The Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-11-10, Page 9, . 4:, •i ,i ■ WEDNESDAY, NOV. lQth, 1954 I KINLOUGH Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schumacher and Helen were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Win, Wall. The A.Y.P.A. had their annual Hallowe’en social on Monday ev­ ening with a good attendance, The grand march was played by Miss Edna Boyle. Mrs. Colwell, Mr. Robert Porter and Rev. j, Prest were judges and prizes were given as follows: comic couple, Marion Percy and Donna Nicholson; comic boy, Barry Hal­ denby;. comic girl, Dianne Hew­ itt; best Hallowe’en costume, —4—Donnie—Wall;—best-^Hailowe’erT person, Bbbby Smith, The hymn “Youth of the World Arise”, op­ ened the meeting. The Associa­ tion and Lord’s prayer were re­ peated. Alex . Hewitt read the (scripture. “Saviour breathe an evening blessing” ■ was the clos­ ing hymn, Sheila Haldenby fav­ ored with an organ solo. Contests were conducted by Dick Porter, . Don' Smith and Mrs. Midford Wall. A peanut^scramble was en­ joyed and Don Smith read some jokes. May Boyle led a sing song. Douglas Smith gave the closing remarks and a delicious lunch • I was served.. Mrs. Wm. Stauffer is a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital) London. We wish her improved health, Mrs. Wm. .Cox is convalescing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Scott. Mrs., J. B. Simpson returned to Hensail after spending the past few months with Edna and ~ May Boyle. “ “ : v Mrs. J.. W. Colwell spent the . week-end with her sister, Mrs. . Wm. Bushell, Lucknow.’ "'r' Mrs. Bert Nicholson and Eve­ lyn attended a novelty demon­ stration at the home of Mrs. Geo. Cuyler“ at Millarton on Monday evening of last week. Mrs. Burton Collins and the pupils of the school held a Hal-- , lowe’en social on—Friday -after­ noon, Prizes for the costumes were awarded by • the j udges, Mrs. Wm, Wall, Mr,s; Don Bush­ ell and, Mrs. Milton Walsh. Read-, ings- and songs were given; solos, by Sandra Percy; piano numbers, Laura Breckles and Keith Maul- . den. Lunch was served. Mr. .Archie McFarlan is a pat­ ient in Victoria Hospital, Lon­ don. He had the misfortune to. I have his leg badly fractured at • his farm .on Friday, night. We hope he may soon be able to re­ turn home. Mr. Wm. e Stauffer7 spent the week-end at London. Mrs. Stauf­ fer? is a patient at St. Joseph’s Hospital. -Mr? and Mrs. William ~ TWall”accompShied him to Lon- don and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wall. ' Mr. and-Mrs. Duncan MacKen-. zie who have been Visiting rela­ tives here, have gone to visit wifo their daughters at Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Eckenswil­ ier and Douglas of Seaforth vis­ ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Graihanri, it being foe occasion of Mr. Graham’s birth­ day. ’’ * Mrs. Jean MacDonald, Rev. & Mrs. fc), J. Lane of Clinton visit­ ed on Sunday with the Lane families here,. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ck^er of Glamis renewed acquaintances here on Sunday. Miss Winnie Percy) R.N., of . Woodstock, spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs? William Percy andjother..^ family. Mrs. Morley Bushel! entertain­ ed friends at her home on Friday evening. We extend sympathy to Mr.. «fohri Busihell and dther members 1 of the' Bushell family in the pass- .ing of the late Wim. Bushell of Lucknow. Anniversary services Were held , ih. the Presbyterian Church on Sunday with the Rev. D. J. Lane :“^Q?zGlinton^as-^uest^peaker7^At; • the morning service the male Quartette • from Clarks favored with special numbers.' Mrs. Har­ old Haldenby was guest soloist at the evening service; also a special number'by the choir with Mrs. John Emerson at the organ;. