HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-11-10, Page 1....... $2.50 A Yeaf In Advance—$1.00 Extra To USA LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, NOV. 10th, 1954 TEN PAGES L MILK NEPHEW DIED SUDDENLY and Mrs. Charles Scur- HAS TAME CROW vehicles UNDERWENT OPERATION is |i- l > UNCOVERED BEAVER DAM h the dam was in t JUDGING AT ROYAL -Ji X the * by at. to all. appearance of an old beaver SHOP WORK NIGHT CLASS SMARTS NEXT WEDNESDAY I I INJURED IN JULY, GOT CAST OFF LAST SATURDAY HELD FAMILY GATHERING TO MARK BIRTHDAY CIVIC HOLIDAY THURSDAY FOR REMEMBRANCE DAY as he was familiarly HARVEY WEBSTER HEADS BOWLING DISTRICT NO. 4 IN I the .Mrs. Henry’s man tend congratulations and * wishes on the occasion of most noteworthy birthday. • . r ‘ - ----- - : Church at 10.00, followed ceremony at the Cenotaph a.m. So />f dancing to music by/‘The concluded a de- WAS WITH SIL VERWOODS OVER THIRTY-ONE YEARS .• Mr. Burton Foach who retired Stuart Collyer, and ah hour or verwood buyin focrats’^ concl u ded hgoffni evening., y> f- n; n, y> e;. id 1- 1- €,-= rs <- e; e, i- a t)f ie ?e id CAN $tlLL MILK COWS AT NINETY Mrs. Thomas Henry of Conces­ sion 2, Kinloss Township, is still active, alert and enjoying good health despite her age. She was ninety on Saturday, November.. —6th;~She~was "present at 7a birth day party that day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Congram near Holyrood. On Sunday she attended the morning service in the United Church, and she was back to town on Monday to do some Chopping. Mrs. Henry still does all the household duties at her farm home in Kinloss. She can still milk cows—-and does so occasion­ ally. Mrs. Henry was formerly Isa­ bella Johnston, daughter of Jas. Johnston and Mary Ann Marsh- aU. ^e_was: born in Goderich .. Township, and came to Kinloss long years ago as the bride of Geofge IhWin. Re died many years ago, and later she married Thomas Henry, who also has passed on. Mrs. Henry has three sons, James, William and Clarence Ir- win, all of the Second Conces­ sion. William makes his home with his mother. A son Melvin died a number of years ago jand. a daughter, Mary Jarie/ died in infancy .Mrs. Henry was mother to her granddaughter, Mrs. Har­ old Con^frim (Edna), whose ’ mother died when she was seven. .Mrs. Henry’s many friends ex­ best this le .11 d.,- >e id. . in’ ze ■ ’'‘•n d ; HOME FROM HOSPITAL ' Albert Chin returned home last week from Wingham Hos. pital where he had been receiv­ ing treatment for six weeks for inflamation of the heart. Albert is feeling in the pink, but is tak- .ing .iUeasy for a time, arid his doctor has definitely banned him from playing hockey this winter. PRITCHARD TEAM FIRST CLASS AT 35 FALL FAIRS Elmo Pritchard wound up show circuit last week at Walk­ erton Christmas Fair, and hung up a record of his team of 4 and 5 year-olds winning the Belgiums class at 35 out of 36 fairs which he attended. Elmo started the circuit last’ . A^list_and in-the-meantimeTcbv- ered approximately 4000 miles in “doing up” the shows. POPPY CAMPAIGN RECEIPTS RUN TO WELL OVER $100 The Legion’s poppy blitz last Thursday and Athe tag day on Saturday brought ih receipts bf epproximiately~$lT0. It was ex­ pected that further sales and_ do­ nations recei vedthisTweek ~ would swell this sum considerably. All proceeds are used for welfare work. The blitz was a new venture locally this year, and carrying out of the canvass fell to a hand­ ful of Legion members. With a full staff and a thorough house- to-house solicitation,—the1- results I could be. stepped up considerably another year.