HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-12-01, Page 5i X t , . WEDNESDAY, DEC. 1st, 1954 t II II Lyceum Theatre j . WINGHAM | First Showing Starts at 7,15 pan. Saturday Matinees &00 i '.;l. ■ ' .................................. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, December 2, 3, 4 Tyrone Power and Terry Moore^ in “KING OF THE KHYBER RIFLES” Cinemascope — Color Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, December 6, 7, 8 .' Ralph Richardson, in \ ■» z> r. “HOLLY AND THE IVY” On our new wide vision screen. - I1iurs<tay, Friday, Saturday, December 9th, 10th, 11th I j Richard Widmark in “HELL AND HIGH WATER? j I ■' 11 —111 11 —11 ■■»«!—> "W? — n — u — u — w umau— TV Technician Checks Reception The chief engineer of CKOC- TV, Kitchener, v was in Walker­ ton recently to investigate poor reception being received in. the’. l- County Town. He pointed out that the station plans to increase its transmitting mast by 400 ft. ; Increased power is also being contemplated but is not yet a ■, certainty. " Along this line the Cheslev, En--. r I N $ , -<vr I Attention Please, Mr. Farmer!! If you are having any trouble with your cattle, hogs or | poultry, why; not try . . i Feed - A - Min | ' I i poultry, why not try . ' ' . ■ \ TICKETS W REQCTST d < '* ,■ . . • " ' "■ And YOU BE THE JUDGE I as to '■ the value of this natural balanced formula from i j. organic sources. Many farmers have proven for them- * : d selves that FEED-A-MIN is the answer to their feeding I problems of today. 1 npvpr trip^l FEED-A-MrN. don;t be “i}enny wise and pound' foolish”—get your order in now. VVe deliver to your st | door where possible. d Johnston MacLeod & Sons j j KB. 1, RIPLEY, ONT,PHONE 102rr-20 I. It’s Here Again . . . Another Big j John Deere Day I . x ! IN THE TOWNSHIP HALL, | HOLYROOD | Two Shows ?- 2;0Q p.m. and 8.00 pm. . DANCE AFTER EVENING SHOW IT’S FREE; . Be Our Guest on John Deere Day. I ___________________________d SOLD ON SATISFACTION OR MONEY REFUNDED BASIS j The winter orders are comihg in rapidly now. If you have j stable ! • 1 • I/. © . THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ——PAGE FIVE ; Pj terprise has the following com­ ment: “TV is not too hot in town and district but we understand that Doc Cruickshanjc of CKNX,f Wingham/has plains for building a TV station in the. Hanover- Walkerton area which will also serve the city of Owen Sound. Think how a mother kangaroo miist hate a rainy day when the kids-ean-t-play-outsider" LANGSIDE v y In a recent letter home to his mother, Mrs. Chester Feagan, Hugh Feagan of the R€MP at White Horse, made mention of a Mrs. Mildred Taylor of Seattle^ Wash., calling at his office. jMrs, Taylor was formerly a daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Kennedyj formerly of Lucknow and had an uncle, Mr. James Kennedy, who resided at White Horse, until passing away last year. Upon en­ quiring from Hugh about, Mr. Alex MacMillan, he in turn got in contact-With-him-and-the thrpp had coffee together that evening. Needless to say ‘’back home” would: be the highlight of con­ versation for the three. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wall and family were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Wraith, Luck­ now. - ■ '' Mr. and Mrs. Len Copley and Carolyn of Cargill visited Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Wall. . Mrs. Wm. MacIntyre invited the ladies here <to a demonstra­ tion on Thursday evening with Mrs. Jessie Allin of* Lucknow do- _ing_the_demonstfating;”———1 Mrs. Mary Jane Tiffin, Mrs. Russel Ritchie, Mr. Chas. Tiffin visited with the former’s broth­ er, Mr. J. B. Mbrrison at the home of his daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Casemore in Brant­ ford on Suhday. Mrs. Edith Brown and Gary of London spent the week-end with Mr. and-Mrs. Wm; Evans and Ted.'-"'—...-.... Harvey Miller is laid’ up un­ der the /doctor’s cfi^e with jaun­ dice. ■ ’ v Curtis Dawson,, son df Mr. and Mrs. Huntley Daiwson is a patient in Wingham Hospital under ob- -seFvation————: - Don’t forget the Sunday School concert on Friday, December 3rd. Lunch will be served of sand­ wiches and cookies^. 