HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-10-27, Page 10* 1 I —r I * z PAGE TEN m..ywwa.;. fHE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO f ' J: ■ * ' ■ 4 ♦ . WEDNESDAY, OCT. 27th, 1954 ■. '■ TEEN-AGERS NYLON GABARDINE . ' . | Station Wagon I in sizes fc to. 16 $14.95 VALUE FOR $11 [ A special buy of factory clearances purchased this week < ► enables us to offer you these teen-agers station wagon coats j I in nylon gabardine with mouton ^ollars and a quilted wool ] > interlining. Shades are navy, wine, green and teal blue. Styles J [ for both boys and girls. ■ ) I AGENT FOR KINCARDINE CLEANERS I; Free Pick-Up and Delivery Monday and Thursday. ^ I J ASHTON’S THAT painters are haying a field day with the return of decent out-of-doors weather. Store fronts being painted this week are McKim’s Drug Store, Co-op Grocery? and Mullin’s Bakery. l i ... - ' 11 - 11 m Ij !«■ II " CT""11**1 11 —■ «> —»'* —11 n—o— FOR HEALTHY, ALL-WEATHER COMFORT GET A McClary • * -..’ 4 . . Oil Space Heater 1 ' ■ i jp— S Men’s, Ladies’, Children’s Wear^-Piece^Goods & Woollens X ;>l' 7 GIRLGUIPES her. Beverley replied very fit­ tingly. She said thalt she had Jaeeii a Guide for over six years, and was appreciative 6f all the leadership given her in that time. She especially thanked Mrs. McKim, Mrs. Boyle and . Mrs. Finlay, who. had been a great help to her in the coin- ; pletion of the work. Lunch was Served by the ladies . of the Local Association,* and the .inspection of the Guide room by the general public followed. The following Girl Guide badges were. presented; - First Class, Beverley Ashton; Second * Class, Anne Crawford, Jean Richards, Joan Crawford, Joanne Hunter, Nancy Webster;. Astrohomer—1badge,.Anne.Craw­ ford; Child Nurse badges Anne < Crawford; Cycilist badge, Anne A./ Crawford; Emergency Helper , badge, Anne. Crawford, Jean Richards, Joan Crawford, Joanne Hunter, Nahcy Webster; Globe Trotter badge, Anne Crawford, > Anne. Petersen, ; Bessie Reavie, < I •' 7 Beverley Ashton, Jean Richards, Joanne Hunter, Louise Andrew, Mar ilynKilpatrickjNancy*'Web­ ster; Handywoman badge, Anne Petersen, Bessie Reavie, Beverley Ashton, Jean Richards, Joanne Hunter, Louise Andrew; Hikers badge, Beverley Ashton, Joanne Hunter, Louise Andrew, Ruth Treleaven; Homemaker badge, Jean> Richards, Joanne Hunter, Nancy Webster; Horsewoman badge, Louise Andrew; Needte- Woman badge, Jean Richards, Jo­ anne Hunter, Nancy Webster; Pioneer hadge; Beverley Ashton, Louise Andrew, Ruth Treleaveri; Postal badge, Arnie Petersen, Bessie Reavie, Beverley- Ashton, Jean Richards, Joanne Hunter, Louise Andrew, Ruth Treleaven; Swimmer badge, Beverley Ashr ton; Toymaker badge, Anne Crawford; Tracker badge, Bev­ erley Ashton, Joanne Hunter, Louise Andrew; Woodman badge, Beverley Ashton, Joanne Hun­ ter, Louise. Andrew, Nancy Web­ star, Ruth. Treleaven; World Knowledge badge, Beverley Ash­ ton, Louise Andrew, Ruth Tre- lea veil; Woodcraft Emblem, Bev - i. 1 7 / ► > ► * L ! • :r ■ i ■. '■ .' 1 THAT services in the Presby? terian Church this Sunday will be withdrawn, 'because of an­ niversary services in Erskine Church, Dungannon, conducted by the pastor, Rev. Wallace Mc­ Clean.’ \ THAT prize winners at the Aux­ iliary Shoot party on Friday night were Miss Catherine Mac- —LennanandEarlvHarris—— THAT in ccHijmoiv with many sdiools in the West Bruce In­ spectorate, students of the Lucknow Public School had a holiday last Thursday while the teachers w^re attending the annual convention held at Southampton. The local (staff, Mr'. Stuart Collyer, Miss Ruby Webb, Miss Helen Thompson, Mrs. Roy Havens and Mrs. N, . J. MacKenzie, accompanied Mr. Kenneth McAllister of .White­ church school to Southampton, —o— ” . THAT Hallowe’en, the 31st, fal^ on Sunday, so .it is to be expect­ ed that the “trick or treat” gobblins and witches will be maXin® . evening. Better, have those treats on hand. ''■/I —-O-2- o—■ THAT. Maurice Hodgins of ‘Kin­ loss Township, who recently ■ lost his barn by fire, is hold­ ingan auction sale of livestock on Friday. Maurice is retaining what im|pl0ments were saved, so that he* can “get\ going” again in the spring, but with­ out a barn, and winter just around the corner, he is dis­ posing .of upwards to 30 head of cattle, including a registered Shorthorn bull. » • • i--4 * * ♦ . Amazingly efficient Simplified operation Instant flame adjustment ‘l • • • • Circulated heat with warm air currents as well as radiant heat Copper bearing steel combustion , chamber >■- Automatic draft regulator • * • . *Aluminized interior for greater reflectivity More efficient circulation / r I i i i i i i i I I. i i i i. i i i i I■,i ' WM. MURDIE & SON I ’ ’ L ’ i . ’PHONE 10, LUCKNOW' Heating — Plumbing — Tinsmithing Oil Furnaces Installed and Serviced I! ■■ II HI — 11— ■! — <l — U —1> — — II ■■ II II —, II — THAT Mr. and Mrs Charles EL Eliott and their five-year-old grandson; Charles Elliott, have moved, from Kinloss to the Clark residence, just east of the United Church. Young ' Charles will be attending -kin - : dergarten. Mr. Elliott recently sold his farm and held a clear­ ing sale. THAT J. D. Burns has been transferred -from Ingersoll to Wingham as operator at the 7 C.N.R. depot.Jim,son of Mr. and Mrs. James Burns of Luck- , now, has been at Ingersoll for the past few years, The Burns ’ family has now taken up resi­ dence in Wingham. a . • ‘ ' —O—• ■ THAT an interesting afternoon is assured this Thursday in the Town Hallat the Canada Pack­ ers Cooking School, sponsored ■by the United Church W.A. There are several lovely prizes to be given away to the holders of the lucky‘ tickets. ) THAT Mr. and Mrs., James T. Webster have moved from Sea­ forth to their new home at Am­ berley. . THAT. The Sentinel was no soon- ’ erdistributed last -week, than--- a Havelock Street resident sold a bed which had been adver­ tised in the “Want Ads”—and, it was a neighbor who bought : it. A half dozen other, enquiries were received after the sale . had been made.. ’ ; ' ; ■■ —o— THAT the presentation of sc hob- ■ arShip and athletic awards will be a feature of the Lucknow District High School Com­ mencement on Friday evening, when. Dr. Duncan McLarty of 1 Western University will speak . on the subject, “The Role of Education in the Struggle tor. . Existence”. THAT the Boy Scout paper drive is slated for this. Thursday af­ ternoon. Remember to set it at the curb.: HARVEST l k Alleps Apple Jiiice, k 20 oz. ...