HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-10-27, Page 8ft' J r PAGE EIGHT ; i 9 $ Lt 10” x 12” Glazed 6 Lt 10” X 12” Glazed BARN SASH Lt. 10” x 12” Glazed COMBINATION DOORS CLEAR CEDAR i%” thick WIDE STYLES 4Ltrio”xi2”Giazed- 4 Lt. 10”x,14” Glazed ■ft *. ’ ' Edward- McQUilljn and McQuillin of West Wawa- MAKE TWO QUILTS AS GIFT FOR THE BAKER HOME _BORN .• ___ GIBSON^in Kincardine “Hospi­ tal on Saturday, October 16th, 1954, to Mr. and Mrs; Roy Gib- sOn, R. 3, Goderich, a daughter. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO SPORT... 4TIMBER TIPS Phone, 181 Kincardine PAYING HIGHEST PRICES FOR JLIVE POULTRY Poultry Culling A Specialty f;. In accordance with government regulations our poultry coops are thoroughly washed,and disinfected for your protection. I I OBITUARY ROBERT HENRY McQUILLIN The death of Robert Henry Mc­ Quillin occurred at his -home in Lucknow ph Sunday. He was stricken with a severe coronary attack on Saturday, while acting as weighmaster at the scales at the C.N.R. depot. While Mr, McQuillin ha<j not enjbye'd the best of7 health of late, he had an indomitable will to continue,,. active, and retained a youthful- vigor that belied his 83 years. . / Harry, as he was popularly ~v * ’known, was born in West Wa- wanosh Township and had spent his entire life in his native Town­ ship and the x Village, where he was highly respected. He. was a son of the late Edward McQuil­ lin and Elizabeth Andrew, and was born on July 24th, 1871. . ; On March 8th, 1899; he mar­ ried Margaret M. Woods, at her . ’ home, Concession 9, West Wa- . wanosh. Mrs. McQuillin prede­ ceased her husband a little, over ™ : -t^ 1952. Mr. McQuillin • was . a former member of the Village Council and was a faithful member of St., Peter’s, Anglican Church. The funeral service on Wednesday af­ ternoon, at St. Peter’s -Church, was conducted- by Rev, H. L. Jennings, rector of St. Peter’s. Interment was in Greenhill Cem­ etery with George Elliott, J. L. MacMillan, T. W. Smith, E. V. Baker, K*./C. Murdie arid Philip Stewart aqtip.g ,$s pallbearers. Mr. McQuillin is survived by three daughters# . Mrs. W. Gz Thomas (Clara) of Niagara Falls; Mrs. Verna. Myers of Kitchener, Mrs. T; MacPherson (Margaret) of Tees water; and by two bro­ thers, John nosh; . ■ r v' COMPLETES JOB OF TROUGHIjNG TOWN HALL* Art Gilmore of Ashfield has completed the job of eavetrough- irig the Carnegie Hall, which was a job that not. everyone would care, to tackle. On the West side of the hall the height is between 40 and 50 feet, and there the job was ac­ complished off long extension' ladders sitting on planks on top of pick-up trucks. / Art was assisted for the.ladder work by Lome Cook, with Lorne’s'brother Ivan, also lend* iUg a“ hand;~ “ " It is the first time new troughs have been put on the hall since it was built. ■ THOMAS McLEAN PASSES INFANT PASSES Nancy Eleanor, three-week-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Woods, Belgrave, passed away in October 1,4th.- ‘ She is survived by her parents', < one sister# Betty Jean and two brothers, Bobby/and Lome.. After a private service at the graveside, conducted by the Rev. A. Washington, interment took place in ' Greenhill Cemetery, Lucknow., A group of sixteen ladies gath­ ered at Holyrood Hall on Oct­ ober 16th to quilt two quilts to be presented to the Baker Home as a Christmas present. Misses Jessie and ~Annie MacKay pre­ sented the tops . for these with the Kairshea Institute supplying the backs and patting. Miss An­ nie MacLeod also had one there to be quilted which she Was'go- "ing 'to donate to..some worthy cause. A pot