- ’ Thursday has been proclaimed as an all-day holiday in Lucknow in comhaemoration of Remem­ brance Day. A service of remem­ brance will be held in St. Peter’s a 11 . IT’S LATER THAN YOU THINK Attention is directed to those who may^ plan to do some spec­ ial pre-Christmas advertising that there are only six more is- :-----sues -of“”The^"Sentiher 'pribr "to fz that occasion. Regular advertisers i , are requested during this extra | busy season to have their copy ready first thing Monday morn­ ing. If using extra space over their usual requirements, copy for such advts.. is required' the previous Friday. <9 ■■■■ ■ III IWI lliwaii III iftilMill li.i.Hi . LADIES* night banquet WAS VERY SUCCESSFUL , Miss Mae Mclrines, formerly of the Second Concession, Kin­ loss, underwent an operation ,!at Beck Memorial Hospital, London, last Thursday. She had been in the hospital for a couple of weeks prior to the operation. She came through the ordeal very well and is- making a favorable recovery. Mae has not enjoyed good health for. many years. She and her mother, Mrs. Malcolm Mc- Innes, make, their home with Mr. and Mrs, Chester Casemore near W-ingham~^Mrs7~‘Casembre was formerly Tootsie Mclnnes. Very dose to two hundred persons sat down to a delicious turkey banquet on Friday even­ ing as the opening feature of Ladies’ Night, an annual event staged by Old Light Lodge. Mrs. Harold Allin, and Dr. Jas. Little played accompanimen£ for the ^^ arid The 0ueen, W’orshipful Master, Wm. _..EvansofLangside;extendeda welcome to. all, and later extend- r cd a vote -bf thanks to the ladies l ' of St. Peter’s1 Church who had K catered. This was replied to by I? Mrs. Stewart Lavis. f . Donald Blue proposed a toast I to the ladies. The guest speaker, I Rev; Cox of Belgraver was intro- I duced by Harvey Webster. Rev.. I Cox, who was a frontier mission- l5,' ary for 16 years, proved a very |.... interesting arid „ entgd:ainffl^-^f£ |T^terTdinher speaker. The theme of I; his address was “Our Signature"; Mrs. John Miller of town was happily surprised on Sunday to find her family gathered, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Me-- Quillin. to .celebrate her birth­ day. Members of the family circle present for the occasion x were Mr. < and Mrs. Fred McQuillin (Margaret) and.’ sons, Ivan and Barry; ,’ Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sparkes (Muriel) and their, dau­ ghter Donna of London; Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Miller,. Donna and Douglas Miller,and Leslie Camp- nbeit"trf‘StrathfoyT Mr:; and’ Mrs, Eldon Miller, Margaret, Doris .and-Dois- of- -.West- -Wa-wanoshr Margaret was home from Strat­ ford Hospital for the day,.’but her cousins, Eileen and iyadele Sparkes who arc in training in London and Sarnia, respectively, were unable to be present; : on"Tause”.of J1 /Health, was in Jne employ ' of 'Silverwood Dairies .and he questioned - what. sjgna-. Limited for ovei thii-ty one lure we were'leaving behind and; yeartf. • , * ■ . what impression we are making i Mr. dr-acn sto^0■ >■ '_ ■ on the lives of. those with whom [dua? f uva.ld‘ v,hen we come in- contact Mr. Evans I tho late J, L. ' r Ranked.,him for. his very eariw-to address-' ’ ' - " nt the. now Riverwood < item I ^...^ere shown by Mr. My, namv.n. urti’ -i m (ho., tuckrow FORMER RESIDENT KILLED IN CRASH A motorcycle accident on Mon­ day night caused the death of a young airman^and^former--resi- dent of this community, AC2. Melvin Charles Scurrah, who was stationed at ROAF Station, Clinton. Mel, known here, was the only son of Mr. rah of 264 Hewitt St., Preston. His father was employed here for a time ^at the Maple Leaf Aircraft plant, and the family resided in the former Torrance Ahderson home a mile east of town. Melvin, who was 19 years old last—Septemberr attended public school' here and after leaving here returned frequently to the home of Bruce and Archie Mac­ Millan where he worked as a lad. Bruce received a telegram on Tuesday informing . him of Mel­ vin’s death and of the funeral to be held at Preston on Thurs­ day afternoon; Besides his par­ ents he is sunrived by a sister, .Wanda. ...... • ..... . • "? . The accident happened about .1% miles east of Goderich when the motorcycle and a car driven by Mrs. Ida MacDonald of God- erich •. collided. Both were proceeding east and as Mrs. MacDonald made a left