HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-11-03, Page 6irj i ® ■ 'y'- K ‘ *. i. i |F ,V (• r V- I 1 , I I • I f Ifr V * 4 PAGE six ’ ■ . 1 » THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,. QNTAfflp IBROWN BROS. ’Phone 181 Kincardine, PAYINGJ1IGHEST PRICES FOR LIVE POULTRY Poultry Culling A Specialty In accordance with government regulations our poultry . ' ■ coops are thoroughly washed and disinfected for ydur protection. Ii ! I i t WEDNESDAY, NOV. 3rd; 1954 KINGSBRIDGE Mrs. Murray, Mrs. Kasper and Mrs. Herbert of Detroit spent the week-end with relatives here. ' Congratulatipris to Mr. Mrs. Victor Finnie of Toronto upion the birth of ason on Oct. 30th. . Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Hart­ man of Kitchener and Mr. and Mrs. Jack McConville of Toronto visited with relatives here dur­ ing the past week. , Mrs. Harry Schmidt of Phila­ delphia and Mrs. Ed Shea of De-. troit„ spent the week-end with, their sister, Mrs; Jack Kinney. Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Bicknell and children,. Gary, David and Cathy of Toronto spent the weekrerid .with the Frayne fam­ ily. Douglas Frayne. returned to Toronto with them. Deadest sympathy is expended to Mrs, Bernardine. Kinpey upon the death of her husband on Oct. 26th. Friends- and relatives from a distanceattending the funeral were, Mr. and Mrs. N. Perry and Theresa, Mrs.. Kasper, Mrs. He­ bert, Mrs. Murray of Detroit/Mr. and Mrs. Len O’Loughlin, Mr. & Mrs. Norman O’Loughlin and Al­ bert oi Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Sphmidt of Philadelphia; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Shea of Detroit; Melvin O’Reilly of Windsor, T. J. Lan­ non of London; Jas. Ganter of Detroit. V . ----attendance ofabout 300 people were present, for the mas­ querade arid dance held in the parish hall last Friday First prize on the draw by Matthew Foley, 2nd Gilmore, 3rd by Herb Goderich. The C.W.L. wish to thank Mr. and Mrs. Omiar Brooks and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Brown of Dungannon for acting as judges for the costumes and Mrs. T. J. Drennan, Mrs. Simpson and Mr. Wisner of Goderich Parent - - Teachers’ - Assn;- f Or--j udging-Mhe- exhibits produced bv ttye child­ ren of this parish. Prizes for . garden produce • went, to Kerry Hogan, Alice Dalton and. M. Vas- ella; for wooddraft, John Van for needlecraft, Dianne Lierman, Mary Ellen O’Neill and Patricia Anri Martin; baking, Dianne Lier­ man, Kathleen Dalton, Patricia Drennan; arts", Donald Drennan, . Brian-l5alton. Children’s costume prizes went to Maureen Dalton; Dianne Lierman, John Van Osch, evening, was won by John Simpson, Keith Valad; adults’ costume ^ri-zes-to-Jbyee-’LM land, George Moncrief,. Patricia' Walsh. ■ OBITUARY JOHN W. KINNEY The death of the late John . . Kinney occurred at his homp at Kingsbridge on October 26 th, af­ ter an illness accepted with true Christian spirit. Born in Youngs­ town, Ohio, on October 2nd, 1896, "he was a son of John W, Kinney and Catherine Kinney of County Mayo, Ireland, and inherited -genial,- _ light-hearted - personality, of his race, whiph he maintained to the last. Employed as a crane operator, he, lived at Youngstown until 1935, when he -moved . to Detroit and since his marriage to Barn- ardine O’Loughlin ir^ 1946 he has been a summer resident at Kings­ bridge. 0 ' He is< survived by his wife, a son John W. of Detroit; two dau­ ghters, Mrs^-Marth a Koley and Mrs. Jos. Polonoski of Youngs­ town and nine grandchildren, children of a former marriage. Requiem High Mass was cele­ brated by Rev. H. Van Vynckt, P.P. and Rev. Gerald Orsini, C.S.B., of4 Rosenberg, Texas, spoke on the immortality of the soul. Interment was in St. Jos- eph’s Cemetery. Pallbearers were John O'Connor, John S. Dalton, Michael O’Neill, Jos. O’Keefe, Duncan Simpson and O’Loughlin of Detroit. Relatives ^attending the from a distance were a son, John, brothers,'Mr. and Mrs. •Luke Kinney, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kinley, Mr. and Mrs. M. Kinney; a sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Russel Of Youngstown; his uncle,.. Mar­ tin Kinnev and cousin Donald of w. SPORT... LITTLE HOCKEY INTEREST, BUT TWO TEAMS LIKELY ...........