HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-11-03, Page 8■....... ’■ ' ' ■ ' .■ ’■ •' - 1 "S' : ...........' ....... ....... .............. ” ' '............................... A I THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO I on . t) WEDNESDAY, NOV. 3rd, I9S4 ENJOY YEARS OF 1 J Care StfCcVFa until / i UNDERWEAR FOR THE FAMILY " MEN’S ' ... ... ....." '....J COMBINATIONS Penmans 71, sizes 36 to 46 $7 ;------:—$4.00EACH :-■■■; ■&- Penmans 95, 2 suits for $15 § . Stanfields All wool & AU sizes — 2 spits for $15 g Seperate S SHIRTS & DRAWERS , g in Penman’s' 7L Penman’s S 95, Stanfields, all wool, arid g Stanfields cotton. g LADIES’ ~...................- STANFIELDS IM percent wool vestg and / bloomers. Regular $3749. ' 4 FOR $2.49 <!; ' vkaysek^ ■' ;'7 . J * 15 percent wool vests and < isnuggies. Sizes S, M &?L. !; . v '7 98c •, ' /' '* ; OTHERS OF 50% WOOL AT SPECIAL PRICES. ■ - \ ' THAT Miss Gladys Milne spent the week-end here. Gladys majored, in OTgUag^Tatt "Westr em University and: is now em­ ployed in the office of .. the ^General Tire Corporation, at Akron, Ohio, in the department, connected with shipments to foreign countries. i WITH A McCLARY Oil Space Heater AGENT FQR jaNC^bll^ CLEANERsl; Free Pick^ Mon^y arid Thursday. I'J ASHTON’S Men% Ladies’, Children’s Wearr-Piece Goods & Woollens ’ GIRLS’ 7 k ' VESTS and PANTIES : ' 15 percent wool—$1.0# each S.X .. COTTON in winter weight, from : I^^en’s UND WWEAR. ’ for 6 years ‘iii 15,-p6rv. cent wool rind all cotton. . 7 <■ V '.-7 ;7 x .* 7 -7^' \ V* £ BOYS’ 7 J Combinations « ’.Masons Knit, sizes 2 to M -J . 71 COMBINATIONS .. ; Sizes M ta;32------ $2415 ,< SEPARATE PIECES < in StaniieMs, sizes 6 to 16 J ■ SPECIAL &00: SUIT! 'i manager of the Lucknow Co-op groceiy/ has opened an I.G.A. store in Markdale for the Mark­ dale po-op; . THAT Mr. arid Mrs.* Jim Hamil­ ton have bought a home in ■ •^7* ^London and moved the firstof the week to their new resi­ dence. THAT a new member of the staff of . the Kincardine News is AL lap Miller, sori of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller of Langside. - THAT chicken pox is on the go in the community at present and isn’t solely confined to. children. Mrs. Mel Stewart has had a real dose of it, along with little Judy Stewart. Their daughter Dawn was the first victim in the household, but -—she’s back tb school again. THAT a note from Gordon S. McIntyre, which accompanied his Sentinel; renewal, read in part as follows: “Just this week we read of Rev. Colin Todd’s recent visit in Lucknow, and it brought back a few memor- - ies as it was just about the time of Mr. Todd’s move that \ I moved north to Sioux Look- out,’.Mx.^ erly taughlFschool at St. . Hel­ ens and Lucknow, is inspector of public schools in district division number 17 with head­ quarters at Bracebridge. THAT the Scouts held a success­ ful waste paper drive on Thurs­ day, obtaining about a six-ton truckload"of salvage/ with a considerable amount still on hand ‘ in the community shed. Anyone wishing to, , may still . leave paper at the shed for a future. shipment. I i I ^s> y rir w*v*■y *r'▼'v t "vy y y v. "r. y v".*r"T Time For ... . , 1 -•'■.•■7., * J LOOK OVER OUR SELECTION: TWin • . ; < Pineapple Rings* 4 ;oz. 19c < Australian « 21c^ ; 'Aylmer 7'7 ■ > Cut Mixed Peel, 8 oz. .... 18c ►Red Glace Cherries, 4 oz. 16c - bGut-Citron-Peelr^-pzX-^-L™^ ►Cut Glazed Fruits, 8 oz. 19c ’ - ► ■■ ► '■ ► ' ; '7 7 . ► ■ ► ■ ■ >■ plark’s 20 oz. >■ Boric A Beans ........ 2 for ► LGX • ► Choice Pumpkin, 28 Oz. / «LP. Sauce ............. ► Prem ................................ ► LG.A. Wax Paper* 100 ft. ► Interlake Tissue 7 2 for » MX. Sockeye Salmon, % , Gay Liquid Detergeiit ► Maple Leaf Mince Meat, ' ► 7 2 pie size 43c ■r 12c|SultanRRaisins_.