HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-11-03, Page 1»WKB»Ss
$2.50 A Year In Advance—$1.qq Extra To U.S.A.
I • ............. .........................j . ... ,,, ,................ »
Federation Fieldman Points To
Lack Of Farm Forums In Ashfield
Wm. Culbert of Dungannon
was re-elected president of the
Ashfield Federation of Agricul
ture at the annual meeting and'
banquet held in the Recreational
• Centre on Tuesday night, with
■the Woihen’s Association of Hac
kett's United Church serving a
/delicious turkey supper with all
/ the trimmings. A vote of thanks
/ was tendered the ladies by Lorrie
i Hasty and replied to by Mrs. Jim
Nelson. Prior to the meal Mrs.
■ Allan Reed played piano airs. :
. In the chairman’s remarks Mr.
Culbert referred "to two projects
; the Unit had sponsored this year
I —calfhood vaccination and soil
|/ testing, with a very poor response
4n-the^latter-case.—:—— ;
I Oliver McCharles introduced
I : the head table, including Rev.
I and Mrs. Alex Nimmo, Reeve S.
I E. Robertson, Mrs. McCharles,
I Wm. Culbert,' Mr. and Mrs. How-I ard Blake, Jack'MacKenzie, Gor-I don Gregg, Reeve Cecil Blake,I Harold Baker, Mr. and Mrs. S.I B. Stothers and Mr. and Mrs.I Doug O’Neil.
I ' Messrs. S. E. Robertson,’ Cecil
.1 Blake and Steve Stothers spoke
I in turn and Doug O’Neil brought
I greetings from.Colborne and the
I County Federation.
I No Forum In Ashfield
I Gdrdori Gregg, Huron County
I, fieldman,
I * activitiieg/
■ complete
■l.„_ried in/a paper to be issued in
I mid-November , ih-, place of the
■ customary year book. The fin-
B ancial position is the strongest
■ in several years. He said they
»■? wer?,, <or vote on a
kj wheat *producers mar k e t i n g
K scheme, and in' this regard Jack
■- . Bradley was later added to the
K Ashfield directorate as represeh-
■ tative on the County Board.;
■ - Mr. Gregg sajd it was unfort-
■ unate there were no farm forums
■ in Ashfield and offered assistance
■ in organizing them. The Forum is
■ . • the education arm of the Federa-
■ tion. It is a means, of discussing
■ farm- problems, and we have
■ plenty of them he added.- He said
■ he was concerned with the op
fl schemes and Urged active dir
fl ectors from each municipality
■ on these County Boards.
fl \ A film projector purchased
fl jointly by Township and County
■ Federations is . available , for a
■ very small fee.
K ' Rev. Nimmo, who was emiss-
B. ary for John W. Hanna, M.P.P.,
B was sympathetic to the problems
B of the farmer, and felt that it
B vas important that city folk be
B made aware of these , problems.
B “Everyone is dependent on you
B and we should • never forget our
B indebtedness to the. farmer’’, he
B (Continued on Page 8)
Ihere was an exceptional array
of costumes at the masquerade
dance on Friday night sponsored
by the Ladies’ Auxiliary to the
Canadian Legion. Prize winners
were:c fancy lady, Mrs. Lloyd
Ashton; fancy gent, Mrs. Keri
Mowbray; comic lady, Mrs. Ed
Emerton of Goderich in a cow
costume; comic gent,. Bill But
ton; lady’s priginal, Mrs. Cliff
Mrs.Congram;; gent’s original,
Howard Cowan.
The judges were Mrs. J. C.
McNab, Miss Joan Cormack and
Mrs.- K. - L—MacKenzieT" ~ ‘ ~
Winner of the lovely quilt
Mrs. "Dan Thomson. ‘
. Taking advantage of the brief
spell of fine weather last week,
a half dozen - Ashfield farmers
very thoughtfully staged a bee
to harvest Kelso MacNay’s flax,
crop. Kelso has been ill for a
time with bronchial asthma, and
he and his family are very thank
ful to tthose who assisted them.
