The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-12-08, Page 16S'i ■*. •'tr.jru., . J"" *' ■ 1- • ■ : ■ ■ ;*V ■' ./ '. . ' . ■ ; I . THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO (. WEDNESDAY, DEC. 8th, 1954 ‘ : elk W -. ,'[i ,1 . . ... Looking backwards THROUGH THE SENTINEL FILES Albert and George, had a tryout ac Toronto Maple Leafs hockeyi training camp at, Owen Sound. . Ted Whitby was .appointed night policeman ht Wingham. The Maple Leaf Aircraft Cor­ poration plajit commenced a con- tract for the production of elec­ tric recordAplayers.. h Notice of ah appeal was issued against the judgment declaring invalid the will of Alexander MacKenzie. At his death the eistate lwas valuedl at /approxi- mately $100,000, a large portion of which was earmarked as a perpetual education endowmerit for boys from Lucknow High School wishing to advance their education. For. all purposes A s h f i e 1 d Township’s total tax bill, amount­ ed to $52,530.07. Alex Havens coricluded his contract as mail driver on R. 7, Lucknow, a route he had driven for 21 years. He was succeeded by Earl Cranston; ;'■:;/.//:/•/■/ /7‘ .;//7 ■/.'. .; Sid Whitby and Bill Webster were in a car crash/at the Baird farm west of town; The car, own­ ed by Russ Johnstone, was de< molished and while both.)wore found unconscious, they, mirac­ ulously escaped serious injuries. <■ Donald MoCharles’ grocery arid Rathwell ^ ;. Reed’s shoe store were burglarized; the same night, but th& loot was small. Wesley Hudson of Kiriloss died a short time after suffering, head injuries -when either trampled or kicked by the team he was driv- ing^on the hay rake._____7l___1_ Joe ; AgneW, 5-year-old son of .Mr. , and Mrs. jE. H. Agnew, suf­ fered a knee injury When he ran into the side of a. car during the 12th/of July celebration here~ 7~ Mrs. Wm. Fraser; passed away len Years Ago Gordon McGuire, son: of Mr* . . and ■ Mrs, ■ W^7S.' - MOGuire^ was Killed in France on /July 11th •while serving witli a light anti­ aircraft unit, in .support of the invasion forces, . . Dr. Jqhn H. White opened a medicalpractice in the John- ■'/; |SW17/^ In a. judgment handed.down at Gsgoode Hall; the l^sit will of the late Alexander.. Mackenzie EO.. \Alvih,; S>mith|; son of Mr. and /Mrs. Andy Smith, was re­ ported niissing on air operations*. The Victoria Cross was award­ ed posthumously to Fit.-Lieut. David Hornell; for heroism while his crew was afloat on the North *. The Village tax rate was set at. 40 mills; down 3^ mills from ; 1943,. but which was* more than . offset by a 15 \ percent increase in Assessment. : t.; /Fit. Sergeant Frederick Hal- denby, son of Mr, and' Mrs. Roy ____Haldeniby—of.. the: Blackhorse, dis.-’ . -trict, was \ listed as presumed Malcolm Maclnnes, formerly of <Con. 2, Kinloss/was drowned in a triple fatality at a summer re­ sort near East Tawas. Lawrence Dyer and his’11-year-Old son also lost their' lives. Malcolm’s two children, Ann and David, were . saved. It was an epic'of parental heroism as the men struggled to saye^their childreh,; when’ a leaky boaf they had . rented, capsized. George Lane of Ashfield died, in .Wingham Hospital a few hours after being tenribly{ burned iri a L fire that destroyed his barn. - Stanley Malldugh died sudden­ ly at Hamilton. > Mr. and Mrs. Albert Johnston of West Wawanosh. celebrated their golden wedduig- ~ ~—~— . z : The famed Chin liper of Bill, I' in her 92nd year at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Tyndall Rob­ inson.; - Ten thousand pd°ple attended the 12th of July. celebration ip Lucknow*. Prize, for the oldest Orangeman went to Wm. Miller, in his. 94th year and who had been a member of the Order-for 77 years. His death occurred jin early October. Ila Mae Saunders, . lf>-year-old daughter of Mr. arid Mrs. George Saunders, died from ^a six-day illness with pneumonia. Miss Dorothy Douglas arrived home on furlough after six years in Formosa. .’Mrs, John/McQuillin passed “awdy^risJ^six-^ death by drowning of her daugh­ ter Ruth. , M ' Roy Finlayson’s hitting and a spectacular catch paced Lucknow to an 11-inning 6-3 victory