HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-11-03, Page 5*V WEDNESDAY, NOV. 3rd, 1954 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO mA ❖i •> . ...., ■' ■ • x......... ; Lyceum Theatre I WINGHAM First Showing Starts at 7,15 p m, Saturday Matinees 2.00 AV ! I i i i M-G-.M’s FIRST PRODUCTION IN 4 .**■-* YOU SEE IT WITHOUT SPECIAL GLASSES THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 4, 5, 6 AKE GREAT AWAITED ENTERTAINMENT EVENT I Miiiiylits of the Kmmd. k Table in COLOR magnificence! I i i i ' j i i • I ■ - i ■ i FI —i "i ; i i ■ '.f- r- i—i • i i ■ i re* Technicolor Cinemascope I: ' V ' ■ r Starring r. _ _ _ _ROBERT TAYLOR I AVA GARDNER • MEL FERRER. i Anne CRAWFORD- Stanley BAKER. An M-G.-M picture I f I Screen Play byTALBOT JENNINGS. JAN LUSTIG and NOEL LANGLEYj ' B»s«d On Sir Thomis M»lory's "LE MORTE D'ARTHUR" i Directed by RICHARD THORPE • Produced by PANDRO S. BERMAN I i ii i i ♦i i i . j ■ ’ jHow to Marry a i ' t MONDAY, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8th, 9th ALEX GUINNESS and JOAN GREENWOOD, in The Detective ONOUR^NEVV^VVTDI^VHSION-~SeRFI?N-~“ Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, NOVEMBER 10, 11, 12, 13 Marilyn Monroe and Betty Grable, in PAGE FIVK t---. I —r-..4 CATTLE PRICES OFF ON FRIDAY The Huron «. Perth Shorthorn Club’s third annual sale of Scotch Shorthorn cattle was held in the_ local arena last Friday with the prices off considerably from the sale held a year ago. . Thirty-tvvo head in all passed through the sales ring, bringing $7,350, ot an average of $230 a head. The sale average a year ago was just over $300. Four bulls brought $930 or an average of $233, The .top bull, Royal Masterpiece, was purchas­ ed by William Hasty of Dungan­ non for $285. He was consigned by William R. Pepper of Seaforth. The top female, Augusta 125th, was also a Pepper animal. She was purchased by Lloyd Pinker­ ton & Sons of Pinkerton for $370, Twenty - eight females totalled $6,420 or averaged $230. Those purchasing animals at the sale were: Roy Pathison, R. R, Wingham; J. A. McKague, Wingham; Wm. Hasty, Dungan­ non; Alvin Irwin, R. 3, Lucknow; William Morley,. Ailsa Craig; A^ Ar-Bragg;“St7^Marys;“Eiwarr’Mc- ; Pherson, Lucknow; Sam Moulton, R. 2, Kincardine; Luther Morley, Ailsa Craig; John Ackert, Holy­rood; Ross Anderson, Wingham; I Andrew Gaunt, Lucknow; Wai-; ter H. Scott & Sons, Belgrave; Lloyd Pinkerton & Sons, Pinker­ ton; Louis Pelton, Embro; Cliff ChadboUme, Kincardine; Orville Free, Dungannon; Jim,, Moulton, Kincardine; Robert Michie, Brus­ sels’; WcJT.-. David Scott, Teeswater; Melvin Taylor & Sons, Belgrave; Albert Cook, Lucknow; Eldon Wilson', Brussels; Dr. W. M. Stapleton, Seaforth. Andrew Gaunt of St. Helens was sales manager. Fr 1 The PLAYHOUSE First Show at 7.30; Second, 9.15 . s-- Matinee Saturday Thursday, Friday, Saturday/ November 4, 5, 6 Erroll Flynn, Marian Hopkins, Randolph Scott, Humphrey Bogart, in Virginia City ON THE NEW WIDE SCREEN . *• Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday November 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th puncan Macrae and Adrienne Corri in a rare and moving story that will steal right into your heart, THE KIDNAPPERS Presented under Sponsorship of the Canadian Legion. Two Shows Nightly — First at 7.30. \ / ‘ ■ • ’ . . ' • • .