They included Wilfred (Pete)
Farrish and • “Freddie”,- Lloyd
Cline, Jim Gilmore, John Gil-Cline, Jim Gilmore, John
more and Bob Farrish.
reviewed the year’s
pointing out that a
report would ’ be' car-
Spence Irwin, cement contrac-..
“"torof Lubknow, is a . patient in
. Wingham Hospital with severe
injuries, which he suffered ,ori
Saturday morning when his truck
went out of control on the slushy,
. Dippery, highway south of Bel
fast. Spence was enroute to work
i at Gordon Anderson’s in Ash*
? . field when the accident occur -
'' red. • . L; ■■ ■..■
t . A freak snowfall had piled lip
; a considerable depth of snowbc
it'was in front o£ the former
Members of ,the Lucknow
Branch of the Canadian Legion
have a busy week’s activities
planned, including a. Poppy Day
^Blitz, a—special -show ""at" the
Playhouse Theatre, the annual
Remembrance Day Service, and
the dari'ce, bingo and prize draw
that night. ; i
. To Blitz Town
Legion members are to meet at
their hall on Thursday evening
at 7.00 p.m. to stage a poppy
blitz of the Village. Qn S.aturday
"members of the Ladies Auxiliary
will assist Legion members in
holding their Poppy Tag Day.
Proceeds of the sale of these
poppies are used locally solely
for. benevolent and welfare work,
for needy or misfortunate veter
ans and their families. The pop
pies and wreaths are made by
disabled veterans, who are thus
gainfully employed, so that.
Poppy Day serves a twq-fold pur
Four Day Show
The first . four days of next
week, Monday through Thursday,
“The Kidnappers” will be pre
sented at The Playhouse under
Legion auspices. There will be.
two shows nightly, the first- starting at 7.30. / " /
“The Kidnappers” is a gripping
story and has nothing to do with
crime or violence as the name
might suggest. It is filmed' in
rugged Nova Scotia country, typ
ical of the Scottish Highlands and
features a sterri. old Scot, who
is determined to retain the land
•he feels is • rightfully his, for his.
two orphaned grandsons, that he
raises under strict discipline and
Remembrance Day Service <
The annual Remembrance Day
service will be held in St. Peter’s
Anglican Church at f,10.00 a.m,,
followed by the placing of
wreathis and other ceremonial
tributes at the Cenotaph at 11.00
o’clock. Members of the -Legion
-and“Auxiliary and other groups
joining the parade are to meet
at the Recreational Hall, at. 9.50.-
Dance, Draw, Bingo
That evening in the Recreation- .
al Centre there will. be . the an-’
nual dance", birigo arid prize, draw,,
Featuring the .draw prizes is
an Admiral .j-V. act. ■ ,
A' meeting of the directors ot
the Lu.ckrwW Agricultural • Soc-
Effective at the end of the
month, A. W. Hamilton conclud
ed 48 years’ of railroad service.
He served as. agent at Lucknow
for over three decades, and re
tires here, where he will devote
a good deal of ‘his spare time
to pheasant raising which he
plans to expand from a hobby
to a commercial, business__
Remembrance Day Thurs-
day, November 11th, has been
declared a civic holiday by
the Village Council; a n d . /'
_ Reeve -S.- EJ-Robertson-auth--" -
orized to proclaim it as such
and jail upon citizens to .
• observe it. -
Congregation Welcomes
Rev. and Mrs. McClean
The congregation of Lucknow
Presbyterian * Church held a re
ception and presentation on
. .Thursday’evening for. their new
pastor and his bride, Rev. and
Mrs. Wallace McClean, who have
taken up residence at The Manse.
. A very happy time was spent?
by the. large gathering, and the
presentation of two platform,
rockers to, Rev, and Mrs. Mc
Clean, who each replied very ac
ceptably. /
The presentation address was
made by Mr. Stuart Robertson,
Clerk of the Session and Leonard
MacDonald assisted in presenting
the gifts.
