HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-11-03, Page 7i
WEDNESDAY, NOV. 3rd, f954
. /
Before You Buy Your Town Residence
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..........- ; • .a
of honoring the graduating stud
ents. Dr. McLarty, stressed the
pojnt that it was ho longer
enough to have the knowledge,
but one must ;have the certificate
to be recognized.
. A vote of. thanks was tendered
the speaker by Mr. Robert Rae,
and after a chorus by Grade 10
girls the evening closed with the
singing of “God save fhe. Queen”.
Officer >, of tx.e Huron-Bruce
Progressive Conservative’ AssocL
ation were elected as follows at
the annual- meeting last week:
Hon. Pres,, J. W. Hanna, M.P.P.;
pres., Know Ison Hueston, Gorrie;
1st vice-pres., Lloyd Jasper, Mild-,
may; 2nd vice pres.; David Car
ruthers,. Kinloss;, secretary, J.H.
Crawford of Wingham. '
J. W. Jo.yn.t acted as chairman
Shelbrpok„.,Sask. Mr. and Mrs.
Jack^Errington went West at the
san<> time, Sept. 12th, and were
at Ogema, farther south in Sask.,
also coming home the week be
fore. Repeated harvest trips have
been made, having relations and
friends there;
Esteemed Resident Laid To Rest
The funeral' of the .late Wm.
Sillib, 88, "who. passed away on
Tuesday of last, week at his home
after a, short illness, was largely
attended by relatives and neigh
bors. Rev. G. D. Watt, pastor of
Dungannon United __Church, . con
ducted the service Thursday af
ternoon at his late home in the
village, Mrs. Otto -Popp presided
for hymns and Mrs. Allan Reed
sang “In the Sweet Bye and
Bye”. Neighbors carried lovely
floral tributes. The pallbearers
were Leslie Schultz, Bill Watson,
Frank Thompson, Chas. Jeffer
son, Chas/ Robinson and .James
Leddy; Interment was in Green
hillCemetery, Lucknow.; ■
“^"Successful anniversary services
were ' held at ^rskine Presbyter^
Jan Church on Sunday, conducted
by the new minister, Rev. Wal
lace McClean. Guest soloist was
Miss Hazel Sparling of Elm vale
Mrs, A. K. Lightfoot of Kenora
is visiting ‘Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wil
son, 6th Com, West Wawanosh.
Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs,
Cecil ?lake, who last Thursday,
October 28, were presented with
a baby daughter at Goderich. Hos
; Mr. and Mrs. Chester Durnin
. of Irwin, Pa., spent the week
end with the former’s parents,
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Durnin and
aunt, ^Miss Ellen Durnin.
Visitors of Mrs. Minnie. Jones'
and Mel on Sunday were Mrs.
___W'ill Stewart,_Lillia.n—and—Mrsr
Allie Wilson and Mr. and Mrs.,
\ Reg Bowen of Auburn.
Rev. Hugh C. Wilson of Ontario
St. United Church, Clinton, ocr
cupi.ed the pulpit Sunday morn
ing at the Dupgannon United.
Church in exchange with Rev.
G. D. Watt, who preached for
' ; a special Sunday School. Rally
i . service at Clinton. A. lovely bou-
quet of mauve and White chrys-
| anthemums from the funeral-of
p" ^the_late'Wm; Sillib Were a mem-
orial tribute on the altar table.
I Mr. and Mrs. Victor1 Errington
I and grandson Donald Durnin, hr-
L rived homeLTast.; week ; from ___ ___.o _______
I spending si^ Weeks in the West-1 with Miss Barbara Wilson as or-:
I ern Provinces, staying mainly .at/ganist.- /z :
Naturally you prefer butter!
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prefer Butter
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For a booklet of grand, new dairy
food recipes, write.to Marie b aser.
A Division of Dairy Farmers of Canada;
The Lucknow District High
School Commencement was held
in the school auditorium on Fri
day night.. The evening opened
With selections, by sthe school
band under the directidh of Mr,
P; W.. Hoag, and the Glee Club
under the” direction of. Mr. G.