• ’ • •1 <7 THE VOICE OF TEMPERANCE I Mrs. Frank .McQuillin, Mrs. An­ nie' Struthers. Mrs.' Elmer John­ ston. Mrs. Jack Bannister, .Mrs. Wilfred .Hackett, Mrs; Jack Fish- Mrs. R- H. Thompson,.. Mrs. cooking.1 Forger. Mrs-. Wm. Stanley, school “ held in - th'e - Town ■■■ Hal H-C ook,- - Mrs. Gordon .last ' Thursday .afternoon under ! Morrison.'Mi's. Joan kiloatnck. „i.yspj(ies^dL4he-4A^omieriLs-^^^oc-i^-h- ' - -------------------------- atiOn of'Lucknow United church.; ■ Miss. McKinnon, who h a d ■ charge of the/school, had a nro/t dpl'easing personality as well Tis. culinary 'Skill. She was assist- -At . . ...4 THREE HUNDRED CADIES ENJOY COOKING SCHOOL A crowd of about three hun- ■dred ladies attended and enjoyed ’ the Canada Packers ' EO L'RTH'CCNCESSION ' ' *■ . ■ ' ■ ■ , _.lr . * •. \ ‘ Mr ,anT Mr^AIhn Graham.' & Ai.ne, snent th.> Jvrck-ond' in Tor- -ordo 'Uiirl afh'ndej'' a'; fri^nck’s CULROSS CORNERS Mr. George * Bannerman, who has spent the past two months with his daughter, Mrs. Alex Whytock, has gone to .Wingham tb spend sorr^e rtime with Mr.. and. Mrs. James Carr and family., , Mrs. Graham held a Hallo- we-en party for her pupils in the school on Friday afternoon. They report a good time. Miss Helen Schumacher spent Thursday with" her grandparents, Mr; and Mrs.^_Wm,_ Wall, Kin- lough; • We are glad to report that Mr. Lome Becking w£s able: to be •brought home from /Wingham Hospital on Tuesday. _The community extends svm- pathy to Mr. Frank Brown;, in the loss of his aunt,, the late. Eliz­ abeth Wail, who passed away suddenly on Saturday. Relatives from here attended the funeral on Tuesday, at her late residence to Kincardine. Cemetery. . Mr. Frank Brown had his fin­ ger gashed While buzzing wood. Thursday. The injured finger re­ quired. medical attention. Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Ivan Pollock of. Ripley on, the birth .of a son in Kincardine Hos­ pital, Mrs. Pollock was the form­ er Alice Wall of this community^ Mrs; James Wraith 'and Mrs. Ale£ Whytock attended a.session­ al meeting or the W.A, at the United Church at ; Kinipss last Wednesday wh'en. Miss- Marion Hodgins? a former resident of this community, spoke about her work in the mission field, at Ethelbert, 1 Manitoba. ■' ■ • ■ • • Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wraith spent Sunday "With- Mr. and Mrs', J, Er- pihgton/ Dungannon. ' ■ • ' •' ' ... J'. . / Liquor, (“firewater”) and gun- jpowder—-were-’CloselyA-lmk«d-~in_ pioneer days in Ontario. We men’s Association of the United Church will be held in the Aux­ iliary Rooms, Lucknow, on Sat­ urday afternoon commencing at 2.30. Be sure to attend. , / /Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnston of Weston were' week-end visitors with her mother, Mrs. McNeil. Murray Gaunt of the O.AjC., Guelph, was home-for the week- ...-■■-——— ‘ -v ■' ‘ ..s’ Held Masquerade Dance . Although the attendeance was disappointing, a good time was enjoyed. at the Hallowe’en Dance under thee auspices of the Wo­ men’^ Institute. The prize win­ ners included: Fancy dressed couple, Phyllis Barbour and Bet-. ty/MeDbnald; faney;iiress!ed“WXF“ man or man, Lloyd Hunter; comic dressed woman or man, Mr^. El­ mer Foran; Comic dressed boy, Michael Foran; comic dressed girl, Donna Aitchison; fancy dreessed boy, Barry McQuillim; fancy dressed girl, Terry Wil'son. Bruce’s orchestra provided music for the chance. Prize for the spot , dance was won by Mr. and Mrs. Allan Miller.