. Another presentation was made
,by Norman Taylor to Rev. J. R.
MacDonald of Ashfield and Rip
ley. He was, interim moderator
during the pulpit vacancy and
was presented with a cheque oh
behalf of the congregation in ap
preciation of his very valuable
services; "... ,. ...t ’
Cameron MacDonald was chair
man/ Interesting . slides were
shown by Jim Henderson of
members' "ofthe congregation
taken .‘ at various Church fuiicf^
Dean MacLeod and Miss Aimie
MacKay, Violin selection by Dr.
J. E. Little, piano solony Miss
Kathleen Macintosh;. instrument
al mUsip by Norman Taylor and
Dr. Liftle. The musical numbers’
were interspersed by brief re
marks by visiting clergymen, in
cluding Rev. H. L. Jennings, Rev.
G. A. MeiklejohnjRev. X R. Mac
Donald, Rev., Wm. A, Henderson,
whp; was previously associated
and r?rtsbytery, and Rev. Atex Nim-
P”11 was in front ox. the former I night w ><?' i-A J „ . , tt i„ the nio who expressed appreciation
Jnnne Henry farm that Spen6e’s i rbconiw®'^ ' m. *, ij,n behalf of the visitors .to those
^waso^uredRya^pray otlpriM^v Tiljl.;wKc, Kad arranged the evening.'.
slush .and. in a twinkling his
KpRP truck had Veered into
Jue ditch and hurtled over; It
badly wrecked, •
..Spence suffered severe -head
a crushed chest arid
The extent of his injuries
were not immediately known arid
, JWs were taken to Tuesday to
uetorm ino th is. ■ ’ .
f-n fin' torrential rain on fair iwhc? had arr ,
■ ..±direchTs of the" out-of ’ Rev. Robert • MaeconneU Often*
hurt » urobkm re- ed and closed the mfeetmg with
jcordinff the, /P'Rev? arid Mrs. McClean were
.nhday -riighi and ili'e secretary J
! aiav T MacKay, is* now making |
out "'the' prize rhcqnes..; Lunch wa
riv-mey yin-he paid in t R. Kw < ......-
prosoiiu by Mr.. Robert*
Jon-and Mrs. Morgan Henderson.
‘ served^ to conclude
> 'll ’.th/ evening , ■ ■ '■, ■
Thieves took advantage of Hal
lowe’en night to remoVe an 800-
pound safe from the Wamstead
-Fsrmers’ Co-operative' in South
ern Ontario. The safe which was
.removed in the Company’s pick
up truck contained upwards to
$400 in cash and cheques. The
manager is Lloyd Ackert/son of
Mr. arid Mrs. Ernest Ackert of
Holyrood. »
He lives across the road from
the warehouse and was awaken-'
ed» about 3.00 a.m. to see the
trbck moving down the street
butattributed . it to Hallowe’en
pranksters who" were moving the
The truck was abandoned pear
Oil Springs but no trace of the
safe was found.. It also contained
the books and records of the Co
op./ ./’I ''
Police said entrance to the
three-mon'th-old building was
gained" byLsmashirig a basement
window. The safe, four feet high,
and about thirty inches* square,
Jean Richards, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Orland Richards of Par
amount, and a Grade 8 student
at Lucknow Public School, was
the winner of the Bruce County
public speaking contest: held at
Paisley on Friday night,
Jean’s prepared speech was on .
the subject “An Outstanding
Canadian — Marilyn Bell” and
was delivered before an audience
of about 225 persons. Jean is
representing Bruce County at the ’
District public speaking contest
at Guelph this Wednesday night.
There were 17 contestants in
the Bruce contest. Among them >
were Mary Fisher from Kinloss,
Bertha Jean Blue of Ripley, Billy
Scott _of_ Huron-and-Mary~Eillianr—
;MacKerizie of Walkerton.
Three contestants competed to
represent' Lucknow at Paisley.