luck supper was enjoyed. . •* FIRE CHIEF CHIMNEYS Approved by the Fire Undefwfiwity Can be completely ^Installed in -less tlian * ‘ ■' a; jb&y '. Doesn’tRequireLime dr Brick. ‘A Lifetime Job. insulation; ”Medium ThickBatts. Full Thick Batts "7:J(nsiiiate lor a" Warmer ’ Home all Winter. JOHN W. HENDERSON LUMBER LIMITED Phone ISO OntarioLucknow Ken Mowbray and, Bob McIn­ tosh bolstered the Pole Cats’ at* tack bn the Chipmunks to take 5,joints but Chipmunk Bill Hun­ ter won. the other game with 2&2 pills 46 handicap'for a 328 total; Bannister’s Wolverines took five points from McKinnon’s Beavers although the Beavers, led by Lloyd, Ashton and Marion and Donald McKinnon, rolled a new team tripip of 2535 flat. The Kan­ garoos and Gophers battled for first ' place with--Al—Hamiltonr Marie Sparling and Lois Crow-, ston leading the. Kangarbos to a 5-point victory and setting a new team single of 960 flat. The Zeb-, ras led by. Stuart Jamieson, took 5 points from the Cubs; while the Coons gave the Squirrels a 5 to 2 beating. ' This week’s schedule’ reads; Wednesday 2-7, 3-8, 9-4; Thurs­ day 10-5, 1-6. Next wbek it will be: Wednesday 10-1, 9-7, 6-8; Thursday 2-4,> 3-5. ' . ? Let’s have the' score keepers finish totalling the score sheets. The captains should remember The death pf Thomas Murray McLean, son qf the late John and Elizabeth McLean of Dungannon; occurred in Wingham Hospital on ..Sunday,. October 24th. He was 80 years of age. * A private funeral service was held at the McLennan-MacKenzie Memorial Chapel on Tuesday af- ternoon,conductedbyRev.Geb, Watt of Dungannon U n i t e d Church. Interment was in Dun­ gannon Cemetery. He is’survived by a sister. Miss Lillian McLean of Dungannon. Another sister was the late Miss F. E. McLean who taught school in Lucknow for many years. *• ited with Mr. and Mrs. Francis Boyle. . , —Mrs? Tom yQuigley^and-Jimmie- of. London visited her sister, Mrs. Ralph Hill recently: ; , Mr. and Mrs. John Emerson visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Gillies on Friday. that where four men are present, three must be declared before, each game starts. . Team Standing Kangaroos 15, Zebras 14, Go­ phers 12, Wolverines 12, Pole Cats 9, Cubs 9, Coons 9, Chipmunks 7# Squirrels 7> Beavers 4. (Pleas0 note correction from lasj Week), Ashfield Presbyterian. W.M.S. , ■ Mrs. Reubfen Willson was hos­ tess for the October mating of the Ashfield W.M.S. Mrs, Hugh MacKenzie presided and opened vthe meeting with hymn 140,-fol­ lowed by prayer by Mrs. Mac­ Kenzie. The scripture lesson was read by Anna Mae MacDonald. She gavq the meditation also. The roll call was answered with a. Thanksgiving Verse. Mrs. Hector MacLean took the topic ‘‘Mod­ ern Miracles”, fdealing with Af- rica.. Mrs. Lloyd MacDonald gave a synopsis of the Glad Tidings. The guest speaker, Rev. Mapcoh- nell, gave us a very interesting tialk On “The Early Church”. Mrs., Duncan MacKenzie gave a read­ ing “A song of Thaibksgiving’’. Mrs. Wilson, the president, now took charge. The formation. of a WAIST LINE LEVY RAISES NEAT SUM AT W.I. MEETING The- October meeting of the Kairshea W.L Was held in Holy-, rood Hall. The vice president, Mrs. D.