HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-11-10, Page 61 I >* RAGE SIX ......... -T THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, NOV, 10th, 19S4 I I There's WREST0N ■ ; BRAND ANTI-FREEZE ||| Installed experts at' I GUARANTEED PROTECTION X, 1 MontgomeryMotors Ford,. Monarch Dealer Phone 40, Lucknow WHITECHURCH Rev. Caswell of Colborne took took charge of the services vin the Presbyterian Church on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs., Tobias Jantzi & Chattily of Milverton called on Mrs. Kennedy and visited with Mrs. Jantzi’s brother, Mr. and Mrs.- George Fisher on Sunday. ^aelnnes said son Bill of Walkerton visit- . «d with his brother, M1* & Mrs. / tXames Maclnnes arid Mrs. Ken- Miss Winnifred Farrier of Tor- ; /GntO rSpSpt the week-end- at her licimie hdre, » > axtid Mrs. Percy. Thompson tmd family of Caledon visited _iJmtii-V.ilust sister; Mr^ arid Mrs. - Stanley Moore. Mr. and Mrs.. T. J. Morrison and family spent the week-end in Brantford With his father, Mr. J. B. Morrison at the home of Mr. and Mrs. V. Casemorei The • W.I, are catering- to the West Wawanosh; Federation of Agriculture in the Memorial Hall on. November 16th. Mr, and Mrs. Les Burnett and family spent the week-end with friends in Listowel. Miss Margaret Taylor retum- M homie to erson’s after visiting with rela­ tives around Lucknow, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Kerry of Paisley visited with Mr. MrA A. Copltes. and I MONUMENTS SKELTON MEMORIALS WALKERTON i • • • ’ • We are the only manufac­ turersin this part of Ontario of high class monuments who import granite frdm the Old Country in the rough by the earload and process from the - rough to the finished monument. No middleman. . When choosing a monument come and see one of the largest selections in Ontario. Rstablishedover..sixtyyears._ Write or phone Walkerton 8 and reverse charges. SKELTON MEMORIALS WALKERTON PURPLE GROVE Mr/ and Mrs. Herb Farrell spent the week-end in London. ?Mr< and Mrs. Donald. , McKay and Mr. and Mrs. Gprdon Stanley visited at Guelph recently. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Misch, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brindley of Riversdale visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dore last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Harrison of Napanee, Mr. Rae HarrisoiL_of_ Toronto visited at the home of Mr. .and Mrs. Morford McKay, last-Wednesday and attended the funeral of their aunt, Mrs. Len­ nie Harrison. «• V . Mi ss Winnifred McFarlane, nurse of Walkerton, spent the week-end at the . home of her parents, Mr;\ and Mrs. Donald McFarlane. The Women’s Institute ^as largely attended at the home of Mrs. Andrew Patterson on last Wednesday. Sympathy is extended to Miss Annie and Mr. John Wall in the, death of their sister, Miss Lizzie Wall. • , 4 Mrs. Angus Graham of London ,s.pent„a^ew_days3dsiting^friends,, and relatives around the Grove. Successful Anniversary Services Anniversary services were held in the Presbyterian Church at Kinlough bn Sunday.; Rev. D. Lane of Clinton, Was the mini­ ster for both morping and even­ ing services and delivered two very inspirihg messages/ He took fpr his text in the morning, “If L am lifted up I Will draw all GIVES THUMB NAIL SKETCH OF “TEX” CAMERON Referring to the appointment of E. i>. Cameron as Bruce Co., sheriff, Ithe Walkerton Herald- Times gives the following sketch; Sheriff Cameron is well known throughout Bruce. He was 'born on January 14, 1896, in Lucknow, Ont., the elder son of Mr. R. D. Cameron,, a general; merchant in that town. He attended both pub­ lic school and high school there and at the age of 17 was gradu­ ated and took a jbb as a sth°°l teacher at Paramount in. BrU£e County ait a salary of $35Q a year. Prior to enlisting iii the army in 1^15 he was promoted tp another school, this time in Purple Grove, at a salary of $400 a year.