HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-11-10, Page 3* WEDNESDAY, NOV. 10th, 1954 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, . LUCKNOW, ONTARIO // | LUCKNOW | UNITED CHURCH | . 1 Minister: j j Rey» G. A. Meiklejohn, | | B.A., B.D. ! | SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 14th j 11.00 a.m.: * “Words Come To I j Life”« | 112.15 p.m.: Church School. | J 7.00 pan.: “Spiritual Re- I I sources”. j I';l.:- / j 1 PAGE three: I Lucknow i | Presbyterian Church Rev. Wallace McClean, * | Minister i I I I Local & General Mr. and Mrs. Otto Norlin of Cedarville, Michigan, and • Miss Minnie Barbour of WinghamJ visited with Mrs. Ellen McNall last week. Miss Gladys Kilpatrick spent the week.end in London with her sister, Miss Noreen Kilpatrick, who isA student at Western Uni- versityw Mr and Mrs. Robert Fisher of Hamilton- spent the week-end here with his sister, Mrs. Robt. ^nthers and; attended the Mas- onic banquet on Friday evening. Mrs. Charles Congram is a patient in- Wingham Hospital with virus pneumonia, and. it is expected she will be hospital- ’ COMING EVENTS DANCE at KINGSBRIDGE Dancing at Kingsbridge Parish Hall on Friday, November 12th, Henderson’s orchestra. Lunch counter. Admission :50c. Every­ one welcome. Door prize. PLAY AT DUNGANNON The 3-act play,/‘Yours Truly Willie”, will be presented by Teeswater Junior Farmers in Dungannon Parish Hall, Thurs­ day, Novemlber If at 8.30, spon­ sored by Group I; of Hackett’s -W.MjS-..Admission ”-at—popular prices. L.O.L. DANCE Dungannon Agricultural Friday, November 12 th, Ir 1 Sanderson’s LADIES and MEN’S WEAR —— —-■— TELEPHONE 85 — ’ NEEDLEPOINT ’ . -A • *• * 7 FOR BUSY FINGERS" . Pue.Jo the jnereasing popularity.^ we have a demand for pictures, chair seats, benches, bags, etc. • I ii i j ! , . -T| 7.00 pan.; Evening Worship, j SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 14th . ... - - 11.00 a.m.: Morning Worship. Sunday School Following Service.j ■... <■ - ■ ” j 3.00 p.m.: Erskine, Dungan I non. DISTRICT PRESIDENT SPOKE AT KINTAIL WX MEETING . ’i’he November meeting of the Kintail WX was held at the home of the president. Mrs. Fred Mc< Gregorpresidedfbrthemeeting.' The roll call was answered by naming a flower starting with the first letter of your nairie. The group from the 40th ate put­ ting on a. dance in the hall on November 19th. . Two carloads were expected to attend the Dis­ trict Rally on November 9th at ^lyth. It was decided not. to ask for the. Governinent grant this ...■year; ‘'■ —--— ; Mrs. N. G. MacKenzie introduc­ ed the speaker, Mrs. Durnin Phillips, the District President; She spoke on “Citizenship and Education”. She pointed out the wonderful opportunity for girls to learn the, finer arts of house­ keeping.* She also spoke of the . beautiful gardens aiid said , the “New Dawn Rose” was one of the best climbers. Mrs. Phillips advised against planting peonies and phlox too close, together for she suggested pruning away the roots, not the branches, IShe men­ tioned also the splendid work be­ ing dotie for the children in iso­ lated areas by the teacher in ““ttTeTffiTroad car school. * T".’ Mr's;. Jack Collinson sang a solo after, which a contest in hemming a fine seam was conducted. Mrs. Neil McDonald was the prize winner., The Queen closed the . meeting after which lunch was served by the comrnittee. >«■* i I. i i i ■. i . . r. In Hall, sponsored by L.O.L. 324. Music T’ '• . ’ ' ■" xxxo xiiuivil Mis. Jim Aitchison and child- i Boys. Lunch counter. Everyone, ized for another couple of weeks f>ponT?or®ci 324. Music» Iby Hank Norns and His Ranch ren, Jack and Verna of London, are spending this week with her mother, Mrs. J. J. Wilson. Miss Nancy Tuck of the Bank of Montreal staff is za patient in Wingham Hospital with virus pneumonia. Mrs,; Tyndall Robinson has- re- -tuFned-home^frdm-Gbderrch’Hb's7’ pital where .she was a patient for a time with a heart condition;. Mrs. Jack Campbell of Point Clark underwent an operation in Victoria. r Hospital, London, op Friday. She is getting along well' and will be horrie in a few days. Mr, and Mrs; Towzer, Mrs. C. W.