M. . Fleming of Kir canline
accompanied by Laurine
. Mr. Allister Hughes of the
L,D,HS. Board was chairman for
the evening, and in his remarks
paid tribute to the lovely lecturn
donated to the school by the
Henderson Brothers.
Secondary School Graduation
Diplomas were then presented
by Reeve S. E. Robertson to Jim
Hackett, Doug Haldenby, Laur
ine MqNain, Gladys Kilpatrick,
Sybil Barger, - Nancy Needham,
Erlma Percy, Mack MacDonald,
Norma Murray;
Mr. Robertson then presented
Intermediate Certificates to Mar
vin MacDonald, Marilyn Kilpat
rick' Lois Jo.hnston, R^l^mJHanir„
iHon7^iffi“;Mdffat, Irene ESlphick,
Bessie . Reavie, Bruce Hamilton,
Isabel MacPherson, Wilda Reid,
Edith Marshall, Ross McDonagh,
George . Webster, Bob Mowbray,
Archie McQuillan, Ann Pedersen,
Ben : Moulton, Carman Nixon.
Doug Conley, Marianne West,
Marg Armstrong, Caryl Gardner,
Ahn Crawford, Doris -Miller,
Belle Qraham, Ruth Treleayen;
arid Jim Reid. ’
.. A piano duet•• was then played
by. Joyce and Elaine MacNay,
followed by the” presentation of.
proficiency awards by Rev. Meik-
lejohn. The following were pre-*
sented: General Proficiency —in
Grade 9, Louise Andrew; Grade
9 English, Ruth 'Steer; General
Proficiency, in Grade 10, Archie ■
MacQuillan; Grade 10 history,
Archie-MacQuillan; GenefaI~Pro-"
ficiency in. Grade 11, Ernie Gib
son; Grade li Mathematics, Bev
erley Ashton; Grade 12 languages,
Florence Fry; Grade 13 science,
Carolyn Gibson. .
After , a piano sold; by Sybil
Barger, Mr. A. Hughes/ in the
absence of S. B. Stothers, pre
sented ‘the following awards:
Grade 1.3 English, Mack Mac
Donald; Band Members Shield,
Geo. Anderson and Bill Baulch;
The Miss F. E. McLean trophy
for languages - in - Grade l3, Joan“
Hamilton; Dr. Johnston shield
for- the greatest number of op
tions, Joan. Hamilton; Soldier’s
trophy for citizenship, Nancy
Needham; Wm. A.( Schmid pub-
patrick. \ .’ .
The male quartette sang two-
numbers after which Rev. Jen
nings' .presented the athletic,
awards. Senior champs, Ken
MacNay and Isabel MacPherson;
Intermediate champs, Geo. Rich
ards and Rozella Howald; Junior
(champs, Tom. Pritchard and . Don
na Johnston.
A folk dance by Grade 9 girls
was followed by the presentation
of the Women’s Institute Schol
arship by, Mrs. Charles Cook to
Mack MacDonald for general
proficiency in Grade 12. The Lit
erary Society scholarship for
Grade 13 was then presented by
•Ken MacNay to Joan Hamilton.
Mr. C. M. Carmichael of the
University of Western Ontario,
• who was relief teacher here, last
Spring, then presented honour
. .graduation- diplomas-to —Audrey-
Ross, Joan . Hamilton, Carolyn
Gibson and Bill Baulch.
. The Valedictorian for the ev
ening ’/vas Bill Baulch, one of
last year’s graduating class who
is now at the University of Wes
tern Ontario. Bill very ably paid*
tribute to his teachers through
out his high school days.' He
^.oiWme-nded—the--facilities of the
• new school arid' said that he was
friroud to be on.e of its.'firstgrad*.
! trophy - was’ then presented to
Bill by .Mr. Robed.Rae.. J........
z. The' guest, speaker, ' Dr. Dun-.
. can ' McLarty of the Botany De-
"partmonf of the ' University- o.f
Western Ontario .was then iritro-
•; diK'o’j. by ML Carmichael," who,
’ well as being an associate at
Wehool. is a cousin. Mr;'McLarty
■ <pokr on “Education in the Strug-
' for Existence”'. He expressed
his pleasure in speaking' at the
and ide
until the new president was' el
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