„.............: •' ' ’ Hockey .enthusiasm, so. far as getting either players Qr fans out to a meeting# seems about nil locally, but despite this there are prospects of at'least a juvenile and intermediate team. A Juvenile meeting called last Thursday night, with the Legion as the sponsoring group, drew an attendance of four, persons. Despite this, there is some likely- talent for a Juvenile squad and -Legion-- officials—have—indicated- r’they will enter and Back a team, but the managerial problem is. another matter to be solved, Ari Intermediate meeting, call­ ed earlier, drew a blank, but Mel. Stdwart and Harold Greer, who are beating the drum for a teajh, have informed WOAA officials that the Sepoys may be in there yet. It would be an Intermediate “C” entry, . - On lyednesday night the WOAA meets to arrange groupings and other details. Following this, and prior to" schedule drafting, an-; .otherMiid^ will _hje_jnpade„±p„h,old! a hockey meeting here", for a yes •or no decision;* TIMBER TIPS ; a* Albert funeral grand­ tin Kinney and cousin Donald Topawanda^ N.Y^ ------- -—-------------------------—T-----------■ -U . DurigannOiftaisIhaps Richard Park, Sr., of Dungan­ non, lost two fingers recently in a machinery mishap while silor ’ Tfiiiirrg—gfr^^Wrlbu couple of years ago he suffered a broken- leg when attacked, by a bull- t Mrs. R,ebina Sproul was. an­ other accident victim. She broke her arm when she fell , from a chair while cleaning the veran­ dah eavetrough. Will Your Home Be Comfortable . TO LIVE IN THIS WINTER? Check This Li A for Items Which Can Save You Money By-Reducing Heat Loss. / w Storm Windows’, both wood and aluminum Combination Doors, both wood and aluminum Chulking Cemetif^ black and grey > 1 \ ■ Putty • Glass, cut to any size .............-• ’ ^It .....-jTitatL* A:.r-. i J.... / Metal Interlocking Thresholds • 1 . Door Closers • . ’ Insulation '' ■ JOHN W. HENDERSON LUMBER LIMITED Luckow Phone 150 — Ontario »v*- Plumbins and Heating Service 1 AND REPAIRS l Qil Burners Serviced-—Units CpriVerted “ Complete? Repairs for Deep and Shallow Well Pumps Automatic Hot Water Tanks Installed For a free estimate call or see ART GILMORE R. B. 3, Lucknow 61-r-13 Dunjannon 4. LANGSIDE Excitement ran high on alleys 3 and 4 on Wednesday night as Hamilton’s Kangaroos ran wild over Caesar’s not-so-lucky Cubs to take 7 points. Bpb Nanson scored two >riew /records zfor his night’s work with a 304 flat Single and a 704 flat triple. His triple with handicap totals 872, which is almost a game by itself. Joan Cormack scored 281 flat to set a new lady’s single record. The team scored a new (team single of 1053 flat and a new team triple of 2892 flat. Lois Crowston and Larry Salkeld also -gave thetr- team -strong -support with 634 and 706 respectively, handicap included. Johnstone’S Chipmunks had to be*satisfied with 2 points giving Anderson’s Gophers 5. Chip­ munks Bill and Mae Hunter turned in good scores but Go­ phers Charlie and Anne Anderson and ’ Clarence Greer were too strong for them. Button’s Squir­ rels took 5 points from McKin­ non’s Beavers who - are having trouble getting going this year. The Squirrels collected a' team in a hurry to fill the vacancy, left by the Lions and are’ now in fifth place. Bannister’s Wolver­ ines are going . ahead without their captain who has been ill TbTTTie past couple of weeksTTfiis" week, they took 5 points from Webster’s Pole Cats as'Jack Fish­ er turned in a 651 triple plus 7)3 making a 709 total. -Beryl Mow­ bray chalked up a high count of .515 plus 144 totalling 659 for the Pole Cats. Jamieson’s. Zebras now in second place, took . 5 points from Finlay’s Coons. Ken Jardine gave his team a lift while Gor-. don Bailey scored high . on the Cpons. • Team Standing Kangaroos 22, Zebras 19, Go­ phers 17, Wolverines 17, Squir­ rels 12, Pole Cats 11, Cooris 11, Chipmunks ’ 9, Cubs 9, Beavers 6. .... .... I MISS DEAN MacLEOD WAS THANKOFFERING SPEAKER Sympathy of this community is extended to the family and friends of the late Mr. Thomas Hill, whose funeral took place in Ripley with interment in. Dang* side Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs; Ted McClenaghan have been •‘yiictirns of the myriips. Mr. Clarence Adams, who return­ ed from the West a short time ago, is assisting at the home. Mr. arid Mrs. Fraser MacKin­ non arid, family of 4th Con. west and Mrs. Jack Wilson of Hamil­ ton visited recently with Mr. and -MrsT"Russel^Ritehie^^^i—------ Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Young and family and