-L.MacKinnon,presided for the business. Mrs, L. Mac­ Leod read the scripture, A do­ nation of $5.00 was made to .the .National Institute for the Blind and $10 to the Children’s Aid, It was; decided not to apply for the grant. Reports were heard from committees ip charge of ar- rangements for St#, Andrew’s Ball arid"*fKe ‘fAT Homb”. It was decided to buy Women’s Insti­ tute song books. Mrs. F. Gilchrist topk the chair for the program. Mrs. Chadwick gave a reading on Thanksgiving. Mrs. Houston gave an instrumental CThe* Bells Of St. Marys”. The guest speaker was Margaret Brophy who gave| a very interesting talk. She be­ gan by speaking on publicity and then spoke on fashions as. they are. today. Mrs. W. Mackenzie read the current events, Mrs. Houston read the report of the Area Convention which was pre­ pared by Mrs. Hughes. Mrs. D. L. MacKinnon gave a reading. A goodly sum of money Was re­ ceived for the roll call which was penny for every inch bf/youF waist line”. A4Jape measure was used on each waist. Mrs. R. Mar­ tin gave the vote of thanks. The, meeting ended with The Queen and Institute Grace and a social hour followed; Directors for the meeting were. Mrs. L.. MacDoug­ all,. Mrs. Alex‘MacLeod; .Mrs. T-. A. MacDonald, Mrs. Wm. Dowm ey. I All standard sizes in stock 2’ 6” x 6’.,6” - 8” x 2’10” x 6’10” . 3’ 0” X 7’ 0” PURPLE GROVE Mr. and Mrs, Gebrge S'. Em* erson and Bobbie spent Friday, at London. , ' Mr. and Mrs. Garth Orr, Mr. ‘undJ’MT^^Btlt~Orr^nd““Kenrieth" of Arthur, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mc­ Ewan of Kinloss,, Mr. and Mrs» Wm. Arnold were visitors at the home of-Mr. and Mrs. Donhld’ McCosh ■ on Sunday; also Mr. and Mrs. Frank Col well., Mr. and’ Mrs. Frank Currie & Children# iMf; and Mrs. Emerson Knowles, Tom Morgan of Lon­ don visited , at the home of Mr,, and Mrs., Eli Morgah recently. : Miss Margaret Robertson. ■ vis- ueod~of Lucknow last week. The Kinlough W..M.S. meeting Was held’ at the home of Mrs. Edburt Busheir last Wednesday. M i s s .Wihnifred McFarlane spent a- few days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Don­ ald McFarlane. ’ - . " Mr. Victor Cawley was in‘Tor­ onto last week.. Miss Edna Boyle of Orillia’ and Mrs, Whi, Hughes of, London vis- / * WF^NB^DAY# OCT. 27th, 1954 FINAL NOTICE for Night School Registration ■ * ‘ ‘ > FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5th is the last date for registering for Night School Classes r. at Lucknow District High School; in / SHOP WORK and TYPING ■' ■'.* 7:'. Classes Will Be Held drice A Week. REGISTER NOW! ' A ■z. ' ,H. B. Burden/ Instructor. G.G.I.T. group was fully discuss­ ed. Miss Judd, a . Chinese mission- _ar-y,_is~to—addressthe..ladiesof the various groups in Ripley, on November 1st The meeting clos­ ed with, tlie. mizpah benediction and The Queen. There were 25 present. Refreshments were serv- . d by the ladies , and a pleasant half hour spent. L.P.H.S; NEWS ^The Assembly was opened on -Friday—October - 22nd, with the singing of the hymn “Onjward Christian Soldiers”. The scripture Was. read by Sara Jane Bannister -• followed by the Lord’s prayer. -Jokes-were. read-by Mike j5ak ton. Joyce and Elaine MacNay favored with a piano duet fol­ lowed with jqkes by Edith Mar­ shall. Assembly closed with. The Queen., ■' . •' ■ On Wednesday night, October 27th, the school is holding a Hal­ lowe’en party in the auditorium. Pupils are to be in costume. and there will be prizes for theHhin—1 niest and best costumes. , at Halloween patties- ^C:<r /• ■ft i V ft or two. This poster at dealers is a tirrtely reminder —tafcA home a carion z . , 1 Pleasing young ghosts and goblins easy—just bring out frosty bottles of Coca-Cola, That’s a treat they all go for;, * delicious, wholesotnc and pure as sunlight. Better have plenty—a hostess "~7“~fiWhcr^crve8 Goke is bound to be popular! Bottle Carton Intludiog Federal Taxei _ ' ' PIiH deposit bottle Aulhorizeci bottler of Coca-Cola' under conlroct .with Coccl«Coia Lifl. GODERICH BOTTLING WORKS Goderich, Ont, Phone*: 489 HCok»r>it a f«giifnr^d . ..