. The charge resulted from a highway accident east of Goder- ich_JW.herL_AC2.._MeLv.in—Scurrah—_ of the RCAF Station at Clinton was killed. He was a passenger on a motorcycle that was in col- , lisiori with the McDonald car. St. Peter’s Youftg: People The Young People’s Club of St. Peter’s Church, Lucknow; met on Monday, December 6th,. at., the home of William .Stimson. The program consisted of various con-. tes'S. Plans were made for the program bf the Church Christmas party to be h'eld in the Recrea­ tion ’Centre on the evening of December 20th. The next meet- Another airmah, who was .driv­ ing will be .held at the home of irig the motorcycle, waS injured. D. Thomson on Monday, Janu­ ary 11th. ’ Mel Scurrah was a former res­ ident of this., community. ‘ cfiactioflH . 0 LOCAL TRADEMARKS, Uc, _|;_FREE-! / China Cup And Saucer . FREE! ■1 With Every $9.00 Purchase ' ft ...... s . 'ft' •ft . ■ ■ 1 —r SEPOY 5^1.00 STORE DRY.G J 08 w LUCKNpw,. pi^Tl / *