HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-11-10, Page 5(I' rfl 4 WEDNESDAY, NOV. 10th, 1954 Husbands! Wives! Want new Pep and Vim? Thousands of couples atrp weak, worn-out, ex­ hausted solely because body lacks'iron. For new vim, vitality, try Ostrex Tonic Tablets. Supplies iron you, too, may need for pep; supplemen­ tary doses Vitamin, Bi. Introductory or “get- • acquainted” size only 60#. At all druggists. Opportunity FOR A CAREER IN ^fMIDOlil" INSURANCE- THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE FIVE I In* the trained skill qnd cour­ age oFCanada’s soldiers lies a wealth of insurance ... "Freedom" insurance . , . for peace . . . against aggression. the opportunities for young' men with the right tempera* ment and intelligence to make . a career, in the Army are excel* lent. As a modern, progressive _ organization, the Army is eauippecF to offer top rate schooling and training td career soldiers. There is a place in the Canadian Army for young men who can meet the challenge. The Army has a continuing . need for good men . . . men like you, who'want to make a career of protecting Canada’s freedom, and your owrv in ~theArmy. i CHURCH NEWS South Kinldss W.M.S. meeting of South Kinloss WMS. was . held at the home of Mrs. T. MacKeiizie on/ Novem­ ber 3rd with 26 members and some visitors attending. The president, Mrs, W. MacIntyre, opened the meeting with scrip­ ture reading and prayer.’ Hymn 457 was sung and ’ the Lord’s prayer repeated. Several- items of business were brought . for-' ward, reports were also given by the C.G.I.T. leader, the treasur­ er .. .and the Glad -Tidings secret­ ary. The roll call was well re­ sponded to by. a verse containing the word ‘‘Heaven”. The scrip­ ture and meditation was taken, by Mrs. T, Collyer followed by the Prayer Circle led 'by .Mrs. D. L. MacKinnon, Mrs. W. F. MacDonald, Mrs. I. Dickie and Mrs. |F. (MacKinnon, Mrs. T. MacKenzie then favored with a solo which was much apprecia­ ted. A reading on Armistice was given by Mrs. C. Colwell. A paper on one of our missionar­ ies, Miss D. Douglas, was given by Mrs. L. MacDougall. A chap- -ter-from~the^study“book~wasnout” lined in a most interesting way by Mrs. E. Keith. A vote of thanks to the hostess was given by Mrs. C. Colwell. The singing of hymn 644 and the mizpah benediction ended a very help­ ful meeting, Lunch was served. The directors were Mrs. C. Col­ well and Mrs. E. Keith. ♦ Serve Canada end Yaursalf in the Army To bo eligible you,must bo 17 to 40 years of ago,^skilled tradesmen t<6 45; When applying bring birth certificate or other proof of age, Apply right away —For full in- formption Write or visit the Army Recruiting.Centro nearesfyour homo. ' Ho. 13 Ptrionntf Depot. Weltis House, Ridtiu & Cher lotto Sh., Ottiwi, Ont."— Telephone 9.-4S07 Cenadies Army Recruiting Station, 164 Wellington, St, Kingston, Ont. — Telephone 4738 Canidlio Army Recruiting Centre, 90 Richmond St. W„ Toronto, Ont. — Telephone Em. 6-8341 — Local 276 No. 1 Personnel Depot, Wolseley Barracks, Oxford & Elirabefh Sts., London, Ont. — Telephone 4-1601. -• Local 135 Army Recruiting Centre, 230 Main SI. W.. North Bay, Ont. — Telephone 456 Canadian Army Recruiting Station, 184 King St. East. HamilfojkOnt.—Telephone 2-8708 O34W.Q , Presbyterian Church W.M.S. _ The November, meeting of the W.M.S. was held in the Presby­ terian church with a good at­ tendance. After the opening ex­ ercises Mrs. A. C. Agnew took care of. business and. read an in­ teresting letter front our most, recent Formosiari missionary, Rev. Malcolm, on ■ his trip and beginning of his work in his field. Mrs. B. Yovan gave the treasurer’s report and Mrs. C. Mason and Mrs. Yovan were chosen as our nominating com­ mittee. The roll, call was ans­ wered by a verse .with the word “Evil”.- Mrs. H, Nixon -took the Glad Tidings prayer and the cur­ rent events were given by Mrs. W. A. Porteous. The topic was taken by Mrs. C; Cook and, the missionary for the month, Mrs.. w 17 A'X'Xv •'•MJ* "OF.COURSE I HAVE AN ESTATE "My Dad is building it for me right now, and it’s going to be pretty important to me some day. ? And a father knows how important it is to have that estatd properly administered, no matter how.,small it may be at present* He may receive advice an ^^^^assistance^from-'^^expedenF.^ disposition of His estate without any obligation* Write for free booklet “Blueprint For \ out Family < THE '■ STERLING TRUSTS C O R P O R A T IO N hxao okhcb ' . - .. branch office M ' ‘.3 * * . . v ir- 'i■■ .........................................J................,'<WI........ rtnW' ' ( I •I* ** H. A. MaoMillany was dealt with by Mrs. C. Mason. Mrs?, M. Hen­ derson contributed a reading and the Bible study was in charge of Mrs, E. Johnston. After the closr ing hymn, with Miss M.?MaL cqlm presiding at the piano, Miss. E. M, Henderson closed the meet­ ing with "prayer. : South • Kinloss F. & F. Group An enjoyable Hallowe’en. Faith and Fellowship social was held at the home of Mrs. W. F, Mac­ Donald ^on October. 