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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-12-01, Page 5
i X t , . WEDNESDAY, DEC. 1st, 1954 t II II Lyceum Theatre j . WINGHAM | First Showing Starts at 7,15 pan. Saturday Matinees &00 i '.;l. ■ ' .................................. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, December 2, 3, 4 Tyrone Power and Terry Moore^ in “KING OF THE KHYBER RIFLES” Cinemascope — Color Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, December 6, 7, 8 .' Ralph Richardson, in \ ■» z> r. “HOLLY AND THE IVY” On our new wide vision screen. - I1iurs<tay, Friday, Saturday, December 9th, 10th, 11th I j Richard Widmark in “HELL AND HIGH WATER? j I ■' 11 —111 11 —11 ■■»«!—> "W? — n — u — u — w umau— TV Technician Checks Reception The chief engineer of CKOC- TV, Kitchener, v was in Walker ton recently to investigate poor reception being received in. the’. l- County Town. He pointed out that the station plans to increase its transmitting mast by 400 ft. ; Increased power is also being contemplated but is not yet a ■, certainty. " Along this line the Cheslev, En--. r I N $ , -<vr I Attention Please, Mr. Farmer!! If you are having any trouble with your cattle, hogs or | poultry, why; not try . . i Feed - A - Min | ' I i poultry, why not try . ' ' . ■ \ TICKETS W REQCTST d < '* ,■ . . • " ' "■ And YOU BE THE JUDGE I as to '■ the value of this natural balanced formula from i j. organic sources. Many farmers have proven for them- * : d selves that FEED-A-MIN is the answer to their feeding I problems of today. 1 npvpr trip^l FEED-A-MrN. don;t be “i}enny wise and pound' foolish”—get your order in now. VVe deliver to your st | door where possible. d Johnston MacLeod & Sons j j KB. 1, RIPLEY, ONT,PHONE 102rr-20 I. It’s Here Again . . . Another Big j John Deere Day I . x ! IN THE TOWNSHIP HALL, | HOLYROOD | Two Shows ?- 2;0Q p.m. and 8.00 pm. . DANCE AFTER EVENING SHOW IT’S FREE; . Be Our Guest on John Deere Day. I ___________________________d SOLD ON SATISFACTION OR MONEY REFUNDED BASIS j The winter orders are comihg in rapidly now. If you have j stable ! • 1 • I/. © . THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ——PAGE FIVE ; Pj terprise has the following com ment: “TV is not too hot in town and district but we understand that Doc Cruickshanjc of CKNX,f Wingham/has plains for building a TV station in the. Hanover- Walkerton area which will also serve the city of Owen Sound. Think how a mother kangaroo miist hate a rainy day when the kids-ean-t-play-outsider" LANGSIDE v y In a recent letter home to his mother, Mrs. Chester Feagan, Hugh Feagan of the R€MP at White Horse, made mention of a Mrs. Mildred Taylor of Seattle^ Wash., calling at his office. jMrs, Taylor was formerly a daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Kennedyj formerly of Lucknow and had an uncle, Mr. James Kennedy, who resided at White Horse, until passing away last year. Upon en quiring from Hugh about, Mr. Alex MacMillan, he in turn got in contact-With-him-and-the thrpp had coffee together that evening. Needless to say ‘’back home” would: be the highlight of con versation for the three. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wall and family were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Wraith, Luck now. - ■ '' Mr. and Mrs. Len Copley and Carolyn of Cargill visited Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Wall. . Mrs. Wm. MacIntyre invited the ladies here <to a demonstra tion on Thursday evening with Mrs. Jessie Allin of* Lucknow do- _ing_the_demonstfating;”———1 Mrs. Mary Jane Tiffin, Mrs. Russel Ritchie, Mr. Chas. Tiffin visited with the former’s broth er, Mr. J. B. Mbrrison at the home of his daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Casemore in Brant ford on Suhday. Mrs. Edith Brown and Gary of London spent the week-end with Mr. and-Mrs. Wm; Evans and Ted.'-"'—...-.... Harvey Miller is laid’ up un der the /doctor’s cfi^e with jaun dice. ■ ’ v Curtis Dawson,, son df Mr. and Mrs. Huntley Daiwson is a patient in Wingham Hospital under ob- -seFvation————: - Don’t forget the Sunday School concert on Friday, December 3rd. Lunch will be served of sand wiches and cookies^. 