The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-12-01, Page 11■ WEDNNESDAY, • PEC,- -bt, 19,54 WINGS RECEIVED BY JET PILOT ■> ■ (KINLOUGH NEWS)- ' . Miss Kathileen Lanex who tea­ ches at Brussels, took-part in the operetta H.M.S. Pinafore, which was presented at Listowel on Wednesday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Lane attended it »and also visited with Rev. and Mrs.- Andrew Lane. Miss Annie Wall of Huron is spending a. while with Mrs. Ger­ trude Walsh. The H.W.I. will meet on Thurs­ day in the Holyrood Hall. Con­ veners, Mrs. Jack Ackert, Mrs/ Morley Bushell; topic, Christmas; roll call, a 50-cent gift exchange; motto, Give us peace in our time, O Lord; demonstration, Fancy gift wrapping by Mrs. P. A. Mur­ ray; lunch, Mrs. Perry Hodgins and Mrs. Frank Thompson (s),i Mrs. James Hodgins and Mrs. p’ A. Murray (c). A new Farm Forum was or­ ganized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom MacDonald, South Line. Mrs. George Haldenby spent a few days with. Mr. and Mrs. Clare Sparling at Walkerton. The Angncan EveningsjGu^^ jnet on Wednesday evening at the home of' Mrs. George Hal­ denby when Mrs. Harold Hal­ denby was hostess. Mrs. Ronald Thacker presided , and the hymn ‘‘Jesus shall reign where’er the sun” followed by prayers, opened the meeting. Mrs. Jack Hewitt read the scripture which was the Christmas story. -The roll call was answered with a Bible verse . containing the word “Remem- ---- ber”.-The bazaar which is us- (5, ually held at this time will not •be held until later. Thanks was expressed to Mrs. ' Howard Thompson, Mrs. Tom Hodgins _—and-Mrs.“Bert~ Nicholson: fof^their- work on two fancy appliqued! quilts. A quilting bee will be held this week. For the Decem­ ber meeting the .Guild will join the W.A. at the regular meeting at’ the 'home of Mrs. Maurice Hodgins. The following officers were re-elected: pres., Mrs. Ron­ ald Thacker; vice pres., Miss May Boyle; sec.-treas., Mrs.x Har­ old Haldenby; program commit­ tee, Mrs. Jack Hodgins, Mrs. Bert Nicholson and (Mrs. Jack Hewitt; supply committee, Mrs. Wm. Wall, Mrs. Bert Nicholson arid Miss May Boyle. The evening was spent in sewing and fancy work. The meeting closed with prayer and dainty refreshments were served by the hostess. Mrs. Harold Percy entertained friends at her home on Tuesday evening when she was hostess __.4orlaRonald-party7 —’-----— The H.W.I. held a successful Shoot party in the hall on Tues­ day evening last. Prizes went to Mrs. Jim Smith and Mr. Alvin .. -Irwin.. On Thursday evening the H. W. I. held their bazaar and social evening. Mr. P. A. Murray was / the .chairman. Mr. Wm. Sillick of Teeswater showed pictures, taken on . his western trip, Flor­ ida and Teeswater. Mrs. ■ J. W. . Joynt of Lucknow gave a hum­ orous reading.. Mrs.- Tom Hod- giris thanked all . who ; assisted. Lunch was.sefvecl and the bazaar was opened:. Mr. Donald Mac-. Rherson acted as Auctioneer in his usual capable manner. Th° i sum of around $60 was realized, Mrs. Malcolm Lane entertain­ ed friends on. Friday evening ' when Her daughter-in-law, l—EvcretfrL"ane7^ , . ley products. Draws, wont to M’.s^ z ’ Bella MacDonald, Mrs. Toni .Mc­ Donald;- lucky birthday, Mrs. Dan MacDpnald. . . On the Christmas cake draw at Stroeder’s general store. Mr, Wesley Guest held the lucky tic­ ket. . ■ Mr. and Mrs. Robert Porter re ccived a nhoto this nast wook from RCAF station, Gimlb Man-1. . ;. 4heir.„&0jxJlO-^ ■^”PbT,ter receiving his'pll6* -s wing Pilot Officer Porter was c>n<' < tho’eighth group of MATO I'li.Io 1o achieve “wings” s’and ivd ' ’ jet aircraft at 3 A.F.S., RC AV ■ Station, Gimli. " : , ' • . Mr. and Mrs. J. J.. Smith oi! Toec.water visited On Sunday, wiki. Mr,-and Mrs. George Haldenby.} Mrs; Wm. CoX, who has beam ; a patient in Kincardine Hospi- h .. W. and also has , boen' con-vales- I THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ’ ■..;'- COLSON’S APPOINTMENT GREGGM. L. (TORY) whose appointment as a West­ ern Ontario representative for Molson’s Brewery (Ontario) Lim­ ited has been announced by Mr. G. R. Munro, General Sales Manager, -f Tory Gregg is a wellrknown. . personality —in * the’ sports” world in Canada and- currently is pres- .ident of the Ontario Hockey As­ sociation. After graduating from school, Mr. Gregg played profes­ sional hockey in Windsor, Pitts­ burgh and London. After retir­ ing as a player he moved to. Wingham and. for eight years was sportscaster of Radio Station CKNX. For the past two years, Mr. Qregg has been secretary-rhanav ger of the Western Ontario Ath­ letic Association. A member of the Ontario Softball Association and a Steward of , the Ontario Racing Commission.: Mr. Gregg is well known throughout the entire Province as a capable master of ceremonies at - Fall Fairs, sports gatherings and as a starter at racing meets. ST. HELENS THe'ladies are reminded pf the meeting of the Women’s Institute this ..