The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-11-24, Page 8* /X PAGE EIGHT ? -WT- THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO.WEDNESDAY, NOV. 24th, 1954 -t .S* ■■■■■■ I Open Thursday AFTERNOON week with seas- I rBusiness places in Lucknow will be open each Thursday afternoon from1 December ^nd( until Christmas, and will also be open evenings during Christmas week, commencing Monday, December 20th. • '' ' v . .<* & _ T S OBITUARY MRS. CASE MCALLISTER The death of Mrs. Case Mc­ Allister occurred suddenly. from f a heart attack on Wednesday, November 17th, at her home in Chatham. She was 64 years of age, having been born on March 16th, 1890. v Mrs. McAllister was formerly Elizabeth Ward, daughter of the late George Ward and Margaret Ryan. She was born and raised „.^oh-the-AWard-_.farm~4nJWest_-War_ wahQsh at. the 9th Concession and Gravel Road. Following her marriage to Mr. McAllister they resided in Luck­ now for. a number of years in the residence now owned by , Wm. G. Armstrong. The funeral service was held in the Needham Funeral Chapel, Chatham, on . Saturday, conduct­ ed by Rev. Hugh DavidsOn of. the Presbyterian4 -church. Inter­ ment was in the Maple Leaf Cemetery at Chatham. Besides her husband, Mrs. Mc­ Allister is survived by two dau­ ghters, Mrs. Walden Davis (Mar- . gatet) jjf Detroit; ‘ Mrs. ’"Peter Bren (Eunice) of Chatham ;7 one son Jack of Chatham and five x grandchildren. She is' also survived by three brothers ^nd three sisters, Harry Ward,* Windsor; Case Wsurd, Tor­ onto; Joe Ward, California; Mrs. Jane Mercer, Edmpntdh; Mrs. . Georgina Westlake, Windsor and Mrs, Ernest McAllister (Mae) of Windsor. She was predeceased by one brother, Jack Ward of y Presbyterian Evg. Auxiliary/ The November meeting was held at the home of Miss Gladys MacDonald with Mrs. Morgan • Henderson presiding. Hymn 323 was sung. Miss Kay Macintosh read the Bible reading with the • meditation on it being taken by Mrs. • Mason. Mrs. O. Pedersen, Mrs. Mowbray and Mrs. R. Fin- layson were appointed a nomin- ating committee. Plails were made, for'the supper for the Y> P. rally to be held, in the church December 1st. Hymn 75Q was sung follpwed by the topic by . Mrs. V. Miowbray assisted by Mrs. M. HendersonMrs. J. Lit- SIXTH AND NINTH Mr,: George Stuart was a vis­ itor, an Toronto last week-end with his sister, Miss Anna Stuart. Mrs. Gordon McTavish accom­ paniedMr. and Mrs. Harold Gaunt to London on Sunday and visited with her sister, Mrs. John Scott and Mr. iScott, who are pat­ ients in St, Joseph’s Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Kinahan and Michael of London were week­ end visitors at their home here, bringing—with them the infant son of Mr. and' Mrs. Bill Kina­ han who has been a little pat­ ient in yictoria Hospital the past two weeks. . Miss Nonha Murray spent last week with relatives at. Kincatr dine and Port Elgin. Mary Lou McAllister had her tonsils removed in Wingham Hospital oh Saturday. “Different Types of Insur­ ance” was the subj ect of the in­ teresting discussion led by Mr. Gordon .Gregg, Huron County fieldman, at the open Farm For­ um meeting held in the Town­ ship Hall on Monday evening,. November 22nd; In answer to the question “What. type of in­ surance do / you consider most important?”/the uniform feeling of the group was: Ish automobile, then life and fire.- Mr. Cecil Fal­ coner of Whitechurch explained different types of Co-operative insurance and Mr. Harvey And­ erson of. the West Wawanosh Fire Ins. Co., Dungannon, gave pointers, on fire insurance. Del­ egates* were appointed to attend the Huron County annual Farm Forum meeting and banquet at Lohdesborp, November 25. Two minutes silence , was observed in memory of the late Gordon Mc­ Tavish, who took such an active part in Farm Forum work. Next Monday evening, November 29, being review night, Central Farm Forum will meet in Whitechurch Community HalLas guests of the Whitechurch-;Forum™when—pic­ tures will be shown. SPORT.,. TIMBER TIPS . ............... 