HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1954-10-27, Page 6■«■ 5 J t 7'. *5f (FACT SIX 2' I Saving money 4 A • arid/:wodrig' cheques THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO 7' / CURRENT I r 3 If you write cheques frequently, you will like the many advantages of a Current account. —yV V . THE BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY A hank hHers you two types of'deposit account, Savings and Current, your main purpose is to save, to accumulate funds,:ifs good to have a pavings account, j KINLOUGH Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stauffer vis- Stefl during the week with friends sat Brantford and Paris. Mr. and, Mrs? H? A. Graham -spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Levi Eckenswiller at , Sea- iibrth, Mr. and Mrs. M. John­ stone and Mrs. Joe Cassidy at Weeswater. The A.Y.P.A. met pri Monday evening with Douglas Smith in charge. The opening^ hymn was “Fight the Good Fight”. Rev. J. Prest read' the scripture ifesson, Which wast followed by prayPr? Plans were made for a Hal­ lowe’en social on November 4st, the committee in charge being Alice, Sheila and Beatrice HaL denby, Donald Smith, Dick Porr T I «V The' money you leave in a Savings account earns interest, and your bank book gives you an up-to-date, continuing record of your financial progress. If your funds are active, with frequent deposits arid withdrawals, a Current account provides, a special service; a monthly statement, together with and a ready reference for budgeting, bookkeeping and other purposes. ter and Gary Graham. The clos­ ing hymn was “Lord , keep us safe’’ pnd Mi^s May Boyle led in a sing song. Marie Schneller conducted a quiz. A nut contest wasconducted • by Ell wood Hod­ gins. A reading On Autumn was given by Dick Porter. A Bible contest was conducted by Donna Nicholson. A reading, ‘The Lord’s little pig” was given by Gary V ‘ , WEDNESDA.V, OCT. 27th, 1954 CURRIE'S CORNERS Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Slessor of Bervie visited Wednesday at Alex Whytock’s. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Wall and Elda motored to Toronto on Thursday. . We are zsorry to report Karen and Donna Wall to be under the doctor’s care and hope for a speedy recovery. The children of our school had a holiday on Thursday while the teacher, Mrs, Graham, attended a teaqhers’ convention at South , ampton. . .. ? ivlr. and Mrs. Wm. Wall, Who have been at' the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schumacher fop. some time, returned to their home at Kinlough on Thursday evening. v , Mrs. Lloyd Cornish and child­ ren of Olivet spent the week-end with Mr. and-Mrs. Thos. Stewart and boys. Mrs. Ian McPherson & child­ ren of the 8th Con. spent Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ste­ wart and: boys, (... The storm a week ago flooded the 14th COn., Kinloss, just west of—theKinloss-Culrossboundary— and dislodged: the 41 bridge . at Brown’s gate. Visitors during the week at the home Of Mrs. Frank Brown, Were Mrs. Art Hodgins, Mrs. Mid - lord Wall arid Donnie, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wraith, Mrs. Tom Ste­ wart, Elizabeth McPherson and Mrs: Lloyd Cornish and Tommy of Olivet. v Mrs: May Jackson, who has spent the past three weeks at Brown’s, returned to her home at Gorrie on Monday. ; • , Miss Helen Schumacher, Lon­ don, returned home on Sunday. i •\ Graham, An animal contest was' Conducted by Donna Nicholson. Douglas Smith gave the closing remarks and a period oi games Were enjoyed followed by lunch. Mrs. J, W. Colwell visited dur­ ing the week with Mr. and Mrs. Currie Colwell, Cony 2. The Mission Bang of the Pres­ byterian church held a Hallo­ we’en party on Friday evening Brother Passes Mrs. Cf B. Woolley of Dobbin­ ton received word recently that her brother, Clarence A. D. Thompson“of^Thorpld“had-pass- ed/ away. Mr. Thompson was in his 69th year and had been ser­ iously ill - for some months. He is survived by his wife, four sis­ ters and two brothers. A brother and sister predeceased him. - ----- . ’ -- ■■ -------- ■ > -----------------r----1/ , with Donald Barr in charge. Mrs. Wesley Guest . and Miss May/ Boyle were appointed judges aha the prizes were awarded as fol­ lows: best; Hallowe’en costumes, Joan Percy and Jean Suttoh; best : dressed lady, Keith Maulden; best dressed boy, . Beatrice Hal- .. denby; fancy dressed lady^ San- *• dra Percy;, comic lady, George Bushell; comic gent, Kathryn Bushell;, best couple masked, ' Joan Sutton and Donna Nichol­ son. Mrs. Morley? Hushell ?nd Mrs. ’ Lyman Sutton judged the Jack-o-l an terns which were made by the children? Donald Barr won the prize. Sharon Hodgins fav­ ored . with ■ ari organ’ solo and . Hallowe’en contests. Journal, Mrs. Perry Hodgins; solo,- Keith Maulden. An apple game was played. Donnie/Barr. and Joan Sutton >■were game ’captains. A string chewing contest was won by Donna Nicholson and George Busheli. At the. conclusion a de- . lieioils lunch was served. Mr. Jack Colwell of Holyrood, visited on Sunday with his grand­ mother, Mrs. J. W. ColWell. Mr. and Mrs. Norman . Nichol­ son and son David of Moleswofth* "7 ’ visited on; Sunday with Mr. and . ; -Mrs,.-Bert/^— •Mr. and, Mrs. Lloyd . Con,way of Gravenhurst, Mrs. Ed Hedley and Helen Ruth mt Kincardine visited on Tuesday \vith Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hicholson and family. Films were shown in the school on Tuesday evening, when. the teacher, Mrs. Burton^Collins, en­ tertained the school section. Be­ tween pictures the pupils sang “The Maple Leaf Forever”. TWo games were directed by Missj Ma social tirhe enjoyed; A -number from here at tench*" the Confirmation service at Kin- garf ,,ori ■ Sunday evening when- the Bight, Rev, G. N, Luxtoi. Bishop Of Huron,, ’cbnfi’rmed "■« class/Candidates from i Kinlcw were Mrs, Harald Haldenby ,an ‘ Alex Hewitt &m'e peoplb are' like taxi driv ers: they go through, life just missing” everything. ' ■ '