-Twamley and Shirley Twani- ley. ^l of London, were week­ end visitors with W. J. MacDon- Miss Christina Carrick has gone to Markham to spent the winter, with Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Leishman and family. Orville Jongs returned from Wingham Hospital a couple of weeks ago after extended treat­ ment for a back injury which is -yrit—botheriiTg him some. Mr. and Mrs. Bob. Armstrong and family have moved from the Farrish house, on Havelock St. to the former Mac Stewart resi­ dence on Standpipe Hill. Mr. and Mrs, Richard Eliiott of Holyrood went to Toronto, the ___ _ ________ ____ _ first of the week where “Dick” visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Jim was attending the convention of Wilson. the Canadian. Good Roads Assoc­ iation. Mr. Elliott is. a-past presL dent of the Ontario'. Association. —.Th e-—regu-iar-^-m eet-i n g—'of -the- -Sannon—Wopaenls—Ins t illite.™ Lucknow Women’s Institute will 1 be held in. the Recreational Cen­ tre, on Friday, November 12th at 8.00 o?cl'ock' Note change ;of |ime and place. Hostesses, Mrs, Ji Spence Irwin, Mrs. Philip Stew­ art... ' '' welcome. DANCE, BINGO, DRAW Reniernber the Legion’s annual dance, birigo and prize draw in the Recreational Centre on^Thurs- day, ^November llth. Carruther’s orchestra. Admission to dance 75c. Draw for Admiral T.V. set, hostess ■ chair arid electric tea kettle. FEDERATION BANQUET West Wawanosh Federation of Agriculture annual meeting and turkey dinner in Whitechurch Community Hall, Tuesday, Nov­ ember 16th at 7.00 p.m. Guest speaker, Ray Hergott. Dance af­ ter. Tickets $ 1.50, available from directors. v BAZAAR & CLOTHING SALE A bazaar and used clothing sale will be held in the Legion Rooms On Saturday, November 20th, un-” der auspices of the Ladies. Aux­ iliary to the Legion. Bake table, sewing and tea table. New( ideas for your Christmas gifts. Doors open at 2.30. -- SIXTH AND NINTH Mr. and Mrs. Callum Cameron and Carol, of Detroit were visi­ tors over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. John Cameron. Mrs. Lightfoot of Ken ora is a Lucknow Women’s Institute will Mrs. John Finnigan was hos­ tess at her home last week for the October meeting, of the Dun- Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Harrison of Mitchell were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Taylor. . Mr; and Mrs. Gus Kinahan and Michael Kiriahan, London, spent Bill . Kinahan. . Instructions Will Be Freely Given at any time on eaeh piece purchased. NEW STOCK IS NOW AVAILABLE --------------?----- --------r---J------------:------ ----- ---- including tapestry wogil and needles ... Drop in, see our needle display.---------------- I Grace Kean, Mr. arid Mrs. Fred»with Mr. and Mrs. Russel Ritchie. Hunter of Hamilton *and Mr. and Mrs.’ Joe Leslie of Grariton were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer. Foran and family. Visitors during last week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Mark Arm­ strong wer? Mr. Gormley Thomp­ son of Brampton, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Thompson and Bradley of Tillsoriburg, Mr. and Mrs. Vlad> imir Hrovat of Zurich, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Thompson and Mr. Tom Robinson of Goderich.' Mrs. Gus Kinahan and Michael , of London were home over the week-end. Mr. Gus Kinahan who. spent the past week here, return­ ed to London with them. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Armstrong arid Marion were Sunday visitors with Mr. .and Mrs. Hisler at Wingham. Mrs. Angus Kennedy of Sea­ forth is spending axfew~“days with her daughter, Mrs. Bill Kin­ ahan, who returned home from Wingham Hospital on Monday.” Congratulations to Mr. & Mrsi. Dick de Boer on the arrival of a little daughter. Mrs. Wm. Evans is visiting with her family at London and Hyde Park, and will accompany her daughter, Mrs. Edith Brown to Detroit this week. Mr. and Mrs. John Dahmer & Michael of Lucknow were Sun­ day visitors with Mr, and Mrs< Frank Miller. The next meeting of the Ladies Aid is to be held at the home of Mrs. Parish Moffat. Electiion of officers, is to take place. CULROSS CORNERS LANGSIDE Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Meyers, Elaine and Donald were