turn, the motorcycle crashed into the left rear fender. ---—? Melvin’s companion was injur­ ed and taken to Goderich Hos­ pital. His name was not immed­ iately available pending notifica­ tion of next of kin by RCAF authorities. PRESENTATION TO BEATON FAMILY Mr. and Mrs. James Beaton were honored guests at a house party . at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bfooks last week when neighbors in their School Section gathered to bid them adieu and present them with a 4ovely-travellirig"fc"aser'Gifts were also presented for Jim and Geo. Beaton, the latter .being in the West at .present. Mr. and Mrs. Beaton have sold their farm to Mr. and Mrs. John Hoekman, a Dutch couple from .the Formosa district. They have? four children, one of them an infant son born in Wingham Hos­ pital on October 27th. The Hoek­ man family- obtain immediate possession of the Beaton farm. Mr;, and Mrs. Beaton plan to leave soon on a trip West, that will take them as far as Van­ couver. They will spend the. win­ ter with members of their fam­ ily in Western Canada, where they themselves farmed for some thirty years. Mr. and Mrs. Beaton Apian td .return in. the spring to Lucknow to make their home here. -■____•___ ___ ’___ address accom^ panied last week’s presentation: Dear Mr.4 and Mrs. BeatW, On learning of your intended­ departure • from our ' community • we, your friends and. neighbors, felt, we could not let you .leave without showing in a small way, our appreciation for your fine neighborliness While you lived in our midst. You were always willing to there was need and this: was .much, appreciated. You and your family will be missed in' this section but we hope you will be able to come back to visit us often. • * ’ ' ■’• Wc .ask you to accept this gift ’a remembrance from your neighbors on the Second Concesr ,.;on._..and with it go our best wishes for your future happiness., -.-Sandy MacCharios, Herman • • Ji ir.-m’ Brooks. Fdur Huron County .Junior. Farmers will participate in the Junior Farmer livestock judging competition at. the Royal Winter Fair, Toronto, on Thursday. They are Lavern Godkin, R. 2, Wal-^ _tpri;ALome-Hack: now; Lloyd Holland, Clinton; & ■Frank Alton, R. 7,. Lucknow.. ENGAGEMENTS1 ; Mr; and- Mrs. Benson Mole,. Dungannon, ■ ahnounce 'the en­ gagement Of their eldest/daugh- ter, Margaret Lois, to' Wr. Don­ ald Lawrence Waldem youngest son of Mr. and -Mrs. Harold Walden,. Kincardine. The wed­ ding is to take place in Si, Paul’s Anglican. Church, Duncannon, on. November 27th; LOCAL CALVES IN QUEEN'S GUINEAS !Richard Baker of town attend­ ed the funeral of his nephew, Arthur Fiske, who passed away suddenly . of a heart seizure at his home in. Niagara Falls.-Arty as he was familiarly known, was 'in his 46th' year and is survived by his wife and daughters, Patty Anne and Jacqueline .and by his mother, formerly Daisie Baker of Holyrood. His father prede­ ceased him two years ago. Harvey Webster was in Tor­ onto at the week-end attending the Provincial Bowling Associa­ tion convention at 'the King Ed­ ward Hotel. Harvey is commenc­ ing- a two-year-term.-as chairman of District No. 4 Lawn Bowling Association, and by virtue of his office is a member of the Pro­ vincial. Council. D. R. Finlayson will act as District secretary-treasurer dur­ ing Harvey’s term of office, which follows a ^two-year term as vice-chairman. Billy Robinson of town has a tame crow that is quite a cur­ iosity. He got the bird in the spring before it developed its wings, and in the intervening time it has become quite tame and a pet. It flits along to school with Bill, and has the ’ ‘.freedom of the town”, but always re­ turns to its cage in the Robin­ son barn.' Bill says it tries its best to, talk and gets down ' into the “low tones” in a guttural chat­ ter. It can be petted but is caut­ ious about being caught and wary of a gun. Harold Con gram of Con. 8, Kinloss, who was severely injur­ ed in an auto accident ’ hear Brampton late in July, had