- Mr. and Mrs. Callum Cameron and Caryl of Detroit were week­ end guests of Mywand Mrs; John' pameron. . speak today of alcohol being % certain percent ‘‘proof’. Before there were official standards^_. men wanted“to be sure that their- liquor had not been diluted; They disliked paying for- water. So> they would wet gunpowder with, the liquor and if it would light and burn, the liquor was ‘‘proof*. Today, by law, proof spirits, or 100 percent proof, contain one- half of their volume of alcohol. This property of burning gave rise to the name “firewater”. This liquid that burns and that is used/ as a fuel to run motor cars sure­ ly is a dangerous drug to put in a beverage. It inevitably ent- . ers the blood stream and event­ ually gets to the brain,—Advt. ' MINISTERIAL STUDENT IS " NEPHEW OF LOCAL TEACHER - A. testimonial night" was held at JSt. John’s United Church, Chesley, on Sunday evening for Alan Neelon, a young man of the congregation who has entered University to*study for the min- istry. • • The Lakeshore Inter Church . male choir took part in Sunday evening’s service, and Alan spoke and sang. The evening’s offering was the church’s contribution to bis college tuition. . /■ Alan is a nephew of. Mr.. Wm. .: MacDonald Of the Lucknow Dis­ trict High School staff. I If ST. HELENS .The ladies are' reminded* of the meeting of the, Worrteh.’s Institute aFthe’-hom.e of Mrs. Allan Miller this (Thursday) afternoOn.at 2.30. Roll calL n gpod turn . ^°^e. who have hot handed in their gift" for a convalescent and who stijl wish to do so, plehse bring it to this meeting. ' t ■ , •The Sacrament Of the Lord’s Supper was observed in the Un- , ited. Church on Sunday morning unity. with Rev. C. C. Washington of ’ ”«*’•'Amuiui-. of i Auburn ih charge, Mn Sparling ? ■ ^Renzie, Mts; M. SorouE Witvj. Mi.'S Maigu* '■ services'at ;• W. Of ha^ M'rs. Mun-ay nwtouse and package* ol Canada] to aF.i-nd HW' .yiwoi .uo.n •Ackers bfbducts w&re vvdn •byjnwheement,^ ■ ■ : by Mrs. Kenneth Cameron And r(1’d ' - - “ ■ Vreddirttf. . ’ .’Air.an I Mrs. H'nvf’y MacDbt .and ? all of 1 (juunto and-MryR,’d M ■: i Dn: qair ef I.u'ckhfcw werr’wei hmH gurrK with Mr ai^l M ’ * d» MauDoiiga/ind family . Mrs. Grant MacDiarrhid.-"Ai)pli;.(.V’7/;; ■ atidcs used .at the 'school were 'supplied by Greer - Radio ’'Electric, ’ ■ • . ■ ■ Names were drawn to dci'iJc Or CwVIXLSM .......... , r , , ..during the? afternpon | Hamil. cooked" ".'b/.' M ‘i/'on (or fbi’Hi.Hf*. the re- ■ war,Is re,'viVcd hT Friday' night’s i (’i)i-nmenuemen’, ;' ’ Mr>\- IMAujvcr 'and ■ Mrs.' T, A. Macr^innlti nf Lucknow and Mrs. Walter Birch of Toronto visited 'nnirsdav with . Mr.' and Mrs, fra Dickie and unnfly, . Mi.>s Mai’garet-. MacD?'"s,) farina", mote; ed '■ ' • 1r- * “""'icles '"ma'd e.or . McRinnbn /.........o ___ % ’Jhd the winners included Mrs, 'W Hedley, Mrs, Harold Ritchie, Mrs. l; Cummings, Mrs. Clare .' Johnston, Mrs. Thelma MacDon- -Mrs. Kenneth Cameron, Mrs. Colling, Mrs. Clarence Greer, . Wm,. Arnold; r Mrs. Bruce i flUUUiui. tfonduc^ed anniversary services di d Donnybrook. ' ' J'- | The annual bazaar by the Wo* J AN PAY MORE 8 AN TBU Y BETTE BLYCC » 1 R SOLD ONLY AT YOUR LOCAL CO-OP ■PHONE 71, LUCKNOW MMMiaMBiMmHMipill ■ I lli III ■!! I HU I