(Thursday) afternoon at 3.30 at Mrs. Fred McQuillin’s. Roll call, A Christmas' verse and a cash donation for Wingham Gen-, era! Hospital. There will be an exchange of Christmas gifts, There were 11 tables of euchre played at. the Community Hall on Thursday evening under the auspices of the Women’s Insti­ tute. Mrs. Elwood Barbour and Mrs,.’Ross Errington tied, for the ladies prize with the draw going to Mrs. Barbour. Allan Miller was high man. Consolation prizes went to Betty McDonald and Marilyn McTavish for the ladies, and Mr. Wallace Miller for the gents. Dancing was enjoyed to music furnished by Mr. and Mrs. George Stuart and Pon Camer­ on and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mc- Quillin with Donald Murray as caller-off. • ’< ' ’ Mr. Bruce gutter of Woodstock was guest speaker in the United Church On Sunday morning, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Johnston, Mrs. Earl Durnin, Mrs. Ernest Gaunt and Mrs. Gordon McTav-. ish vsited on Sunday ’with Mr. and-Mrs? Jbhn~ Scptt"”wh'o afe re­ covering from a recent car ac­ ident in St Joseph’s Hospital, London. 4^^ Mr. John Aitchison is a pat­ ient; in St. Joseph’s Hospital at London and is making a favor­ able recovery from a recent op­ eration. Her many friends will be glad to know that Mrs; Wilfred Mc­ Quillan is home after spending some weeks in. St. Joseph’s Hos­ pital, London. KROEHLER CO. TO SPEND $300,000 ON DURHAM PLANT Mrs. Gordon McTav- ' A $ 1 ) rr—t—• “PINTO PONY” YOUR NAME "BRANDED" Qli THIS INDESTRUCTIBLE PONY NEIGHS AS YOU RIDE I Sensationally new! At; last you can have jrpur own pony “branded” with your first nahe right across hia front;.. Amazing new Vinyl Plastic Pony inflate^ "to, extra-large size... Kids from 6 months to 10,. years get th«i pony rides of. their lives when they ride thio Buckin' Bronco across the range! You can sit on him kick ■ him, bounce’ him,' whip him—but you won’t hurt him. He’H ask for more. Be “neighs” with each bounce almost human! He’s big, tough and strong—200-Ib. map can ride him, stamp on him. and we guarantee it will not break. Electronically sealed Seams. Special low . Introductory price—only |3.00 for two. Buy them for every child: on your, list at thia amazing, low-offer. Send 12,00 If you only wish one pony. Supply limited, so order as many as you awadl NOW. Be sure to PRINT names of children you want on pony. One nam ea each! Satisfaction guaranteed! CHRISTMAS DELIVERY GUARANterh.__ DEPT. STRATTON MFG. CO., 47 COLBORNE ST.’ TORONTO, ONT. PAGEELEVEN XMAS SPECIAL Mr. HOWARD AGNEW I I will be associated with me in Real Estate Listings! I IN LUCKNOW and DISTRICT I “ ■ . • 7...... . _______j ....;Xou. are invited to list any type of property with | him and be assured of every attention being given. j , ■ K ■ • 5/ • . ■ ■ a ■ • -nA Ii A romantic young man says that his girl .is a bathing beauty, \yell worth wading for. cing at the home of Mr. and Mrs John Scott, was able to return home during the week. Her many friends will be\ pleased to know that she. is steadily improving.. The Krbehler Company of Nap­ erville, Illinois, the largest furn­ iture company in the world, has purchased the Durham furniture factory and plans to invest an­ other $300,000 in this plant, ac­ cording to J. H. Wyatt, of Strat­ ford, who as general manager of the Canadian subsidiary which includes plants at Stratford and Montreal. Bedroom furniture will be manufactured at the' Durham plant which will continue under the present management until spring. Ml Norman S. Wilson REAL ESTATE Phone 43—— Kincardine, Ontario. LUCKNOW — ’Phone 138 or 39 ►o The Business Men’s Assoc. Open Thursday AFTERNOON Business places in Lucknow will be open each Thursday afternoon from December 2nd until Christmas, and will also be open evenings during* Christmas week, commencing Monday, December 20th. tf\ V«*4 I When you see a contractor on a job, a bank loan may be helping to finance it. • • • •* ’ *.•.*•*<•*•*<•*<:*. ................. .. Money goes to work every day< t xf,,,,;/ .c/u.-e/s and merdh&nts use bank credit to Sp buy materials,'process and market ^oods. » r Farmers and. other primary producers borrow from a bank to buy equipment, meet seasonal needs. "'v ......................... ....................... ~ The benefits of bank credit run through all personal arid commercial life. Bank credit operates silentlyj but on every hand you . have satisfying assurance that-it is “a£ work” . * - in all types of communities, , for all sorts of Worthwhile purposes. The ___ ” charteredVbanks continually adapt their many services to meet the changing, expanding needs of modern enterprise and moderp living.; THE BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY • ■ ,ip