over Chesley in BruCe League play­ offs. Lucknow ousted. Port El­ gin in two straight, with Jack Cottrill, Port’s mound ace, re- ceiving a fractured nose when hit jby one of Bob Carrick’s speed balls. Port Elgin protested * the series on Carrick; but their -pro­ test' was not upheld. by the Q.B.A.A. In the provincial B pl ay downs Meaford ousted Luck- riow witBTWarpy Phillips ipitch-" ing a 1-0 one-hitter in the third and deciding game in Southamp­ ton. The death of Thomas. Irwin .oc­ curred a week after he had suf­ fered injuries when thrown from, thfe buggy/ / Doris7 Wilkins and Phyllis Blake were trophy winners at West Wawanosh and Ashfield school fairs. Daniel Rose passed away after a 14-weeks’ illness from a rup­ tured appendix and complica­ tions. ... Mrs. Gilbert Hapiiltpn- suffered afracturedijshoulder.-inaear:ac-_ cident at the Second Concession while returning from the Fall Fair./ . A, R. Finlayson, prominent businessmanMdiedafterabrief illness. ■’ /'"■■■ ; ■. .. ' ■ Yov con wash and dress her I FREE! It's so easy fo set her hair in any stylo with every Doll 1 J Sally Stepper THE REAL H WALKING LJOII SHE REALLY WALKS! Tu rns her head as she walks STANDS’SITS •SLEEPS WASHABLE UNBREAKABLE CONSTRUCTION Just like a rec little girl , Walking with GUARANTEED WALKING MECHANISM Beautiful Dresser Set to Comb, Wave and Braid . her fine washable HAIR Nationally Advertised at Much Higher Price NOW YOURS FOR ONLY Thirty-Five |ears Ago Nursing Sister Agnes McQuaig arived. home< from overseas m mid-summer. ' __ ' . ’ Parkie Wiggins of Dungannon had his leg broken in a ball game in Lucknow in connection with a fourmteam tournament between Belfast, Lucknow, Ripley and Lochalsh, which the latter team won. . xRev. Fulton Irwin came to Lucknow Methodist church from Glencoe. • . A picnic of Lucknowites, re­ turned men and their families* numbering 302 people, held a pic­ nic at Point Clark. Fifty-one cars made the trip.____^_peaee_(}ay_^celebration---was_ held in Lucknow on July 19th. 1 Bertha Blair, daughter, of Mr, and Mrs. Ashley Blair, died at Harriston at the age of 17. H. A. Doupe resigned after # years as principal of Lucknow Continuation School, to accept, the, principalship at Port Credit. ' The 1919 entrance examination. class at Lucknow included Alex Murdie, .Robert Andrew, • Evelyn Lockhart, , Myrtle Webster, Belen Thompson, Irene Rathwell, Kath-, leen Hill, Dora .Mitchell, Ruth McIntosh, Margaret McCallum, Mary McLean, Annie Johnston, Gladys Hodgins, Flora Andrew; Tena Blitzstein, Frances Cain, Is­ abel Chesnut, George Fisher, Verna Hamilton, Martha Hanna, Alviri Irwin, Jean Kennedy, Chas. Morrison, William Thompson. Round trip fare on the Grey­ hound from Goderich to Detroit, was $2.25. 7\ Lucknow’s tax rate was thirty- five mills. * Miss Gwendolyn MacLeod ar­ rived home from overseas, where she had been in charge of mov­ ing picture’ films used for the entertainment of United States soldiers. . -John-MaeDiarmid-of—Kinloss bought the residence of* Dr. J. C. Walk er, veterinarian, who planned to go to British Col­ umbia. ■ ■ Mrs. Reuben Spindler sold her home to W. G. Andrew and went to Toronto to reside. The death occurred of Thomas Murray* of Langside in . his 81st. year. He had‘been Kinloss Town­ ship auditor for 40 years and clerk * and treasurer for . seven ■years, : Reports were . frequent of a nude or semi-nude man . being seen at intervals in the vicinity of Dickie’s.Hill, ’ Mrs. W. J. Taylor and daughter Lyla -left for’ Detroit to. reside,. Angus MacDonald died at his home in Lucknow. in his 91st year. ’ Laurine Miller won the. baby -coiitesMaUSt.-Helens-SchooDFair.- Sixty Years Ago Revs. John Rose, of Ashfield, -R»-Sr G, Anderson of St. Helens, and F. A. McLennan of. South Kinloss as well as Robert Har­ rison of Ashfield, left for St, Johns, New Brunswick, to attend the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church. The Liberal Government of On­ tario under Sir Oliver Mowat, was returned with a reduced* majority, in South- Bruce, RE, Truax, Liberal, defeated the Pat­ rons of Industry candidate, W. Valeris, by 131 Votes. Rev. John Kenner, pastor Of Ashfield Methodist Circuit for three years, left for Staffa.. Dur­ ing his pastorate Jiere a hew church was' erected at Blakes and Hope church cleared of debt. . • Lawyer Hugh Morri sori was promoted tp? captain of No. 3 Company; LUcknow,. of the 32nd / IONG DISTANaX f SERVICE ’ u»e your 1 : ■..