___...........i 2 for 31<!i ,Ripe ’n Ragged Peaches, k 20 <«* .........24c ,I.GA. Diced Carrots 2 for 25c , Green Giant Cut ' . Wax Beans, 15 oz. 2 for 35c kLibby’s ' , * . , Deep Brown .Beans, 20 oz. 21c ^Libby’s Deep Brown . Beans, 15 oz. ...... ■ 2 for 35c > Libby’s Kertiel Corn'2 for 33c /York Choice Corn 2 for 31c .Breakfast Club k Raspberry Jam, 24 oz.... 36c ’ Meet Miss? McKinnon at the CANADA PACKERS COOKING ’ SCHOOL this Thursday at 12.00 p.m. in Lucknow ToWn Hall. NEW Recipes — FREE Prizes.“ r- r~-- ? ■■■■ .................... ..... ; SMITH’S FOOD MARKET .a' .a,,,XiiX'a, JkX, ■ ► ► erley Ashton, Louise Andrew; Re- Iigion“and“lnfe--Emblem7“.Anne- Crawford, - Bessie Reavie, Bever­ ley Ashton, Elizabeth Webster, Jean Richards, Joan Crawford, Joanne, • Hunter,. Louise Andrew, Marilyn; Kilpatrick, Nancy John­ ston, Nancy Webster, Ruth Tre- leaven; Wm. A; Schmid shield for General Proficiency in the past year was presented to the Can^ ary Patrol. , .• Brownie Badges were presented as follows: Brownie Wings, Eliz­ abeth Banpister (who was absent through illness), Elizabeth Fin­ layson, Lyn Couse, Margaret Mullin, Nancy Webster, Patricia Thompson; Golden Hand,. Eliza­ beth -Bannister, Elizabeth Finlay­ son, Lyn Couse, Margaret Mullin, Mary Allin, Nancy Forster, Pat­ ricia Thompson; Golden. Bar ^.Di­ anne Jamieson, Linda Button; Lorna Howald, Margaret Reece; ’‘Skaters Badge, Elizabeth" Banni-- ster,‘ Janet Finlayson, Judy Web­ ster, Lyn Couse, Margaret MuL lin, Mary Allin, Nancy Forster, -Patricia Thompson. • * < ; ' < < < < < < < < Kam .. »'.......................... 39c Margene Margarine .......... 38c Bleached Raisins, 15 oz. 26c Ogilvie Cherry Almond Cake Mix . ...... 35c . Libby’s Spaghetti ... 2 for 270 . White SwantUlceMhMM 2 for 25c . Red Seal Cohoe Salmon .. Mason Jar . York Peanut Butter > 440 FOR THOSE GROWING FEET Choose from the Following Brand Names of Savage Shoes : SPECIAL TIDE. Giant size ...........62c < < < < < < /> RED SCHOOL HOUSE TEEN AGERS BROUWERS RESEARCH carried in stock'in B, C, D, E widths 1 -< < < r For Longer Wear — Be Sure With Savage FinO Footwear For All The Family jj 0 I-/. ■ ? pure wool Blankets , | Slight imperfection. Size 60x80. Colors green, gold, blue, rose, ' wihe. Only' ’$8'^5 KNITTING YARN Ottawa Valley kftiitihg.yarh; rail wool. Clearing, a skein 50c . WHITE FLANNELETTE ' ' ’ 27^ .wide, 10 yds. fdr ............ $3.30 • MEN’S DIAMOND HOSE 90 percent Kroy wool and 10 per- cent . nylon. ’ Assorted colors. A ’ ; pair ..... $1,63 ; I LISLE HOSE .'frFulLfasliioiied/ fihe. lisle fabse, size 9 to 10 V2. Pair.......;..... $1.00 ” L,,.,,'.,,....,.......... ..................r.-v .<1^.-iV',’ WORK SOCKS Pure wool work socks, nylon in heel and toe. Reg. $1.10 pair.’ Now, 2 pair for only $1.99 MEN’S PLAID SHIRTS Assorted' colors, and'sizes .. $1.05 . . T ’ - ' iiOYS’ . Sizes 8 to 1'6. Long sleeves. Reg. $O9t Special Price $1.19 -COTTON'ptiAlD--SHIRTS Colorful cotton plaid shirts, bright plaid patterns; Sizes 14V2 to 17. .........’ $2.79 r 1 A.5