Mrs. Young, Sr., are moved and settled in their new home <hey purchased from Mr. and Mrs. Neil MacDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Evans arid family of London visited Satur­ day with his . parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Eyang and Teddy. Allan Miller of the Kincardine News office spent the week-end at thfcJhome^fLW^^^ arid^Mrs. Wank Miller. Mr. and Mrs. John Crowston, Clarence, Lois, Myrtle and Cecilia yisited- Sunday afternoon with Kincardine friends. Mr. Wes Tiffin arrived homie from Wingham Hospital Satur­ day. - / The kind hospitality of the -home of Mr. and—Mrs; Charles Tiffin/was again enjoyed on Tues­ day evening last when neighbors and friends of Mr. and Mrs. . Elliott and Charlie, Jr., met to honor them, prior to their, mak­ ing their home in Lucknow. On behalf of .those present, Mr. Jas. ?Richardsori read a short/address;/car emerging from a lane is re- ■and made the presentation of a lovely trilight lamp. Crokinole •and cards were played. Lunch was served to conclude a pleasant social evening, i < ■-A“^good^tim«^was^enjoyed—at- the- masquerade^ dance . at» the comfriunity .hall Thursday, night. For prizes, Donna Moffat cap­ tured /the. prizfe. for girls, Mac Conley for boys, Catherine' Maic- “Eepnan of Lucknow "Tor ladies ' -; ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE Armature, and Field Winding, Brushes, Bearings, Etc. -----Reliable Service-—- - Freezers, Dryers, Washers Gilson Sales -r- Appliances Repairs to Fans, Vacuums, Clippers, Drills, Etc. , HALDENBY ELECTRIC Kinlough Phone Ripley 111-r-£9^. and Mrs. Jack Birche;ll Of Wirig- ham for men. Parties were held at No, 8 and No. 9 schools when ladies and children were invited. ^Congratulations go to Mr. and ■ Mrs1. Ron McLellan^ (nee Agnes Conley) on the gift of a Jittle hockey player, Cameron Harold- and will make his home, at Lore;- buririj Sask. SCHOOL TEACHER ESCAPES - INJURY IN CAR CRASH Miss Lois Hunter, teacher, at Murray’s School, was in a motoi- accident enroute to her home at Armow pn Monday after school. About a mile west of Bervie a ported to .have failed to stop, and struck Miss .Hunter’s car broad- ■ side, doing some $800 damage. . She was op the opposite side to the impact and escaped with ^Oratches^;nd”a’™shakm'g-^U’p7~5Hi-e7—— driver of the other car was ad­ mitted to. Kincardine Hospital;. Miss Hunter, with her parents, returned that evening to hrr school where a . Hallowe’en soui a/ was held. ’"-■'/ BIGKVALUEg__ IN ( LATE M MODELS • * ,7~~ ■ • ZSi I V iVb V, 7 Look At These Prices! -~The^cbm-bmed ^Thahkoffering" meeting of the Afternoon and Evening Auxiliaries of. the Pres­ byterian W.M.Si wa§ held in the church on Wednesday evening, with the presidents of both soc­ ieties on the platform. Mrs, Mason had. the scripture reading and. meditation o,n “The Thank­ ful Heart” and readings’ were given by. Mrs’. Harry Anderson and Mrl. ,B. Reid; Miss. M. Mai- presided-at -the- piano • and VOT1H IU UILU U11 LTI5 LI m t HI cl b / A very informative and inspir-7 ing address wax., given by Miss Dean, MacLeod on the subject “Wh.at is the, future of foreign Missionaries'' on the Mission Fields of the World, and 'how can- we best assist 'the.ro?ty Beautiful Thanksgiving slides were shown by, Mrs. Morgan Henderson with the' script being read by Miss Gladys, MapDonald, -after,'which iunch ^vas served; '■ ’ 1954 Chev.. Belair Powerglide Sedan, fully equipped $2,295 1954 Chev. Deluxe Sedan, fully equipped ............ 1,995 1954 Chev. Standard. Sedan, »fully equipped .............. 1,895 1954 Pontiac Sedan, fully equipped ..... Deluxe Sedan, fully equipped Chev. Standard Sedan, .fully equipped CheV. Coach> fully equipped ...... . Pontiac . Sedan .................. .. ....... Chev. Sedan, Chev. Chev. Coach, 1951 Chev. 1951 Chev., 1949 Studebaker 5-Passcnger Coupe ’ \,./ 1947 Chev; Flcetiihe. Coach, fully equipped ., . 1,895 . 1,659 1953 1953 1953 1952 19.52 1952 1948 1947 1943 1949 Sedan, Sedan Coach fUliy equipped ... two-tone ... low mileage .... V,595 ' . 1,395 . 1,595, / i#395 . 1,295 . . 1;,295 . 1,095 . 1,095 . • 695 Reo 3-Toii Cab and Chassis ...... Chw»’''^'Jl;6n- Pickup ..... Dodge 1-Toii Fanel . .. E'pfd Tractor and Pimv/ new rear tir^s , Brussels Motors Huron County’s Foremost Used Car Dealers Cash/ Trade, Terms -— Open Evenings Until 10 Cities Service beaier . phnne Brus^ $600 295? 245 $500