The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-12-08, Page 1* $2.50 A Year In Adyance--$l,00 Extra T^o U.S a APPROVE MUTUAL AID FIRE PLAN LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, DEC. 8th, 1954 SIXTEEN. PAGES At the regular, meeting of. the Village Council on Monday night, a resolution was passed approw . ing of the. Lucknow Fire Com­ pany joining a .district organiza­ tion, plan for mutual aid in case ■“ of "a; major fire. This- plan is part of the civil defense program, and is under the direction of the Ontario Fire Marshall, with Bruce and Huron set up as a-district for the pur­ pose of providing mutual aid in fire fighting. Fire Chief George Whitby ex­ plained the plan' at Monday’s ■ meeting and received approval to permit the fire truck, manned with the necessary fire lighting, personnel, to proceed ,at any time to any municipality participating in the mutual aid arrangement, __to render assistance _in.,;fightin/j • a major fire. The men and equip­ ment may only go to a munici­ pality that had agreed to the mutual a|d plan. Named to L.D.H.S. Board A letter was received from Robert Rae stating that he did not wish re-appointment to' the District High School Board and expressed appreciation of the courtesy of past appointments. W. R. Howey was appointed as Mr. Rae’s successor for the 1955 term. Boxing Day, Monday, Decem- ber 27th, was declared a civic holiday. Diredtional lights are to be in­ stalled on the Hydro truck arid the fire truck. A grant of $20.00 was made to the Children’s Aid Society. 'v " . » _____■- -- ru TAKE ‘SERVICES ■IN BRUCE PRESBYTERY Men and Mission's Sunday <was observed in United- Churches throughout Bruce Presbytery with laymen conducting the .morning service in all churches. Mr. Gordon V, Thornicroft, High j j 0 ' Pr^e^Pa^~'bf''Kincardine,. addressed the Lucknow, congrega­ tion. He was assisted in the ser­ vice by. Messrs. W/L.'Mackenzie' and Melvin Morrison. Elmer Umba.ch was the speak­ er m Kincardine United Church and Mr. T. A. Cameron spoke at Belmore. In' Mr. Umbach’s ab­ sence, Mrs. J. W. Joynt played • the organ. ■ ” '■ HAD HOLIDAY IN HONOLULU Rennie Graham of. Toronto spent the week-end with his par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Angus Gra­ ham, Rennie has just returned .from a month’s holiday to the Hawaiian Islands. He made the round- trip py air from. Malton. Enroute to the Pacific holiday ’ centre, he spent four days at San Francisco, and on' .his return, had a stopover for a few days at Vancouver' While inr Honolulu he called on Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wilcox (nee Muriel Solomon) who are residing in that city. EVANSTON WAS WELL RESIDENT DIES, KNOWN HERE MacMillan has ro­ of the death of «Mrs. Ross ceived word brother-in-law, Mr, J. M. Jardine of Evanston? Illinois. He died suddenly from a heart attack late -Saturday night. — Mr. Jardine was well known in this community where he fre­ quently visited. Mrs. Jardine, who predeceased him three years ago, was formerly Abbie. Mackenzie of Kinloss and a sister of Mrs. MacMillan. Mr. Jardine daughter, Mrs. son, Kenneth’ children. The Evanston on Tuesday. her is survived by a Gwen Ricker, a and four grand­ funeral was at SANTA SLATED TO ARRIVE SATURDAY EYE INFECTION CLEARS, HAS YEAR’S SENTINELS TO READ AWARDS CLIMAX FOUR-HYEAR The mo$t successful year in the history of 4-H work in Huron County was climaxed last Fri­ day night at Exeter , when tro­ phies; prizes and scholarships were awarded. to 349 farm young people in recognition of their Club activities during the year. About 1,100 people attended this Achievement Night program. Members of the Dungannon and Lucknow Clubs were among the trophy arid scholarship win- nets. '• ' ’ Novice. Winner LoisWebster,daug and Mrs.. Tom Webster of West Wawanosh won the Warden’s Novice Trophy, donated by Mr. Wm. Dale, Huron County war­ den in 1054. Lois, as a first year Club member, obtained the high­ est standing on “basis of awards” r . in Huron County. She is a