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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-11-24, Page 2
PAGE W©. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 24th, 1954 h .4 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ANNOUNCING Lucknow Fruit Market! . Having disposed of The Lucknow Fruit Market | to Mr. Cyril Brown, I wish to take this opportunity I to express my sincere thanks for thegenerous i patronage with which you favored me while in j Lucknow. / •< I Mr. Brown is thoroughly experienced in this ; I line of business and I bespeak for him a continuance j of your patronage and goodwill. r Sincerely, IVAN LOUZON. j TO .THE RESIDENTS OF LUCKNOW & DISTRICT: | Upon taking, over The Lucknow FYuit Market, * | I wish to express my pleasure in locating in Lucknow j and renewing old friendships as well as the making ! of new ones.. .• ■ I Jt will be my aim to giveyo^ihe.best of service | and the choicest in groceries,,/fruits jmd vegetables. | ™T" I will appreciate the opportunity to serve you I end share in your patronage and hdendshipi ' -.I / Sincerely, CYRIL BROWN. | I1 KINGSBRIDGE Mr. and Mrs. Jas. O’Neil and Jos. Courtney, Sr., motor6d _to Flnt, Mich., last week to attend Hie funerals of the late Bernard TOWens and his two brothers-in- law, following, the tragic car ac cident which claimed the lives of these three men, leaving three broken homes, and 14 children fatherless. Miss Patricia Sinnott of U.S. Air Corps, who has Been sta- tioned for 1 % years in the Phil- lipihes, is now enjoying a month leave, and visited with the O’Neill family and other rela tives here during the past week. Jimmy Sinnott and Frank Bran dis . of Texas were also visitors here. . Miss Angela Sansonterfa of Detroit visited with her sister, Mis. Norman O’Connor and~fam- ily last week. ’ Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Reid of Tor onto spent last week-end here, and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wallace returned to spend the 'winter jnontaswiththem in Toronto^ •Dr. and Mrs. Gilbert ’ Frayne attendedthefuneralatForeston Saturday of Mrs. Hampton (sis-: ter) who died jn Sarhia Hospi tal on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hogan at tended the funeral of She late Mr. Brady '(•brother-in-law) at Strathroy last, Week. ( . Mrs. Jos. Fitzpatrick and Ken- TOthr™of^~Wirighmn spent the Week-end. here. . z Mrs. Van Vynckt of . Toronto is a visitor at the rectory with her son, Rev. H. Van Vynckt and the Lierman family. A miscellaneous shower was held on Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs, Ray Dalton for Miss Elizabeth Walsh, R.N. of Goderich, whose marriage to u DUNGANNON The annual Library concert was/held in the Parish’Hall om Thursday night with Rev. G. D, Watt, -president, as chairman. Mrs, D, Phillips accompanied for the singing of O Canada. A very interesting and varied program included the following numbers? male quartette by Wilmer Er- rington, Tom Fowler, Jimmy Reed and J. C, Durnin; Dungan non school, autumn operata; Dungannon senior room,..chorus; Cedar Valley, Parade o£ Wooden Sbldiers skit with the teacher, Miss Shiela Feagan; chorus by five local girls;, chairman’s re marks; shoemaker’s song & skit, Miss Lillian Popp, teacher,* Joyce and Elaine McNay, Ashfield, piano duets; Ross Rivett & How ard Godfrey, guitar and banjo; Westfield quartette; School No. 17, West Waiwanosh, song, teach* er Miss Donna . Mead; violin solos, Eleanor Reed; Cedar Val ley school No.2, song acted; Mr. Wm. Buckingham, two Scottish numbers; librarian’s address by Miss * Beth McCohhell; Crewe school, In -Flanders Field; violin* solo by Mrs. Blake Alton, “Holy City’*; violin duet, Mrs. B. Al ton and Eleandr Reed; filmstrip on Connecticut River; Scottish dancing, highland fling and 5- point star dancing, Isabelle Mc Pherson and/Archie McQuillan on the bagpipes.. George Dawson, elder son of Mr; and Mrs. K. Dawson, who underwent an operation at. God erich Hospital last Week was able to come home the end of the week. Mrs. Wm. Caesar was hostess for the St. Paul’s Anglican Church Guild’s November meet ing. After the repetition of the Auxiliary prayer and the Lord’s prayer, “Breathe on me Breath of God” was sung accompanied by Mrs. R. J. Durnin. The 28th psalm was read by Mrs. Tom Ypung. The roll call was answer ed- by a verse containing “angel”. The secretary, Mrs. Victor Black read “thank you” notes. Plans were made for euchre parties. Mrs. Elmer Black & Mrs. Gladys Rivett gave readings. Mrs. Hl L.