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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-11-24, Page 5
t- •9 »*- - I WEDNESDAY, NOV. 24th, 1954 ’ ’ V . THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE FIVE Set Sate Sure KINLOUGH h United Church Evening Aux., The Evening Auxiliary met at the home of Mrs. M. H. Corrin on November 16th with an at tendance of forty-four. Mrs, O. Jones presided. The scripture1 was read by Mrs. Alex MacNay. Reports were then heard, and necessary business dealt with. Mrs. L. Ritchie gave a reading on Temperance, Mrs. K. C. Mur/ die gave a report of Rev. White, speaking for missions and stress ing need for this cause. The Aux iliary plans to have the Decem ber meeting in the church rooms and invites the_ Associate--mem-- bers to meet with them at that meeting. Mrs. O. Richards pre sided for the program. Miss Jean Ann Richards gave her address on Marilyn Bell, which all en joyed. Mrs. A. Breckles and Mrs. J. Webster played musical sel ections oh the harp and mouth organ and Mrs. H. Webster gave a reading. The study book was dealt with in a very interesting manner. Those taking part in this wereMrs. O. Richards, Mrs. R. Campbell, Mrs, S. Collyer, Mrs. H. Greer, Miss Jean Os borne, Miss H. Thompson, Mrs. - K. Cameron, Mrs. -R-^BIack, —Mrs? L, Hall, Mrs. H. Ritchie, Mrs. G. Walden, Mrs. E. White, Mrs. ,R. Johnstone, Mrs. R. Havens. Mrs. H. Webster gave a brief report on the Sectional meeting held October 22nd at Kinloss. Mrs. R. Havens conducted a Bible con- I BRAND ANTI-FREEZE • V • ' * meaning of Citizenship and Com munity Service, Hymn 164 was sung. The topic on “Christian Youth Caravans” was given by Don after which we were divid ed into three discussion groups. The president took charge of the business section of the meeting when it was decided to postpone the Y.P.U. church service. The meeting' ended with games and taps. .■■’•’/ United Church Y.P.U. The meeting, of November 14 was opened with a sing song led by Arnold Hartford and Ken Mc- Nay. with K Beverley Ashton at th^ piano. The meeting was then turned over to Don Thomp son, Citizenship and Community Service convener. Arnold read the scripture followed by a pray er by Ruth Treleaven. We were then -given an outline ,of the. Mr, arid Mrs, J. R. Lane and ; Mrs. Frank Maulden and Mrs. Jean MacDonald visited on Wed- I nesday at Brussels. Mrs. Mac Donald remained for a visit with j Rev. and Mrs. Andrew Lane. [ The A.Y.PA. met on Monday evening with the president, Douglas Smith* in charge, The hymn “Yield .Not To* Tempta tion” opened the meeting. Pray« ers followed. Dick Porter read the *scripture. The closing hymn was ~ "" with _ « Those taking part were Beatrice Haldenby, D o n n a Nicholson, Alice Haldenby, Alex Hewitt and IEliwood Hoclgins. A geography match and a number of games were enjoyed. Owing to the H.S. examinations the next meeting will not be held for three weeks. Committee: Barbara and Haldenby, Douglas Smith Gary Graham. Lupch wasf ved. The Presbyterian W.M.S. held at the home of Mrs. Mark Johnstonwith Mrs.-Wesley Guest In charge. A hymn and scrip ture by Mrs. Ed Thompson op ened the meeting. This was fol lowed/ by prayer. The mission aries were Mr. and Mrs. Dick son and Mrs. John Emerson re ported on their work. “Holy” was the words for the roll call. The following officers were el ected: pres., Mrs. John Emer son; ..... 1st vice pres., Mrs. Perry Hodgins; 2nd vice pres., Mrs. Morley Bushell; sec., Mrs. Ed- bert Bushell; treas., Mrs. Frank Maulden; supply sec., Mrs. Mark Johnston, Mrs. Robt. MacDon ald; glad •tidings, Mrs. Tom Mac Donald; welcome & welfare, Mrs. Ben Scott; press secretary, Mrs. John Barr; organist, Mrs. John Emerson. Mrs./Barr presided for the program. Those reading from the^study^b^k" were Mrs. Ed- bert BushelV Mrs. Perry Hod gins, Mrs. Lyman SUtton, Mrs. zBen Scott, Mrs.- John Emerson, Mrs. Wesley Guest read a poem. The closing, hymn was “Go La bour On” followed by ithe Lord’s prayer. Refreshments were ser- veji. Among the films shown by Mrs. B. Collins at the school on Wed nesday evening were: Baseball,. A Car A Minute, ; A Railroad Goes to Sea, Each Man’s Son, The Royal. Tour to New Zeal and, Pole Barns and Milking Parlors, Forests and Conserva tion and the Caribou Hunters. Between films Mrs. Jas. Hodge favored with a guitar selection,, "MTsTTAlex^Percy /conducted con- Jests 'and Mrs. Frank Maulden gave a reading. Mr. ■■ Frank Maul-- den gave the closing remarks and refreshments were served. . Mr. and Mrs. Walter Breckles and family spent Tuesday ■ in Hamilton. Mrs. W. J, McLean of Kincar dine visited during the week with Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Gra ham and renewed acquaintances around the Village. Mrs. Perry Hodgins arid Shar on. spent a few days' in Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hodgins, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Thomp son, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nichol son spent Friday at Loridon. During the week a card party, also a teen agers darice was held; at Holyrood sponsored Iby the] Women’s Institute. \ q . Annetta.1 ■ Forster • of Ripley, *spenF the week-end with her grandmother, Mrs. J, W. Cblwell. Mr.. Archie McFarlan returned home „ Sunday from Victoria Hospital* London, where he had been a patierit for the past two weeks following, an injury at his home here where he fractured his leg. He is wearing a cast but cari thrive around his home on crutches. His many friends wish him a speedy recovery. \ , Note Charigejiri ssWRThe’'Anglican corigregatioh w.1” I have' morning service each Sun day • throughout the winter months at 10.45 a.m» beginriing. Sunday next, November 2Sth. .Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Haldenr hv of Toronto spent the Week end with the Haldenby families 1'CMr.' and Mrs. Maurices Hodgins and Ell wood were guests at a birthday dinner ajt the .home of •Mr and Bert Moss.,of Au* burn oh Saturday evening. ' 4 . • “The -Day Thou Gavest” the. program following. Installed by Montgomery Motors Ford-Monarch Dealer, Phone 40 Another great problem with the younger generation is that, it, is“too"much' like the older gen eration was when it was the younger generation. ■ test and lunch was then enjoyed. Mrs. M. Sanderson then thanked the hostess and committee in charge. ■IB— I . Lois and ser- was HiKB NEW "Travel Comfort The to Winnipeg - Jasper - Vancouver ~ You'll find smart hew travel comfort and convenience on Canadian National’s’’Continental Limited.’’Attractive day coaches, relaxing lounges, spacious drawing rooms and compartments, restful bedrooms, popular-priced duplex* ~—roomettes-andberthsr-----—4—q— Here is pleasant travelling, with a wide range of accom modations for every budget. Fbr example* look, at these low Coach fares between Toronto and Vancouver. One way $67.11 ; round trip $ 1.07.25 Proportionately low fares apply for tourist and other types of sleeping car travel. 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