-., ■ The unit he joined was the 160th Bruce County Infantry Bat­ talion of the C.E.F., and he went to England with this unit in 1916 as a Lieutenant. He saw active service in France with the Sec­ ond Division Canadian Pioneers and the Fifth Engineer Division in 1917 where he was liis unit’s signals officer. In 1918 he joined theRoyalFlyingCorpsbutonly won his observers wings in 1918 at war’s end. ■ . j The brother of the late pres­ ident of the Canada Spool* & Bob­ bin Co. Ltd., tiie late Farquhar Shaw, had 'been paymaster of his original regiment. After the war he returned to the company as its secretary-treasurer and talk- ed young ^“Tbk”r intcnjoinihg^the firm in March, 1919. A few years later, in October, 1924, “Tex’* married Rachel Rog­ ers of Walkerton. The Caimerons haye an only daughter, Mary Louise, who gave up her nursing career on May 22 last to . marry Ross S. Procter of Burlington. Always an active curler, “Tex” wryly recounts that after fifty years of “the game “he~was~ finally promoted from skip to lead “be­ cause I have no voice for the game now*’. He is a past presi­ dent of the Walkerton Curling Club, a member Of the local Golf arid Country Club and a charter member of the Rotary Club of Walkerton. He is on the Board of Management of the Walkerton United Church and is a past mas­ ter of his Masonic Lodge and a member of. the Scottish Rite Lodge. this ’n’ that hy* _• RdSEMARY THYME '■ SPECiAL LOW RAIL FARES TO THE ROYAL AGRICULTURAL WIMTER FAIR .......... TORONTO, NOV. 12-20 Just recently, as I was putting away a bundle of not-so^recent newspapers, my eye caught a col­ umn in September 16th issue of the Goderich Signal-Star, which interested me'very much. The following is quoted verb­ atim; “Just recently, al Jady. from the Economics Department of the Federal Government at Ottawa Visited Huron County in a survey of all Ontario to find out how the Dutch people are being as­ similated by the people of On­ tario. Her unofficial finding to date has been that Ontario peo­ ple are not putting themselves out as they should to welcome the Dutch and make them a part of their respective communities, Ontario people are more inclin­ ed to criticize the Dutch newcom­ ers than to try to make them feel at home in their adopted country. Among the criticismisthat-the Dutch people speak their native i tongue too much and have their- own churches”. The article con­ cludes with the following re­ marks, “Let’s stop being small, in our outlook and make the Dutch welcome”. I think every thinking person will agree that the practical, hard-working Dutch with their initiative and perseverance, their cleanliness and thrift, do make ideal immigrants. We . should realize, and . I think most of us •do, that it is not at all easy for them to adjust to Canadian ways, our speech,- our food, our ways, of living. They do need help and encouragement, no doubt. We are greatly interested in the manner in which-they-adjust to Canadian life, since among our best friends here, we value. the friendship of a Dutch family. There are a number in the town, three families whom we know quite well. These families started immediately on their arrival to try and- make themselves a part of the town. They went to our church regularly, before .they could speak English at all, or un­ derstand it. They showed them­ selves ready to be friendly, and people, accepted them at once. One young couple had come put, firsth and some time later other relatives followed; A friend of mine gave a pantry party for the wife, and mother, of the later -arrivalsv-Poor—Lindy—could-not- speak, nor understand, a word of English? as'yet, and it was quite evident that she was torn be­ tween acute home- sickness, and appreciation of the friendly spirit shown in the parcels brought for her. Her sister, who had come earlier, translated for her. A month or so later they were in­ vited to a New Years’ Eve party at the same home, and had pro­ gressed to a few words of Eng-4 lish. Last Christmas Eve they spent with us, and conversation flowed freely. Lindy said, “Do you remember ■ last year’ at Helen’s on New Years all I could was was ‘Yes’ and ‘No’? But now, I can talk English, yes?”.. She certainly can, as can all her fam­ ily. Her husband was interested in boys’ work' in Holland, and nbw, in otir town, under the sponsorship of 'the Recreahibnat Council, he is gathering together groups of boys, and teaching them boxing and other sports. I think Lindy and Jim have as many friends .in the town as we have.. When Lindy was ill the whole town was concerned. Dif­ ferent people, drove her at various -timek-.to.thecityfor-..x-rays,and. one friend took her into her home from the hospital and looked af- They began to speak English in-their homes as soon as they could, • and from * the beginning were always .well-bred about riot, talking Dutch with each other When with others. Sometimes one or the other would want to say something and couldn’t juM man­ age in English'.' They