17 Chufch will be ; at 2$0 p.nt next Sunday and throughout the winter months. ■- ,S.S. No. 9 are, planning to hold their Christmas concert on De­ cember 20 th. ; A GOOD PLACE TO STAY AWAY FROM London has long been notor­ ious forjts downto wncongestion, and lack of parking facilities. The writer recently had a per­ sonal experience to emphasize this, on one of our comparatively rare trips to London. Downtown parking in Toronto or Detroit is, a cinch in our books, compared to the Western Ontario “metrop­ olis”. But here’s what happened. We •had to go to London in connec­ tion with the binding of a cook book which is being printed by ' The Sentinel for the Kintail Wo­ men’s Institute, It was late af­ ternoon when we got to the city. There wasn’t a space to be pur- -chasedontheonlyparkingldt we knew of. We drove round and round but ho dice. . Finally a vacancy was spotted on York St., but the meter sign read “ho stop­ ping” from 4,30 to 6.00. , . What kind of English that is we’re not sure, but apparently no 6ne else was paying any at­ tention Tor there was ‘ a vehicle ?T’ Mr. and Mrs. Arnold LoUgheed of London are spending a couple of weeks at the home of 'her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fish­ er. All visited oh Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Elden- Lowry at Lurgan. WHITECHURCH Lorne Forster presided for the ' regular Young People’s Society meeting on Sunday evening in ChalmOr’s Presbyterian Church; Scripture readings were given by Jim Gaunt, Leroy Rintoul and Elaine Conn. Irma Forster led* in prayer and responsive reading was led by Kathleen Fisher. The minutes of the last meeting and. 4he-4’oll-call--vyere;“read^by'Ifma Forster, A. trio was sung by Irma and Forster and Ruby Conn. Mrs. Johnston Conn had charge of the topic on Courage and Loy­ alty. Mary Fisher gave a reading and Mrs. Andrew Gaunt presided at the piano for the hymns. The meeting was closed by repeating the Lord’s prayer in unison, ' The Sunday School, concert is. being planned for December 17th 'in the basement of the church.. The Whitechurch W;I. celebrat­ ed their family night with a pot luck supper at which about 100 attended. Mrs. Frank 'Ross, took the chair for the program. Verna Metcalfe sang two solos; Margar­ et King gave a. monologue; Mrs. W. R. Farrier gave two readings and, Wayne Farrier Sang. Mr. S. B. Stofhers Of Lucknow was the guest speaker , and told of his trip east to Nova ■ Scotia-aridrNew Brunswick. ■ Miss Leona Pickell contributed a piano solo. The De­ cember meeting is to be held one week earlier on? December 7; at* which Miss Joan Cormack, Health Nurse.from Lucknow,, will be guest speaker. The roll call is to be answered by a gift for a shut-in , child. The ladies are taking a bus1 trip to London on Saturday' for a shopping spree. ' The sympathy of the. cojmmun- . -1 ty-r isUi PTebyx.extended^Mrs^Wa^- ‘ tfer Ldtt and family in mourning the sudden passing of her hus­ band on Saturday afternoon fol­ lowing a heavy stroke on Thurs­ day evening, when he was rush- ’ ed by ambulance to the Wingham, Hospital. ..... • Mr. and Mrs. Walter ,Bell and daughters. Heather ap'd Linda, of St MaryS-visited at the homes of ,Angus Falconer and George '''Fishey""last’''Wpek:'''/"y'' ,' • * , . * f - I ’A The PLAYHOUSE First Show at 7,30; Second, 9,15 Matinee Saturday Thursday, Friday, Saturday, December 2, 3, 4 BUD ABBOT and LOU COSTELLO, in “JACK AND THE BEANSTALK” / Also two outstanding Warner Bros. Short SuMect»>------ Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, December 6, 7, 8 Burt Lancaster and Virginia Mayo, in “SOUTH SEA WOMAN” A leatherneckin’ Joe who made the South Seas sizzle from Samoa, to Borneo. X. •<* I •I*. 4 I J Jb I at every meter. So, if we were to get to the plant before closing time, or have a 150-mile trip for nothing,; we --- parked and got . a $3.00 ticket. for the desperation offence of trying to keep a business appoint­ ment. < We chose to disregard the “tic­ ket”, as so many out-of-town “experienced offenders” suggest, but that neglect cost, us another $2.50, or $5.50 in all, or an ap­ pearance in Magistrate’s Court hext Wednesday, ’ Wednesday, of course, is a bad day for us to get away, and not having any desire to return td London as long? as we can help it, we’re sending along a cheque --which we hope doesn’t bounce. ERNIE CRISPIN PARSED AWAY IN THE WEST , The death oL Mr. Ernie Cris- pin occurred in Regina recently ' at the age of 59. He had been "sferiously ill for some time from . a brain tumor. Mr. Crispin was. twice married. His first, wife was the former Jessie Stothers. , Besides his widow he is sur­ vived by two sons who received their high school education here, ^George and John. -George is an, engineer and has been at Kit- imat for the past "three years.. John, who graduated in medicine recently, is . interning in Winni­ peg- V c* , p . ’If ,v • )■.' . y : t t ' SOLD ONLY AT YOUR CO-OP J CO-OP LAY MASH THAT’S RIGHT ! r they're on co-opfeeds ! For Results That ' 'FEED . ■ Count Lucknow District Co-op ■ . . PHONE 71, LUCKNOW