The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-12-08, Page 6Fruit Basket CHOICE MIXED NUTS and CANDIES the way of \ 'k J ST. HELENS J* . ‘ ) ■•• •] ’ The.. St. Helen’s Women’s stitute meeting . was held NOVEMBER GENERALLY DULL AND MILD Aitchison. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs.»Erhe§t Gaiint with Mrs. Eldon Miller and Mrs. Harvey Robb as host­ esses. 8 -M- ••F- SPORT... TIMBER TIPS George Westlake is playing for the Goderich Sailors again this winter, and the squad have their sights set on the W.O.A.A. “A” JUVENILES PLAY GAMES * AWAY IN-DECEMBER— PAGE SIX WEDNESDAY, DEC, gfh, 1954 "*■■! J!'U’A-U r J'-'T-lff V!’!!, J. 1.1!’? LEGION STAGING SATURDAY Night fOwl bingos W tuViv THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO '8 Shavers GOODS .. ♦ Y ) 1 i v $ Electric Lamps MAJOR APPLIANCES . . Refrigerators Home Freezers ' Ranges Washers GAMES . * / Hdckey .Games Dart Boards Table Tennis Metal Interlocking WEATHERSTRIP For Door Bottoms Completely Seals Out The Weather, f ■ ■ s s ■f i E s I FLOOR | COVERINGS Rubber Tile JaspeTile.......... Marboleum Tile in a wide range of colors. Also . . . Plywood, and Abitibi Board Underlay. \ BARN DOOR MATERIAL 1” and 174” Tongue and Groove Pine' < 1” and 1%” Battens Enclosed Metal 'Track ' Adjustable and Nori- Adjustable Trolleys. ' i t-88Sis 8 sI k LUMBER LIMITED S Lucknow — Phone 150 — ( •' Woodgrain . WALLBOARD For Partitions In Play­ rooms, Bedrooms, etc. Economical and ,o Easy to Apply. JOHN W. HENDERSON I — — —-!^J. _____s._T__ _____ ____ Ontario S In- on -■*' Thursday, December 2nd at the home of Mrs. Fred McQuillin. There were 21 members and. six - - visitors-present. The meeting- op­ ened with the Institute Ode, the Mary "Stewart ' Collect and / the Lord’s prayer in unison* The roll call, “A Christmas verse and a cash donation for Wingham Hos­ pital”;, was well responded to, with ten dollars donated for the hospital. The minutes and finan­ cial statement report were read The Lucknow Legion resumed their weekly bingos on Saturday night for chickens, turkeys and other prizes. They -plan another bingo this Saturday evening and also the following Saturday,, which will : offer bingo fans az chance to win some Christmas fowl. and the correspondence and busi­ ness part of'the meeting attend* ed to. A, Christmas carol “Oh Lit­ tle Town of Bethlehem” was sung.; Mrs. E'Mobd Barbouryjhad^ (the motto, and swb^ cannot .enter where Christmas joy dwells”. Mrs. Lloyd Hunter gave a very inspiring topic on “Christmas”. Mrs. • Chester ' Tay- f. lor piayed an instrumental, “Christmas Bells”. Christmas car-- ^ol^, “Come All Ye Faithful” synd “Silent Night” were sung. A draw was. made for a door prize do­ nated by Mr,. Wm.. • Schmid of .Lucknow, with Mrs. Fred Mc- Quillin being the winner. An ex­ change of Christmas gifts took : place and lunch iwas served by the hostesses, Mrs., Jas.. Curran, Mrs. E. W. Rice; and Mrs. Wm. Purdon. A vote of thanks was given the hostess by Miss Jean <^h^weaj^eru summary for, No­ vember, an unpredictable month, brought little of. the extreme in weather conditions, 1 yet didn’t contribute much to make up for a very disagreeable fall gener­ ally, , November’s temperature was fairly uniform, although the high did soar to 64’degrees. T'he low was 26 degrees. Rainfall was 2.10 inches' and there was 61/2 inches of snow. The. month was . very dull, cloudy and mild. Vacuum Cleaners Floor Polishers Sewing Machines Mixmasters Hand Mixers Electric Kettles irons Toasters Coffee Makers Sandwich Grills Heating Fads ' ■ Clocks- - - ■— SPORTING Skates ° Hockey Equipment Skls-^—— . . Ski Equipment '•< Rifles Shotguns Toboggans Sleighs Bicycles Tricycles ;-l I ' ■ ■ • —^-HOUS^EHGtD-Appliancarr^ .8" I f 'I ’8 =£=g= ..... . g •» Televisions —r Radios — ■ Record Players 8.........'...... ’ .................... .................... I '•I ■ s a w& . . Radio and Electric PHONE 110, LUCKNO^V ■ ■ ..... On Wednesday night the Kan­ garoo^ took 7 PQints at the ex-, pense of the; last, place Beavers. Marie Sparling, scoring 503 plus 168 handicap for a 671 total and Bob Nainsop with 653 plus 18 for 671 sparked the attack .while Cora Thompson rolling 472.- plys 150 totalling 622 was high for the Beavers. Edna Couse with a 5.92 total and Jack Fishes with 612 plus 36 totalling 648 paced the Wolver­ ine^ to a 5 point victory over the short handed Chipmunks. Rpy Black with 645 plus 60 for 705 and . Clare Johnstone with 566 plus 78 for 644 were- the high scorers on the Chipmunks. Is; it right that the Chipmunk’s cap­ tain approached thd. management about having a post moved? We understand it is in the ibowlers. The Cubs took 5 the Coons with the ping the last game points from Coons win- , ............