“<//■;.w i ■■ ^TELEPHONE NUMBERS / List in it the out-of-town num­ bers you are likely to call—then ca llbynu m ber and your Long Distance calls will go through much faster! THt Illi TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA .... Queen ToSpeak Qn Christmas Canada -will once again be link­ ed in family reunion with the . rest of the Commonwealth in a Christmas Day programme now being organized by the British Broadcasting Corporation. The Queen’s message will again be the highlight, as she speaks from herhdnie in Sandringham. The theihe of the programme this year is “Good Neighbours”. Is Your Subscription Paid? .. Battalion, succeeding Dr. B? Grant Jeffers of Chicago.7 •Cameron, Murdoch & Co. were .advertising;;., corsets in a price range from 25c up, and Wm. Com. .riell was .featuring lace‘curtains5 from 45c a ipair, up. . Thomas Lawrence buili-a much, needed stock yards and weigh, scales at the corner of Havelock and Ludgard Streets,;'arijucent to. the•■•G.TJL tracks. Announcement was made that W. C. ’ Johnstone had purchased ’ the undertaking and cabinet business from James Wiiliflmspri , arid..had acquired the..assistance of James Ross as * cabinet-maker.• Dr, W. A. Hackett of Ashfield , graduated in medicine from Tor­ onto University and started to „ ‘'pr^tlce7Tri~pefrdifr^’“ “ -“*71 \ Alex McKenzie, had a barn, raising on the former McCallum property, Con, 3, Kinloss. The . < stone work was done by John McKenzie and the' framing by James Henderson. The raising :t teams were captained by John W McGarry arid Wm. Lockhart, with thG former' tearil winning. . The 48th Highlander’s Pipe Band was engaged for the. Cal; edonian Games on September 5th. featuring the drummer boy of the. Crimea., Adam Thompson <was building a brick home at the corner of. Wilioughby arid Outram Streets, f ^Ari—itOrri—from—“Coom-JungleL iri Kinlos£ said that John Fpaser was still burning lime and had been the “Lime King’- of Kinloss that summery SALLY ORDER NOW I 10 DAY TRIAL OFFER: ... If youore not at delighted at the littte'glri herself when you open the package, return package for full refund. StrattonManufacturing Company* , , • ■ PIMm ruth Sally Sltnptr walking Doi it a $395 and Inc lade complete free 3-ploce dreuer let with eech.. It it underitood thit W. I «m hot delighted full our- dute prico.wiil M refunded.. '< NAM£.. ...a. Stratton -'^y. 'dtioYaiak I . ' □ CASH □ CHEQUE Q MONEY ORDER MONEY BACK GUARANTEE MAIL NO-RISK COUPON TO-DAY Sally Stepper l« one of lhe mosf beaut!* tlful doth you've ever teen •.. even to •maft detail* of dimple*, finger nails and erea*e« h her chubby arm* and leg*. Sally hat tong lifelike Hair that can be wathed. combed, waved . and curled, >et or braided. She ean be warned, drafted and undreaed In *t and a rd doll coitume*. Sturdily madaof a new shockproof platHe for yeart ahd year* of tovlng play, Sally Stepper I* the doll your favourite Ittila girl would cmoU fdf hertelf. Order Now at tNa tpedal low prlc«. ■'.<.•■ ( STRATTON MFG. COMPANY • 47 Colboma Street, Dept. Toronto, Ontario 1 * SALLY DOES EVERYTHING! ■ ‘PINTO PONY” XMAS SPEC,AL >• ' YOUR. NAME “BRANDED” \ ON THIS INDESTRUCTIBLE PONY NEIGHS AS YOU RIDE I la',« yon can haT® yoar ®’rB * Kids from fi month* to 10 yeareg et Buckh?’ °f th?lr ,ivci1 when they rWe thlg ki?kkhim? S^Cu° X6U can ®n Mtn him anSa hlm’ vMp him—but you won’t hart !»?h Ln ruu li Hc? to.u5h «tronf—200-lb. wS? if J? hrAethm’ 3" hm. and we ruarantee It ?ricc—?,n,Y S3.00 for two. Buy thorn foJ t2 n« Uh JLOrtnTOU,i i at t1hla omo'ln* low offer. Send . NOW' Br VS Vum™ D2"y‘ 8«PP1> Hmtted/w order m man>«» yoo need I nfcjnetchildren yon want on pony. Ofii name oneach ! Satisfaction guaranteed I CHRISTMAS DELIVERY * GUARANTEED. DEPT STRATTON MPG. CO^ 47 COLBORNE ST., TORONTO, ONT-