The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-12-01, Page 1LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, DEC, 1st, 1954 SIXTEEN PAGES
*2.50 A, Year In Advance—$1.00 Extra To U.S.A.
Acclamation In West Wawanosh MAILING LIST CORRECTED,
SUDDENLY IN SCOTLANDAs Bare Slate Was Nominated
, ’ V ■. —--------- ■
Reeve, Councillors and School
Trustees jn West Wawanosh were
returned by acclamation on Fri
day afternpon. None, but the
—pecessaxy-seven Board members,
was nominated.
The-Council, elected by ballot
. a. year ago, is comprised of Reeve
JOhn Durnin and Councillors
Harvey Culbert, Lome Durnin,
Eldon-Miller and Orval McPhee.
The two retiring School Area
trustees, Wallace Miller and Wm.
Webster, were returned for a
. two-year term. The three other
trustees whose terms runs ,an?
other* year- are Harvey Ander
son, James Curran and Ted Mills.
Nominations were received by
Clerk John Foran and then Ex-
Warden Brown Smvth’ was nam-
ed chairman for the ratepayers,
when a thorough discussion of
township and school business en
sued. District high school taxes
were a matter of protest by Mac^
Millan Bros.
Other ^peakers besides the
nominees were R, D. Munroe, the
z West Wawanosh representative
on the Goderich District High
/: SchooT Rev. Geo. Watt,
Dungannon and J.W. Joynt.
Nominatjons were as follows:.
; For Reeve
x John Durnin by Archie Mac
Millan and Philip MacMillan.
For Councillors______
* Eldon Miller by Philip Mac-
Milan and Archie MacMillan.
OrVctl McPhee by John Durnin
and Ted Mills.
—Lome Durnin ~by “Gprddh Mac -
Pherson and Robert Lyons.
* Harvey Culbert by Harvey An
derson and Orval McPhee.
; For School Trustees
Wallace Miller by Robt. Lyons
and Gordon MacPherson. -
Wm. Webster by Ted Mills and
John Durnin. ;
fa“MtsT~Emest ” Wilkins of Ash-5
field/ will spend the next few
months in Florida where she
has a housekeeper’s position. Mrs.
Wilkins who had been overseas
on a six weeks’ visit, went dir
ect by train to Florida upon ar
rival of her ship at Montreal.
Mrs, Wilkins visited at Cardiff
with relatives of her late hus
band, and also visited with a
cousin near London. Mrs. Wilk
ins had so often heard her hus
band speak of his family, in the
Old.Country that after his death,
she set her heart on paying his
kin folk a visit./_____■—------------
The Sentinel mailing list
was corrected on Saturday,
and subscribers . are request
ed to check the date on the
label of their paper this
If- you are in arrears, don’t
let the old year slip away
without paying up,’please.
And / keep in mind that. a
Sentinel subscription, new or
renewal, makes an ideal
Christmas gift. Mor’e and*
> more people each year, are
. using this as a solution
their gift problems."
• • - ■ . %
The death of Mr. John Munro
of Aberdeen, Scotland, occurred
suddenly on Wednesday, Novem
ber <- 24th. Mr. and Mrs. ' Munro
are fondly remembered by many
friends1 in Lucknow where they
made .their home for a time with
their son-in-law and daughter,
Mr and Mrs. Harvey Hall, who
are now residing in Detroit.
Mr. Munro is survived by his
wife, his daughter Sheilla and a
son, Jack, in England.
Mrs. John Hall of town was
visiting with Harvey and Shiella
at the time the sad news
received. Shiella contacted
mother by. trans-Atlantic
phone. 1 . ? '
The death of Mrs. John Hey
worth occurred in Wingham Hos
pital on Sunday in her 75th year.
She was formerly Ida Macintosh
and a lifelong resident of the
comm unity. .
She had been in failing health
for some' time,’but had been hos
pitalized only a week. .fa * .
The funeral was held on Tues
day from Johnstone’s Funeral
-Following the trend of Banks
in larger centres, the local branch
of the Bank of Montreal has peen
advised to adopt a five day week,
and the Bank will be closed all
day on Saturdays, commencing
January 8th. For the convenience
of customers ; the Bank will be j
open exJtra -hours each {Friday
afternoon from 4.30 to 6.00 p.m.,
beginning January 7th. ,
At a meeting of the Lucknow
Farmers’ Scales Company, Fred
Jackson^ was appointed as the
new weighmaster, and assumes
his duties at once.
There were six applications
.for. the, job. Fred, succeeds the
late R. ijH. McQuillin/who acted
in this capacity for several years.
The woodworking night class
at the Lucknow District High
School is holding-weekly sessions. ■
There are twelve registered for
the class and a half dozen more
who are considering it after the
Christinas rush. Anyone else
who is” interested can still en
A welding class will start in
the new year, This is a four
® Twins were among the six
children baptized by Rev. G. A.
Meiklejohn at the Sunday morn
ing service in the United church.
