HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-12-01, Page 16■<h /■ THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Ten Years Ago •'■■•I ' '/ ■ ' ' ' :■ \ ■ Donald "McLean lost the sight of an eye'when struck by a nail 'which flew ?up. . - L A . spreading grass fire , set ablaze the home of, Mr. Joseph Johnston. ' iFO. Thomas F. Wilson was kill- x ed in action. Overseas in April 1944. J>gt. J. C. Reid of London was awarded the Military Medal up- — dn being cited for~sicts Df hero< ism, on. the Italian front. - Silverwoods Creamery was broken into, arid the 2 smash­ ed opien with '* the loot about nil. Eddy Gaunt’s car was stolen that same nightsr Mrs, Thomas Reid, formerly Margaret Ann Miller, died here in her ,85th yeiar.; .Warrant Officer T. J. Howard of Ashfield was awarded the Dis­ tinguished Flying Cross. Mr. p. 'W. Hoag was engaged as a''member of the High School1 staff, filling a vacancy caused by the resignation of Miss Dorothy. Sharpe. Other staff members were, Miss F. E; McLean, prin­ cipal;. Mr. D. R. McLean,. Miss Jean Osborne. At a 'reunion of ex-students LOOKING BACKWARDS THROUGH THE SENTINEL FILES and students of Lucknow High School, a gift was .presented to Miss F. E. McLean, in recogni­ tion of over forty years in the teaching profession, with 35 years of service in Lucknow, John. A. Thompson was ap­ pointed manager of the Bank of Montreal succeeding the late V. *N, Prest. Sgt. William Graham Durnin qf Ashfield was killed . in' action overseas. -He was a wireless air gunner and was killed, .on the first day of, the. invasion,. ■ Sgf, Air. Gunner Ivan Magoffin was reported missing after air operations overseas. Archie Nicholson’s garage at Belfast was destroyed by fire. Mrs/ John Cox celebrated her 90th birthday. ' ; Two brothers, Joseph and Ray­ mond King, agd 18 and 15, were drowned in the Teeswater River on the farm of Joseph Green. Mr. Sam McComb was burned to death in his small* frame home east of Blackhorse. Twenty Years Ago J. G. Anderson and Son pur­ chased the Seaforth flax mill property with Alex McCarroll be- ing moved from the Mitchell plant to take charge. , ’ ; | Mrs. Paul Reed celebrated zh®r 90th birthday.^ J ; Lucknow’s restricted telephone service, with toll charges, was discussed at a public meeting, presided over by Reeve A. W. Hamilton.' Foster G. Moffat received the Conservative nomination to con­ test the new riding of Huron- Bruce. Liberal candidate , was C. A. Robertson. f , Ernest Penrose, 29-year-old son of . a former Whitechurch mini­ ster, Rev. R. W. Penrose, was drowned ajt Picton, His. brother James, rwhor- enlisted •• while~ltt~ Whitechurch, was killed in World War..I,' The village home of Mrs. John McCharles, owned by John Mul­ lin, was extensively damaged by fire, ■ Wm. Miller, age 93, was sev­ erely injured in an eighthoot fall through a trap door. First aid treatment by his 83-year-old sis­ ter, Mrs, Peter Torrance was cre­ dited with saving him from bleed­ ing to. death. Mathew Woods died at the age of 86. The Village Council obtained possession of* the premises fbr- merly occupied by the Bank of Commerce in the Johnstone Block and commenced work to convert it to . a municipal office. Dr. Wm. Connell announced his removal to Wingliam tovtake oyer the practise of the late Dr. Margaret Calder. - ’ , Mr. Bald retired as public school inspector and was present­ ed with a fountain pen < hy the Lucknow staff and teachers. The presentation was made by Mr. D., C. Taylor. Dr. A. M.' Spence died at Osh- awa. .”Aunt Lizzie” Webster passed away within; a month, of her 92hd. birthday. Ruth McQuillin, 16-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John McQuillin, was drowned in Lake Huron at the. Foot* of The 12th ConcessibriihAshf^ . ' ■' Shiells Store at Amberley was broken into and merchandise stolen,. Thirty.Five Years Ago Mr. and Mts- T. JE. Smith were honored by Paramount friends before moving to Lucknow. Joseph A. Holt, husband of Jean Gordon Murray, died at. New York from pneumonia at the age of 52. The funeral was held in the Presbyterian Church 4 to Greenhill Cemetery. The spring issues of The Seri- ti n el of1919containedthenames of many boys returning from qyerseas, while the question was being raised as to what type of memorial would be erected to WEDNNESDAY, OEC; lgt, those who did. not come back. The death of Mrs. Alex McCarr roll occurred at her . home in her 37th year.. Peter Graf caught a 17% pound pike in the creek on the , farm of Tom Roach. Mrs, Wm. Connell died sud­ denly following a seizure suffered while assisting in. a Mother’s Day cjioir in the, Presbyterian church. She was formerly Mary Somer­ ville, daughter of the late James Somerville, the founder of Luck­ now. Mary was the first white child born in Lucknow. George MacKenzie observed his qne hundredth birthday. at the home of his son A}ex, north of the G.T.R; station, John Moore, father of R. J. Moore, died in Toronto at the age of 90 and was buried iii Greenhill Cemetery. For many years the Moore family operated the hotel near the G,T.rX station. SixtyYears Ago A deputation from Tara were to Lucknow to see a demonstra­ tion of the “squirting powers” of the old Phoenix hand pumper, still in good repair, but not used, since the installation of the water works five years; before. Cameroh, Murdoch and Com- * * >Nam»................ .... * i.............. ...........M»L.... oM YOUR MONEY IMMEDIATELY REFUNDED IF YOU ARE NOT COMPLETELY SATISFIED WITH ' TALKING TRUDY. ; 0OOOOOOo0’ , ■ .« . a- . ■ STRATTON MFG. CO.. 47 Colborn. Sh.Toronto, Ont., Dept....« 0 Get this; grand IL, ? I m ‘ / 0 inch pearly necklace. v ■ p'eat<Ru,h--4 ................. Phonograph Doll(s>d $4,05 wch LtntUjt S..i»;....*..ieajh)/chieQuel,ni<>neyj&t4tf (ppsUgt ffttj jsl i ...-.Sa a y ,, 1' I ■■•I I I ^Fili In And Mail v Now! tat or Oh, where has My Little Dog Gone” . ... . ask your ’ .it which of these four famous nursery rhymes she likes best. Trudy j * -Irc<Jv j as you want. Trudy is a big, beautiful cuddly ' l II » ilrt a A'?— * pl®id Pinafore and cute hooded bonnet to mdjch’.ii r S and sturdily built to take all sorts of punishment and| still talk ih rhyme. There s no complicated machinery, no delicate settings to go wtong. Just turn the sturdy handle at Trudy’s back arid she talks in rhyme ... every time! HURRY! d^tJRRY! Don't disappoint your little girl. Make sure that she gets her "Talking Trudy" dill. ORDER NOW. Supplies are limited so don’t delay and be sure to state yoyr first, second, third and fourth choice df nursery rhymes by numbering the squares the attached coupon. ^This Coupon / ' ’ . /S Let frudy wear it. . ; o ’Si . or Trudy’s little mother O W’N K a nice 0 AND A FREE 0 fuffi % NICKLACE TOO! o° # awaY‘ /sO Mt *PUSSy ^AT, Pussy CAT pany, who opened business here on January 1st, 1888 were ex­ panding their premises, by pur­ chasing the west wing of the ^IcHardy brick block on the cor­ ner Of Campbell and Ross St.— the present Finlayson Store. Wm. Connell moved his busi- . ness to the new store in Alliri’s brick block; Miss Lizzie Lawson ,■ was in charge of the millinery department. , , ,,, s A. S. Campbell was advertising made-to-order suits for. $12.00. A. B. McLeod was foreman of the ... shop.'-'' James Reid took charge of the West Hotel on Ross St7<formerly occupied by Jerry Flynn. J. C. Brown, manager of the Bank of Hamilton, was honored at a—banquet at .theL#WhiteLy~4^ House” prepared by. mine host, John McGarry. Anew fire company was or­ ganized in Lucknow \with the fol­ lowing officers: Captain, William Taylor; l$t Lieut,/ Dave Moody; 2nd Lieut., W. Skinner; Sec., D. N. Lawrence; Treas., W. J- Little; . hydrant man, W. Leadbetter; linemen, J. Yule, D. Thompson, Jas. Strachan; branch men, W. Small, R. Moore, T. Lindsay,. F. Gordon; reserve, A. McKenzie', Tim Kirk,. Pat McGarry. A fine barn with stone foun­ dation was erected on Lot 5, Con. 3, Kinloss, the residence of Mrs. Ellen Hudsbfi. James McCoy had charge Of the framing and Wm. . Pierce, the masonry. / W/ w PURPLE GROVE Mr. and Mrs. Perry Hodgi.ris and Sharon visited at ..the Home of Mr. arid Mrs. John Emerson on Saturday evening. ; ' Purple Grove Farm Forum : convened at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald McCosh oh Monday evening., The subject for discussion was “Insurance”. It was-the general opinion of the members that the average farrh family does riot, carry* adequate insurance. z Mr. Cleve Hill is spending a few days at the home of Mr. John- ;■ Hodgins. ) Miss Edna Boyle of Orillia • is visiting at the home of Mr. apd. . Mrs. Francis Boyle. 1 and Mrs; Glen Fraser of TLondon visited at the home of "/ Add fist 6 4 the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.. . Herb Farrel.' , Mrs. Dan McDonald; visited it the -home of her daughter, Mrs., Edbert Bushell, ’recently,. Mr; arid Mrs. Donald MeCo ’■%. Mary and • Dickie, visited wrh Mrs. Annette Bushell of Lli' ?.-" now. ' ■ ,' " ■ ' Mr. and Mrs. Burton Chilins family visited at the home of LL ^ah'd^Mrs^-.^Ahd-rew.^F-at-W4ui;Ly±,i Sunday, . ‘ We welcome Mr. arid Mr>. Vester Johnston to our neigh > r hood. ' *. 1 ■1 ............ 4,.. 4... ■ jW*?* A/t MyNuttiry Rhymt Matktd 1 to 4 □ ROCk-A-BYE 6ABY MARY HAD A LiTiu LAMB □ OH WHERE HAS MY LITTLE C PUSSY CAT, PUSSY CAT DOG GONE ' z .AN AGITATION is oh- in : Townships to have a petition < n culated aimed at dissolving School Area Board. It is .said ■ J sixty percent of the ratepay' J'4 would have, to sign- to . acinev'. -this. .■■■ V: ? ■