menv ber of the Dungannon Club and ’ scored 923 points out Of a poss- I ible 1,000. Besides that, she had the cham- ' pion 4-<H heifer of both Huron; and Bruce, wipning top honors at Seaforth and Teeswater fairs. Showman Champ Another West Wawanosh girl, I Anne Todd, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Tom Todd; was a trophy winner. She received the Sena- tor Golding Junior Showmanship trophy, donated by Senator W. i. H Golding to the grand chanv shawmari in 4-H Beef. Calf i. Clubs, in Huron County. An he I ’ won the titld at the champinn-1 I ship show at Seaforth, She is a | / member of the Lucknow Club Scholarship Winnar . | | /The presentation of the F, KJ I Morrow Scholarship was, made | ■ to Frank. Alton of the-Dungan-J non Club Ond a member of the | Huron County 1954 Junrnr i Farmer judging .team at' the- -».'V Santa Clauses on his way to.. Lucknow and will arrive here at 2.00. p.m. on. Saturday, where he expects to meet every boy and girl in the district, and will have a stocking of candy for all.-the kiddies. . . Lucknow merchants, The Leg­ ion, and The Clansmen are among those , who are joining forces, to arrange a big parade to be head-* ed by the High School Band, and of course, Mr. Santa in. a spec­ ially prepared vehicle, fit for such a regal visitor. (Merchants are putting on their .‘■‘best front” for the occasion and the Municipal* Council has erect­ ed a big iChristrhas tree:, at the Post Office where, weather per­ mitting,, Santa will likely distrib­ ute his sweets. . .• . / „ ' The parade will form at the Lucknow District ~High School Smaller children Who may not : be able to walk that distance may fall in anywhere along the route, or at the- Town Hail, It looks like a gala reception for. the red-coated old gent' so be sure tq be in Lucknow on Saturday., The . free show for the children will be held the following Sat­ urday, as ‘ in other years this feature of the ;day . interfered with a proper reception for Santa. An ardent Sentinel , sub “scriber is starting to catch up On the back news as she delves into a -pile of Sentinels which she has been saving up for more than a year. She is iMrs. Margaret M. McMillan of St. James, Man­ itoba. More than a year ago she got Poison Oak infection ■ in her eyes, and could not use them for reading in fear of destroying the sight. In. the meantime/ Mrs. McMil­ lan kept piling up the old home town paper. The eye infection has now cleared and she is starting in to catch ' up. .on the .news, which will be “better late than never”. I r‘ HARVEY WEBSTER HEADSOLPLIGHT • Officers of Old Light Lodge, A.F. & A.M. for 1955 were in­ stalled in office last Thursday night, by Mr. George Stuart of St. Helens, who has performed this ceremony for the past 24* years, with/but one exception when he was unable to be pres­ ent/ . ‘ ■ - ■ Mr. Stuart’s record equals that of the late Dr. Dan Paterson who for many years conducted the in? stallation. * A year ago Mr. Stuart was pre­ sented > with a life membership in recognition of his services; and this he values very highly, _ he stated at last Thursday night’s meeting. Officers for the ensuing year are: Immediate Past Master, Won. Evans;-Worshipful-^Master, “Haf- vey Webster; Senior Warden, Ed­ gar Watson; Junior Warden, Ron­ ald Forster; Chaplain, Red vers Johnston; Treasurer, W. B. And-, er^g^.^ecre^ary,/ T?/ J. ^ Salk^id; Senior Deacon/ Ted Collyer; Jun­ ior Deacon, Wallace -Conn ;Senior Steward, John MacDonald; Junior Steward, Tom Anderson; Inside 'JVtULU, ixcmitwi VCUUC1 VUV" side Guard, Bert Irwin; Master of Ceremonies, W. A; Porteous; I Trustees, Sam Alton, JaS; Little land W. A. Porteous. ADD TWO MEMBERS ~ - TO FIRE COMPANY At the December meeting of the Lqpknow Fire Company bn Monday, night two nejy were added to the Brigade, Mur­ ray Henderson and D o n a 1, d Thompson, succeeding Brock Cle­ land and Keith Kilpatrick. The. new members were sworn in by Guard, Kenneth Cameron; Out- Fire Chief George Whitby. Dori is the third generation of the Thompsons