recent visitors in Hamilton. _ -Mr,-and-Mrsv~Earle-Hodgins ac­ companied by Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davidson of Teeswater, were Oh a motor trip up the St. Law­ rence last week. They visited at such places as Montreal, Ottawa and Quebec., Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Guest & Fred, Kinlough' spent Thursday evening with Mr. and?Mrs. Frank Brown and, Reg. The community extends sym­ pathy to Mrs. Donald MacEwan^ in the loss of her uncle, the late Wm. Bushell, who passed away suddenly in Lucknow on Satur­ day. . We are sorry to report Mrs. Archie Bonnett to have broken her arm in a fall at her home; .als.o_Mr.._Archie_MacEarlan-to-be~ suffering from a broken leg. Mr? and Mrs; Ralph Goesel & children, Kincardine, visited on Sunday with Mr. arid Mrs. Tom Stewart and boys.’ Mr. arid Mrs. Jack Schumacher spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schneider, Teeswater. Mr; and Mrs. Grant Wall, ac­ companied by Mr, E. Thacker, Teeswater,-motored-to London on Sunday and visited Mrs. Thack­ er;. Who is a patient in Victoria Hospital there. We wish her a speedy recovery. The community extends sincere sympathy to Mr. John Richard­ son and family and relatives in the passing of Mrs. Richardson an; Friday morning. * . The Mission Band will enter­ tain the rest of the congregation ?on "Friday rTght7 No 12th. This was postponed. from last Friday evenipg. Mrs. John Pol­ lock of Lucknow will be special speaker; ' : Miss Lois Hunter, and school children of No. 9 are back to work again after having holidays since last Monday. Miss Hunter was nursing ah injured knee*she received in an accident in which she was involved,, when another motorist failed to stop upon ap­ proaching the highway and hit the car” she was driving broad­ side, v/hen returning home from school last. Monday. J. - Mr. and Mrs. ’ -Harvey Payne’ (nee Marjorie Scott) and baby. Cecil and" Mr. Alex McDonald of Jamestown were Sunday visitors unu x.xxo. J^ck* Mich'ael Kiriahan, London, spent ‘A^'i'arth—IMtst1—Er-—B'arkwe'H/—Mtst--the—w^ee-k—eHd^w>it*h-JMhr; a-nd—-MtFSt- Bill .Kiriahan. . Several, from this community attended the anniversary services in the Presbyterian church, Dun­ gannon, last Sunday. . Mr, Jim Cummins of Guelph was 'B visitor with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mik Cummins. Mr. and ■ Mrs. Albert Taylor & family were visitors with rela­ tives. at Stratford recently. Mr, and Mrs. Cliff Murray and Norma and Mr, and Mrs. Don­ ald Murray were visitors with relatives at . Kincardine;.' Mrs. Robert McAllister has been , supply teaching at White- Church school. We extend congratulations to Mr. and Mi’s. Bill Kinahan ,on the-arrival of their, little son on November 1st.- ■ . Sunday • visitors with Mr. ancT . Mfs.'-Lo r-n e-Bu r-n.in--W-eT-e~-Mi^ra nd- •Mrs. Tobi Jantzi and family of Milverton. ' ‘ ' 4. ■’ Mr; and - Mrs. ‘James Durnin spent Sunday with relatives, .in .Kincardine, ' A reception was held in'Dun-, ga'nhon agricultural hall in honor df Mtv arid Mrs.- Donald Murray,. I | Ikst Tues, evening/.with a good ll^^L/ei-owd-dn-attendance^^After-lunch. I the young couple were called to, * j <he oiatform where Frank Alton Ll ' ‘ THAT Austin Martin .has been elected president*of the Huron . Township Unit? of the .Feder­ ation of Agriculture. f BE CAUGHT SHORTDON’T I i • i i i i i. ••• i i ..... i i _L..Nqw is the time to . l I FILL YOUR BIN WITH Jet Black Coal No order too small OF»- too large i I j . . cid:~C.SS:..01-.. ™ ...................... r' j.~; . i ■; i . i ■ Webster & MacKinnon | Plumbing, Heating, Electric Wiring “ Phon® 50, Lucknow | and Miss’ Margaret ’Black ’ pre­ sented theiri with a purse of money. Donald made a Titting .re­ ply, then all sang “For they are jolly Good Fellow^’\z Music was provided by’ C~a;iTuther’«~ orches­ tra, ■ . ; ■ ' Miss Annie Durnin, John and Robert visited with Mr’, and Mrs, Hugh Cameron in Kincardine on Suriday. ■ .. w. . Mr. and-Mrs, Jerry Kean, Mrs. LOCAL TRADEMARKS, lie.. SEPOY 5^51.00 STORE > DRY GOOPS • LADIES CHItd^W ; CHINA "KITCHEN UTENSILS*GREETING TOIL ETR.I E S su«£ TOYS,; ’ 1108W LUCKNOW, ONT. \ -r, ft- ' V ' V ■■ hT -F t'A / I .• >