- Jennings gave the benediction: The hostess was assisted by Mrs. Gladys Rivett and Mrs. Tom Park serving afternoon tea.. The December meeting will be held at the home' of Mrs. Elmer Black. ^The Women’s the November .United Church Will Petrie, 1st vice: pres., open* ,Led^the-_meeting._Mrs.-Eldon-Cul- bert gave - the lesson thought “Spiritual Growth” and led in prayer. The roll call was ans wered by 23 members. Mrs. Har vey Alton read the correspon dence. Mrs. Everett Errington led in a -business discussion and Mrs; George. Hodges reported bn the choir gowns. It was decided to have an exchange of 50c gifts at the next meeting, December 15, at the home of Mrs. Robt. Irvin. Mrs. Hodges thanked the ladies for the assistance in making four- quilts. Mrs. Hodges; Mrs: Arthur Elliott and Mrs. Hugh McWhin-' ney gave a skit, “It Could Be You”. Rbv. fr. Watt showed a filmstrip, “Making home a hap pier place”. The hostesses fdr lunch were Mrs. Will- Petrie, Mrs. H. Johnston, Mrs. Chester Fin nigan and Mrs. H. Alton. Mrs: Ken^/Hodgesr^Vas/hoatess at her home last Thursday' for the Erskine Presbyterian church with Mrs. Herb Stothers, pres., Association held meeting in the basement. Mrs. A ' I wouldn't have ANY PART OF IT •‘And neither would my Dad. He knows the ialue of trusit company experience in. looking after an estate. He wouldn’t be Without it!” So many wise men to-day rely on the experience, and co-operation of a trust company. » ' Write for free booklet headed i "Blueprint For Your /^Eamify^^Cover4ng^Some^spec<s^:ofcestatewd* ministration. : , , Electric Ranges op to ONE-THIRD o8£ '! ...... ■ ,......................................................................................................... ' ......... ALL WELL-KNOWN MAKES 10 Model* To Choose From. 1 WEEK ONLY leading. After the opening hymn andprayer,-Mrs.-Robert-Fitzger- ald led in the devotional exer cises and based the meditation on the 1st psalm with the theme “Walking in God’s Footsteps”. Mrs. * Arthur Stewart gave the Glad Tidings. Mrs. Frank Jones read an interesting letter from Rev. Geo. Malcolm ^nd Mrs. Mal colm,-forriieriy Margaret Nimmo of Wingham. Miss Iva Carr gave a chapter in the study book. Mrs. R. McWhinney closed with pray er. The (Lord's prayer was re peated and a v social time spent over the tea cups, when Mrs. George Hodges served lunch. . THE STERLING TRUSTS C OR P O ft ATI O N / HEAD OFFICE • ■, , BRANCH OFFICE 372 Bay Si., Toronto ' 1*3 Dunlop S|.> Barrio • ' . '• .•»-/«. ... ... . , ,64 v Robt. Howard, takes place Sat urday, November 27. The brides elect was the recipient of many lovely useful gifts,/Carried in by six young girls, dressed in Irish costumes, Who also sarig' some Irish songs and danced. Mrs., ;NoEmam-T0GonnoFsassisted^”the' bride-elect in opening the gifts. Miss. Walsh then expressed her thanks for- these lovely .gifts, and all joined in singing “For She’s a Jolly, Good Fellow\ A dainty lunch was served by the.hostess and her assistants, and all en joyed a pleasant evening. The dance, sponsored by the C.W.L., .w,hich had been’announ ced for this Friday night/ has been postponed indefinitely, CANADA PACKERS PRODUCTS Mincemeat I f i Christinas ORDER IT EARLY PLEASE! delicious flavours f DON’T FORGET I i With Purchases made at our store . ... including a selection of we will give you entirely f TGC any one piece ; of Wm. ROGERS Du Barry Silverplale you wish FUU INFORMATION AVAILABLE AT OMR STORE- ^BUTTER ■ Erfesh Fruit, Vegetables and Groceries Free Delivery — Phone 82, Lucknow ' , . ’ , *■ , I”