Besides the winner they were
Nancy Webster and Joanne Hun
Mrs. Charles Bonnett, R. R. 1,
Holyrood, suffered a fractured ~
right arm on Friday afternoon in
a fall down the cellar steps at her
Kinloss Township home. She also
suffered a head injury. Mrs. Bon
nett was taken to Wingham Hos- -■-/
pital for treatment. .
Russ Jphnston of Ashfield is to
was rolled out the loadihg/door leceive treatment at Mallon for
of the warehouse onto the one- a badly fractured foot which has
ton pickup truck. The thieves failed to heal properly. It is well r
r^nsacked. drawQrSvim-the^officcuPver three months since Russ
and took the keys 4o the truck; suffered the injury and he has
Mr. Ackert said the cash and not been able to put any Weight
cheques in the safe comprised on the foot since.
Saturday’s receipts. : “It is our Russ had the cast taken off .
custom to bank/regularly so we. last week, and the injured foot
don’t/normally keep; much cash bandaged temporarily, pending "
in the office”. ‘ -treatment at Malton.;,// „ . —
County Grant Reduces Lucknow’s
Share To Wingham Hospital Wing
At the November session of the
Village Council on Monday night
a communication was received
from the Wingham General Hos
pital Board, asking that steps be
taken to meet the Municipality’s
financial, commitments in respect
to their .pro-rath share of the
new 50-b0d chronic patients wing.
The contract has how been let
to proceed with, the construction
of the Wing. . . > .
Lucknow’s share is 6% percent
or $13;000, but this is reduced
to $5,777.77 by reason of Luck-
n ow’s share of a $25,000 Bruce
-County grant to the Wingham
project on behalf of the four
municipalities Of Lucknow, Kin
loss, Teeswater and Culross. The
jour/centres share in—the grant
in the ratio, of their commitment
ln 'building project, ______
Lucknow’s direct, payment of
$5,777.77 will be' raised by a de
benture levy over a ten-year per
iod/ at current interest rates, This
money by-law was given its first
and second reading on Monday..
Approval of/the debenture issue
must then be received from the
Municipal Board before the third
reading. "
The Hospital Board’s pro-rata,
levy of $200,000 ■* towards the
new wing j,s_ .based „on—therper-^
^Centag-^ bf^'pXtiehts/'lrbr^
rounding municipalities receiving
hospitalization over the -past five
years*- ■ .■ '•*. ’ • ’
/•A. breakdown of the amounts
payable by £he four municipali
ties sharing in the Brucd County
$25,000 grant is as follows:
. $13,000
1 o,poo
Joe Conley returned last week
from a two months’ Western
trip, that took him as far as Van
couver; He reports crops as poor
in many sections and not whrth
Citing an example, he said that
his son-in-law, Ron McLelland,
and his father, had an excellent
looking crop in July, with -pros
pects for 30,000 bushels. But the
fust and wet corribined to ruin
it, and they*1 threshed about 1,200
bushels^ and it won’t, weigh out
to that amount. - '
Thousands of acres. aren’t
worth the cost of harvesting. .
Joe. visited with his cousin,
Harry Lockhart, at Carrot River,
which, is farther; north and Tib
had’prospects of a 30-bushel crop
■arid the best grain Joe saw while ..
in the West
Fire Hall Heating
Chief -George .Whitby and
’Stuart Collyer were a deputation
from the Fire, Company seeking'
assistance in installing an oil
furnace in the Fire Hall. The
present space heater is; inade-
.quate and in bad repair, and has
not provided sufficient heat, for
fire. The Fii
$250.00 of the. cost, and Council
authorized the purchase on this
basis/ ■ ■ ' ■ ~ .
Remerrtbrance Day*' Thursday,
November 11th, ,was proclaimed
a Civic holiday. . ' ■ •'*’
} Fire Co. offered to pay
Kihioss .......o,.?...../
(/rlrcss ................
r .
' $7,222.23
'f Local
$5,777.77 '
4.444.45 * • K