17 Chufch will be ; at 2$0 p.nt next Sunday and throughout the winter months. ■- ,S.S. No. 9 are, planning to hold their Christmas concert on De cember 20 th. ; A GOOD PLACE TO STAY AWAY FROM London has long been notor ious forjts downto wncongestion, and lack of parking facilities. The writer recently had a per sonal experience to emphasize this, on one of our comparatively rare trips to London. Downtown parking in Toronto or Detroit is, a cinch in our books, compared to the Western Ontario “metrop olis”. But here’s what happened. We •had to go to London in connec tion with the binding of a cook book which is being printed by ' The Sentinel for the Kintail Wo men’s Institute, It was late af ternoon when we got to the city. There wasn’t a space to be pur- -chasedontheonlyparkingldt we knew of. We drove round and round but ho dice. . Finally a vacancy was spotted on York St., but the meter sign read “ho stop ping” from 4,30 to 6.00. , . What kind of English that is we’re not sure, but apparently no 6ne else was paying any at tention Tor there was ‘ a vehicle ?T’ Mr. and Mrs. Arnold LoUgheed of London are spending a couple of weeks at the home of 'her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fish er. All visited oh Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Elden- Lowry at Lurgan. WHITECHURCH Lorne Forster presided for the ' regular Young People’s Society meeting on Sunday evening in ChalmOr’s Presbyterian Church; Scripture readings were given by Jim Gaunt, Leroy Rintoul and Elaine Conn. Irma Forster led* in prayer and responsive reading was led by Kathleen Fisher. The minutes of the last meeting and. 4he-4’oll-call--vyere;“read^by'Ifma Forster, A. trio was sung by Irma and Forster and Ruby Conn. Mrs. Johnston Conn had charge of the topic on Courage and Loy alty. Mary Fisher gave a reading and Mrs. Andrew Gaunt presided at the piano for the hymns. The meeting was closed by repeating the Lord’s prayer in unison, ' The Sunday School, concert is. being planned for December 17th 'in the basement of the church.. The Whitechurch W;I. celebrat ed their family night with a pot luck supper at which about 100 attended. Mrs. Frank 'Ross, took the chair for the program. Verna Metcalfe sang two solos; Margar et King gave a. monologue; Mrs. W. R. Farrier gave two readings and, Wayne Farrier Sang. Mr. S. B. Stofhers Of Lucknow was the guest speaker , and told of his trip east to Nova ■ Scotia-aridrNew Brunswick. ■ Miss Leona Pickell contributed a piano solo. The De cember meeting is to be held one week earlier on? December 7; at* which Miss Joan Cormack, Health Nurse.from Lucknow,, will be guest speaker. The roll call is to be answered by a gift for a shut-in , child. The ladies are taking a bus1 trip to London on Saturday' for a shopping spree. ' The sympathy of the. cojmmun- . -1 ty-r isUi PTebyx.extended^Mrs^Wa^- ‘ tfer Ldtt and family in mourning the sudden passing of her hus band on Saturday afternoon fol lowing a heavy stroke on Thurs day evening, when he was rush- ’ ed by ambulance to the Wingham, Hospital. ..... • Mr. and Mrs. Walter ,Bell and daughters. Heather ap'd Linda, of St MaryS-visited at the homes of ,Angus Falconer and George '''Fishey""last’''Wpek:'''/"y'' ,' • * , . * f - I ’A The PLAYHOUSE First Show at 7,30; Second, 9,15 Matinee Saturday Thursday, Friday, Saturday, December 2, 3, 4 BUD ABBOT and LOU COSTELLO, in “JACK AND THE BEANSTALK” / Also two outstanding Warner Bros. Short SuMect»>------ Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, December 6, 7, 8 Burt Lancaster and Virginia Mayo, in “SOUTH SEA WOMAN” A leatherneckin’ Joe who made the South Seas sizzle from Samoa, to Borneo. X. •<* I •I*. 4 I J Jb I at every meter. So, if we were to get to the plant before closing time, or have a 150-mile trip for nothing,; we --- parked and got . a $3.00 ticket. for the desperation offence of trying to keep a business appoint ment. < We chose to disregard the “tic ket”, as so many out-of-town “experienced offenders” suggest, but that neglect cost, us another $2.50, or $5.50 in all, or an ap pearance in Magistrate’s Court hext Wednesday, ’ Wednesday, of course, is a bad day for us to get away, and not having any desire to return td London as long? as we can help it, we’re sending along a cheque --which we hope doesn’t bounce. ERNIE CRISPIN PARSED AWAY IN THE WEST , The death oL Mr. Ernie Cris- pin occurred in Regina recently ' at the age of 59. He had been "sferiously ill for some time from . a brain tumor. Mr. Crispin was. twice married. His first, wife was the former Jessie Stothers. , Besides his widow he is sur vived by two sons who received their high school education here, ^George and John. -George is an, engineer and has been at Kit- imat for the past "three years.. John, who graduated in medicine recently, is . interning in Winni peg- V c* , p . ’If ,v • )■.' . y : t t ' SOLD ONLY AT YOUR CO-OP J CO-OP LAY MASH THAT’S RIGHT ! r they're on co-opfeeds ! For Results That ' 'FEED . ■ Count Lucknow District Co-op ■ . . PHONE 71, LUCKNOW