7 • In the timber lanes this the Pole Gats came up their biggest night of the on, taking 7 points from the Coons. The Pole CJats all rolled well, taps being the Macintosh duo with a combined total of 1264 pins, with Ken and Beprl Mowbray right up thbre with 1250 pins, l^riald Hamilton with a 671 total was the top. iridiwT- ual bowler.. Their three game triple was 2791 pins and handi­ cap making 3267, Gordon Bailey and Jack McDonagh rolled: well- for. the. Coons but for a losing cause. Those climbing Squirrels have jumped into 2nd place with a 7 point victory over the slump­ ing. Kangaroos. The brother com­ bination of Bill and Ernest But­ ton, both with over 600 flats, combined to roll a 1384 handi­ cap included. Betty Finlayson’s total was also over 600. Their three game triple was 2773 pins. For the losers Joan Cormack was top with a combined total of 633 while Bob Nanson was close behind. Gift SuggestionsChristmas •V ’ Buggies, Sets 1 7 JD^pfte s<Sme‘’fih^bwIing^Wr Freda Button, the Beavers won 5 points from the Gophers. Don­ ald McKinnon led the Beavers with over 600. Freda led' the short-handed Gophers when she set a , new record ladies triple of 614 flat plus 168 making 782 for the 4th place Gophers. The Zebras kept rolling along on top with another 5 -point win over the Chipmunks. The attack was led by George Taylor’s 622 flat plus handicap totalling 646 and Bob Boak’s total of 625. The Zebras who have not lost a rub­ ber game since the firsit night of •the. season mow lead the league by 5 points!. Captain Johnston led the losers with a total of 678 with Bill Hunter right behind with over 600. < The. men bowlers led the Cubs to a 5 point victory over the 3rd place Wolverines. Dick Park’s 628' total was tops while Harold Greer rolled 608 flat plus 33, making 641 for the losers. , “Bowlers”, let’s improve your averages not your handicaps. Standings Zebras 36, Squirrels 31, Wol­ verines 28, Gophers 26, Kangar­ oos 24, Cubs 23, Chipmunks 21, Pole Cats 20, Beavers 18, Coons 18. CAN IT BE TRUE? J. MacDonald. Mrs, N. Taylor gave the current events. After hymn 581 was sung, Mrs. A. Smith closed the meeting' with prayer., A social half hour was % • • • - 4» ..ft •I s s x» ft Easi-Bild Christmas Decorations For Inside and Outside s 4**s ~%r~■ % Make Your Own Christmas Decorations, Easily — Quickly. 1—1Shoose Gifts^ To Beauiify The Home. Drop In And Look Around. Mirrors, Lamps, : Bridge Sets Card Tables Desks, 4 Smokers Occasional Tables KROHLER ROCKERS Kitchen, Living Room, Bedroom g and Dining Room Suites FOR THE KIDDIES: Doll Carts and Kindergarten 4 § a w a I I § wI .5 S'< S'$ tn ft tn ft tn.‘'.ft' ft S Furniture & Funeral Directors — ’Phone 76, Lucknow | Presbyterian Church W.M.S. The Kinlough Auxiliary of the WM.S. met on Wednesday after­ noon, November 17 at the home of Mrs. Mark Johnstone. Mrs. W. Guest presided for the open­ ing exercises. Scripture was read by Mrs. E. Thompson and pray­ er offered by' Mrs. Guest. Mrs. Emerson gave a ' paper on the work of Mrs. Dickson in ^ For­ mosa. Mrs. Emerson presided for the ^election ofhewofficers for 1955. The following were elected: pres., Mrs. Emerson; 1st vice, Mrs. P. Hodgins; 2nd vice, Mrs. Mrs. spent an evening last week with Mr. and Mrs.’ Ivan Papernick of Goderich. We are glad to hear Mrs. Char­ lie Wilkins is home and feeling better; ' The November meeting of Zion WM.S.'was held in the church with 16 present. The meeting op­ ened with hymn 249 after which the Lord’s prayer was repeated in unison. Psalm 73T" was" read together. The minutes were read and adopted. Mrs. Charlie And­ erson took care of the devotional. . Will Gardner wanted to, thank_the_W.MuS._for _the ...hox^ of fruit and also a letter of thanks was re^d from Mrs. Harkey Rit­ chie. Mrs* Frank Ritchie wanted tb thank everyone for helping her as president for the past year. Mrs' Gordon Ritchie is to prepare the program for the next meeting. Mrs.' Jim Hunter is to see about a report on a meeting that ;:had been held at Bayfield. The closing hymn was 249 after which we closed with prayer. -Mt—Bushelly -sec., Mrs. E. Bush­ el!; treas., Mrs. Maulden; Glad Tidings sec., Mrs. Tom MacDon­ ald; press sec., Mrs. J. Barr;,sup­ ply sec., Mrs. M. Johnstone, Mrs. R, McDonald; welcome and wel­ fare sec., Mrs. B. Scott; organist, Mrs. Emerson, Mrs. Barr intro­ duced the study, difficulties in missionary. work, from “A Voy­ age of Discovery”. Mrs. E, Bush­ ell, Mrs. P. Hodgins, Mrs. Sut­ ton, Mrs. Scott and Mrs. Emer­ son took part in the study. Mrs. Perry Hodgins moved a vote of thanks to the hostess and after the singing of the closing hymn and the grace, the meeting was closed with the Lord’s prayer in unison. Tea was served by „ the -h6stc"sv™and'committee7^~“’~— Ashfield Presbyterian W.M.S. The November meeting of the Ashfield W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs. Wilfred Farrish with 35 ladies present. Mrs. Russell Bis- sett was in charge of the pro- gram. Mrs. Rory MacKenzie of-r fered prayer. Mrs. Wm. John - ston read the scripture lesson, and gave the meditation on it. Mrs. Elizabeth Rose took the topic, “A Ldok dt Europe”. Mrs. Donald Simipson outlined cur- i*ent events from the Glad Tid­ ings: Mrs. Howes, offered pray­ er. The president; Mrs. R. Wil- Son, thep took charge for the business. After the various re­ ports and discussions, Mrs. Wil­ son gave the offertory prayer. Miss Sadie Johnston read the slaie of officers for 1955. After God Save The Queen and the Lord’s' prayer ih unison, the meeting came to a close. The ladies in charge served a lunch­ eon and a social- time was spent. Lucknow is to have a Legion sponsored Juvenile team this hter_a ndL-.pr.os pectsj.poinl_.t o_'a. pretty good squad being rounded up. / • A soar note has cropped' up, however, with the report that a neighboring towri is trying to coax away some of .the lads by "dangling the greeh stuff before their eyes. ■ If it’s true, it’s a sad state of affairs in minor hockey. More -and more sport is being promot­ ed on the commercial basis of a winner regardless of the nieth- od or*, means. Surely the pro-? motors of minor sport can keep it on a higher plane than that. INTEREST SHOWN IS NIL FOR INTERMEDIATE HOCKEY ZION We are sorry Mrs. Will Gard­ ner is not . gaining in strength, Mr. and Mrs. Will Hunter spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. John McKinnon of Tiverton. 7 Mr. and Mrs. Jack McDonagh and Dave and Charlie and Fred Anderson attended the funeral of Mr. Herb K. Elber at Crediton 6n Saturday. ; Mr. and Mrs; Harvey Ritchie, had their son, J?ryan James, christened on .Sunday. Mr. Dave Andrew of Calgary visited for the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kirkland. Mr. and Mrs.' Eldon Ritchie ft I I ft 4* ft 4» §:■ ft * •ft ft • $ 4» ’■-ft- . 4» , ft - Kf. ft 41 ft ft. 4» ft- ft ft/' 4»' Interest shown an Jast Friday night’s Intermediate hockey riieeting turned out to be about as nearly nil-as pOssible. Repeat­ ed efforts to stir Up some action in this classification have. been fruitless,, and unless the Arena Committee, or sortie other group takes a hand in the matter, it. appears that Intermediate hoc­ key is^ out in Sepoyville, this winter. ’ «•ft' $ Under Auspices Of The Kairshea Women’s Institute ■}.* fc..- --------- HOOTLJiONf- ITIS-THE ANNUAL i ST. ANDREWS BA ^S- ’ y ft Patterns of Santa Claus, Reindeer, Cutter, / The Manger Scene, Etc* s;- ;■■■■ ■; ' ■■ ■■ ■ • ■■| JUST TRACE THE FULL SIZE PATTERN, I GUT OUT AND PAINT. < IN THE TOWN HALL, LUCKNOW t I JOHN W. HENDERSON | LUMBER LIMITED t Phone 150 “ ^Ontario 1| Lucknow ♦ ASHFIELD The Presbyterian Mission Band held their November meeting-at WisT^A^nie May MacDonald’s on Monday. ” ' . • ' •*A ffieMiifi#' was h'eid at the home of Mr& it. Wilson when' a C.G.I.T? group was formed with fourteen members, pres., Marian West; sec./Margaret.A. MaciJon- ald^treas.,»Ann MacKay, Miss, Donna Hamilton’s'friends will Be. pleased to learn she has passed her final, exams arid 'is now a registered nurse. -She trained in Woodstoek Uespitai' Keil Wilbees Orchestra- SCOTCH ENTERTAINMENT Ltmeh Ubtfftteir featuring those delicious home-made pies. Admission 75c,