HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-11-24, Page 10PI »- -ti iH* $ '.ft i f ft s ■;SMl frtM "■ » I (-■ A ^S*1 *. ■>■ ij ■H:.V ,v $• > 1; J,. -L •| r ' I *I ! PAGE TEN ,, , . ‘. S Buy Your • « « « / ■. S iChristnias Nylons |'< *' '■ EARLY!- I 75 GAUGE—THE NEWEST NYLON OUT "'r • tt'"'--'.5 Very few companies have machinery to make5 this fine new, nylon , , . May rwe suggest you « ' ' . shop early as the; supply is limited on this hose. K Our Nylons R^ijse In Piric® Ii| Fi^t Quality .S“ Gift Boxes Free WhileLast.. E , ’/ :r'' .....' .. W'' II iijI. .'iiiii'ii.l........i■ iiii"..............!.. v THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO I S WEDNESDAY, NOV, 24th, 195,4 ... I SEE BY THE SENTINEL . t AGENT FOR Free Pick-Up and Delivery Monday and Thursday. I B i c/ : /. Mon i un o / •; ■. i. 5 MenX Woollens, j ENDORSE HOG AGENCY > .. ■' W; ■, ’ • <CanHi$tied: from *J?$ge 1> to upset theJibme marfcdt. . Want Cheques At Par Mr. Mdnnes condemned.thos^ few drovers who think they should be boss and have the right to take hog& where they like. He also was critical qf banking in­ stitutions which refused to cash hog cheques at par, although-the Agency had a floating balance in the banks of close to three million dollars, earning ^the trif­ ling interest of a quarter of one percent. Before the; meeting adjourned a petition was signed requesting that cheques be cashed at par. It was stated /that this is being done at present by the Domin­ ion, Imperiai and Bank of Tor-, —onto..... .... Dave Carruthers, Mr. Ireland and L. C. Thompson were among a few remarks. . Officers Elected Jim Powers;-presided for the election of officers which result-, ed as follows; / president, P. A. «s, Murray; secretary - treasurer, Frank Thompson; dire ctors, ;Ertt)lik>/Ma®S^ Dave carfuth- qts, Ted Burt; <?ream Producers Committee, Ronald Thacker, Al­ lah MacIntyre, Gordon'Wall, Jasv McEwan/ Dougall Campbell; Hog Producers Committee, Baynard •Aekeft; Jack Ackert, Wallace Harold Percy, R. J. Kaake; Beef.. Producers Committee, Ernie Ackert, Duncan Campbell,' Lloyd Irwins Bert . Moffat, Frank Maul- den; Farm Forum Committee, Tom MacDonald, Parish Moffat, Allan'Maointyre.. • z • "■ '' “ Mfes- Edna Boyle presided at the piano for “The Queen”, and refreshments were then served by.J;h& lf$ies.V ‘ ‘ ' .......... THAT Charlie Webster was tak­ en ill last week with rheumatic fever and has been, confined, to bed'at his home for -the past week or so. liis condition is improving, however, and. it may; be that he will be able to be Up shortly. . THAT another little boy arrived in the Leonard MacDonald family last week, The Mac­ Donalds have been “expecting” in more ways than one. They aire still awaiting arrival of that sweepstake cheque, which hadn’t, been received up to the first of the week. v THATTMi^~M^^ graduate of Victoria Hospital, London; has successfully pass­ ed her registered nurse exam­ inations. THAT Mrs. Hugh Cuming was guest? of honor; at a bridge " party/ at the hom.e. of Mrs- Wm. Schmid oh Priddy , even­ ing.’ ' ‘ Tl^T WUliam- and formeriy Of* Ashfield is making a favorable recovery /■‘if.1. ■ \■’ •• •"/. ♦ others who Were called on for '¥ . BORN MacD.QNALD—in° Wingham Hos­ pital-on Friday, November 19th, to Mr. and Mrs. . Leonard Mac­ Donald, a son, Rpnald Leonard, a brother /for Jimmy. deBOER — in Wingham General Hospital pn Saturday, November 13, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs. Peter deBoer, R. 5, Lucknow, a son. Seasonable Goods A SUPPLY ON HAMD: Easy-to-Apply Plastic Storm Windows Weather Strip for poors and Windows Ensilage Porks and ®0rn Stable Shovels, and Stable^Brooms Handled Axes, and -Axe Handles Electric Clippers and Plates . Epsom Salts and Sulphur Prestone_■ Anti Freeze Door Mats — Rubber and Cocoa Door Mats Dust Mops — Dust, Pans;, and Brooms .——jroning Boards, wood and ^iotai. —----- COAL! COAL! S ■. A good stock on hand oft h READING RED SPOT COAL — D, L. de W- BLVfe COAL, g READING BRIQUETS and ALBERTA COAL g WM. MURDIE &, SON - I ■PHONE M, LUCKNOW Heating Plumbing r- Tinamithing S w ' Oil Furaaces hisfclled and Serviced ’ iIS ;... from a stroke h£ suffered three Weeks ago, and with assistance is now’able to be up. Another Ashfieldite, Mrs. George Lane, suffered a stroke two weeks ago at Wirigham where she spends the winters. Mrs. Lane has also shown considerable improvement since suffering r< |he seizure. ■ • ' ./.' /' • THAT the Luc-Tee-Win Conser­ vation Club is’ staging the an­ nual banquet next Thursday, December^ 2nd, in the Recrea­ tional Centre, at which every- - one is welcome. ' THAT Charles lapcoin Morrison,' ; son of Mr. and Mrs. Lance Mor- ’ risen, Toronto, received first prize at Hensail in the fiddlers* contest; second at Mitchell and first prize at Toronto Exhibi- . ■ tion. /■' THAT J. C. Drennan spent the . week-end With his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfreds Drennan. J. C. has spent the sailing season on the-SB. Hudson, a- grain carrier out of Sault Ste., Marie. The ship is expected to make its last run? from the head of the lakes early in December and will tie up at. Owen Sound. THATtwoparti advertis­ ed stoves in last- week’s “Want * Ads”; column, both report sales having been made. IN^BOC^^jG, KNITTING - The Npvbmber meeting of the Kairehea—W.I.JwaslhelH in Holy- rood Hail With Mrs. R. MacMil­ lan and Mrs. J.* Burt hostesses. Mrs. Carruthers took the .chair for. the business, 'it was decided to^ sponsor a course for the girls on our own (to teach them crocheting and knitting as Bruce has no Home Economics leader this year. Mrs. R.. MacMillan and Mis. D. L. MacKinnon were appointed as leaders. The War Memorial Children’s Hospital and tuberculosis fund each received donations of $10. Mrs. L. MacDougall took the chair for. the program. Mrs. Gil­ christ read the scripture; The roll call “Grandmother’s Cures”, was—wellanswered^Asing—song was enjoyed. Mrs. T. Collyer read the motto, “Better pay the cook than the Doctor”. The guest speaker, Miss Cor-, mack, was unable to be present, so in her stead a/ report from Anna Lewis Whsread , by Mrs. Cliff RoUlston. 1 Mrs. Steer sang a solo, “The Shoemaker’s Shop” with accom­ paniment by Mrs. Scott. Read­ ings were given by Mrs. L. Mac­ Leod and Mrs. C. Colwell. An instrumental by Mrs. Scott was enjoyed. An aprdn contest, /was judged by Mrs.