The infants included Ruth Anne,’
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gor
don Brooks; Lois Ann, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Struth
ers; Elizabeth Eleanor, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ritchie;
Susan Elaine and Steven Lloyd,
twins of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hall:
and Lloyd Gordon, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon Morrison.
. After twenty years in business
in London, Rae Watson, son of
the late Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wat
son, has sold his bicycle and
sports shop. Rae started the busi
ness “on a she string’’ as a bicycle
repair service, and developed it
to a prosperous and widely
known sports good centre. .
Mr. and Mrs; Watson and their
three younger children are now
spending some time in Florida,
where the children will finish the
term in Tampa schools.
In a letter from Rae, notifying
us of a change of address for
the Sentinel, he says they are
seriously considering, living fa
retirement n Lucknow and “lett-
ing the children cdmplete their
schooling in your, excellent
schools”, and he adds, “I am
firmly convinced that children
get more education there than in
the bigger centres”. .
Rae says that he has been in
touch with VUncle Bill MacKen-
Zie”, asking him to keep on the
lookout for a suitable house for
them to. rent.
■es week’s course and instructions^
be given by an expert from
Acclamation In Ashfield, With
One Change On Trustee Board
the Lincoln Welding Company,
from whom the equipment was
obtained. a
Subsequent four week courses
will be held in welding if en
rollment warrants it./ There are
already seven interested in tak
ing the first series which opens
on January 4th.
Lucknow-Born Boy
Canadians Who
• Known GraVe On
tionThat Fell In
Among 200
Have No
British Bas-
World War
Deer hunters from this com- .
munity who had been on Mani-
toulin Island ater the white-tails
returned home ,las^ ~week.~~The
12-man party trom Walkerton
and district which included Al-
lister Hughes, W.- B. Anderson
and Jack Treleaven of town, got
their quota.
Another party of six including
four Lucknowites, Tom Hackett,
George/Whitby, Alex "Hamilton
and Blake Alton, weren’t quite
sq fortunate, but bagged three
deer am Ong , them. / .
More than 200 officers and
of the Canadian land forces
Ashfield’s reeve, council and
. two school trustees have been
elected by acclamation with one
change on the School Board-.
Roderich MacKenzie _of-The-Port
Albert district succeeds” Marvin
Durnin, who withdrew on Satur
day evening as an election loom
ed for school trustees. The two
retiring trustees, eligible for re-
• election - were Clifford Crozier
and Mr» Durnin. Roderick Mac-
Kenzie wa's the new nominee.
The two Board members/sign
ed up after the nomination meet
ing, with Mr. MacKenzie follow
ing suit. As the deadline ap
proached on • Saturday evening,
Mr. Durnin resigned to save an
election., ... '. '
Other members of the . School
Area . Board: are Marshall Gib
son, Walter Alton and Jack
Bare Slate For Council
For reeve and council there
. Were only the'required five mem
bers nominated, and the Board,
returned by acclamation^ is
comprised.of Reeve Cecil Blake,
.• and Councillors ,Jbhh Bradley,;
Tom Howard, Donald MacKenzie
and Andrew ’Ritchie. ; / ’ ,
Nominations were received by
. ' Clerk Donald Simpson as follows:
‘ Cecil Blake by Clifford • Croz-
‘ ier and Marshall Gibson.
For Councillors z
Andrew .Ritchie by Girvin
John Bradley by Frank Ham
ilton and Heni’y MacKenzie,.
, . Donald. MacKenzie by Carman
Hayden and Mel Dickson.
. Tom Howard by Vipcent Aus
tin and Louis Hogan.,
/ For School Trustees
’ Cl 1 ffard Crozier by O m a v,
Brooks and Girvin Redd. / fa', 1
. Russ Johnston of Ashfield is in
he is receiving treatment that is
hoped will aid the healing of a
fractured ankle. It will be five
months in mid-December since
Russ suffered the break, which
has stubbornly refused to knit’.
How successful the treatment
may be and how long he will be
in the hospital are uncertain.
.. .■/71 i.i, n , ',■« ■TT ''T
Again we sound the plea' for
early news and advertising copy.
This- is .doubly essential during
the pre-Christmas season, Press
secretaries’ reports are now com
ing in much more promptly, but.
,we still have reports a week or
two old coming Jn at the -41th'
hour” on Tuesday; We’re pleased
to give -publicity- to. aM^toupS^
space permitting, but we do I’e-.
quire and expect the-co-operation
of press secretaries in sending in
their reports IMMEDIATELY ai-^
tor the meeting./ ■ . " .
Relatives received word recent--
jin ly fa the death of M^. . Archie
• • ■’<. .........nfivkota o’h November 10th fa hei’
•g3rd vear. She was. the farmer
'Katfa Stuart, of the. bangside dis*
\trict. In 1902 she married Archie
. ■MacMihan
! Ville. I
Preparations are underway—for-
If/gaRfareceptipn parade when
Santa Claus arrives in Lucknow
on. Saturday of next week, De
cember’ 11th. ■
If plans work out, this _com-
munity will witness the most
colorful Santa Claus parade ever
held here, and there’ll be °a treat
for air the kiddies, too. .