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Boyle ‘ Honored on/Silver Wedding . Mr. and Mrs. Karl Boyle of London' were .hdnofed with a pluton. surprise party on Saturday dv-, • cnin > On their arrival a/ R^lly- 11 ' " A u 7PAGfe^INE LOCAL GIRL NOW TEACHING IN GERMANY * i THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO mote Hall, escorted by Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Lloyd, they found over titty relatives,/awaiting them, it being, the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary, The dining room was decorated in pink and white streamers and bells. A lovely 3-storey wedding cake, candelabra and mums made a pretty setting for the bridal table. Archdeacon William A- Tfownshend, who had performed their wedding 25 years ago, made a capable master of ceremonies, apd expressed the good wishes ot all present to Karl and Mary and the gift of a pretty , decorated -silver- pail-fulk oLsilver coins was presented, by ..Carol Boyle and' Peter Shoebottom. Karl made a very fitting reply. As the anni-1 versary cake was being cut, Miss May Boyle ^read a humorous poem, “The Anniversary Cake”. Mrs; Ivan Lloyd favored with two lovely solos and Mr; James Townshend contributed several piano numbers. Misses Edna and May Boyle led in sing song and Mr. Bill Townshend spoke fitting­ ly and told of some humorous ex­ periences "when Karl and Mary lived here on Con. 10. The re­ mainder of the evening _was_spent- in playing court whist.. High prizes were awarded to Mrs. Don Ferguson and Mr. Mervyri Elliott’ and a very pledsant evening was' brought , fo a close. Mr. and- Mrs/ Boyj.e and their two daughters, Marilyn and Carol, reside at 865 Waterloo St., London, but were residents here until 1951 When' they held a clearing auction sale - arid moved to London where7 Karl is employed with the Board of Education in the city. Mary is a. daughter of Mr. Thos. Elliott and the late/Mrs. Elliott Heart­ iest congratulations are extend­ ed to Karl and Mary from this -communityr—:------/" ■--- Mrs. Clare Sparling and Allan of Walkerton spent Friday with her mother here. Mr. and • Mrs. Bert Nicborson' and family'were visitors Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Slessor and family, Glamis. Mrs. Frank Maulden entertain­ ed the H.W.L at her home on Thursday afternoon. Plans were made .for the bazaar to be held in the near future. Mrs. Perry Hodgins thanked the W.I. for a $5 donation .which “they had giv­ en to the Garden Club. Mrs. Jim Smith spoke briefly on ^storing, vegetables, for winter. $200 was voted to the Kinloss Township Council to complete payment for the new modernized kitchen in the Township Hall. (Mrs. /Howard ..Harris, assistant convener, prer sided, for the program. All en­ joyed . a geography confost. A paper on Armistice prepared by Mrs. P. A. Murray, was read by Mrs. Perry • Hodgins. Current events, made ready by Mrs. Ray- nard Ackert, were read ; by Mrs. Jim Smith. Plans were made for starting a ’Teen Club in this com­ munity with the first dance to be held on. Friday evening, No­ vember 12th in Holyrood Hall. Mrs. Harris gave the closing re­ marks and . refreshments were served. The December meeting will: be held in' Holyrood Hall and will be the Christmas meet­ ing with a 50c gift -exchange. Conveners, Mrs. Jack Ackert & Mrs. Morley Bushell, fancy gift wrapping, Mrs. P. A. Murray. The W?A. will meet on Thurs­ day afternoon (today) /at the .Church. Conveners, Mrs, William ?W-al-l)~Mrs7-Ger-tr-ude-Walsh-^-rolL call, word is “peace”. Packing of all bales. ’ Mr.' and Mrs. Maurice Hoggins arid Ellwood and Edna arid ;May Boyle spent the week-end at’Lon­ don where they attended the 25fo wedding anniversary party for ML and Mrs. Karl Boyle. We are pleased ’ that Rickey Fry is improving after being confined to the., house with an attack of " flritended fdr ’ Llist VVeekT , Mrs?. Catherine Hewitt visited during the wpbk. with Mr. and Mrs. George Graham. . . ■ ■ Mr. and Mrs- Duncan Mac- Konzie .