the cast removed from his leg on Saturday, but it will be some time yet before the limb will be of much use to him. * _ —Harold—Tsuffered"~a~"dislbcafed~ hip,, pelvic injury and badly broken knee. He was in Bramp­ ton Hospital, then- in Kincardine and., from there was taken to London when surgery was „ re­ quired on the knee. Harold was struck down after he had stopped when hailed by another motorist who A was lost and was seeking directions. Thursday, November 18th, has J^en carei^lly__marke(i. on the calendar of some 212 ■ young farmers of Ontario for that is the day that some 4-H Club member will reap the reward of effort by carrying .off the Queen’s Guineas for his or her champion baby beef steer at the Royal Winter Fair; R. G. Bennett, Associate Dir­ ector of Extension, states that this year’s competition 'will be the largest in the history of the event, Oyer two hundred young 4-H members will show their an­ imals. Last year T51. club mem- .bers participated in the event. Members of the Lucknow—4-H---- - Club who have calves entered in the Guineas Competition are Ann Todd, Murray Gaunt, Joyce /Little and Bill Kennedy. Jack Kennedy is also taking calf to Toronto but as hb is under 14 it will , have to be shown ih the open class. In addition to the 50 guineas, which has been translated into $250, the,owner of the champion steer will carry off the Hon. T. L. - ^Kennedy Challenge Trophy . The exhibitor of the champion steer in each of the other, breeds will be awarded a cash prize of . $100. All exhibits in. the Guineas class must arrive at the Royal not later than 1 p.m. November 17. The classes will be judged on Thursday, November 18th with___ the winners being paraded that evening during the Horse Show. All .exhibits will be sold on Sat- ‘ urday^ November 20th. An increasingly popular at­ traction the Guineas no-w follows closely on the heels of the Royal Horse Show in public interest. The Guineas had its origin nearr ly a century ago when a fund was established by King Edward VII, then Prince of Wales, for the purpose of encouraging ag­ riculture in Ontario. -- Winner of the Guineas- bene­ fits materially from the subse­ quent auction of the animal in addition to the $250 award. While highway workmen were doing some ditching recently just north of Holy rood, they Un-M earthed what was evidence dam. Location of the', swampy area nearby where the old cheese factory was lo­ cated. A well preserved piece_..of, birchT lbg” "wiith distinct beaver cutting marks was, among conspicuous remnants. LITTLE TOT IS NOW : IN WALKING! The folk qf this community are quite interested in the pro­ gress of little Judy Agnew, who since early childhood ‘' hasbeen in a cumbersome cast to correct , a, hip defect. Judy'was three last June and for some twenty months has been in a cast. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Agnew of Detroit, had her over ' to London at the week-end to see the bone specialist who has been doctoring Judy. Progress is qui^te favorable and the little tot had a new cast applied that will permit her to'walk. This cast is a precautionary measure to af- 1 ford support to the left leg to the knee which had been operated on. It is expected Jthat^in_about/ three months Judy will be free of this. . ’. . —The-- youngster, who" "““is the granddaughter of Mr, and Mrs. E. ILAgnew, has been here fre­ quency and by her cheery nat­ ure; despite her affliction, has become a little favorite with all , who know her. . ’ A night class in wood working will commence nekt Wednesday might Lucknow 'Districff High School under the direction of Mr. H. Bi Burden. The class ’starts at 8.00 o’clock. If sufficient registration warrants it, a sec- •ond shop work* class can be opened. < ■ / ■ ’ . . There have been enquiries about welding, and if enough- are interested in this field, a class . could be Organized when the’ equipment arrives/ A class for typing can- also be’ arranged if enmirih are interest­ ed in such-a cmiisse.