It is planned to hold the. free
show for the,children the follow
ing Saturday, December 18th. .
Watch for details next week,
pian now to be in Sepoyville for
these two big days, 4
___..__... ___who
laid down- their lives during
World War II in the defence of
Hong Kong, or later in captivity,
and who have no known graves
will be commemorated along
with more than 1,800 other Com
monwealth . men,; by, a memorial
bfcing erected at "Hong Kong by
the Imperial War Graves Com
mission. It will be unveiled , by
Sir Alexander Grantham, Gov-
ary 20th. next year.
The British Legion is. investi
gating the possibility ,of arrang
ing a pilgrimage for relatives of
those. commemorated; who • wish
to be present at the ceremony;
. Charles Jewitt of Lucknow
was among the 200 Canadians
.who lost their life. No word was
ever received of the fate that,
befell him during the heroic de
fense of this, outpost against the
Japanese hordes.-
Eight members of the local
staff Of Silverwood Dairies were
in London last Wednesday at
tending the 1954 meeting of the
Quarter Century Club.
Seven of the eight men had
previously been honored with
membership in the Club. A new-
comer to the.-_-ranks -was -H^-M-—
“Mac” MacLennan, and he: was
presented with a gold watch and
a club membership certificate by
. President E. G. Silverwood.
In attendance at the gathering
from Lucknow were Wilmer'
Howey, Charles Steward," George
Hassall, Burton Roach, Red vers
Johnston, Watt Hamilton^ W. G.
Webster and Mac MacLennan. All
are still, actively , associated With .
the firm with the exception Of
Mr.. - Roach,' who has retired oh
account of ill health..1
Mr. and Mrs. Lome Farrish
wish to announce the engagement
of their only daughter, Wfanifred
Beatrice, to Gordon Delrner, son.
of ^Mr. Wm. Walters, Goderich,
Ont. The marriage to take piace^
December 2tth, 1954$ at 12 noon.'
We recently heard, of a couple
who had planned a Christmas
shopping trip to one of the big
centres. The outing failed, to de
velop and they went shopping at
home and early. .
They, found a lovely .selection^
trouble in purchasing the gifts
they wanted, and at, the same
time saved the. expense of the
trip,.• • .Local stores are brim full of
lovely Christmas merchandise, at
price which no. doubt invite
comparison, as to’ cost and qual-
Kinloss Reeve Gets Fifth
Term By Acclamation
& ‘
... Kinloss - Township Council has
been returned' to office by ac-
clamation for the vear !955. „The-
^ate^vHH^in^de, Reeve David
Carruthers; Councillors Harold
Percy, Dan T. McKinnon, P. A.
Murray and Farish Moffat. # * .
. Af Friday’s meeting there .were’-
indications of a possible election,
for the reeveship between ’David
Carruthers' and Harold . Percy,
with Wallace Conn as a. candi
date for a seat on the . CounciL.
Htnwfever, the developments after
the meeting showed no prospects
of, an_alhrx>uad^ele^d^^d^lfct
cil, returning the ^entire Slate by
acclamation' Othidr nominations
for ' Council besides, the sitting
ooctrd members and ’ Mr. Conn
were Charles Taylor and James
MacGillivray. ' . , • -. .
' m Mr, Carruthers it will be
.his., fifth* term as Recvey each
xime by acclamation,
' The four Council members
V’ere elected by ballet, .four., years.
ago. , •’ f•
; Ftn'esl Ackert- was chairhwn
: T^cjFaganT qualified for Court -
who predeceased her
and went' to .live at Mac
A D.-.She is survived/by
misled by the
_________ _ , , ■ n fa dn Ig&monr of shopping out-of-town/
.^Roderick 'MacKenzie by Mefabhr was fa; Inncs. Philip{Ratmhize yo'ur facal .me^hanfa,.
/WFfafa:DurnTm¥y Elmer h * -
•ham and Ralph. Foster;, ’ ■ "i v
for the well attended nomination
meeting, and Clerk. J. R. Lane
;,For Reeve
Dave Carruthers by Lavergne
•Wolfe and. Delbert Hedley.
•Daye Carruthers by Jas., Burt
and James MacGillivray. ’ ’’
Dave Carruthers by Harold
■Austin and (Jilbert Hamilton,
. Harold Percy by ThofaasiMof*.
fat 'and Charles Taylor. •
Farish Moffat by Frank. Mil
ler and Russel Ritchie.
'fa , ,/r . ■
Dan T. McKinnon by Gilbert
HanWtOn ahd/IIarpld Austih/' >
Wallace Conn by Russel Ross
and’ Jamieson Pettipiece. ■ , •
Charles'Taylor by Peter Mof
fat and" Russel Ritchie, ’ • ■■
Farish Moffat by Russel Rit- ■
chie’and Charles Taylor.
■ ’ P. A, Murray by’ James Ma'c*’ ■
.’•Gillivray, and Jame/s -EuTt,
Janies MacGillivray by" prank
Mi I far. a n d
Harold Percy by Ted Burt-and ■
Ronald Thacker,.