------ Bleached Raisins, 15 oz I35c 17c 30c 39c 29c 25c 39c; 29c 1 Deep Cut Specials/ I.G.A. Margarine lb25c—4 1bs/98^ GRAPEFRUIT Florida 96’s 6. for 29c 1 THAT George. Irwin, sori • of Mr. and Mrs. Spence Irwin, has ex- and Mrs. Spence sailed from Korea pected to arrive home late this month. . . Irwin, and is < < ’ * < < EFFICIENT J EASY TO CLEAN EVEN, DEPENDABLE HEAT ECONOMY OF BEAUTIFUL * (V* OPERATION 4 * WM. MURDIE & SON ’PHONE 10, LUCKNOW Heating — Plumbing — Tinsmithing j Oil Furnaces Installed and Serviced " ASHFIELD FEDERATION (Continued from/page 1) said. The election of Officers; was •conducted by Mr. Gregg: pres., Wm. Culbert, vice-pres., Oliver McCharles; secretary-treasurer, Howard Blake, who was compli­ mented for- his efficiency; lady director,Mrs^OliverMcCharles, a new appointment to an active ladies committee under the coh- venership Of Mrs. Tait Clark. Directors by school sections are: Port Albert, Albert McGee, John . Bennett; Kingsbridge, Joe O’Keefe, Mark Dalton; Kintail, Earl Howes, Bob Simpson; Loch- alsh, ' Ken _MacKenzier- Duncan Farrish; Zion, Bill Hunter, Frank Ritchie; 4th Con., Rqss Eedy, Harburf Adams; Lothian, Kelso MacNay, Jim Gilmore; Dungan­ non, Eldon Culbert, Allan Reed; Cherry Grove, Arnold Alton, Bert Alton; Curries Corners,, Keith Johnston, Wilfred Farrish; Shep- pardton, Ralph Foster, Elmer THAT Dr. Duncan McLarty^ the guest speaker • at the High School Commencement on Fri­ day, was a classmate of Dun­ can MacRae ■ at. Western Uni- * versity and during his college days was , a frequent/visitor at the. farm of * Duncan’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John MacRae of Lochalsh. Mr. MariRae ’ is prin­ cipal of Collingwood High School which has an enroll­ ment of some 700 students. a a couple of cases and charges were laid, we understand, for both highway and liquor in- ™. ■ fractibrifT7 ; 7‘' ?' I Graham; Laurier, Jock Bradley, Duncan Thorburn; Belfast, Clif­ ford Hackett, Ralph Cameron; Paramount, Donald Hamilton, Grant Farrish; Hemlock City, Dave Cowan, Jack Mackenzie; Crewe, Lome Hasty, Raymond Finnigan; Diggins, Arnold Stoth- ers; Cedar Valley, Hugh MeWhin- hey; Nile, Clifford Stewardson; CreamProdu^ Clifford .Hackett; Hog Producers representatives, Bill Hunter, Ray­ mond Finnigan, Don MacKenzie; Wheat Producers' representative, Jack Bradley. Showed Tour Pictures Harold fiaker, assistant agri­ cultural representative, showed a series of pictures pn his tour of the British Isles, and prior to the showing stressed the importance of holidays and the planning and saving for them* What we have or have made when the bell tolls for its will •be of little consequence, he said. • The important things will be memories, friends we make, and. the! contribution we can make in , whatever field of endeavour .we follow. 4 His pictures were -interspersed with a piano duet by the, MacNay twins, Joyce and Elaine. 7 ' > . (r 1 WARM,* • RUBBER FOOTWEAR t THAT W. A. Bradbury leaves for Stockton-on-Tees, England, on Saturday. He; will sail from Quebec. Mrs. Bradbury and Steve do not leave .until’ after Christmas. •—9— THAT at the evening service in . the United Church, Mr. T. A. Cameron gave an excellent re­ port of the 10-day Conference which he attended this Fall in the Maritimes. THAT Hallowe’en passed off comparatively quietly . in the . cdmniunity. The weather may have been a factor, but more than likely , the main reason was the presence of Provincial Pol­ ice in the Village on Saturday evening. They Cracked down in A Complete Range of Warm Footwear for All Types of Weather. / I I MEN! SEE THE NEW Zero Proof Footwear Assures Warm Feet lip to 3.5 Degrees z Below Zero. 1 J < ’< * < 7— ’ Light Amber Honey, 4 lbs. 85cr : SMITH’S FOOD MARKET I S. C. Rath well & Son Fine Footwear For AU The Family -J',. .»■ -< MEN’S COMBINATIONS Fleece-lined combinations, strong ‘ cotton yarn, inside sottly fleeced for cosy comfort. Sizes 34 to 44. Price, suit......... ........... $2.98 Z 'js SNOW MITTS Waterproof, windproof, fleece- lined, tough, rubber • covered., Small, medium and large* jPribC '89c & $1.09 J LADIES* SWEATERS V 100 percentsweat-1 ■ ers, assorted colors^ size 14 to 20. Only .................................... $2.98 •'* ' DRAWERS AND SHIRTS , Fleeced drawers and shirts, med- . ium weight cotton Jersey cloth; Sifces 84 to 44, Only, each $L98 . I 7 . 4 / , ‘ r BOYS* RIVET DUNGAREES ' Double knee for longer wear and fully lined. .Sizes 5, 6,: 8. Price, 1 & .....L.w. $2.98. ; r BLANKETS Plaid flannelette blankets, softly napped - om both sides, neatly whipped ends. Size 70?’k80*7 v Ohly, a pair $4/98 TABLECLOTHS & SERVIETTES Damask cotton and rayon table­ cloths and serviettes. Hand-paint-4 ed and fast colors; Size 50x66, .price ................ $3.49 . Size 50x50, price ............. $2.98 Ladies’ colored printed flannel­ ette pyjamas. Long sleeves, but­ ton front jacket. Assorted, colors. Small, medium and large; Priced , .. at; a pair .^,^^<..$2,75; & $2.98