(nce Irene Boyle) Stel- cam cl " ■■ JI During his visit to. the 1st Canadian Infantry in Germany, the-/Minister’: of ;,_National “De? fence, the Hon. R.: Campney; vis­ ited Canadian school children and their teachers in their new schools. Mr. Campney is shown above • checking' the work of Darleen Swan of Calgary and -Patr-iqia—Butts—of-Ottaway-under- the watchful eye of their teach­ er, Miss Katherine MacKenzie of Toronto, daughter of'Mrs. Wm. MacKenzie and __the . lale_?Mr.. “MacKenzie,. formerly of Luck­ now. Katherine went overseas this summer and will spend , two years in Germany teaching children of Canadian servicemen stationed there. COUNCIL MINUTES KINLOSS TOWNSHIP Kinloss-^Municipal Council met in the Hall, November 1st, 1954, as per adjournment. All members present. Percy-Murray that the minutes of the regular meeting of Octo­ ber 5th’as read be approved and signed. / McKinnon - Moffat that . the -highway—account-:be-charged-for rent of sprayer, $162.00. ■ , Murray-McKinnon that W. S. Eadie and Son be paid $80.55 for extra tile to Burt drain. ' 1 McKinnon - Percy that Cliff Symington be paid $900 in full open portion Burt drain. Murray - Moffat that Inglis -- be paid $500 on tile portion Burt . drain. Percy-Moffat that we special meeting on Monday, No­ vember ,22nd at 1 o’clock p.m. for general.business, for the Couft'of Revision on the 1954 Assessment Roll at 2 p.m. and the reading of the Engineer’s report On the repair of the Murray-Kraemer drain? at the close of the Court of Revision. Murray-Percy that all assess-- -ments on the Nine Mile River Imp. 1954, and the Burt Drain,, Ro^paid^y"”!^©^.’22hd?willbe included in debenture to be sold December -;15th, 1954. Murray-McKinnon that a by­ law be prepared appointing de­ puty returning officers and poll clerks for the various polling.div­ isions of the Municipality. Moffat-McKinnon that we do now adjourn to' meet again on Monday, Nov. 22nd at 1 o’clock in foe afternoon. ’. : Cheques issued; Harold. McQuiL. yer, 2 .fox bounty, 2.00; William. Evans, 1 fox bounty”, 1.00/ Alien MacIntyre,- 1- fox bounty, 1.00; Gordon Wall, 1 fox bounty, L00;. relief, 100.00; M. A.- McDonald, repairs to sprayer, ,221.29; Solo­ mon’s Greenhouse, flowers Mrs.. Cox 100th birthdayT 5.00; Village of Lucknow, M. Hddgins. fire; Roddy account hold a attack oi. bronchitis. J >,V’I * *** V , \ **vv ¥ r . * r. ..Icam, Sask; arc visiting with tel- • atives in this MMWMtf; ■ -Mrs. i I „ p. A, Murray and, Frank tends in Port : Murray bf •accompanied C3. dca?, o,.( •I ~ In letters home Katherine de­ scribed? the modeim^/tou;i>room_ school in which she is teaching. The children are bright and their deportment good, but are behind in their schooling as their parents have moved about so much, Most of her7 puipils reside :in Soest, and are transported' to school by busr/They are only about seventy miles from East Germany and the Russians. r r In a mid-October letter Hath- .erine referred to the visit of the Minister of National Defence, who is stationed above. He is from British Columbia and had known Katherine’s Uncle , Afox Paterson. . - Katherine described briefly a week-end bus trip -4o“Hplland“~v and Belgium, Brussels struck her as a modern, busy city but prices were high. Katherine was greatly impressed with Holland, which she describes as a lovely little country and very clean. The houses are attractive^, with— where she. will spend the .winter with her farnrlv. 