_ on the roll oif on a tie game. .Jack Caesar with 603 plus 87. for 690 and Col­ leen Eedy with a 561 total led the Cubs’ attack while Gordon Baileyand Jack, McDonagh. .were high for tne Coons. The Squirrels scampered into first place as they took 7 points from1 the Zebras Who just couldn’t .get going. 'The Squirrels all rolled well with Roy Finlay­ son posting a total of 688 while, Ernie Button scored a 620 total with Lorna Button close behind, with a total of 614. The * Zebras slumped badly as Elmer Mac- Kerizie, a newcomer, rolled a 554 total for the" team’s best effort? Dinny Hamilton with 612 <plus 72 for a 684 .total led the Pole Cats to a 5 point victory over the Gophers. Clarence Greer and Anne Anderson were high scor­ ers for t|ie losers, with Dorothy Hamilton totalling 611 and Bob McIntosh totalling 604 also, help­ ing—the-Pole Cats -to—victory Team Standing Squirrels 40, Zebras 38, Wol­ verines 38, Cubs 35, Kangaroos 33, Gophers 33, Chipmunks 28, Coons 27, Pole Cats 25; Beavers 18. • ‘With only a 7 point spread in the top six teams at the end of the first round, the race is be­ ginning to tighten up. There will be a lot of changes in standings the next couple of weeks. Remember, December 15th and 16th are the dates set for the turkey roll. As far as we know now it'will’be the same as last year. One turkey for the high couple, one for high lady and one for high gent. All .scores handicap included. • |.? • * M, ft 5 h § I ft h$ I I i 8 8 ; *88- "L 8 ft I 8 8 , 8 Use .; I TULIP MARGARINE 8 I iHenry’s Fruit Market § Fresh Fruit, Vegetables and Groceries § . Free Delivery — Phone 82, Lucknow h Please Place Your Orders Early for Your Christmas Watch for out valuable CHRISTMAS DRAW With, every $1.00 purchase you receive a free ticket , -- ------------------—7——1 — : T r-... ■ Have You tried the New CHEESE SPREAD? for your Christmas Baking. Lucknow Legion Jqyeniles are slated to open the hockey season in Wingham on December 16th. They are in a five-team group with Durham, Wingham, Listowel and Mt. Forest, which are all higher category teams. Lucknow will not compete in the group playoffs, but will/ go into the W.O.A.A. “D” playdowns when the schedule is. complete.: Three of Lucknow’s away- from-home games will be played in December on artificial ice. Home games are drafted for Jan­ uary, when natural ice will like­ ly be available locally, with Jack Frost’s co-operation. • December ilili Hllfl delicious flavours 10— Wingham at Mt. Forest -15—4Mt FoFest—at- Durham 16— Lucknow at Wingham 17— Durham at Mt.-Forest 20—Lucknow at -Listowel 22—Lucknow, at Durham 29—Wingham at Durham January 3— -Mt. Forest at Listowel 4— Durham at Lucknow’ 7— Lucknow’ at Mt. Forest 8— Listowel at Wingham 11— ML Forest a! Lucknow 14—Wingham at Listowel 18— Listowel at Lucknow 20— Durham at Wingham 21— Listowel • at Mt. Forest 25—Wingham at Lucknow 27— Mt. Forest at Wingham 28— Durham at Listowel FebiTiary 1—(Listowel at Durham GIFT SUGGESTIONS from MILDMAY FURNITURE SHOWROOMS ^,14 Cubic Foot HOMEFREEZER . S385 00| 19 CUbic Foot HOMEFREEZER 1 $435.00 - Double Door WARDROBE MIRRORS .... ’ $39.00 . 3*Piece Double Dresser BEDROOM SUITE, $129.00 Others, $79.00 up clearing various suites 26 in Stock at 15%, Reduction ...,_ ............................... ...................................................................................,, ........................... ____........................................................................................................................-X.............................-.......—.____ ......._____..............7 .J.................................... Itatrfoam pillows : ■ 155:75? SPRINGFILLED MATTRESS .... ..... $21,50 NEW PIANOS "It Discount of $100.00 USED PIANOS .J... . $165.00, Etc. CHROME SMOKERS, Urge ... .... . . $7*95 END TABLES, 2 shelves . ......... $5.95 Kiddies*. Metal Folding Bridge Sets $12.50 -d-Ciibic-Foot-Automatic-Frigddaire——$31L00^ Modern Lamps, Fancy Cushions, Small Radios ADMIRAL TV. SET ... . ... $199.00 2*]Piec,e DAVENPORT SUITE, $129.00 Select .from over 20 LIVING ROOM SUITES' It’s Worth $25.00 to $125.00 AS A TRADE-IN Show cushion from old snite to. salesman. -h . Easy Terms ,2S,......................... ' ■...........................................................................................................................................7................................................................................................. ■