* Allan Graham, Miss Martin and Mrs.. Smith. Closing remarks Were made by Mrs. A. MacLeod. The meet­ ing ended by God Save The Queen and the Institute grace. A social v time was enjoyed. The December meeting, will be-heldDecember9thinthe Legion Rooms. Roll call, -‘Gift Exchange”. A candy contest Will be held. Directors are Mrsr G. Lockhart, Mrs. C. Irwin, Miss A. MacKay and Mrs. A* Martin. I THAT Boy Scout Apple Day , held ten days ago, which was later than usual this year, • grossed the boys about $105.00. The sale of a few bushels of apples that were left raised the gross some, and the Scouts will net about $75.00 on the' day. Rae Thomson was top sales­ man with receipts of over $15, and Thom Collyer second with oyer $10.00. ■ •' THAT it’s just been orie- thing after another, medically speak­ ing. Virus pneumonia had its fling for a time, striking both children and adults; then it was a “rash’* of chicken pox; ■and now there’s some cases of whopping cough. In the St. Helens district an epidemic of mumps is reported. ft i s I I 330 | Be I ’■-I I.G.A. ~ • ..,8 Strawberry Jam, 24 oz. .... 43c g .Sblp Margarine, lb. 29c « Maple Leaf Mince Meat, g 2" lbs., ........ ..... 44c 8 Royal Guest Coffee, lb* $1.09 g M. L. Sockeye Salmon, ^’s 39c m Giant Tide ... ... . ... . . 62c S Pink Grapefruit, .... 10 for 39c 8 Sunkist Oranges, 220’s... 49c g 3 Make Your Christmas Cake 41 Better Than Ever With These ... | Quality Ingredients ■ §Aylmer . $ Cut Mixed Peel, 8 oz. .... 18c ’ g Cut Mixed Fruit, 8 oz. .... 19c SRed Glace Cherries, 4 oz. 16c JCitron Peel, 4 oz. ..........<12c $ Green Glace Cherries, 4 oz. 19c gTwih Pineapple, z4 oz. ........ 19c Farm ,Boy Bleached Raisins, 15 oz< Currants, lb. .... Velvet Enriched Flour, 5 lbs. Bake Rite Baking Cups, pkg. ...... !•26c 23c FIVE STAR SPECIALSI . SKam Ksherriffs Wiite , . ' Stake Mix, ib. . ^Kleenex, 9x10 ........ 2 for ^Kleenex, 6%x9 .........2 for 35c fil GJkr Milk ......o; 2 for 25c' i ' ... 'S s: 1 36c 29c 35c CHRISTMAS SPECIALS CllRISTMAS CARDS, box Of 21 ....... CHRISTMAS WRAPPING PAPER, 5« ft. roll .... CHRISTMAS WRAPPING RIBBON 1 SMITH’S IGA MARKET S 1 .. -J / w rw ♦ r CURTAINS . . ; . ’ . ' Cotton . marquisette with* dainty frills, showered with -puffy dots, . • ' tailored tie-backs. Size 32 x 81. Pair- ’..... ■ $2:98 Plastic ruffled, frilled *elasticized curtains, colors. re.d' : and green, ■’ .pair .....$1.29 ; Flecked c.otton. scrim, colored, flecks over an- all-white back­ ground, 38 inches wide. Yard 69c ■j I n ■.•> - w •S S GIFT SUGGESTIONS g ' ■ ’ ■« ‘ ft • Shop Now While Our Stock and Sizes Are Complete. | I Slippers For All The Family § Skate Outfits for Men, Women and Children | ~ Overshoes and Goloshes .-IL—^2—All Types | LUGGAGE .1 ; McBrine Matched Sets and Ladies’ and Men’s Open Stock jj S ; Sets Which may be bought in single pieced.e - • , § Use Our Lay-Away Plan—No Deposit Required * IsTc. RathwelleSon [ § ' Pine Footwear For All The Family | BOYS’SMARTLY BOXED GIFT SETS - Rayon Tartan Tie with matching pocket handkerchief. Only 69c Rayon Tie with plastic giin and whistle Tie in Box with matching belt or braces USE OUR LAY-AWAY PLAN No Extra fharge For This Service—Use It At Tour Convenience * v r BOYS’ PLAID SKIRTS Boys’ cotton plaid; shirts in as­ sorted Stebs and colors ^8 MEN’S SOCKS Men’s fine wool and nylon'socks, preshrunk, all sizes, pair .... $1.10 I 4?r ; ’ MEN’S SOCKS ' - ■ f Men’s Wbol and cotton socks, ny; » ’ | 40n reinforced,'all sizes,-pair -98c ._J .' ' « ft • 1