25th. The meeting, began with a grand par­ ade foHbwed_.by the judging of the costumes by Mrs. A. Mac­ Intyre, Mr. Jack MacKinnon and Mr. Harold Austin. The costumes were varied and colorful. The prizes were given as follows: fancy women, Belle Graham, Mrs. T. Collyer; fancy men, Mrs. Steer, Mrs. L._ MacDougall; comic yromen, Mrs, D. McKinnon, Mrs. H. Austin; Comic men, Bobby Gilchrist, Mrs. L. Mclnnes; fancy couple, Mrs. Baulch and Margar­ et Baulch. After the unmasking the program, under the cOnven- ership of Mrs. H. ■ Lavis, began with a lively sing song of old fayprites which was enjoyed by all. Two contests were given by Mrs. H. Lavis followed by a re­ lay race. Grace was sung and lunch was served and a vote of thanks was given by Belle Gra­ ham. United Church W.M.S, The Afternoon Auxiliary of the W.M.S. of the United Church miet^Vth^hom^^f^Mrsr^iu-olW Treleaven on Wednesday, Nov­ ember 3rd with the president, Mrs, Robertson, "in the chair. The opening hymn was sung and prayers were offered by Mrs. Tom Anderson, Mrs. Hall and Mrs. Kilpatrick; Several items of business were discussed, includ­ ing plans for entertaining . the Baby Band and their mothers in the church parlors on Monday afternoon, November 8th. The following program was enjoyed. The scripture reading/was given by Mrs. McDonald. A very inter­ esting. reading was given by Mrs., Brooks on Home- Missions. Mrs. Hall favored with a solo “Saved by Grace”. The chapter in the study book “Struggle for Men’s Minds in India” was very cap­ ably given by Mrs. W. B. And­ erson with the assistance of Mrs; Roach speaking on “Buhdism”, Miss Hazel. Webster “Janism”, TMrs? E? • Tayior “Mohammedism”, and Mrs. McKim “Hinduism’’. A piano duet was played by Rev, and Mrs. 'Meiklejohn. Prayer by Mrs. McDonald closed the meet­ ing. Lunch was Served by ztheing. jjunui-'WdD ocivcu uy committee in charge. ■ t Lucknow' United Church Y.P.U. The meeting.on October 31 was opened with a sing song with Ken MacNay in charge. Arnold Hartford then turned the. meet­ ing over to Marilyn Kilpatrick, Stewardship and Training con­ vener. The devotional period was opened by the singing of hymn’ 500 with Gladys Kilpatrick at the piano. Teddy Collyer led in pray­ er.followed by the reading of the scripture by Shirley McClure. Marilyn took the topio “United Church Stewardship” which was prepared by Mr. W. L. MacKen- zie who, we regret, was unable to attend the meeting. We were then, divided into three discus­ sion groups. Hymn 501. was sung followed'by . very' interesting re- “ports from the Hamilton Confer* -ence by-Glady-Sr-DoR and-J^rnoId.. Members attending this confer­ ence were Gladys Kilpatrick, Beverley Ashton, Arnold Hart­ ford, Ken MacNay and Don Thompson. Members are asked to please remember to bring their fees-to the next meeting. Y.P. Hallowe’en Social Oh Tuesday evening, Novem­ ber 2nd, the Young People’s Club of St. Peter’s Church held JkJEiall ow^en^pcjXLin^ ihMdbas&L I ^mtnir'of-SV^Paitii s.ChUrch7'Rip- ley. The congregation of St, Paul’s were guests for the 'Oc­ casion. The Rev-. H. L, Jennings, Tom Pritchard and Billy Marsh-? all were t^he program committee, in charge of the- meeting. Those winning costume' prizes were: Mies’ fancy to Rosemary Hilbnf Ripley,- ladies’; com,ic -to Mrs. Jack ' Potvers of Ripley, men’s1 •.fanev to Jamok MeT.?eod ofRioley : r ’ • .of Lucknow. The next meeting js to be held oil November 15th at Tom Pritchard’s. ! . . ------—--------\---------' Wins Therapy Award Miss Betty Kempton of Ripley, and a student at the University of TorontQ, has been; chosen by her class to receive the Sue Mac­ laren Memorial Award. This is being presented to her at the ban­ quet in connection with the Can­ adian Occupational Therapy Con­ vention in Montreal. LEFT OVER 50 YEARS AGO Frank Johnston of Oshawa, in sending along his Sentinel .re­ newal, says that it gladdens the hearts of old timers to read the news pf the old days, Mr. and Mrs. Johnston left this commun- * ity over fifty years ago. They .get back to the old town occasionally, • he s^ys, to visit our imfmediate , relatives and cpll on the few re-... maining friends, and they regret to think of the few that now remain. f <» *O 8* S XI i i it / Itn z: x> 1 o 5* Sc tn T) m ZJ -<5 m n rn ^“F< m Z - H o -1 z > P m G> P co r- _ r nr 2 x m > -4 hi zz; 7- z o (n dz 2 >o >< CD Pl i X o ?Sig£2Si ---------< N - z? 2 2 T G 5 x m <A , q Q 2: ' w-3 6 m m CD I O <P£ -c m > Oo z c SR- I r., „ §J rn s m fem’ d z - -< <p o -O X & 2 €Ln> g m 55 £2 O O &S‘ -<c .. 25 S tn h XX m rn r* m r~ rn * O -Ch m S x m m x m “1 S xxi o m > < r- rn~iT > r~ 00 —i — t mch "0 x> S ni ( co rp tX O 2 z m H O > 7$ -4O i — rn rn(h 2 2^ CH to rb ’