to serve on the Com­ pany. ■ ship has a $300 v&lue for tuition , find fees for a. two-year coursr. in agriculture at the college of« ’ his choice. Frank, who is • ' Mr. and Mrs. Walter Alton, had the highest aggregate score i of those entered for the. scholar* ship, ■ t A • ■ George KeriheJy was preAenV; pd with a Club Leader's Gerttt-1 icate in’ ' recognition of : k W Club Leader i ■ ? Commencing at 2.00 p.m. JOIN IN THE BIG PARADE Is Coming To i • X ’ • LUCKNOW >Meet Him^Here and . . . . r AfWiNG FOR YOU AND HAVE A BIG BAG OF CANDY HE’LL BE LOOKING ^FK0^EVERY KIDDIE. / : TOM RIVETT SELLS TRUCK BUSINESS : Tom Rivett of Dungannon has disposed of his trucking business which he has operated for some .lw^ty^eyjen^;yeai^s^since--4'927.— His successor is Bob Mole, son of Mr. and Mrs, Ben Mole of Dungannon. Bob’s wife is the former Betty Durnin of Luck­ now. The business transaction went into effect on December 1st. . The. business was started as a general trucking business, but for the past ten years Tony has been engaged almost exclusively in supplying cement gravel and fill? This he. obtained from the W. A- Culberf pit. in Ashfield and was. kept on' the go with deliveries from Londesboro to Ripley. xToni’s first truck was a second- hand. Model _T. JFord. He- bought - the chassis in Goderich for $185 and had a platform 5x8 feet built at a cost of $40, so that his first vehicle stood him $225. Chas. Al­ ton was his first client. He made a delivery to Lucknow for Him and on the return trip picked up an organ at Charles Robb’s on the 12th of Ashfield and deliver­ ed it to Roy MacDonald’s. All three of. these men have since passed aw<ay. Has Mail Route Although Tom is going to take it a bit easier, he’ll be far from idle. He has a mail route and a farm in Ashfield, and the latter will no doubt now receive-more-- - of his personal attention. Tom has been mail driver on rural route No/1, Dungannon, for 35 vears.commencing this job not soloingafter rural mail ser­ vice was established. The route is now 20 miles in length, spur lines having increased the dis- tande from the, original 16-mile trip. Mrs. Rivett frequently drove the route inf the summer time when Tom was rushed with gravel deliveries. LOCAL MAN HEADS LUC-TEE-WIN CLUB Mr. A. W. Hamilton, who play­ ed a leading role in the organiz­ ing of the Luc-Tee-Win Conser­ vation Club, and was its first president, has /been pressed back, into service to again -head -the—— •Club.' • ■ Mr.. Hamilton was elected at the Club’s annual banquet held , in the Recreational Centre, Luck­ now, last Thursday evening. He succeeds" the retiring president, Joseph Clark of Wingham. . Wm. MacDonald of town, wlio had been deputy president, is re­ tiring from active participation in Club work because of his health, ,t and Jack Bannister of town was elected to succeed him. Other of­ ficers include, secretary-treasur­ er, A. E. Nethery of Wingham; executive vice-presidents, George Orvis, Frank Caskinette, Wing­ ham Hector King, Carmen Thompson, Teeswater; Russell Farrier, James Turvey; Wingham; Albert Worral, Teeswater; Ray- nard Ackert, Holyrood; Joseph Clark; Wingham; public relations, Ken Kerr, Wingham. __;____ ^TheTCIulT gathering 'got under­ way with a delicious turkey ban­ quet with members of the Ladies Auxiliary catering. Elmer Um- ibach presided at the piano for the singing of O Canada and Grace. . A. W. Hamilton acted as toast­ master and Wm. MacDonald pro­ posed tbe toast tq the Club which embraces the area served by Lucknow, Teeswater and Wing- ham. Mr. MacDohald^.said 4ha.C^^^ The^Iarger -unit~was’ the logical development in a concerted ef- > fbrt to, promote conservation. ' ,, President Joe Clark in his re- ■ ply stated that there were net enough interested in conserve- • tion. The first step was -conse? vation of our soil, lakes, stream • and trees to provide the nature f habitat for wild life. He felt t.ha-. the Luc-Tee-Win was a body th:/? was, and should be, looking^tr* . „ (Continued on Page 8) < i r u. I1 '■ i T !■i.