100.00; Jack Barr, sheep claim, 47.00; Gordon Hodgkinson, sheep claim, 40.00; James McEwan, insp; above claims, 9.00; W. S., Eadie Son, tile to "Burt drain, 80.55; Ciiff Symington, in full open por­ tion Burt drain, 900.00; Roddy Inglis, on account -tile portion Burt drain, 500.Q0; D. H. Carruth­ ers,. selecting jurors, 4.00; Wm. Scott? selecting jurors, 4.00; J. R, Lane, postage 5.00; selecting jur- rors 4.00; unemployment stamps 5.4f —14.40; Mrs. Smith, caretak­ ing, etc., 8.40; Wm. Scott, equal­ izing . Union .School Sections, 25.00; Wm. Stauffer, assistance K and Murray drain, 4.00. • Highway cheques: Pay roll No. 11, $296.00; E. Purves, gravel, 573.75; Wesley Guest, gravel? 96.00; W. iC. Becker,, gaskets, 1.68; Dominion Road Co., bal­ ance, 29.47; B.-A, Oil Co., 119.65; Dept. Highways, tax, 43.45; Thos. Mansfield, repairs, 16.74; Kinloss, rent of .sprayer, 162.00; Lucknow Co-op, brushkill, ,30.50; Twp. of Kinlbss, share assessment Hod- gins-llanna drain, 242.68; Twp. of Kinloss, share assessment Hod- gins-Ross drain, 18.00. J. R. LANE, Clerk. . / HALF HURON BEAN CROP CONSIDERED COMPLETE LOSS With a total rainfall of’8.60 in­ ches for October and 6.3 inches Of snow recorded to. date for the. County, farmers are experienc­ ing extreme difficulty in harvest­ ing root and corn crops. To date 123 cars or 6,049 tons of sugar beets have been shipped from the’ County. Approximately two-; thirds of the cron still remains to be harvested. Because of over­ size, ' water core ^and root rot, ...approximcitely.-. 50...pereent:-of-..the turnip "cron* will only be suit­ able. .forJ livestock feed. Many fields' of vcorn intended for sil­ age rstill remain unharvested, very little husking corn has been picked to date. Approximately 50-60. percent of the white bean crop remains unharvested and can now be written off as a com­ plete loss., Very little fair plow­ ing has been done and livestock/ because of the, snow, have had O be stabled earlier than usual.- •J. rf rows of./ gleaming windows, snowy curtams and blossoming plants on every window sill. She was fascinated by boat travel on -the canals. Katherine is quite taken up with her new work in Germany, ■ and is comfortably located at Mohnesee, Delecke, Uber Sbest, with their residence overlooking the Mohne River. ST. HELENS GETS IN OLD COUNTRY PUBLICITY PAPER community considerable Old Country “St. Helens . Advertiser”, The St. Helens recently received publicity in an paper1 called the Newspaper and published every Fricfay at St Helens, England. A copy , of the issue of Friday, ‘October 8th, has been received . by Grant Rutherford._and_om,the-_^_ front page is a two-column set of pictures of Calvin United Church and Miller’s General. Store. The .pictures were taken by Eric Phythian of the St. Helens travel agency, while bn a five week’s holiday trip in Canada and the United States. , A footnote to the pictures reads as follows: “Mr. Pythian took many interesting photo­ graphs on his trip, two of which •are. reproduced. TheyL are of a small hamlet in Western Ontario several miles from Goderich on the shore of Lake Huron. It is named St. Helens and has a pop*, ulation of about 35. Like our ' own home town it started as a crossroads and has a Calvanistic Church, a community, centre, a general store and ai few homes. These are but a few of the in- \ ....r teresting thingsMr. “Pythian noted on a motor tour of nearly 4000 miles’? • ” «1 KINGSBRIDGE. Mrs. Blaize Martin has return­ ed home after two weeks visit With her two daughters in Ham- ' ilton. Miss .Maureeri Vaselia of Lon­ don was at her home here over the week-end. phy and Jack Fitzgerald ef Tor­ onto spent the’ wpek-end here. ■ Mr. & Mrs. Dave King & child- ’ ren & Mrs? King, Sr., Teeswater, ’ spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Blaize Martin, ■ Wedding bells are ringing in our community? Don’t forget ,to . attend the FrL. day evening dance, November. 12, in St. JosephVparish hall, with Henderson^ •mchcstra-* ih -attend'-, ...... ance, sponsored by^tbe » • / I I r * r- r f I