would ask our pardpn, arid a fluent flow of Dutch would .follow; The whole family would -come to the rescue, and the, translation would cbnm I I i men unto me”. Clark’s quartette assisted the choir and gave two numbers. The evening service was also well att^pded, Mr. Lane taking for his text, “Lord I be- lieve, help Thou my unbelief”. He -pointed out that in the heart of all believers there is a shadow of unbelief. The choir, under the leadership of Mrs.. John Emer- anthem, “The way leads Home”-. “The Galiee” was well Mrs. Harold Hal- soloist for the ev- son, sang an of the Cross Stranger of Tendered by denby, guest ening. ( -/ 00 YOU KNOW? Of the 4^779,000 horsepower of dependable peajk capacity avail- able to Hydro > to December 1953,3,874,600 horsepower,.or 81% was derived from water­ power sources..... ..... ’ Information concerning Ontario Hydro can he obtained by writing to yow "7?':......* Shilrmah; 621) * " "ri-"'-------....... . "" ' ........................................................................................... '' PLANNING UiwSfOif Iii an operation such as Hydro’s preparing for the future is a continuing activity. The Commission’s Planning Division carries but tliat function, formulating arid Specifying riew! capital facilities, scheduling and expediting work programs and establishing controls to assure that plans are carried pu t efficiently r and ^nqmjbalhft Evet alrirtAt. improved methods and Systems? the Division, plays a major role in assuring an adequate supply of dependable, low-cost electricity far into the future- • ONTARIO HYDRO ... AT WORK FOR YOU AND YOURS I I’ fare ano one-half FOR THl ROUND TRIP Good going —• Nov.l 1— 20th incl. Return—Leave Toronto not later than midnight* November 21ft, fnlliiiftniutiM fnat mj tgtiii. w r ? CANADIAN NATIONAL in English: Full friendship was established when our respective senses of humour . found a com­ mon meeting groiimJ. In any as­ sociation I have ha<r with, people of other countries I am always happy to find us laUghing at the same things as we do. It seems to me that only then have we reached the standing. There are families in whom have - been here longer than Lindy arid Jim, They still speak broken English, and keep their interests in their own little -circle .of Dutch friends;, they go tq the Dutch Reformed Church in the* nearby city. Lessons in basic English were started, but those who tried to . speak English at home and amongf friends were soon making so much faster pro­ gress that they finally petered out. ' ‘ ■ ,■ •. Perhaps we are to blame for not making more of an effort to make them one of us. And, per­ haps, we fear that we may seem to say, iri effect, that our waiys are better than their, ways. Per­ haps we feel that if Lindy 4ndt Jim and the others were so ready to make themselves a part of the town the rest of them should be alble to do as well. For Lindy by nature, shy arid reserved, and was terribly homiesick. at first. For her, it was a real effort to Cariadianize herself. I realize it is by no means easy to adjust to. a new country and hew ways, I realize that I know, from per­ sonal. experience, nothing at all of the heartache involved. But I am convinced from what I have seen here that, those who have made a real effort towards ad­ justment are already happier, are less apt to be homesick fhr their Homeland. This may sound as if I thought that all effort towards adjustment was up to them. I certainly don’t mean that , .. / we must show a readipeSS to. friend­ ship, but we can go only so far. I. don’t feel that it is at all true of our .community that we are more inclined to criticize them than to try. arid make them feel at home. And I’m sure our Dutch friends don’t feel that either. Their attitude - seems to be, as if they were saying, “This is. Canada . . / this is the country, fn Which we chose to begin’ a new life”, r • The Signal-Star suggests that weshpuld^riotrobjecttofreochim of religion. Perhaps it is not that we object fo freedom in small towns arid country areas, social life revolves aroand the, church arid the friends one-makes iii it.'’ ■ . I feel that -one of the reasons for the peace that has remained’ throughout the years Withib out* ’own. Dominion, and .between ns and the United States is the hrt that we, have tried to Canadian- ize our -immigrant^ rathier . than encouraging.isolated communi’ ;os ’■nf >V1 -h ultimate of under- several other Dutch the towfi, some of i'